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The Need
The Need
The Need
Ebook290 pages3 hours

The Need

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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Named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Best Mystery and Thriller Books of All Time

“An extraordinary and dazzlingly original work from one of our most gifted and interesting writers” (Emily St. John Mandel, author of The Glass Hotel). The Need, which finds a mother of two young children grappling with the dualities of motherhood after confronting a masked intruder in her home, is “like nothing you’ve ever read before…in a good way” (People).

When Molly, home alone with her two young children, hears footsteps in the living room, she tries to convince herself it’s the sleep deprivation. She’s been hearing things these days. Startling at loud noises. Imagining the worst-case scenario. It’s what mothers do, she knows.

But then the footsteps come again, and she catches a glimpse of movement.

Suddenly Molly finds herself face-to-face with an intruder who knows far too much about her and her family. As she attempts to protect those she loves most, Molly must also acknowledge her own frailty. Molly slips down an existential rabbit hole where she must confront the dualities of motherhood: the ecstasy and the dread; the languor and the ferocity; the banality and the transcendence as the book hurtles toward a mind-bending conclusion.

In The Need, Helen Phillips has created a subversive, speculative thriller that comes to life through blazing, arresting prose and gorgeous, haunting imagery. “Brilliant” (Entertainment Weekly), “grotesque and lovely” (The New York Times Book Review, Editor’s Choice), and “wildly captivating” (O, The Oprah Magazine), The Need is a glorious celebration of the bizarre and beautiful nature of our everyday lives and “showcases an extraordinary writer at her electrifying best” (Publishers Weekly, starred review).
Release dateJul 9, 2019

Helen Phillips

Helen Phillips is the author of six books, including the novel The Need, a National Book Award nominee and a New York Times Notable Book. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award. Her collection Some Possible Solutions received the John Gardner Fiction Book Award. Her novel The Beautiful Bureaucrat was a finalist for the New York Public Library’s Young Lions Fiction Award and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. A professor at Brooklyn College, she lives in Brooklyn with artist/cartoonist Adam Douglas Thompson and their children. 

