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The Remainder
The Remainder
The Remainder
Ebook211 pages3 hours

The Remainder

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Longlisted for the 2019 Man Booker International Prize

Felipe and Iquela, two young friends in modern day Santiago, live in the legacy of Chile’s dictatorship. Felipe prowls the streets counting dead bodies real and imagined, aspiring to a perfect number that might offer closure. Iquela and Paloma, an old acquaintance from Iquela’s childhood, search for a way to reconcile their fragile lives with their parents’ violent militant past. The body of Paloma’s mother gets lost in transit, sending the three on a pisco-fueled journey up the cordillera as they confront the pain that stretches across generations.

Release dateAug 6, 2019
The Remainder

Alia Trabucco Zerán

Alia Trabucco Zerán was born in Chile in 1983. She was awarded a Fulbright scholarship for her MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish at New York University and she holds a PhD in Latin American Studies from University College London. La Resta (The Remainder), her debut novel, won the prize for Best Unpublished Literary Work awarded by the Chilean Council for the Arts in 2014, and on publication was chosen by El País as one of its top ten debuts of 2015.

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Rating: 3.500000076923077 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book isn't about the politics of what happened in Chile, but the painful "nostalgia" those affected must carry, while mainly focusing on the secondhand painful nostalgia that the children must live with.  The book alternates chapters between childhood friends Felipe and Iquela -- now adults.  Another character is Paloma and all three are incidentally brought together by the actions of their parents both when they are young and when they're older.  When Paloma's mother's body is lost during a flight to Chile, all three must journey over the mountains to get her back.   This isn't the sunniest of books, but there is some lovely imagery throughout (only if I don't have to be one of the people living with this secondhand pain.)   'The Remainder' could sit on the shelf next to Valeria Luiselli's 'Lost Children Archive' and Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi's 'Call Me Zebra'.  
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This darkly comic story about three children of ex-militants who opposed the regime of the Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet is set in the capital of Santiago, a city in a valley surrounded by volcanoes that is encased in ash, a fitting metaphor for the political and social fallout during the last days of the regime and the years that followed. The novel opens in December 1989 during a party hosted by Consuelo, one of the former militants who has changed her identity and her name to remain hidden in public view, and her husband, as their friends gather to watch the coverage of the election that would remove Pinochet from power and restore Chile to a democracy that ended with the assassination of Salvador Allende in 1973. Iquela is the teenage daughter of Consuelo, and she is tasked with welcoming Paloma, the moody and defiant daughter of Consuelo's exiled militant in arms, who has come from Germany with her parents to witness this momentous event. The girls bond over cigarettes and alcohol, and Iquela is fascinated by Paloma's European style and self confidence.The story then fast forwards to modern day Santiago—which is still covered in ash. Paloma's mother has just died in Germany, and Paloma arrives in Santiago in advance of her mother's coffin, as she intends to bury her in her homeland. Paloma arrives safely, but the plane carrying her mother is diverted to Argentina, due to a heavy ash cloud that covers the capital and prevents flights from landing. The two women enlist the help of Felipe, Iquela's disturbed adopted brother and the son of ex-militants who were disappeared during the Pinochet regime, in a half baked and surreal road trip to claim Paloma's mother and bring her back to Santiago. The three main characters are meant to represent the post-Pinochet generation, who were only children when he was deposed in 1990 but continue to be affected by his regime, and the sacrifices that their parents made during that time for them. Consuelo repeatedly tells her daughter, "I did this all for you", and Iquela is trapped by a daily sense of duty to her mother, and is seemingly more of a post-adolescent who has not yet matured into an independent adult 25 years after Pinochet's downfall. The story is told in alternating chapters, in which Iquela and Felipe are narrators, while Paloma is cast as a secondary character despite being the center of this account.The Remainder is a very enjoyable and impressive début novel, which is another worthy selection for this year's Man Booker International Prize shortlist.

