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Banish Diabetes: The True Root Cause
Banish Diabetes: The True Root Cause
Banish Diabetes: The True Root Cause
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Banish Diabetes: The True Root Cause

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Research is now at last revealing the true root cause of diabetes and how you can avoid or halt Type 2 Diabetes once and for all.

What really causes Type 2 Diabetes? Ask this question and virtually nobody seems to know the answer. The typical reply from a health professional is that the body is not able to use insulin effectively and this causes glucose to accumulate in the blood. Or that something is wrong with your pancreas.

These vague answers do not explain exactly why blood sugar accumulates and how it can be prevented. Worse still, the incidence of diabetes misdiagnosis throughout the world is very high, with confusion between diabetes types 1 and 2 even among medical doctors. A misdiagnosis can lead to disastrous health consequences.

“There have been way too many reports of Type 1 diabetes misdiagnoses. Even more common is the initial incorrect diagnosis of type 2 diabetes instead of the correct diagnosis of type 1. This vital mistake is an oversight in the medical profession which can have fatal consequences”. Source: Incorrect Diagnosis, The Diabetes Council, USA Aug. 2018,

Once you read this book and discover the true cause and nature of T2D you will never be at risk of a misdiagnosis and you will stop the disease in its tracks. For the first time ever, this book is able to reveal the true root cause of T2D, with nothing held back.

Unlike other diabetes publications, there is no information-padding about the day-to-day management of diabetes, the various medications & gadgets, how to use blood sugar monitors, and so on. This type of information is readily available from diabetes organizations and on internet. Also, clinics and health centres offer free leaflets and information covering these issues and how to manage diabetes on a day-to-day basis.

Instead, what follows is entirely focused on the actual root cause of the disease which until recently was unknown. Along the way, many myths and misunderstandings about T2D are busted wide open.

For example, it is widely thought that eating less carbohydrates helps combat T2D. In fact, carb-restriction greatly increases the risk of T2D, muscle-loss, cancer and other types of illness. Another myth is that vigorous exercise is healthy and helps protects muscles - nothing could be further from the truth.

In this book you will discover not only how to combat T2D, but also how to maintain and strengthen muscles and how to avoid cancer. New information never published before reveals the only way to minimize muscle loss as we age (this is vital reading, whether or not you have diabetes). Another chapter reveals a new theory of cancer which explains for the first time ever exactly how cancer is caused and how it can be prevented.

Health professionals and the public in general are urged to read this book because the latest research is now clearly showing a new direction for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes or prediabetes which everybody should know about. You will be able to take simple and effective measures to avoid or greatly ameliorate this terrible disease.

This is the first book in a 3-book series. Although each book is a self-contained topic, the three books are best read in sequence. At the end of this book you will find details of a gift: another book by the same author that compliments this publication.

PublisherRussell Eaton
Release dateMay 28, 2019
Banish Diabetes: The True Root Cause

Russell Eaton

Russell Eaton has published books on nutrition and well-being. He is British and has many interests.

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    Banish Diabetes - Russell Eaton

    Published by No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise (except brief extracts for the purpose of review) without permission of the publisher and copyright owner. The ebook version of this publication may be used and stored in electronic readers as purchased only. Any attempt to copy this ebook is a violation of the copyright and is strictly prohibited. Neither the publisher nor the author can be held legally responsible for the consequences of any errors, omissions, or advice given in this publication.

    Legal Disclaimer. Any medical information in this publication is provided as an information resource only, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. No representations or warranties are given or implied in relation to any medical information we publish. If you think you may be suffering from any medical or health condition, you should seek professional medical attention without delay.

    Title: Banish Diabetes

    Subtitle: The True Root Cause

    Author: Russell Eaton


    Smashwords edition: 22 August 2019

    Copyright © 2019 Russell Eaton

    ISBN: 978-1-903339-64-0

    All Rights Reserved Worldwide


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    Diabetes Scams and Misinformation

    Busting the Myths

    The True Root Cause of Type 2 Diabetes

    Why Low-Carb & Low-Fat Diets Don’t Work for T2D

    The Only Way to Prevent Muscle Loss

    Why the Pancreas is Not to Blame

    The Dirty Little Secret of Insulin Resistance

    How to Measure Your Insulin Resistance

    Why the Fat You Eat Is Not to Blame

    Why Inflammation Is Not to Blame

    The Lactate Cancer Bomb

    Ketosis Killer

    Why Type 2 Diabetes Cannot Be Inherited

    The Traditional Explanation for T2D

    Are You Taking Diabetes Medications Unnecessarily?

