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The Awakening (The Complete Set)
The Awakening (The Complete Set)
The Awakening (The Complete Set)
Ebook173 pages2 hours

The Awakening (The Complete Set)

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A story so epic, it can only be from Alexx Andria...
There is no escaping destiny -- and it's coming straight for Cassandra and Tieran, whether they're ready or not. Caught between two warring werewolf clans, Cassandra unwittingly sets in motion a prophecy that she wants no part of but can't seem to dodge.

Fevered attraction, pain, unending peril, such is the life of a destined love -- one that will change their world forever.

"It's like there's a fire beneath your skin," Tieran gasped, breaking free from her ravenous kiss. He cupped her behind and squeezed the plump flesh. She thrilled at the possessive imprint on her skin. His eyes darkened to a wild hue as the blue disappeared with his humanity. He took her mouth savagely, growling against her lips as he plundered, stabbing her mouth with his tongue until she was forced to accept him. It was brutal and heady -- something that she would've found completely distasteful if she were in her right mind -- but at the moment she found him intoxicating. She clutched a handful of his dark hair and wrenched it back, laughing when he responded in kind, twisting a hank of her hair and yanking it close to the scalp. The pain sparked an insane pleasure that baffled but she didn't care. A low throaty laugh followed and he threw her to the bed. "I don't like you any more than you like me," he said with a low growl as he followed her to the bed to rip the thin chemise away from her body. His eyes glowed with lust as he feasted on the curves and valleys of her breasts, hips, and thighs. Her knees fell open and her hand found its way to her core. She was nearly mindless with the need to be filled. He slapped her hand and pushed it away from her folds as he climbed her body with the grace of an animal; all muscle and sinew corded together to create sheer masculine power. His scent hit her like a sensual slap. He smelled of something so intoxicating she couldn't even put words to it, but she wanted to bury her nose against his groin like a woman who'd found her drug of choice. "But there will be no one but me planting their seed in your belly. If you are to whelp a pup that will rule this world, it will be mine or no one's."

PublisherAlexx Andria
Release dateDec 27, 2013
The Awakening (The Complete Set)

Alexx Andria

Alexx Andria is a USA TODAY best-selling author who writes hot, contemporary stories about strong women and their difficult men. She loves bringing an Alpha man to his knees through the cunning and wit of a woman who knows her worth. Happily-ever-afters are a must but it's a rocky journey to that sweet spot, which is part of the fun. Discover your newest obsession with an Alexx Andria read!  

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    The Awakening (The Complete Set) - Alexx Andria

    This story is intended for mature readers.

    The following novel of approx. 43,000 words is a work of fiction.

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    to my insatiable fans...

    you are the best.

    this story would not have been the same

    without your encouragement and enthusiasm.

    thank you!


    CASSIDY COULDN’T ESCAPE the feeling she was being watched.

    A shiver of apprehension crawled up her spine and rattled her skull as she walked home, her quickening footfalls echoing into the still night. The walking path was illuminated by the barest of street lamps — budget cuts within the city had eliminated bulb replacement — and it was her bad luck that she didn’t own a car and so had to walk home from the university.

    Normally, she enjoyed the time to herself to walk home. But lately, she couldn’t shake the feeling that eyes were on her, watching her every move.

    Of course, the dreams didn’t help either.

    For the past week, she’d woken out of a deep, almost drugged sleep, sweat-soaked and achy as if eaten by a fever, and oddly, aroused. And if that wasn’t bad enough, it was disconcerting and a bit embarrassing considering the men in her dreams weren’t exactly men but more like beasts. Was that even a thing? Had she inadvertently tripped some latent fetish that’d been buried in her subconscious? It wasn’t as if she could actually talk to someone about the dreams either. She’d die of pure mortification if anyone knew the kind of depraved scenarios were playing in her mind at night. Thank God she lived alone. She’d hate to have to explain her behavior when she didn’t have a clue what was going on with her body or her mind.

    The bite in the air signaled snow was coming and she pulled her scarf tighter around her neck to ward off the bitter chill. Almost home, she noted with relief, when the old apartment building loomed in the darkness.

    A sound, much like that of a coyote or wolf, echoed in the night and she startled at the mournful sound. What the hell? She quickened her step, her heart thundering in her chest. Probably someone’s dog, she told herself when her imagination threatened to run away with her. It’s not like there were actual wolves running around the city. The idea was ridiculous.