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The Remainder - Alia Trabucco Zerán


Off and on: one week there, the next nowhere to be seen, that’s how my dead began, out of control, every other Sunday then two in a row, catching me unawares in the strangest of places: lying at bus stops, on curbs, in parks, hanging from bridges and traffic lights, floating down the Mapocho, they were scattered all over Santiago, those Sunday stiffs, weekly or bimonthly corpses which I totted up methodically, and the tally rose like spume, like rage and lava it rose, till I twigged that adding them up was really the problem, because it makes no sense for the number to rise when we all know that the dead fall, they blame us, they drag us down, like this stiff I found slung out on the pavement just today, a solitary corpse waiting patiently for me to come by, and it just so happened that I was strolling down Bustamante, looking for a dive to have a beer and ride out the heat, this sticky heat that melts even the coldest calculations, so that’s what I’m doing, gasping for a watering hole to cool off at, when on the corner of Rancagua I spot one of my pesky dead, all alone and still warm, still deciding whether to stay in this life or head into the next one, there he is, waiting for me in a hat and woolen coat, as if death lived in perpetual winter and he’d dressed for the occasion, he is right there with his head lolling, so I rush over to get a proper look at his eyes, bend down and lift his chin to catch him, to inspect him, to own him, and that’s when I realize he has no eyes, no, just a pair of thick eyelids hiding him, eyelids like walls, like hoods, like wire fences, and I’m shaken up but I take a deep breath and I pull myself together, breathe out, crouch down and lick my thumb, wet it from top to bottom and hold it up to his face, and I gently raise his stiff eyelid, slowly draw back the curtain to spy on him, surround him, to subtract him, yeah, but a horrible fear pecks at my chest, a paralyzing dread, ’cause his eye’s swamped with a liquid that’s not blue, or green, or brown; the eye peering back at me is black, a stagnant pool, a pupil that the night has clouded over, and I plunge to the depths of that socket and see myself, crystal clear, in the man’s dark iris: drowned, defeated, broken in that watery tomb, but at least then I grasp the urgency, ’cause this corpse is a warning sign, a hint, a get-a-move-on; I see my face buried in his, my own eyes staring back at me from his sockets, and finally it clicks that I have to shake a leg, really knuckle down if I’m going to get to zero, yeah, and just as I’m calming down and getting ready, just as I take out my pad to make a note of him, there, in the distance, is that unbearable wailing, the ambulance accelerating furiously, hurrying me as I subtract him, because adding them up is a big mistake, yeah, counting up is not the answer: how can I square the number of dead and the number of graves? how will I work out how many are born and how many remain? how can I reconcile the death toll with the actual sum of the dead? by deducting, tearing apart, rending bodies, that’s it, by using this apocalyptic maths to finally, once and for all, wake up on that last day, grit my teeth, and subtract them: sixteen million three hundred and forty-one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, minus three thousand and something, minus the one hundred and nineteen, minus one.

(  )

That night it rained ash. Or perhaps it didn’t. Perhaps the gray is just the backdrop of my memory and the rain I recall was, quite simply, rain.

The sun had already set and the whirlwind of hugs and kisses, of haven’t-you-grown and how-time-flies, had settled as evening fell. I had one very clear mission: to listen out for the doorbell, check thumbs for ink stains, and, if all was in order, open the door. So seriously had I taken my mother’s instructions ("that key role," as she kept saying), that I’d felt compelled to give up my Barbies, bury them in the back garden, and at last assume my role as doorkeeper. I was all grown up. I was going to be the one to guard the house, I thought as I plunged the dolls into the soil, unaware that soon after I’d hand them down, black with dirt, to Felipe.

I dutifully carried out my job, greeting the stream of guests as euphoric as they were nervous, and who, having hesitated at the gate (the mud, the wild shrubs, the weeds invading the soil), let themselves be swept up in the revelries once inside. I remember all of this well but without a hint of nostalgia. I remember the damp smell of the earth, the tart berries on my tongue, the mud encrusting itself on my knees (turning me stiff, turning me to stone). Dusty memories shaken out, stripped of any yearning. I’ve learned to tame my nostalgia (I keep it tied to a post far away), and besides, I didn’t choose to hold on to this memory. It was the fifth of October 1988, but it was my mother, not I, who decided that date would never be forgotten.