    The Next Step

    A Gift From The Author



    Research is now at last revealing the true root cause of diabetes and how you can avoid or halt Type 2 Diabetes once and for all.

    What really causes Type 2 Diabetes? Ask this question and virtually nobody seems to know the answer. The typical reply from a health professional is that the body is not able to use insulin effectively and this causes glucose to accumulate in the blood. Or that something is wrong with your pancreas.

    These vague answers do not explain exactly why blood sugar accumulates and how it can be prevented. Worse still, the incidence of diabetes misdiagnosis throughout the world is very high, with confusion between diabetes types 1 and 2 even among medical doctors. A misdiagnosis can lead to disastrous health consequences.

    "There have been way too many reports of Type 1 diabetes misdiagnoses. Even more common is the initial incorrect diagnosis of type 2 diabetes instead of the correct diagnosis of type 1. This vital mistake is an oversight in the medical profession which can have fatal consequences". Source: Incorrect Diagnosis, The Diabetes Council, USA Aug. 2018,

    Once you read this book and discover the true cause and nature of T2D you will never be at risk of a misdiagnosis and you will stop the disease in its tracks. For the first time ever, this book is able to reveal the true root cause of T2D, with nothing held back.

    Unlike other diabetes publications, there is no information-padding about the day-to-day management of diabetes, the various medications & gadgets, how to use blood sugar monitors, and so on. This type of information is readily available from diabetes organizations and on internet. Also, clinics and health centres offer free leaflets and information covering these issues and how to manage diabetes on a day-to-day basis.

    Instead, what follows is entirely focused on the actual root cause of the disease which until recently was unknown. Along the way, many myths and misunderstandings about T2D are busted wide open.

    For example, it is widely thought that eating less carbohydrates helps combat T2D. In fact, carb-restriction greatly increases the risk of T2D, muscle-loss, cancer and other types of illness. Another myth is that vigorous exercise is healthy and helps protects muscles - nothing could be further from the truth.

    In this book you will discover not only how to combat T2D, but also how to maintain and strengthen muscles and how to avoid cancer. New information never published before reveals the only way to minimize muscle loss as we age (this is vital reading, whether or not you have diabetes). Another chapter reveals a new theory of cancer which explains for the first time ever exactly how cancer is caused and how it can be prevented.

    Health professionals and the public in general are urged to read this book because the latest research is now clearly showing a new direction for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes or prediabetes which everybody should know about. You will be able to take simple and effective measures to avoid or greatly ameliorate this terrible disease.

    Written in plain language, read on to discover life-changing information: shocking new evidence that reveals the true root cause of T2D.

    P.S. At the end of this book you will find details of a gift: another ebook by the same author that compliments this publication. It’s completely free, no strings!


    Diabetes Scams and Misinformation

    Before we look at what actually causes T2D it is useful to fully appreciate some of the scams and misinformation that lead you away from the true root cause of the disease. Note: The term ‘disease’ in this book is used loosely, as in fact T2D is more a symptom of chronic high blood glucose than a disease as such.

    The list of medications for types 1 & 2 diabetes is almost endless and runs to hundreds of brand names. The healthcare costs of diabetes (ultimately incurred by taxpayers) runs to trillions of dollars worldwide. In the USA alone, the annual healthcare cost of prediabetes and diabetes is about $322 billion:

    It's staggering to think that about half the US adult population has either diabetes or prediabetes. Nearly 40 percent of American adults are currently walking around with prediabetes and most of them (about 90%) don’t know it. This is tragic because if caught early the disease can be completely prevented from progressing to full blown diabetes.

    The number of Americans with diabetes is expected to continue to rise, which only adds to the already staggering costs of this disease.

