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Elkins Creek
Elkins Creek
Elkins Creek
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Elkins Creek

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In 1994, James Patrick Akin made a plaster cast of a giant footprint in the swamps of a rural Georgia county. In the years since, this cast came to be known in the Bigfoot research community as the Elkins Creek Cast. In his book, Akin takes the reader along as he casts the giant footprint and explores the theories behind Bigfoot research and the interrelated nature of the unexplained.
Release dateJun 6, 2019
Elkins Creek

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    Elkins Creek - James P. Akin



    James P. Akin, MPA, M.Ed.

    Copyright 2019 James Patrick Akin

    All rights reserved. This book, or any portions or illustrations herein, may not be reproduced by any method or in any form without permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations incorporated in critical articles or reviews.

    The author has attempted to provide proper credit for any copyrighted material used in this book. If there are any omissions or mistakes for the information referenced, please contact the author, who will update the proper information in future printings of this book.

    Author Contact:

    Cover photograph by James P. Akin and rear jacket photograph by Lynn B. Akin.

    Photograph of the Elkins Creek Cast by Steve Hyde and used by permission.

    ISBN: 978-1-54396-938-2 (print)

    ISBN: 978-1-54396-939-9 (ebook)


    Dedicated to my beautiful wife, Lynn.

    Thank you for your love, support, and constant help.

    And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

    Luke 21:25-27, Authorized King James Bible Translation


    I’d like to acknowledge the bravery and integrity

    of the following individuals for faithfully

    seeking to report truth.

    J. Gregg Anderson

    Dave Bakara

    Stan Gordon

    Steve Hyde

    John Keel

    Dr. Jeff Meldrum

    Ron Morehead

    David Paulides

    Nic Redfern

    The inclusion of any individual’s listed name does not imply they agree with

    and/or endorse this author’s theories or views on any of the subject matter

    contained or examined within this work.

    Rather, their mention reflects this author’s personal admiration

    as a paranormal investigator and an avid reader.




    SECTION I - Elkins Creek

    Chapter 1 - What the hell was that!?

    Chapter 2 - The Creeper

    Chapter 3 - My Own Personal Rabbit Hole

    Chapter 4 - Shock the Monkey

    SECTION II - BIGFOOT 101 Or Welcome to the Crypto Brothers Circus, the midway is straight ahead…

    Chapter 5 - Science or a new religion?

    Chapter 6 - Killing Bigfoot

    Chapter 7 - The Types of Bigfoot

    Chapter 8 - Correlations & Georgia Investigations

    Chapter 8.5 - The Georgia Investigationsand/or I’ve been talking to people who claim to have encountered Bigfoot.

    Chapter 9 - A strange, serious business

    Chapter 10 - Conclusions

    Chapter 10.5 - My advice to potential investigators

    Addendum and a warning to you!


    "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

    – Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio


    Right now, as you are beginning to read this book, somewhere on this planet, maybe in your own backyard, lurks some unexplainable thing. Do you think I’m having fun at your expense by making this claim? I’m not. In fact, every year, many individuals report encounters with inexplicable paranormal phenomenon. These witnesses are not generally kooks or nuts, yet they often become the focus of media and social ridicule. Mostly, they are just ordinary people, who have the fortune, or possibly misfortune, of experiencing their sense of reality ripped asunder and their lives altered by meeting some strange outlandish creature or participating in an unwanted other-worldly event.

    The focus of this book is to bring to you the story of my own encounter with the bizarre. Additionally, I’ll share my opinions about some of the truly strange phenomena frequenting this planet. I refer to this diverse variety of strange phenomenon as High Strangeness. The phrase High Strangeness was first used as a descriptor by the late author John Keel. Of course, Keel was referring primarily to UFO phenomenon. In my specific case, I think a better descriptor may be High Hairiness. But whether you think the thing you might’ve heard, seen, or encountered is weird or bizarre, we can all agree that there are some Highly Strange things inhabiting, or maybe just occasionally, visiting this planet.

    Highly Strange is not a bad descriptor and is not far from the truth. It is hard to believe that, sometimes, when we hear a bump in the night and get up to investigate its source, we may actually find something looking back at us. Sometimes it is a something that has no reasonable or logical explanation. Generally, most people assume that the noisy, late-night culprit is something very mundane (e.g., the neighbor’s scrounging cat or a hungry raccoon). Unfortunately, intermittently, people are confronted by something better described as being a monster. Let me assure you, this latter type of encounter leaves an impression on a person.