    So stop freaking out.

    But even as the stern advice seemed rational, she continued to jump at the shadows from the moving foliage, until when she stepped onto the paved parking lot of her building, she broke out into a run, slamming into her front door and fumbling with the keys to let herself in.

    She slid the bolt and leaned against her door to release a shaky laugh. God, Cassidy...get a grip. No one is out there.

    Willing her heart to slow down, she took several deep, calming breaths and when she was sufficiently recovered, she tossed her backpack to the table and went straight to the kitchen. She was starved. No, she was beyond starved. She was ravenous. Cassidy cracked her fridge and peered inside, her eyes lighting on the package of raw hamburger she’d purchased yesterday on impulse. For a weird moment, she pictured herself ripping into the package and devouring the raw meat, slurping the blood as it ran in rivulets down her forearms. Um, where did that come from? She’d read somewhere that when the body was deficient in a certain vitamin, that’s where the cravings would come from. So if that were true, what did she need from raw meat and blood? Poppycock. This was most certainly an aftereffect of too much studying and not enough sleep. Note to self: four-hour study sessions were not a good idea if you want to keep your sanity. She deliberately closed the refrigerator door, still shocked and disgusted at the errant thought, and grabbed a half-empty box of Cheeze-Its from the pantry.

    Maybe she had the bird flu or something, she thought as she munched on the crackers and tried to ignore how the cheesy taste was starting to make her a little nauseous. Normally, she loved these things. But not tonight.

    She wanted meat, not wheat.

    Damn it, she thought, returning the box to the cupboard. Her stomach cramped from hunger and she almost doubled over from the pain. Fuck! What was wrong with her? The pain shot spikes of red-hot agony twisting through her body and she collapsed with a cry to the tiled kitchen floor. Oh my God. Something is terribly wrong. She writhed, knowing she needed a hospital, but she couldn’t reach her cell phone. Was she going to die on her kitchen floor? Please no. Cassidy struggled to rise to her feet, or at least climb to her knees, but she blacked out before she succeeded. The faint sound of her front door opening made her dimly question how someone had gotten past the deadbolt, although at the moment she might’ve welcomed Satan himself if he managed to get her to the hospital in time.

    She needs meat, a sharp voice sounded from a distance. She will not survive the mating if she does not eat.

    She is in no shape to mate, Koris, another voice snapped. She knows nothing of her heritage and has had no one to teach her our ways.

    That is unfortunate, but the fact remains...her body knows what it needs. Her temperature is elevated, her skin is beaded with sweat, and her tits are enlarged. The time is now.

    Cassidy struggled to regain consciousness and opened her eyes blearily to find two men — no, check that, two very large men — standing over her. They wore all black and seemed almost indistinguishable from one another. Their muscles bulged from beneath tight T-shirts and narrowed to lean hips. Hanks of black hair, almost too long to be fashionable, dusted strong shoulders and impossibly dark eyes stared into her soul.

    Oh, and she was lying on her bed, naked.

    Oh my God, she managed to squeak as she attempted to cover her breasts but she felt weak as a kitten. Help me, please! I need to go to the hospital, she implored the handsome strangers, hoping for some shred of decency in either of them. Please, I’m very sick...I think I might be dying...

    They ignored her plea but the one named Koris shot the other a knowing look, saying, Prop her up. She will need sustenance, before leaving the room.

    Hush, Cassandra, the other said, coming to sit beside her. My name is Jandin. We are here to help you.

    Her body had begun to shake. H-how? What’s wrong with me?

    He smoothed her damp hair from her brow with a surprisingly gentle hand. What do you remember of your childhood? he asked, causing her to frown.

    What? Why are you asking me about my childhood? Didn’t you hear me? I’m very sick. I think I have food poisoning or something. I could die if I don’t get to a hospital!

    The kindness and understanding in his deep voice seemed a contradiction to the situation that was getting more bizarre by the moment as he said, You’re right. You could die. But there is nothing that humans can do for you.


    Are you crazy? she asked fearfully, tightening her grip across her breasts as awareness that she was completely nude with a total stranger gave her the strength to demand, Why am I naked?