    "One of the biggest dangers faced by Americans comes not from outside the country’s borders, but from within. The way Americans eat… is driving the country’s high rates of obesity, heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. And it’s putting a dent in our wallets. A new government report found that almost 10 percent of U.S. adults have diabetes, with many more in the early stages of the disease. If left unchecked, one-third of American adults could have diabetes by 2050, with an equally staggering blow to the U.S. economy". Source: Shawn Radcliffe, Diabetes Care Could Top $336 Billion by 2034, August 3, 2017,

    Worldwide it is estimated that the global cost of diabetes health care is now about 825 billion dollars per year (WHO, 2017).

    Those who make a living from this huge diabetes industry (pharmaceutical companies, drugstores, hospitals, clinics, doctors, health care professionals, diabetes specialists, health-food retailers, etc.) stand to lose out if the plague of diabetes does not continue unabated.

    Furthermore, there is a ‘wall of silence’ between the scientific community and the public at large regarding the causes and treatment of insulin resistance and diabetes. It is not a conspiracy of silence; rather, it is a conflict of interest. Many studies are sponsored by parties with an economic interest in the huge and growing diabetes market. Put simply, strong economic forces exist that profit on lifelong health conditions like diabetes. You may have heard the phrase there is no money in the cure. This is very often the case, and this is why much life-saving information relating to diabetes is kept out of the hands of those who need it.

    But to keep things in perspective, the saying there’s too much money in it for there to be a cure is in fact not so. The reality is that medical science is advancing in leaps and bounds, and there is every prospect of a ‘cure’ for diabetes at some point in the future. It may be a cure based on a synthetic pancreas replacement, or on some kind of stem-cell stimulation, or a nanobot that can undo insulin resistance from inside body cells. Human ingenuity is incredible - we must never lose hope.

    At the very least, the day-to-day management of T1D and T2D is becoming much better and easier for those afflicted. For example, compared to 10 years ago (let alone 40 years ago) the insulins now days are purer and more stable. The glucose meters fit in the palm of your hand, and insulin pumps can be worn discreetly. It is no longer necessary to prick your finger for a blood sample as you can check your glucose with a painless1 scan, instead of a fingerstick.

    It is becoming possible to ‘inject’ insulin without using a needle, skin patches and saliva tests are being developed that measure glucose without the need for finger pricking, and there is research suggesting that dopamine brain stimulation can help combat diabetes.

    Also, great strides are being made in ways to regenerate the body’s ability to produce insulin. For example, some research is revealing the possibility that insulin-producing cells can be made to grow on the surface of the small intestines in a technique known as ‘duodenal mucosal resurfacing’. It is believed that the lining of the small intestines is largely responsible for the production of insulin through the pancreas. Source: Harith Rajagopalan, et al, Endoscopic Duodenal Mucosal Resurfacing for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes Care 2016 Dec; 39(12): 2254-2261.

    Other research shows that irisin may offer a way of combating type 2 diabetes. Irisin is a hormone that may be able to restore insulin sensitivity (reduce insulin resistance). Here is an example of the research:

    "Numerous studies focus on the association of irisin with metabolic diseases which has gained great interest as a potential new target to combat type 2 diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance. Irisin is found to improve insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes by increasing sensitization of the insulin receptor in skeletal muscle and heart by improving hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism, promoting pancreatic β cell functions, and transforming white adipose tissue to brown adipose tissue". Source: Mamo Gizaw, et al, A Review on the Role of Irisin in Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, J Pharmacopuncture. 2017 Dec; 20(4): 235–242.

    So although pharmaceutical companies are making a lot of money out of the diabetes plague, they are also advancing the technology and possible cures.

    "With modern technology and treatment, people with type 1 diabetes can live as long as people who don't have diabetes…. We now know that loss of insulin production is part of the natural course of type 2 diabetes over time. Needing insulin does not mean a person has failed; it simply means its time". Source: Amy Tenderich, Decade of Help, Behavioral Diabetes Institute, July 19, 2013,

    Given the giant market related to diabetes generally, and the fact that hitherto the precise cause of Type 2 Diabetes has been unknown, there is a lot of misinformation surrounding the subject of diabetes.

    For example, foods specially processed and packaged for diabetics are unnecessary and amount to unwarranted exploitation. Special 'diabetic' foods are unnecessary. Simply follow a normal diet plan as advised by your doctor or dietician. Source: Types of Diabetes,, USA.