    It may be hard to wrap your mind around the notion that things are not always as they seem. One comes to believe that water is wet, the sky is blue, grass is green, and that the laws of science are immutable. Then it happens, you encounter a something, an indescribable something. Your world is suddenly shifted off its axis and reality spins away from the secure moorings defined within the rigid precepts of a modern scientific world. For instance, you may encounter some abysmal, shambling creature down by the dumpster at your local convenience store or witness it shuffling out of a deserted shack, far out in the local forest. Perhaps, you might experience watching some type of unexplainable aerial phenomenon, or hear some ghostly voice whispering a quiet message into your ear. Sporadically, it may even be a series of giant footprints that begin from nowhere and end just as inexplicably…nowhere.

    Suddenly, it all doesn’t seem so explainable anymore.

    Bigfoot? Oh, surely not…

    Many people report encountering a creature which is popularly called Bigfoot or Sasquatch. I might posit that this thing is generally described as a lurking, gigantic (or not so gigantic) hairy, bipedal, ape-like creature. Perhaps, it is a North American ape or some type of remnant species of primitive humanoid (which is the only Sasquatchingly-Correct or SC, socially acceptable explanation accepted in some research circles). However, there is no real proof this is the case. In general, there is no provable or acceptable scientific explanation for the ongoing alleged reports of these entities. In the history of the grassroots research into this ongoing mystery, there are many witness accounts and physical evidence that point to other possible explanations. It’s just you don’t get to hear or read much about it because it isn’t SC.

    Honestly, I don’t know the answer to this question. I’m not an expert on these creatures (and by the way, no one is an expert on these creatures, except through self-proclamation). I’ll give one exception to this statement. Dr. Jeff Meldrum should be given serious respect in this matter, meaning all things Bigfoot. Dr. Meldrum has been at the center of this research for years and I have great respect for his findings and his willingness to assess and discuss found evidence. In the biological-explanation camp, Dr. Meldrum is unsurpassed in his academic ability to examine the physiological locomotion of these unknown creatures. Otherwise, I say "caveat emptor."

    Why now?

    Why haven’t you shared all this before, you ask? I have pondered my own experience with the Highly Strange for many years. I have rarely spoken of it except to close friends or a person who has had a similar experience. Frankly, I’ve been reticent to share my experience because of the potential negative social impact. I knew that I’d be subjected to ridicule and be the butt of jokes. Being called a liar or hoaxer gets old quickly, my friend.

    You see, in terms of the general public and media reaction, when Bigfoot comes to town (or a UFO lands, the Mothman flaps around, etc.), it’s more like a circus’ arrival than some seriously unexplained anomalous event. Television news trucks and media reporters are dispatched to the location and the witness interviews ensue. Bigfoot reports are considered light news and everything about the incident becomes a joke or a chuckle, all hosted by some air-brushed talking head, for the conclusion of the local television news broadcast. Then, as a result of the broadcast, the affected area is flooded with people seeking the creature. These arriving groups of researchers, and many others, bring danger with them, and certainly can exhibit a complete disregard for privacy and private property. In short, the event area quickly becomes overwhelmed by an atmosphere of chaos. It is disruptive to the communities where these events have occurred and piles even more public disdain onto the entire subject.

    I’m a semi-normal person (just like you). I have never overly cared for fame. I think my Scots-Irish roots play a part in this aversion to be an intentional attention-getter. I prefer to live quietly, minding my own business, avoiding those whom I dislike, and surrounding myself with true friends. However, after many years of pondering, I’ve decided to record my views on this subject matter. Will it be a socially costly enterprise? I don’t really know, nor do I care. After you reach a certain age, the priorities of youth pass away and the truly important things in your life take their natural position. Truth is one of these priorities. Though, I admit I may never know the truth about this matter.

    This work is divided into two sections. In the first section, I recount the events leading up to and surrounding the Elkins Creek Cast. The second section is a collection of my theories on the subject of Bigfoot and the interrelatedness of all paranormal phenomenon. While some might consider the secondary material as tangential to primary research into the creature known as Bigfoot, I assure the reader that one must look at the big picture to begin to see a distinct pattern. It is like a painting by French Impressionist Claude Monet. On very close inspection it appears to be a big mess, but when viewed farther away, the pattern emerges, transforms and becomes a work of art. In addition, the second section of this work explores the basics of Bigfoot investigating, the vagaries and idiosyncrasies of the Bigfoot investigation field. Additionally, I’ve included a few of my own investigations and hypotheses. Lastly, the reader should expect some serious fun and silliness. It is my sincere hope this silliness instills into the reader a spirit of levity, cooperation and friendliness, because Bigfooting can be acrimonious, contentious, and is all too serious.