    Because you tore your clothes off, he answered simply, pushing a stray lock of hair free from her face. She made a pathetic attempt to bat away his hand but when that failed, she scowled at him in warning. An approving smile lit his savagely beautiful face as he said, You have spirit. This is good. The change is neither easy nor gentle. Your fierce nature will serve you well.

    Stop talking gibberish, she said, sweating like a pig in the Georgia sun. I would never tear my clothes off like some drunken sorority girl. But even as she protested, a foggy memory of doing exactly that rose to the forefront of her memory and shame followed. And the sounds she’d made as she’d done it! Animalistic growls were not normally in her wheelhouse but she’d been burning up and the clothes had felt as if they were scratching against her tender, sensitized skin. What is wrong with me? she whispered, fighting tears. Am I going insane?

    You have entered your Breeding Time, he said as if it were the perfect explanation when in fact, it was total lunacy. Particular females of our species...if not bred properly, become inflamed with an internal fever that can consume them if not cared for. Normally, a breeding female would be guarded and under protection, but we did not find out about your existence until your body started sending out signals. Then we followed your scent.

    You’re the one who has been watching me, she surmised fearfully.

    Yes. Koris and myself. We had to ensure that no one from the rival clan claimed you first. Breeding females are rare. Especially ones from your bloodline. Claiming you would be a coup for either clan.

    What the fuck are you talking about? Cassidy exclaimed, scooting away from him with a surge panic-infused adrenaline. "I was raised in rural New Jersey in a subdivision with normal parents. I was high school valedictorian and editor of the school newspaper. I dated the quarterback and came to college on a full-ride scholarship. Nothing about my childhood is remotely close to anything that you’re talking about because you’re crazy!"

    You were adopted, Jandin stated flatly. She stared. How did he know that? She swallowed a lump of fear. "And you may have lived a normal, human life but you are not, in fact, human. You are the most revered in our species because your kind are so rare these days. You are also still a virgin. I can smell it on you. It’s intoxicating."

    She startled, frightened that he knew such private details about her, but even more terrified because somewhere deep inside, his words rang with truth. All those times she’d felt apart from everything in her world, as if standing on the outside of the glass, looking in, suddenly made sense. As did the complete disinterest in sex throughout her young adult life — a fact that’d begun to worry her as the rest of her girlfriends had turned into total whores once they hit college and she’d yet to even allow a boy to reach second base.

    I wanted to wait until marriage, she whispered, trying to convince herself as much as the hot stranger trying to explain something that was totally crazy.

    No, your body knew to wait until the Breeding Time and simply convinced your brain to go along.

    Koris reappeared with something bloody on a plate. A wave of nausea followed as she fought with the urge to swallow it whole. Get that away from me, she ordered, turning her head away even as her mouth salivated.

    Do not fight your hunger, Cassandra, Jandin warned, motioning for Koris to come forward with the plate. Your body needs the sustenance to survive.

    Survive what? she asked.

    The Breeding.

    I don’t want-

    Enough of this. Hold her down, Koris instructed and Jandin grabbed her hands and held them above her head. She tried to scream but her voice was weak and unable to do much more then mewl with fear. But as much as she struggled, the smell from the meat began to do weird things to her resolve. Suddenly, it smelled like heaven even though it looked repugnant. Koris plucked a juicy chunk of the raw meat from the plate and brought it to her mouth. Eat, he commanded sternly. Her eyes filled with tears but her mouth reluctantly opened. He placed the meat in her mouth and her jaws snapped shut as she closed her eyes in sudden relief. Her body leapt at the blood and meat sliding down her throat. Strength returned to her limbs and the pounding in her head receded. More, Koris said, pushing more meat into her mouth, which she eagerly accepted. He continued until the plate was empty. Cassidy eyed the pooled blood remaining on the plate and Koris smiled at her plaintive look in her eyes. He tipped the plate and blood trickled into her mouth. She lapped at the liquid with cheeks burning with shame but she almost felt normal again. Her hunger pains had abated but she was wholly conscious of the fact that she remained naked and alone with two handsome men. now what? As if the question had the power to unlock a previously shuttered door inside her, a different kind of heated pain knifed through her as she gasped from the sensation, writhing as if possessed. She looked to the men for help, begging for this humiliating torture to end. What’s happening? I feel...oh God...I need me!


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