It was already late when I spotted three strangers walking up to the gate. Two giants and a regular-sized girl who took an unusually long time to find the bell. Eventually they called out a name, the wrong name, Claudia, Claudia, they shouted hesitantly, watching their backs for any shadows that might be lurking. The girl was the only one who stayed silent and didn’t move. Her blond hair, her bored expression, and the piece of gum hopping from one side of her mouth to the other gave her away as the guest my mother had told me about that morning (get ready, say hello, make her welcome, smile nicely). She didn’t even look up when I opened the door. Standing stock-still, her eyes boring into her white espadrilles, hands buried inside her faded jean pockets and a pair of headphones covering her ears—that’s all it took, she had me. To her right, a tall, blond, bearded man ushered her in, his hand resting on her head (submerging her, burying her). And to her left, straight as an arrow, a stern-looking woman surveyed me, her face vaguely familiar, I thought, as if from an old photo, or a movie, but she interrupted me before I could put my finger on it.

This is Paloma, she said gesturing to the girl, shepherding her impatiently through the gate. And you must be Iquela? Give her a hug, the woman ordered. Paloma and I did as we were told, feigning we knew each other, feigning a long-awaited reunion, feigning our parents’ nostalgia.

Paloma seemed like a rock star to me. She refused to move from the hallway when we went inside the house, and her parents didn’t try to persuade her. They disappeared in a merry-go-round of hugs, it’s-been-so-long, I-don’t-believe-it, Ingrid’s-here, and almost without my noticing it, Paloma and I had been left on our own: two unflinching statues before the parade of guests who flitted indecisively from the living room to the kitchen, from the kitchen to the dining room, between excitement and dread. Paloma was listening to music and didn’t seem to care about anything beyond her feet, which were tapping along to a tune, jigging up and down furiously. One, two, silence. One, two. I didn’t know what to say to her, how to interrupt her or overcome the shyness that had left me with next to no fingernails. I’d got used to spending my time with the grown-ups, and her mysterious presence, announced by my mother as if she were heralding the arrival of an angel or a Martian, had kept me on tenterhooks all day. Paloma was completely mute, no doubt having been dragged against her will to this lame party, and the only bone she threw me was the beat of her heel against the floor. It was the sole clue as to what she was listening to, I thought, creeping one of my feet toward hers and tapping along until I’d become part of that inaudible chorus. She tapped two beats and I another two. But soon after, with the pair of us almost dancing on the spot, she froze; we both froze. Paloma turned and stood in front of me, looming ten, maybe fifteen centimeters taller, before taking my hand, turning my palm upward, and passing me her headphones.

Place them on, she said, with that clumsy turn of phrase and strange accent. Place them on and put play, she insisted, still chewing on that squashed white worm. In the end she wrapped the small black pillows around my ears herself, indicating with a finger against her lips that I should follow her in silence. I walked alongside her, as close as I could, hypnotized by the silky bra strap peeping out at her shoulder, the tip of her plait like a fishhook hanging down at her waist, and that music coming from some corner of my mind: a guitar, a voice, the saddest lament in the world.

Trying at all costs to slip by unnoticed, Paloma and I tiptoed into the dining room. Wine glasses, tumblers, a mountain of newspapers, pamphlets, and a battery-operated radio were spread the length and breadth of the table where my father and hers were slapping each other on the back, touching one another’s faces as if to confirm that their names really coincided with their bodies. On the radio, the program my parents listened to every night was just about to start, the maniacal drumroll and familiar refrain announcing the beginning of an endless stream of bad news. It was the soundtrack to those years: the interminable era of the drums. I explained to Paloma that the radio wasn’t old; it was battery operated so that we would be prepared, so that we wouldn’t be caught out in the event of a power cut.

During the blackouts, Felipe and I play nighttime, I whispered, leaning in toward her ear. We play at disappearing.

I don’t know whether Paloma didn’t hear me or just pretended not to. She walked off and began to compare tumblers and wine glasses, picking them up and holding them to her nose before rejecting them with a look of disgust. Only two passed her ruthless selection process and ended up in front of me.

White or pink? she asked in her guttural voice.

Pink, I said. (Did she really say pink? Does the memory still count if I’ve forgotten my reply?)

Paloma handed me the glass of wine and took a tumbler of whiskey for herself.

Delicious, she whispered, stirring the ice with her forefinger. Have it. Have the wine. Or don’t you like it, Iquela? How old are you? she asked without blinking, and I noticed hundreds of freckles dotted all over her face, and under her eyebrows a pair of eyes so blue they looked fake. Plastic eyes. False eyes that were judging me, exposing me. She gave a well-rehearsed grin, a mechanical flash of teeth, not even close to a real smile, and then she spat the little worm into the palm of her hand and molded it into a ball between her forefinger and thumb.

