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Wild Horse
Wild Horse
Wild Horse
Ebook43 pages41 minutes

Wild Horse

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Grady has found a crack in the wall—a crack to the outside world. But all he knows about life outside the compound comes from books, magazines, and a photograph of a creature that no longer exists.Things change when he meets a girl with raspberry-yellow hair, and a secret that could lead them to a world beyond the walls. A world where their abilities could change everything ... or lead them both to ruin.
Release dateJul 30, 2019
Wild Horse

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a beautiful story. I was drawn in within each paragraph. I was very sad when it was done. I wanted the pretty words to continue!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book just jumps right into it and held my attention. It's focused on a boy and girl in a strange world with super humans. The way it ended, I need to know more! I wish this were more than a novelette. A stand alone novel or even a series would be great.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wild Horse is an intriguing novelette following the young lives of two characters with superhuman abilities. These “super-human” children are locked within a walled and heavily guarded institution. They are unable to see what exists beyond the walls, but a tiny crack reveals a world the boy and girl could have only imagined. A series of events leads the pair on a great adventure toward freedom, young love, and an uncertain future in this creative dystopian society story. I would love to discover more about this world and these characters.

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Wild Horse - Kyle Richardson


a novelette


Meerkat Press

WILD HORSE. Copyright © 2019 by Kyle Richardson.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used, reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For information, contact Meerkat Press at [email protected].

ISBN-13 978-1-946154-41-5 (eBook)

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Cover design by Tricia Reeks

Published in the United States of America by

Meerkat Press, LLC, Atlanta, Georgia

For Michelle,

who always reminds me that everything's better with love in it.

GRADY FINDS IT IN THE SPRING, when the leaves are sprouting from the trees in tiny pink-green buds. There are no trees in the courtyard, there’s only dirt and rocks and other kids that look like Grady—their heads shaven, their clothes loose and gray, the skin under their eyes a creamy blue and red. But Grady has found a crack in the wall, a crack that wasn’t there before—a crack that isn’t supposed to be. Whenever the guards aren’t looking, he leans his face against the wall and peers through the crack at the world outside. He does this with his left eye first. Always his left eye first. The gap is so tiny it’s like squinting through a nostril. But in that nostril there’s the sky, purple as a bruise, and beneath it there are scrawny trees with tiny pink-green buds. Today the trees bend and sway, like they know Grady’s watching. Like they’re dancing just for him. And his cracked lips spread until he’s smiling, big and dumb.

This is when he hears the voice. What’re you looking at? The voice comes from behind him, small and smooth and wild, like the picture of the horse taped to the ceiling above his cot. It knocks something loose in him, something that tumbles free, something that falls but doesn’t seem to ever land. Whatever it is, it just keeps on falling, lost somewhere inside him. Grady frowns and squirms, but the stupid feeling doesn’t quit. Go away, he tells the voice. He doesn’t bother to turn. I’m looking at spring, he adds, but you wouldn’t know what that is.

The voice that’s like a wild horse, it tells him, "I do too know what spring is. And I know that you’re mean and I don’t like you." Then the voice is gone, and a guard walks by, and Grady looks away from the wall as if the crack isn’t there at all. And stomping away from him straight across the courtyard, like she’s trying to knock the world off orbit with the weight of her footsteps alone, is a skinny girl with loose gray clothes and raspberry-yellow hair.

Grady raises his eyebrows. Whatever

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