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don't feel like I can adequately review this without spoilers. I will say it's completely unexpected and the "intruder" ends up being a huge twist. The main character, Molly, is very well developed. Her insights into motherhood, particularly breastfeeding, were spot on. The storyline is strange. Very strange. That didn't bother me as much as the ending. I found it so clever along the way, but the ending was abrupt and disappointing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is totally unlike anything I've read before. The first chapter had me hooked immediately. I adored Phillips' writing style and the pacing of the story was great -- I couldn't put it down. As someone without kids, the brutally realistic portrayal of motherhood was very eye-opening for me. It felt so authentic. However, I couldn't help but feel let down by the ending. If I'm interpreting it correctly (which, is a big if) then I guessed the ending about halfway through the book. The concept and beginning of the book were so strong, I think she struggled a bit with ending it. But, nevertheless, an unputdownable read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Very unusual and left me a little puzzled.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Short of It:I’d be lying if I said I fully understood everything that went on in this novel.The Rest of It:Molly is a scientist. I believe a paleobotonist if I’m remembering correctly. She spends her day analyzing fossils and giving tours to people curious about her team’s findings. Of late, some strange things have shown up in the pit, including an alternative Bible where God is a “she”, a shiny penny, and some pottery pieces. These items are odd enough to draw an interesting crowd. Religious fanatics begin to show up along with dozens of pieces of hate mail.When not at work, Molly is completely overwhelmed by motherhood. One morning, while her husband is away on business, she finds herself scrambling for safety within her own home when an intruder shows up and threatens the well-being of herself and her two young children. An intruder, wearing a deer’s head mask.This is a bizarre read. It’s labeled as speculative fiction and I would agree with that. I honestly did not know what the heck was going on. Is Molly out of her mind? Is she dead? Dreaming? On drugs? What? In a short amount of time, the identity of the intruder is revealed and then it gets REALLY weird.Without giving anything away, I will say that if the point of the novel is to emphasize how motherhood can completely overtake you and change you both physically and mentally, then Helen Phillips accomplished that. Molly’s adventures in motherhood completely drain her. She is literally sucked dry by her breastfeeding son, and her daughter’s astute observations of what is going on serve to remind Molly just how much her brain has turned to mush since becoming a mother. This part, is very accurate.But the rest of the story is very Twilight Zone-ish and odd. Some of it was disturbing to read only because it made me uncomfortable. Much of it is raw and blunt. The scientific element was interesting but not fully explored. I hesitate to say that this would be a good book for a club to discuss because I can see many hating it. Especially those who have never been a mom. But, it’s odd enough and pieced together in such a way that it warrants a discussion. In that sense, it would be great book to discuss.Have any of you read it? From the cover, I thought the story would be about alien plants. Seriously.For more reviews, visit my blog: Book Chatter.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is VERY aptly named. “The Need” or needs of the main character Molly come across so strongly that the feeling is palpable. It’s not a long book – but everything that she was doing and everything that was happening to her were written with such intensity and power that I found myself putting it down several times in the few hours it took me to read – just because I needed to take a break and back away from the building explosion of emotion.“But then, existing the bathroom, returning to the kitchen, a cosmic precariousness. The anguish of the other was a contaminating force spreading throughout Norma’s house, the hallway, the floor, the ceiling, and Molly found herself polluted, debilitated, by images she could no longer keep out of her head.” Molly’s experience is similar to the way I felt while reading – the words and the feelings they convey just flow from the page with such force that they are almost unshakable.The author uses several techniques to keep the reader off guard and unsettled – timelines go back and forth, Molly is an unreliable narrator, reality and fantasy are interwoven, characters are introduced whose very existence is in doubt… Imagine all of that interspersed with a short novel about a new, exhausted, overworked mother who very much loves her children at the same time she is trying to figure out how her life got this way. “Moment by moment, maddened by them and melted by them, maddened/melted, maddened/melted, maddened/melted.”Molly adores her children, is nearly consumed by not only their day to day needs, but by their very existence, by the responsibility she has as their mother to care, in all senses of the word, for them. When they are safe and with her (and sleeping) – she can finally be at peace. “No safety like this safety. The oxytocin churning through them. If the world must end, let it end now, when we are here, like this. Every single other thing – from the exhaustion of the week to evolution itself – in in the interest of this. This pure lack of desire. The need for absolutely nothing more than this.”Any parent or caregiver who has lived through the awake at night/exhausted during the day cycle of watching small children can relate to Molly’s world. “The house had slipped into its alternate state of being, the sublime calm that envelops a space when its undomesticated residents are, at last, at rest. It was as though the house, too, slept, as though the walls themselves breathed, matching the pace of their breathing to the extra slow in and out of children sleeping, the lungs of the universe.”The book is about life and death and safety and danger and love and grief – all in the most intense formats and sometimes all mixed together. If that sounds confusing (I’m sure it does) – all I can say is that somehow it works. Somehow – this book absolutely sucks the reader in. Molly’s story is one that is incredibly powerful and absolutely unforgettable. “It had always seemed a bit deceitful to Molly, the way we put our children to bed in soft pajamas, give them milk, read them books, locate their stuffed creatures, tell them that all is well, there’s nothing to be scared of, as though sleep isn’t one-sixteenth of death. When they resist the prospect of sleep, of long dark lonely hours, intuiting that this is indeed a rehearsal for death, we murmur to them, we rub their backs, pretending they will never die.”“The Need” is about the most basic needs of the human animal interspersed with the deepest and truest of the complex and incredibly unique emotional needs of we creatures that make up the human race.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I love a story that defies the limitations of genre. I also love stories that seamlessly blend genres. The Need is a story that does both, but could also be viewed as living in multiple genres at the same time while also living fully and only in one genre from one perspective or another from a different perspective.Motherhood, working while raising young children, the otherness of mothers, the fear, the joy... being a woman AND a mother, being a partner AND a mother... giving up your self freely and recklessly to those tiny humans while also clinging to your self, your separateness... duality in its purest form... all these things and more.I couldn't put this down. The short chapters spilled into the next and I just couldn't stop. There were a couple times Molly felt a little "woe is me," so that's why 4 stars instead of 5. Phillips delivers yet again.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Far too tedious and repetitious, and it devolved into a fable about motherhood. But it started out distinctly science-fictiony and horror-inducing, in a concrete physical world. I imagine mothers might feel very differently about it, and might appreciate the homage to the tedium and repetition that is motherhood.