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Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide
Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide
Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide
Ebook240 pages2 hours

Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide

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About this ebook

Gamers from around the world have made PUBG (a.k.a. PlayerUnderground’s Battlegrounds) one of the most popular games on the PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and on multiple mobile device platforms. This multiplayer combat royale game features fast action, photorealistic graphics, and intense combat scenarios that pit each gamer against up to 99 others during each exciting match. Since only one gamer ends each match victorious, PUBG is difficult for even the most skilled and experienced players to master.

Those craving victory need every possible advantage they can get, and Hacks for PUBG Players: Advanced Strategies will provide the proven tips, strategies, and guidance needed to improve a player’s chance of survival during each match they experience, regardless of which gaming platform they’re using.

To assist gamers develop their PUBG gaming skills and specialized fighting techniques, Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies will showcase more advanced fighting, exploration, and survival strategies that can help lead a reader to victory! This book will pick up where Hacks for PUBG Players leaves off, and provide more detail, and delve deeper into the more technical aspects of choosing and using weapons, armor, vehicles, tools, and health-related items.

Using hundreds of full-color screenshots, Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies will be a “must read” for more experienced PUBG players looking to give themselves an edge during even the most intense combat situations. This unofficial guide will cover:
  • Ways to customize a soldier with in-game purchases and items that get unlocked during gameplay by completing objectives.
  • Utilizing armor and health-related items to prolong survival during a match.
  • How to use popular types of weapons, explosives, and other deadly tools discoverable within the game.
  • More advanced combat strategies and survival tactics designed to help players survive longer during solo, duos, and squad matches.
  • Ways to safely navigate around the island on foot and using vehicles.
  • How to use the island’s terrain to a soldier’s advantage.
  • Strategies for successfully launching surprise attacks and ambushes.
  • Overcoming the biggest mistakes made by newbies during battles.
Release dateJul 16, 2019
Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide: An Unofficial Gamer's Guide

Jason R. Rich

Jason R. Rich is the author of more than 55 books, as well as a frequent contributor to numerous national magazines, major daily newspapers, and popular websites. He's also an accomplished photographer. You can follow him on Twitter (@JasonRich7) and Instagram (@JasonRich7).

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    Hacks for PUBG Players Advanced Strategies - Jason R. Rich



    Contrary to popular belief, your primary objective when experiencing an intense match in PlayerUnknown’s Battleground (also known simply as PUBG) is not to kill as many enemy soldiers as possible (although, achieving those kills is certainly beneficial).

    YOUR PRIMARY GOAL AS A GAMER SHOULD ALWAYS BE SURVIVAL! YOU WANT the soldier you’re controlling to become the very last person alive on the island at the end of a match. Sounds easy, right? Well, it’s definitely not!


    PUBG is a real-time, multiplayer, combat/adventure game that takes place on an island. Each gamer controls one soldier, who at the beginning of a match is armed only with their bare hands. There are several unique island maps where each match can take place.

    While PUBG has been favorably compared to other mega-popular games, like Fortnite: Battle Royale and Apex Legends, this one has some significant differences. It definitely offers challenges and unique game-play experiences and features not offered by its competition.

    Before each match, you have the opportunity to choose a game-play mode and map.

    Game-play modes include Solo, Duo, and Squad. There’s also the opportunity to create a Custom match, and then invite other gamers to experience it. By choosing the Custom match option, you’re also able to participate in matches created by other gamers.

    After choosing a game-play mode, up to 100 soldiers are transported to the pre-deployment area.

    Everyone then boards an aircraft that’ll take them directly over the island. You’re not given a first-class airline ticket to travel on a luxury airline, however.

    As soon as the island is reached, each soldier must leap from the aircraft and free fall toward land. A parachute is provided to ensure a safe landing.


    While in the pre-deployment area, or while riding in the aircraft, check the island map to view the random route the plane will take as it travels across the island. Use this information to help you choose the best time to leap from the plane and select what you believe is the ideal landing location.

    Depending on your goals for a particular match, you can allow your soldier to free-fall at a steady pace toward land, and then simply wait for their parachute to deploy automatically. This strategy allows you to use the directional controls to glide through the air and cover a lot of territory across the island before landing, but it’s not the fastest way to reach land. As a result, enemy soldiers could beat you to your desired landing spot and grab a weapon and ammo before you. If this happens, while you’re still unarmed, you could be shot within moments after landing.

    Getting killed during a match causes your soldier’s immediate removal from that match. As you’ll discover, in addition to getting shot or blown up by an enemy, there are many other ways to perish on the island. It’s your responsibility to avoid all of them.


    Many gamers opt to use their directional controls during free fall to speed up their soldier’s descent to reach land faster. This helps to ensure that upon landing it’ll be easier to find and grab weapons, ammo, and other useful items, so your soldier can defend themselves against enemies who land nearby.

    Landing in a popular location on the map virtually guarantees that you’ll encounter enemies almost immediately upon landing. This, of course, makes it harder to stay alive and gives you the added objective to find and grab a weapon quickly. As you’re close to land, you’ll see the parachutes of other nearby soldiers and be able to see where they’re landing. If someone else is landing first, it’s best to stay clear of that area until you’ve secured a weapon and ammo.

    Choosing a more remote, less popular landing location typically means you will not encounter enemies right away. This gives you extra time to explore a bit, gather up an arsenal of weapons, ammo, items, and armor, and devise a plan to stay in the safe areas of the island, based on the location of the safe circle that’s formed by the blue wall.

    If you want to take your time during free fall after leaping from the plane, and maintain more navigational control while you’re in midair, consider manually deploying your soldier’s parachute anytime during free fall, as opposed to waiting for it to open automatically. The sooner you open the parachute, the more horizonal distance across the island you’ll be able to travel, and the slower your soldier will descend.


    Upon landing, your first objective is to find cover if there are enemies lurking around who may already be armed. Your second objective is to find and grab at least one weapon (and some compatible ammo) as quickly as possible, since upon landing, your soldier is unarmed and extremely vulnerable. In some cases, you may find armor first (shown on the left). In this case, the soldier discovered a Vest. Grab the armor and put it on for added protection. On the right, notice he’s now wearing the vest.

    Your best bet for finding a weapon and ammo is to enter into a nearby building or structure. You’re apt to find weapons, ammo, loot items, armor, and/or health/boost-replenishment items lying out in the open, on the ground.

    More often than not, you’ll find compatible ammo for a weapon lying out in the open, next to a weapon. Be sure to grab the ammo also, and then immediately load the weapon so it’s ready to shoot. Approach an item you want your soldier to grab and use the Pickup button or keyboard key to grab it and add it to your soldier’s inventory.

    Once items are in your soldier’s inventory, select one weapon at a time to use and then organize the inventory from your soldier’s Inventory screen.

    There are many types of guns available on the island. Each has a specialty. For example, a Pistol (shown here is the P1911) is an ideal close-range weapon.

    When you have your soldier hold their breath and aim, they can steady their shot for additional accuracy. Notice the lungs icon to the right of the soldier’s Health meter. This is the first-person viewing perspective for this weapon.

    This is the normal aim for a Pistol that has no Weapon Attachments connected to it. This is the third-person shooting perspective for this weapon.

    A Shotgun is best suited for close- or mid-range firefights. You can practice using this S12K Shotgun, just as you can every weapon, within PUBG’s Training Mode (shown here).

    A Sniper Rifle or Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR), for example, is perfect for long-range shooting.

    Shown here is a VSS Designated Marksman Rifle. On its own, it has a shooting range of 100 meters.

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