    I’ll add that this work is my own opinion. So, agree or disagree, at best, you will read my opinions and brainstorming. Honestly, there are many investigators who act as if they have definitive answers and they don’t. They only have their opinions and that puts everyone interested on a level playing field. So, as you read, YOU think and reach your own conclusions. Your conclusions are as valid as mine or anyone’s, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

    So, as we begin this experience together, let us agree to admit that we don’t have all the answers and though science may have some issues solved, resolved, and defined, certainly, science cannot explain all of the High Strangeness that surrounds us on this watery mudball spinning within the Copernican planetary system.

    James Patrick Akin



    I was driving down the road the other day. It wasn’t the beginning of any great adventure. Nope, I was on my way to get some laundry detergent from the local dollar store. I admit that’s exciting stuff. Still, we don’t appreciate the boring and mundane things in life, you know, the normal things, until they get ripped away.

    My mind began to wander as I drove. In my mind’s eye, as I have for seemingly a million times, I found myself walking beside Elkins Creek, climbing down into the creek’s bottom, and once again, seeing that damned giant footprint. It sits there in my mind and taunts me. That footprint visits me in my dreams and wakes me occasionally with a cold sweat. It seems to have a monolithic place in my psyche. I’ve asked myself, Why? But there is no why. It just is, and I can’t undo my good or bad luck at finding the damned thing.

    The forensic information which was revealed about the Ekins Creek cast, by an internationally known anatomy and anthropology professor, confirmed the footprint was left by an unknown creature. Additionally, micro dermal ridge information was revealed on the original cast when examined by a nationally known fingerprint analyst that solidified in my mind that I’d had a brush with the unknown. I’ll admit that my brush with the unknown, shifted the reality of my worldview. Before that day, in my world, everything was scientifically explainable, everything was copasetic, as we say. The day after, and especially after the prognosis delivered by Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Mr. Jimmy Chilcutt, all the normalcy of my perception melted into an unrecoverable puddle of illogic. Whatever it was, from whence it came, by whatsoever means it arrived and departed, that giant footprint cast has proven to be a tangible record of the brief passing-by of some unexplainable thing.

    I’ve thought and pondered about the cast’s origin for many years. I’ve bit my tongue and anguished, then re-anguished. I’ve theorized and puzzled, and have read and read, searched and searched. Finally, I’ve decided to write about it.

    Really, the entire point of this book is to externalize some of my thoughts on the scope of the whole subject. Those that believe in the existence of Bigfoot, already believe. Those that don’t believe, likely never will. Some may change their minds. Frankly, it doesn’t matter to me. I think it is better to get this information off my chest, as the expression goes. So, dear reader, eat the meat and spit out the bones. I’m here to promote innovation in thought and methodology, seeking to spur creative problem-solving and theorization on the subject of Bigfoot research, and to share some advice and wisdom with those new to this subject area.


    Elkins Creek

    "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which

    were of old, men of renown."

    — Genesis 6:4, Authorized King James Bible Translation

    Chapter 1

    What the hell was that!?

    Any person having worked in law enforcement, especially those who’ve had the misfortune to serve on the night shift at their respective law enforcement agency, will have encountered the bizarre and strange. Most often, these incidents involve the misbehaviors and erratic actions of our human species. It is not uncommon to have to intervene in any number of variants on the basic theme of drunkenness, assault and battery, and theft. Especially on the full of the moon’s cycle, any person working in the public service field will have at least a story or two about some type of strangeness. Trust me, it can get weird during the darkened hours of night shift.

    The Night

    Consider the lonely, nighttime driver encountering some giant hairy figure crossing a darkened country road. That running hairy figure, slightly illuminated on the far distant fringe of their vehicle’s headlights, provokes that solitary driver to ask the question, What the hell was that?

    Like that driver, we all must sincerely question exactly what is out and about in our fields, streets, and even our own backyards, after the reassuring sun falls beneath the distant horizon. The darkness acts as shield and concealment for the unknown and we are at a distinct optic disadvantage. That nighttime driver has a choice, either to accept their own eyes or decide to ignore that fleeting, hairy glimpse disappearing into the dark forest adjacent to the lonely roadway. Honestly, I think most people decide to close their eyes and move on. Why risk the social expense for telling the truth? Besides, we humans have a real love and hate relationship with the twilight hours, and we have always distrusted the dark. Why make ourselves accept that there really might be monsters lurking in our modern world?

