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Copy Cocktail
Copy Cocktail
Copy Cocktail
Ebook132 pages2 hours

Copy Cocktail

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About this ebook

Learn how to write copy, create sales pages, get your emails opened by readers, and be persuasive with your words.

Copy is the magical cocktail for success in business, on your website, your social media posts, and everything you write.

Frustrated by not getting readers to convert into buyers? Have great products and images, but no sales? Learn to write copy, and you'll never have to work for anyone else again. Turn those visitors into buyers.

"What exactly IS copy?", you might be asking. Copy is also known as copywriting. It's the mixture of words you use for your business, in your writing of blog posts, and in the text that you use to juice up any product or offering.  It also includes email subject headers to blog post titles, video titles, product descriptions, blurbs, bios, your business cards, your "about me" page, your media kit, the words that you put in books, or papers, or scripts, or post on social media. All of that text is your magical aperitif, or, your copy cocktail. These are the carefully-chosen words you use to get people to know, like, and trust you.

Copy cocktail also includes all the words you choose to use for influence and selling. This mixture of words help to express yourself and tell people what your business is all about. Whether you want to be a professional copywriter or not, your copy cocktail is your wingman, your collection of salts, sugars, bitters, and sours, that give your style, simplicity, charm, and relatability to your audience. They have the power to awaken the senses of your audience. Just as people have tendencies to judge books by their covers, your audience will judge your business and anything else you communicate by the selection and mixture of words that you use.

Here's what you're going to learn throughout this book:

The reason why well-written copy can still be sour and bitter, and not convert.
How to sweeten your copy's cocktail with the STIR method.
A writing exercise to give you liquid-courage strength that practically guarantees your ability to write happy-hour quality copy most everyone will love.
How to make your reader wonder if you've hijacked her phone or have been looking through her browser history.
What experts intend to say when they recommend to "write like you talk".
Word turnoffs that send your customer running out the bar without paying for their cocktail.
Examples of copywriting: before (yikes) and after (booya).
Write headlines that crave clicking
How to write your about page while balancing your customer and your talents
The one ingredient you need to make sure your customers take action
Methods to fill your creative well when you're stuck.
Bar party tricks to write your best content. Ever.
Some of my favorite exercises to get your writing flow going, along with creating themes.

Ready to learn how to write copy that you can use in all aspects of your marketing? Snag this book today and get to writing!

PublisherKC Legend
Release dateJun 3, 2019
Copy Cocktail

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    Book preview

    Copy Cocktail - Kerrie Legend

    1 Copy Cocktail - the 4 Elixirs of Yummy Copy

    Copy is the magical cocktail for success in business, on your website, your social media posts, and everything you write. This chapter is going to help you learn the ingredients of copy cocktail. You’ll also learn the four main elixirs that give your copy depth, taste, and sparkle to make your copy as delicious and fun as happy hour.

    Now this is also known as Copy Cocktail. In this chapter, we’re stirring up some ingredients that go into our overall recipe for the perfect copy cocktail. What you’re going to learn in this chapter is why copy is the magical cocktail for success in your business and everything else you write. You’ll also learn about the STIR method, the four elixirs that give your copy the ooh-factor.

    What exactly IS copy?, you might be asking. Copy is also known as copywriting. It’s the mixture of words you use for your business, in your writing of blog posts, and in the text that you use to juice up any product or offering. It also includes email subject headers to blog post titles, video titles, product descriptions, blurbs, bios, your business cards, your about me page, your media kit, the words that you put in books, or papers, or scripts, or post on social media. All of that text is your magical aperitif, or, your copy cocktail. These are the carefully-chosen words you use to get people to know, like, and trust you.

    Copy cocktail also includes all the words you choose to use for influence and selling. This mixture of words help to express yourself and tell people what your business is all about. Whether you want to be a professional copywriter or not, your copy cocktail is your wingman, your collection of salts, sugars, bitters, and sours, that give your style, simplicity, charm, and relatability to your audience. They have the power to awaken the senses of your audience. Just as people have tendencies to judge books by their covers, your audience will judge your business and anything else you communicate by the selection and mixture of words that you use.

    Split-second decisions are made when people read your copy. They will decide whether you are worth their time, whether they like you or not, and if what you communicate is for them or not. Your copy cocktail is not going to be for everyone. Just as not everyone loves cosmopolitans, not everyone is going to be a perfect fit for your business. And that, like being rejected at the bar for a date, is totally ok. But what you’re looking is the audience that DOES love your copy cocktail, and gulps down your words like it’s fifty-cent happy hour with wings included.

    Again, your copy cocktail is your wingman. Remember needing liquid courage or your wingman to help you ask that guy or gal out on a date at the bar? To fend off the prospective suitors you didn’t want but attract the right kind of date? Yeah! Your copy helps both you and your audience get what they want. It can persuade. Inspire. But most importantly, it can help you convert people who might be tentative about trying out someone new into loyal customers. The right word mixture can be persuasive, so you don’t have to come across as slimy, gimmicky or worse, bland and unmemorable.

