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Torn: The Royal Cleaner, #7
Torn: The Royal Cleaner, #7
Torn: The Royal Cleaner, #7
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Torn: The Royal Cleaner, #7

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Fighting together is their best hope...

But Persephone, former Queen of the Underworld, still isn't used to trusting others.

Prophecy has dictated that she must defeat her older brother, Uther, on Earth, or he will gather enough strength in the Underworld to enslave humanity.

Persephone is sure that she doesn't need help from her lovers - if she can even call them that after such a brief time together - but despite her best efforts to hide, they end up crossing paths.

Perhaps some small part of her subconscious is reaching out.

And perhaps this truly is a battle that they must face together.

You'll love this F/F/F urban fantasy, because the fast-paced writing will keep you hooked until the end.

Get it now!

PublisherL.C. Mawson
Release dateMay 30, 2019
Torn: The Royal Cleaner, #7

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    Book preview

    Torn - L.C. Mawson

    Chapter One


    W hat is it? Mina asked as Kara paused her work.

    She could call Kara a lot of things, but ‘distractible’ wasn’t one of them. Not when she got into the flow of things.

    Remember a couple of months ago when we took down one of Uther’s bases, but it practically took down itself?

    Six and a half weeks ago.


    It wasn’t a couple of months, it was six and a half weeks ago.

    Kara rolled her eyes. Same thing.

    Mina looked at the security system Kara was hacking into. It’s already malfunctioning, isn’t it?

    Yeah, same as last time.

    Mina immediately scanned the surrounding buildings.

    Six and a half weeks.

    Six and a half weeks since Persephone had left.

    And Mina hadn’t heard a word from her since.

    Neither had Mina’s wife, Caroline, or Persephone’s younger brother, Gregor.

    The former Queen of the Underworld had just vanished, promising she would handle her eldest brother, and traitor to the Underworld, Uther, alone.

    Of course, Mina had continued to track Uther’s bases to handle them herself.

    If for no other reason than to get a lead on where Persephone had vanished to.

    And after six and a half weeks of nothing, it looked like she had finally run into her.

    She shifted up to the roof with the best view of Uther’s base, finding a familiar figure standing there.

    Persephone was wearing black trousers and a matching blazer, with a violet corset top beneath, and matching violet boots. Her long dark hair was tied in a plait over her shoulder and she seemed more... put together than when Mina had last seen her.

    Or at least, she had finally figured out how to translate her Underworld style into something vaguely resembling Earth-clothing.

    Persephone stared at Mina, as if at a total loss over her appearance.

    I told you I could handle my brother myself, she eventually said.

    Mina shrugged. I know. I decided not to listen to you.

    Persephone continued to stare at her.

    I know that, as the former Queen of the Underworld, you’re used to people following your orders, but we’re on Earth now, and I think you’ll find that I don’t listen to anyone. Her stance softened a little as she gave Persephone a sympathetic smile. Not to mention, I wasn’t going to leave you to fight Uther alone.

    I’m an Oracle now, Mina. I can handle myself.

    Mina sighed before stepping closer to see how Persephone would respond.

    To Mina’s relief, she didn’t back away. Almost imperceptibly leaning closer instead.

    I know, but you still shouldn’t have to do this alone. At that, Mina brought her hand up to Persephone’s cheek. No one should ever have to. And you have people who care about you. You have me.


    Mina wasn’t going to listen to any argument on that point, so she closed the space between them, kissing Persephone with everything she had.

    She half expected the Oracle to pull away at the impulsive move, but instead Persephone grabbed her hips, keeping her close.

    It felt like an eternity before they finally pulled away from each other, both gasping for air just a little.

    I thought you wouldn’t want to see me again, Persephone admitted, her voice low as she stayed close to Mina.

    Mina smiled. You’ll have to try harder than that to push me away. Caroline went as far as trying to erase my memories, and that didn’t stick, so you’ve got no chance.

    Persephone regarded her for a moment, but they were interrupted by the sound of an explosion.

    Your handiwork, I take it? Mina asked as Persephone finally pulled away.

    Yes. And I should really get back there and take care of Uther’s men.

    My team can handle it.

    Persephone shook her head. I already told you, Mina. Uther is my responsibility.

    Mina sighed. Well, will you at least tell me if there’s any chance that I might see you again soon?

    Persephone hesitated before saying, Maybe, and shifting away.

    Mina managed a weak smile. ‘Maybe’ was far from perfect, but it was probably as good as she could have hoped for.