    When the sunlight disappears, we find our contemporary selves attempting to cope with our ancestors’ normal nocturnal existence. We modern humans, whether huddling together with a spouse or sitting alone on our living room couches, ensconced in our comfortable homes, suddenly startled by an unexplained noise, then wondering, with thumping hearts, exactly what did make that noise out by our garage? We quietly rise and begin seeking to discern the source of the unexplained noise, hoping against hope, it is the neighbor’s nosy cat. We sneakily peek out between the curtains covering our living room windows, then we see it. It is a gigantic hairy figure, with glowing red eyes, swaying back and forth by our parked car. Shocked, we are frozen in place, barely breathing, staring at the bizarre impossibility standing on our driveway. It is only then, we realize that it is looking directly at us!

    Indeed, What the hell is that!?

    In My Case…

    I’d like to set the scene before we delve further into the subject.

    I started my career in law enforcement as a night deputy. My workday entailed a shift that lasted from 7 PM to 7 AM in a rural county. My duties were multitudinous. I had to clear straying cows from the roadway, handle car wrecks, answer domestic disturbances, investigate burglaries, and basically, in this capacity, I was the night sheriff. I handled everything that didn’t merit a phone call to awaken the actual high sheriff or bring a higher authority into play.

    My back up, meaning other law enforcement support, was the Georgia State Patrol post in Thomaston, Georgia, until 11 PM. After 11 PM, it changed to the Georgia State Patrol post in Manchester, Georgia. I did have the City of Zebulon Police Department as another primary source of back-up, if the State Trooper was far away.

    Being a deputy was a serious matter. For the most part, as night deputies, we were on our own. It was a lonely job and we had to face situations singly that should have required more immediate manpower. But, that was the job and you coped with it. Additionally, it meant being the community face of an elected law enforcement official. Predictably, we had to be as tactful as possible, yet conversely, act appropriately if the law needed enforcing. It was like walking the fine line between politician and law enforcer. Yes, sir, I am going to arrest you for breaking the law. However, if you would, please remember to vote for the Sheriff in November, or something like that, in practice.

    Sometimes the police work was fulfilling, like rescuing or helping somebody in trouble. However, it was mostly grueling and thankless. Police work is a lot like a road race. The first few miles are really exciting, the next few are much less so, and the last few become a marathon not to quit, go get permanently drunk and/or just eat your pistol. I take my hat off to those who’ve endured the full thirty years. You are deserving of much more respect than you get in our society. For my part, I bowed out early and decided to teach.

    The County

    According to the 2000 census, the county has a total area of 219.43 square miles (568.3 km2), of which 218.37 square miles (565.6 km2) (or 99.52%) is land and 1.06 square miles (2.7 km2) (or 0.48%) is water. This information is provided by the Wikipedia entry on the internet. Though, it doesn’t really describe Pike County, Georgia, adequately.

    If you have journeyed down Georgia Highway 19 on your way someplace, then you have crossed Pike County. The county seat, Zebulon, sits astride Highway 19 and the many trucks and cars passing are forced to stop at the intersection of Highways 19 and 18 at the traffic lights located on the town square. It is a typical small town with a courthouse situated in the center of a square. Facing the square on the western, eastern and southern sides are any number of small shops businesses, and restaurants. On the north side of the square sits the Sheriff’s office. In large part, except for some modernization, it is the same little town of my youth. Perhaps, it is a bit busier and the traffic is heavier, but it still has that same slowness that many people value in small town life.

    There are other small towns in Pike County. Concord lies along Georgia Highway 18 West, and is a small hamlet, now known for its fall festival, The Concord Country Jubilee. If you continue to follow Highway 18 West, you’ll find the small town of Molena. It lies farthest west of the smaller towns and it intersects with Highway 109. Traveling east on Highway 109, you’ll find the small village of Meansville. It is the community farthest east in the county. Beyond these places, you will find many small communities, for instance, Neal and Lifsey Springs, which have survived to become landmarks or just place names on county maps.

    In a more practical geographic description of Pike County, there are many creeks, woodlands, and it is bordered on the west by the Flint River. In the south, Pike County is bounded by the rolling Pine Mountain range. The county, during the time frame of this event, was still very rural and was crisscrossed by many dirt roads. In those days, much of the land was still unimproved. In some ways, the county is still very much as it was in 1994. It has seen a steady but slow growth in human population.

    In Pike County, the forests are a mix of deciduous hard woods and southern pine trees. If you happen to find yourself in the bottoms of a native swamp area, you will have the possibility to see some old growth forest, much like existed during the pre-colonial times, and there are places in those swamp bottoms that are so leaf-covered the sunlight struggles to reach the forest floor. There, in these rarely explored areas, you can find rare plants and see fauna that one wouldn’t expect, like small black bears, bobcats, and according to many eye-witness accounts, eastern cougars, or at least their western cousins, who might be visiting. Truly, these isolated waterways have acted as a life-preserver for many plant and animal species, who’d otherwise been swept under by our Homo sapiens drive to improve

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