You first, she said, pointing at my glass. You drink, she insisted, still refusing to leave that slowly hardening round mass in peace.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and, tilting my head back, downed the wine in one, two, three torturous swigs. I couldn’t contain a shudder as I opened my eyes. Paloma was polishing off her whiskey, not a single hair raised. An ice cube crunched between her teeth and she placed the tumbler on the table, satisfied, cool as anything. Now she really was smiling.

The guests were getting louder, interrupting one another, pacing frantically around the room, talking faster and faster, producing more and more noise and fewer words. The radio made itself heard over their voices: second count of votes in. My mother was shuffling back and forth nervously.

What do you think? she said into thin air, or to anyone who felt inclined to answer. Will the military even respect the outcome? Another drink anyone? More ice? Shall we turn up the radio? and then she let out a few tinny bursts of laughter, a laugh I remember so well. I couldn’t believe those ear-piercing squeaks were coming from my mother, the slot of her open mouth (her bright white teeth a cliff edge).

I didn’t want Paloma to see her like that. I wanted to go up to her and say, Mum, I love you lots, lots and lots, be quiet. I’m begging you, shush, Mum, please. But the drums on the radio drowned out her laughing, or her hoots fell into rhythm with that drumming, which told us it was time to be quiet, to settle down and listen to the results, 72 percent of the votes counted.

With the news bulletin now over and no more alcohol left on the table, Paloma announced to me that she wanted to smoke. She took my hand and led me along the hallway. I remember we were swaying. A new kind of excitement was rushing through me, a giddy sensation that Paloma interrupted just a few steps later.

And your cigarettes? she asked with one of her floppy r’s, gripping my hand and looking at me with those eyes that left me no choice but to shut up and do as she told me.

I led her to my parents’ room at the back of the house, where the din of the party barely reached us. Paloma went in and began to comb every inch of the bedroom, without even looking behind her first. I, on the other hand, clamped my eyes shut and closed the door (shut your eyes to shut out the world, so that no one can see you). When I opened them again, Paloma was waiting impatiently for me.


I pointed at the nightstand. That’s where my mother kept her cigarettes, matches, and the pills she took sometimes, on the occasional gray day and without fail on blackout nights. There was only one cigarette left in her packet of Barclays, but Paloma opened the drawer, rummaged through it, and removed a fresh one. She also took a pack of pills, and all these things vanished inside a red purse which had appeared as if by magic, hanging from her shoulder (because this is the kind of detail you do remember: the flash of a red purse).

The floor began to shift beneath my feet, a lazy rolling motion like the sea, which I navigated uneasily, happy yet fretful, as Paloma and I zigzagged our way through the house. Together we passed the hallway and the living room, and together we left behind the murmur of voices and the latest count, 83 percent of the votes now in. I gripped her hand as tightly as I could and led her outside, away from where our fathers were shouting at one another. Hers had stood up from his chair and mine was hiding behind his reading glasses, the ones that split his face in two.

Leaning against the wall, my father used a knife to clink his glass. Ding, ding, ding. Silence. Ding, ding. It was as if that sound might protect him from the German’s wrath, which seemed to have been brewing for years, ready to be released in that very moment. A minute’s silence, my father called out, achieving the desired hush, a pause he used to raise a toast to a whole catalog of strangers, a list of people with two names and two surnames, which is how tradition dictated we refer to the dead.

I closed the sliding door to the front garden behind me and Paloma and I stood there in the darkness and silence (was it ash coming down, or was it raining?). The lights had gone out, and the grown-ups had only just noticed everything had turned black: power cut, someone’s brought the line down, turn up the radio (and I thought about my mother and her pills, her pills). Paloma lit a candle and removed the packet of Barclays from her purse.

We’ll have a cigarette? she asked, her r falling flat, before she carefully removed the wrapper from the box. She pulled out the golden paper inside, threw it on the ground, and tapped the packet twice with the palm of her hand. Two cigarettes popped out. I took mine between my forefinger and middle finger, imitating my mother when she smoked. Paloma, on the other hand, raised the packet to her mouth, took the filter in her lips, and drew the cigarette toward her as if it were incredibly fragile.

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