    You want a copy cocktail that provides simplicity in its message, transparency (because we all love honesty), identity, and relatability. This is what I refer to as the STIR method. With STIR, you’ll have copy that hooks up with the right people, and changes the hearts of those people from curious onlookers to purchasers, getting tipsy on your words.

    Words are powerful. They have the ability to transform, change minds, encourage, and even improve lives. When you believe in your products and services with a passion, and know they can improve lives, having the right copy cocktail is essential. Without the STIR method, you’re just another voice being drowned out in a sea of people, all vying for the same attention. But if you use it, you can change the world, one customer at a time. Or have them flooding your sales page looking for your kind of recipe that only you can offer them.

    Let’s get the recipe straight. In order to make sure your words hook the right people and convert that audience into loyal customers, you have to make sure they follow the STIR method. That stands for simplicity, transparency, identity, and relatability.

    Simplicity means that you need to keep things simple for them. Your offer and message has to be easy to read, simple, and uncomplicated. You have to make it clear about what they’re receiving, learning, what they’ll get, or what they’re about to do. No questions are left unanswered. You’ve gotten to the point, have explained the offer, and are not shy at all about encouraging your audience to hit that buy now button.

    Transparency means that you are honest about your offer, and why you’re qualified to either teach the subject matter, or even why the product is worthy of a purchase. This would include your statistics, testimonials about how you’ve helped others, or even a personal story about where you were at some time ago before you started using your new product. People love before and afters. But even more, they love transparency in numbers, social proof, and analytics. Be prepared to unfold your secret recipe a bit so they can see your own transformation and results in progress. Because everyone knows a perfect recipe doesn’t happen overnight. It’s perfected with time and practice.

    Identity means sounding like you, and not someone else. It’s very easy to copy someone else, but nothing will work for you in your business if you’re just copying other models, including how they talk and the words they use. Be yourself. Your own identity has power and meaning, and when you come across as you, being genuinely you, you will gain trust within your audience. They’ll fall in love with your words, how you express yourself and describe your products and services, and your business. Raving fans is what you want. But even quiet raving fans that show you love by being repeat purchasers is great, also. The impact of those yummy sales and buzzing activity on your website will be seen on your bottom line.

    Finally, relatability. You’re not trying to be pleasing to just anyone with a credit card. You want the right people. The kind of people that love everything you write and say. You want to be at a place where people love you. Right? That’s your website. That’s where they’ll be, if you have the right mixture of words that keeps them coming back for more. Want customers that send you emails like, I’ve learned so much from you already - this is so great and I’m so excited - thank you for creating it!? YES! Yes, you do! Or how about I feel like you’re a spy fly on my wall - how did you know that’s what my real problem is? The best is when you’re able to convert first-time viewers of your product or website, who freely hand over their credit card straight away because you’ve captured their attention and they want so much more of what you have to offer, they’re willing to pay for it even if they don’t know you that well.

    Everything you’re going to learn in this book has been curated and crafted to make sure your copy has the STIR method applied. So in the next chapter you’ll learn how to sweeten your copy with your genuine writing with a persuasive copy cocktail that will convert.

    2 Avatar Recipe

    Discover what an Optimal Realistic Customer Avatar (ORCA) is and why you need to define yours before you start writing. You’ll also find out the number one reason why well-written copy can still be sour and bitter, and not convert to sales — and more importantly, how you can recognize it and fix it. And find out how to recognize your ORCA’s regrets of hangovers and wishful happy hours, and how they will influence your copy.

    What exactly is an Optimal Realistic Customer Avatar (ORCA)? An Optimal Realistic Customer Avatar is someone that you create in your mind that represents a single, realistic person who represents your target market — the market you intend to attract to get more sales. Optimal is a bit better than ideal because we want to shoot for the best-case customer. You also need to be realistic in the sense that this optimal customer should not have listed traits such as a million dollar bank account or shares every promotional post in the mindset that you’re going to be able to rely on this person to spread the joyous news of your product with every rich friend they know. Let’s stay real. This person is going to be assigned realistic qualities and traits, like preferences, what they do for a living, what their income status is, and other demographics that apply to your business to bring to light a clearer and less blurry picture of who you want to buy from you.

    You’ll keep this person — traits and all — in your mind and on a sheet of paper (virtually or physically) when you’re writing copy for your business, posting a social media post, or creating a new product or service. Who is this avatar supposed to be based on? Your ORCA is the perfect customer. Someone that fills your business with joy and makes you want to keep creating. The perfect fit for both parties.

    This avatar could be a customer you already have, a customer you know who buys from another competitor, or that one person that you aspire to attract — where if you had them as a customer, your entire career would be made. If you’re just starting out, it could be a fictitious customer you’ve made up in your head, who you’ve listed qualities and traits of. You could even combine a few traits of some of your best shopper friends, your mentors, and other people just starting out in getting interested into the type of service or product you’re offering.

    Dreaming an Optimal Realistic Customer Avatar is merely a starting point. This optimal person you have on paper or in your head will become a real person soon enough, buying up everything you have to offer on your website. Because you’re going to have some saucy copy that sizzles soon enough.

    Here’s another tip on developing who this person may be. Perhaps this person is an earlier version of yourself? Maybe you’ve developed a product or service you wish had existed way back when you just got started at

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