    Unfortunately, many foods and products specially packaged for diabetics can actually be harmful. The advice given to consumers by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) is to not use such products for several reasons. For example, they may contain harmful ingredients or may improperly be marketed as over-the-counter (OTC) products when they should be marketed as prescription products.

    "FDA laboratory analysis has found ‘all-natural’ products for diabetes to contain undeclared active ingredients found in approved prescription drugs intended for treatment of diabetes. Undeclared active ingredients can cause serious harm. If consumers and their health care professionals are unaware of the actual active ingredients in the products they are taking, these products may interact in dangerous ways with other medications. One possible complication: Patients may end up taking a larger combined dose of the diabetic drugs than they intended. This may cause a significant and unsafe drop in blood sugar levels, a condition known as hypoglycemia". Source: US Food & Drug Administration, U.S.A.

    Illegally marketed products carry an additional risk if they cause people to delay or discontinue effective treatments for diabetes. Without proper disease management, people with diabetes are at a greater risk for developing serious health complications.

    When it comes to diabetes products and therapies, the scams are plentiful. You can identify them by watching out for unsubstantiated claims, i.e. red flags that should raise your suspicion. Here are some examples:

    Lowers your blood sugar naturally!

    Inexpensive therapy to fight and eliminate type II diabetes!

    Protects your eyes, kidneys, and blood vessels from damage!

    Replaces your diabetes medicine!

    Effective treatment to relieve all symptoms of diabetes!

    Natural diabetes cure!

    Will reverse diabetes!

    Watch out for these and similar phrases and be suspicious of any offers that include them. Here’s an example of this kind of claim:

    Is your diabetes out of control? Are your numbers ranging from 150 to 550 or more? . . .. Are your blood sugar numbers dangerously high? You need to try the all-natural supplement called Nobetes ….. Source: Nobetes Corporation banned from selling diabetes products, Case 2:18-cv-10068 Document 1 Filed 12/03/18, United States District Court Central District of California.

    Another example of how diabetics are exploited are the many cookbooks offering food recipes for diabetics. Cookbooks are fine and helpful, but cookbooks specifically for diabetics are not helpful; they perpetuate the myth that diabetics need to follow some special kind of ‘diabetic diet’ – this is not the case at all.

    Note: The third book in this ‘Banish Diabetes’ series is focused on diet and food recipes for abiding good health and a slim body. This is what diabetics need, rather than a diet book tailored specifically to diabetes.

    Virtually all diabetes cookbooks promote low-carbohydrate menus that are high in animal protein. This combination is a recipe for disaster (excuse the pun). You cannot follow a low-carb diet without this going hand-in-hand with a high animal-protein diet (otherwise you would have virtually nothing left to eat!). And guess what? Animal protein makes your insulin shoot up as much as sugary foods. This in turn makes your blood glucose plummet, and as you will see later, when glucose plummets this causes insulin resistance. Quite simply, low-carb diets and intermittent fasting make you much more prone to diabetes.

    To clarify this point further, meat and fish consumption make your insulin shoot up without making glucose go up. Here is some of the research:

    "We've known for half a century that carbs make your insulin go up, but so does protein. In fact, meat elicits an insulin response greater than, for example an apple, a bowl of oats, a plate of white spaghetti or a serving of fish. Beef, chicken and pork all produce an insulin spike that is equally high. In fact, meat-protein causes as much insulin release as pure sugar. Those who eat meat have up to fifty percent higher insulin levels". Source: Michael Greger, M.D., Paleo Diets May Negate Benefits of Exercise, Volume 22, December 19th 2014,


    Proteins and their constituent parts – the amino acids raise insulin without any effect on the blood sugar. Carbohydrates are not the only stimulator of insulin. Proteins also cause insulin increase.... the incretin effects.... are felt to be responsible for the increase in insulin. Blood glucose does not drive weight gain and diabetes. Increased insulin does. Type 2 Diabetes is a disease of too much insulin resistance, so it's just a matter of controlling your blood insulin. This cannot be done effectively with medication, but it can be done through the diet.... medications aimed at controlling blood sugar do not help. You need to control blood insulin rather than blood sugar. Diabetes is not a disease of too much blood sugar, it's a disease of too much insulin resistance. Source: Dr. Jason Fung, Canadian nephrologist, The Incretin Effect – Hormonal Obesity XXII,


    "In summary, recent research demonstrates a link between increased red meat consumption and development of Type 2 Diabetes, independent of weight gain. However, different types and amounts of red meat may confer different risk profiles" Source: Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Changes in Red Meat Consumption and Risk of Diabetes, Glucose Control Resource Center,, April 2016.