    Chapter Two


    Mina arrived home with a tired sigh, though she quickly perked up as she smelled cooking coming from the kitchen.

    That you, Stars? she heard Caroline call.

    Mina smiled as she entered the kitchen. Yeah, it’s me, she said as she went to lean across on the bench. Where are the kids?

    The twins went for a nap and Diya is watching them.

    Is she okay with that?

    Yeah, I think she’s been happy with the responsibility.

    She always does prefer it when we treat her like an adult, Mina agreed. But let’s not forget that she’s still a kid.

    Caroline raised an eyebrow. I was running my house with my brother when I was not much older than her.

    Because your parents were gone, Mina said softly, kissing her wife gently on the cheek. We’re not gone.

    Caroline sighed. Yeah... I know that I mentored Freya, but she was already eighteen at that point. So now... All I can do is what I wish my parents would have done if they were still alive.

    Mina wrapped her arm around her wife’s waist. Caroline, you are still amazing at this. But just because Diya can handle a lot for her age, doesn’t mean that she should have to. Dealing with magic is already a lot more than most kids her age have to handle.

    I know. Caroline managed a weak smile. Anyway, we can talk about this more later. For now, how was the mission?

    Mina suppressed a sigh.

    She knew her wife well enough to know that if she told her that she’d seen Persephone on the mission, Caroline wouldn’t stop until she found her and talked her into returning for good.

    And Mina suspected that was the last thing Persephone needed.

    Of course, she could be wrong. Caroline had known Persephone longer, after all, so it would make sense for her to know her friend best.

    But Mina also got the distinct impression that Persephone still needed space, and she wasn’t often wrong about that kind of thing. And she got the sense that Caroline wasn’t thinking clearly when it came to Persephone because her own sense of loneliness from being Litcorde meant that she was too close to the issue to see clearly.

    The mission was fine, Mina eventually answered with a smile.

    Before Caroline could ask any more questions, there was a knock at the door.

    That might be Lois, Caroline said as Mina made her way to answer it. She said that she needed to talk to you about your wand.

    Mina hurried to the door at that. It had been months since Caroline had shared her magic with Mina, allowing Mina to tap into her Witch heritage, but Mina was still restricted in how much magic she could perform.

    Witches channelled their magic through wands, which meant that Mina couldn’t use her magic to its fullest extent until she had one.

    Which Lois had been helping her with.

    Mina opened the door with a smile as she saw Lois standing beyond.

    Hi, Mina. Caroline said I could stop by?

    Of course. Come on in.

    Lois nodded, entering the hallway. I won’t be staying long. I just dropped by to say that I finally sorted out getting you a wand. As I told you before, it’s usual for a Coven Head to help a new Witch build her wand, but as you don’t belong to my coven...

    Yeah, you had to double check what the protocol was. And what was it?

    Nothing major. I just had to contact your grandmother’s coven and ask for verification of your lineage. Once I’ve got that, I can help you build your wand.

    Mina folded her arms with a frown. And what would have happened if you didn’t know who to check with?

    Lois sighed. In all honesty, I didn’t look that far into it. I’m just glad it’s not a problem.

    Mina shook her head. You know that this is exactly how so many magical beings end up working for Uther, right? Honestly, Lois, what is the point of this? Why couldn’t you just help a lost Witch who showed up out of nowhere?

    I don’t disagree with you, Mina. But I formed my coven after leaving my last one in disgrace, and most of the others in it are there because they were involved in the same plot that got me kicked out. Decisions like these are made by the Heads of much bigger covens. I am not in a position to fight them.

    Still... It’s incredibly depressing how backwards most magical communities behave towards those of us who are mostly Human.

    I know. But my news is mostly happy. As I said, I just need to hear back from your grandmother’s coven and then we can build your wand.

    Mina smiled at the reminder. How long do you think it will take?

    A couple of days at most. They just need to confirm that your grandmother was, indeed, a member of their coven, and then agree that they don’t have first rights to your coven membership. Not that you’re actually joining my coven or anything, but this part of procedure is largely there so that if your grandmother’s coven wanted to extend an invitation for you to join them, they could. Again, I doubt it will come up, so this shouldn’t take long.

    Chapter Three


    I know I’ve already said this, but we really shouldn’t be having these discussions in a public place, Isha said as she and Mina sat down at the table in the corner of the coffee shop.

    And I said that I had a way to stop us from being overheard. At that Mina closed her eyes and recited the incantation Caroline had told her under her breath as she visualised a bubble forming around them.

    She had almost worried

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