    The insulin increase in response to the consumption of meat/fish is a result of incretins rather than an increase in blood glucose. Incretins such as GLP-1 and GIP have a powerful effect on raising insulin, thus overworking the pancreas, causing blood glucose to plummet and increasing the risk of insulin resistance. Note that this occurs without making glucose shoot up.

    The greater the protein content of the food, the greater the incretin effect. Protein is made of amino acids. So the greater the concentration of amino acids in the blood, the greater the incretin effect, and the greater the effect on insulin.

    What about eggs and dairy products?

    Eggs and dairy products are high in protein, so like meat and fish, they also exert a strong incretin effect on insulin. But if you consume such foods in moderation (emphasis on moderation) and without including any meat/fish in the same meal, the fat content of the dairy food (e.g. cheese, butter, cream) will help to assuage or inhibit the incretin effect to some effect.

    Another advantage of dairy foods is that they provide a good source of saturated fat and protein without including the carcinogens that arise in cooked meat and fish. Last, but not least, dairy foods (and eggs) provide good sources of carnosine, carnitine, taurine, vitamin B12 and long-chained omega-3 fats. These vital nutrients are lacking in vegan and some vegetarian diets.

    In a study of 9,700 vegetarians (including a small number of vegans), vegetarians were nearly twice as likely to suffer from depression as meat eaters, even after adjusting for variables like job status, family history and number of children.

    "Vegetarian men have more depressive symptoms after adjustment for socio-demographic factors. Nutritional deficiencies are a possible explanation for these findings". Source: Joseph R. Hibbeln, et al, Vegetarian diets and depressive symptoms among men, Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 225, 1 January 2017, Pages 13-17.

    So although you are urged to avoid meat and fish, a modest or an occasional consumption of dairy foods and eggs is recommended. But note that most of the digestion burden of dairy foods and eggs falls on the pancreas which for a diabetic person is disastrous as the pancreas must be preserved as much as possible for insulin production.

    Therefore, if you are pre-diabetic or diabetic it is best to minimize (but not completely avoid) dairy foods and eggs for the simple reason that such foods make the pancreas overwork because of the incretin effect.

    "There’s evidence showing animal proteins contribute to aging, and vegan Seventh Day Adventists are among the longest living humans on the planet. However, if you’re going to live on plants alone, you need to figure out how you’re going to obtain animal-based nutrients. There’s strong support for including small amounts of [dairy and eggs] in your diet. Quality and quantity are key considerations…. Organic, pastured and grass-fed milk and eggs have a number of benefits. Cholesterol, for example, far from being a villain, plays a key role in regulating protein pathways involved in cell signalling and is needed within your cell membranes".

    Source: Dr. J. Mercola, MD, 12 August 2017,


    "A major new study has found that eating a low-fat diet could raise the risk of early death by 28 per cent. Research published in The Lancet reports that those who eat more healthy saturated fats such as full-fat dairy foods are more likely to live longer compared to those who eat higher levels of carbohydrate and refined sugars. The study.... provides further data that the low-fat guidelines need to be overhauled".

    Source: comments with reference to Dr Mahshid Dehghan, et al, The Lancet, Associations of fats and carbohydrate intake 18 countries, 29 August 2017.


    Those who proclaim that T2D can be inherited point to statistics showing that certain ethnic groups are more susceptible to the disease:

    Looking at the above image, it would be easy to conclude that T2D can be genetic or that certain ethnic groups are more susceptible to the disease. But there is no credible, peer-reviewed research showing this to be so for the simple reason that no such genes have ever been found in spite of decades of research into the subject. So why do certain ethnic groups have more T2D?

    The answer is simple: high meat/fish consumption greatly increases the risk of T2D. Certain ethnic groups eat much more meat/fish than other ethnic groups.

    In fact, regions of the world with the highest per capita animal-protein consumption (i.e. meat/fish consumption per person) also have the highest incidence of diabetes. It is a myth that certain racial characteristics, such as being black or Asian, make you more prone to diabetes.

    Certain racial groups are indeed more prone to diabetes such as Polynesian Asians or Kuwaiti Arabs, but not because of their race. They are more prone to diabetes because of their diet and other non-dietary factors (this subject is examined in detail in book 2 of this three-book series).


    This is what Dr Mann, a diabetes specialist, has to say regarding a high protein diet:

    "There is a grave risk that following a low carbohydrate, high protein diet, this can lead to a resistance to insulin which could spark diabetes. Doctors should not recommend it because of the lack of long-term data. I tell my patients under no circumstances do I recommend it. We advise people strongly against the Atkins diet. We believe it may have a powerful effect on increasing insulin resistance".

    Source: Dr Jim Mann, from the University of Otago, New Zealand, is a specialist in treating people with diabetes and insulin resistance. His comments are taken from his speech at a medical conference in Vienna, 2017.


    And here’s another source (from the many) from Dr Harlan:

    "Those following diets high in animal protein that included red and processed meats and a high percentage of animal fat (as opposed to fats from vegetable sources) were almost 75 percent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those who followed a more moderate diet".

    Source: Dr Tim Harlan, M.D. Low-Carb Diets Linked with Type 2 Diabetes, a Harvard University study in 2011 that looked at whether low carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins diet had any effect on a person’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. They made use of information gathered through the ‘Health Professionals Follow-Up Study’, which included over 40,000 men who did not have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.


    To clarify this matter further, cutting carbs is a major cause of insulin resistance and ill-health because of the way this affects blood glucose levels. This will become clear in the following pages, once you understand the precise cause of insulin resistance and T2D. Low carb diets such as the Atkins Diet and Ketogenic diets put you on a fast track towards diabetes, and the evidence for this is increasing by the day.

    Here is a quote from the horse’s mouth as it where (a diabetic organization) showing that a low-carb diet does nothing to combat diabetes specifically:

    "There is no consistent evidence that a low-carb diet is any more effective than other [diabetes] approaches in the long term, so it shouldn't be seen as the diet for everyone. At the moment, there is no strong evidence to say that a low-carb diet is safe or effective for people with Type 1 diabetes. Because of this, Diabetes UK does not recommend low-carb diets to people with Type 1 diabetes".

    Source: Diabetes UK, Low-Carb Diets for People with Diabetes (May 2017), a systematic review and meta-analyses of studies going back to 1998 to the present, including good-quality randomised controlled trials.

    Note: although the above comment refers to T1D, it is equally applicable to T2D. Many diabetic associations are not yet aware of the true root cause of T2D. As explained later, any diet that makes your blood glucose drop as a result of carbohydrate deprivation greatly increases the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.

    The research into this subject is increasingly showing that a high-carb diet helps combat diabetes:

    "We examined the extra-alimentary effects of high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets. It is concluded that high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets may improve carbohydrate economy by enhanced peripheral sensitivity to insulin". Source: N K Fukagawa, et al, High-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets increase peripheral insulin sensitivity in healthy young and old adults, Am J Clin Nutr September 1990 vol. 52 no. 3 524-528.


    "The concern is that carbs may send blood sugar (glucose) levels soaring, which in turn may send insulin production into overdrive. But a growing body of research is finding just the opposite.

    A high-carbohydrate diet is actually good for you. What’s critical is the type of carbohydrate. Certainly, if you’re eating refined carbs like white bread and sugary desserts, blood sugar levels can shoot up. But if the bulk of your diet is fiber-rich, unprocessed carbohydrates like vegetables, whole fruit, whole grains, and beans, you may be able to normalize blood sugar levels and even reverse the diagnosis of prediabetes and diabetes, scientists are now discovering.

    An investigation conducted by UCLA researchers followed diabetic men at the Pritikin Longevity Center for three weeks [and by following a high-carb diet] the men decreased blood sugar levels by 20% and insulin levels by

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