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a bizarre one and one that left me wondering what really happened. In it, Molly is a paleobotanist, excavating a site behind a defunct gas station where a large number of plant fossils are being found, including some new discoveries. She's also finding some newer, odder artifacts -- items that are just slightly off, like an Altoids box that is shaped differently or little army men with tails. She also finds a Bible in which only one detail is changed, and that is causing an influx of visitors, which is helping to finance the work. Molly also has two small children and a husband who travels for work. While she does have a full-time babysitter, she feels isolated and overwhelmed by her two children. She's not sleeping well and she's worried that she's overreacting when she hears someone in the house one night. She hides with her children, until she decides she was imagining things, but later that evening her daughter asks about the man in the house and soon after she finds a menacing note in her daughter's favorite picture book.This is playing with two different premises, that an overwhelmed Molly is slowly losing hold of what is real and the idea of an alternate universe, accessible through the dig site, and how the things leaking through are altering the world Molly exists in. It's a lot, and because Phillips is keeping her options open, neither possibility is fully realized. It's certainly a book for those who like things odd and ambiguous. And also for those who are fine with a lot of details of life with very young children.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I had to use gifs on Goodreads to describe my feelings about this one, because I can’t insert a selfie of my WTF expression. I’m not exaggerating: just check the reviews on Goodreads and you’ll see I’m not the only reader where the verb “confusion” is an understatement regarding this book. Some found it easy to understand, thus “brilliant”. Me on the other hand...Molly is a mother of two who works as a paleo botanist. During her excavation she comes across some odd artifacts, which draws the public’s interest. One night, while her husband is away, an intruder appears in Molly’s home, who seems to know everything about her, and Molly has to fight for everything she knows and loves. Sounds like your typical domestic thriller, right? That’s where you would be wrong, my friend. I’m not going to reveal much about the plot, because this is one of those books that unless you read it for yourself, you’ll understand why it’s so difficult for me to explain it to you. I will say it is a brutally honest take on motherhood, particularly the ugly sides of it. I saw some reviews where readers were put off by the many mentions of nursing & pumping, and as a woman and a mother I have to roll my eyes at their brazen immaturity. Reading this book I kept drawing comparisons to the movie “Tully”, and wondering if the reveal in the book (if there was one) would reflect the surprising one in the film. It might have? Or it may be something completely different? See, there is where I’ve become lost, readers. I’ve read the ending several times and I still can’t make sense of what happened. I’ve read spoiler filled reviews, but none of those explained it to me. So if you HAVE read this book and know what is going on, please DM me. This was a quick little read, and I did enjoy the author’s writing style, even if I’m still confused by the substance. Some readers have compared this to “Bunny”, another bizarre book I read earlier. But to this reader, as bizarre as “Bunny” was, I understood the plot much more than I did here.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In general, I don't select much science fiction reading. Occasionally, however, I stumble onto a novel and discover that it is sci-fi. Ok. That just happened. This book is a deep, deep dive into the psychology of motherhood in the midst of a collision between parallel universes. Yep. Imagine your worst day as a mother, as a working mother, and then multiply. An archeological dig unearths items from a parallel universe and then the games begin. Mom Molly and her doppelganger, Mol duke it out psychologically. Dad is out of town for work, so archeologist mom is stretched a bit thin. Enough. It's not bad, and that is coming from a non-sci-fi fan. Decide for yourself whether to take the plunge.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A book about the fears and pressures of motherhood, love, and loss, but told in a way that I wasn't expecting. The writing and imagery in this book kept me rapt and I just really loved this.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Well............what a strange story. Speculative fiction has been hit or miss for me. This one a hit. Every mother who has juggled the many responsibilities in her life, I believe, will find this book meaningful. The less said better here, it's really better to read without any preconceived notions. I do want to say though, that despite the book summary, this is not a thriller. Yes it is intense in parts, but not for the reasons one would think. If you are in the mood for something different, well written, give this one a try. The young daughter in the story is a real hoot which lightened things up a bit.ARC from Netgalley.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This is my first book by Helen Phillips. I regret to say it will be my last. It has gotten lots of great reviews (4 & 5 Stars) which I had not read. I don't like to know a lot about a book before reading it, so I use other ways of choosing what to read. Maybe I should start reading reviews before reading books! I don't know what genre this novel would fall under, probably "Thriller," but if there is one entitled "Strange", that's where I'd put it. It's mainly about motherhood and since I a mother and grandmother, I thought I'd enjoy and relate to it. But I was drained reading about the exhaustion of this working mother, a paleontologist, with two children. The older was 4-years-old and the younger was a nursing baby. Her husband, a musician, worked when and where he could get a gig, and of course, this novel is set while he is out-of-town.The endless diaper changing, breast feeding, breast pumping, breast leaking, and "coming down" of the milk was very monotonous as was the constant whining of the 4-year-old. It all just made me feel impatient with the situation. There was a lot of repetition throughout the novel.There is a tie to science fiction and it's a very strange, immersive concept. I won't even try to describe it and I don't want to include any spoilers. But it's just plain weird. I did like the very, very short chapters which encouraged me to keep reading until I finished the hardcover version of 258 pages.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I hated this book. But I realized something about my reading taste! I'm okay with books about families, or about children, or about women who are mothers. But I cannot effing stand when an author gives voice to a young child so they can whine endlessly or prattle on about nothing. I'm not interested in books reflecting upon motherhood or parenthood to kids in that stage either. I hated Room, I hated Fierce Kingdom, and I hated this book too. I didn't mind the weirdness or find it confusing. It was actually the only part of this book I found interesting, and it wasn't really that inventive. The author is a competent writer, but I was so absurdly annoyed by the children in this book that I can't give it more than two stars.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    (Review of an ARC picked up at a local bookstore.) This is a powerful little novel from the talented Helen Phillips. Not since I read "Room" have I felt such an intense sense of 'mother dread' that only comes from reading great fiction about protecting children, about what it really takes to be there for them as a parent 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.This is unusual speculative fiction, complete with sleep deprivation, breast feeding, a very strange archaeological site, and an especially questionable narrator. Not soon forgotten and a great book to discuss after reading.

Book preview

The Need - Helen Phillips



She crouched in front of the mirror in the dark, clinging to them. The baby in her right arm, the child in her left.

There were footsteps in the other room.

She had heard them an instant ago. She had switched off the light, scooped up her son, pulled her daughter across the bedroom to hide in the far corner.

She had heard footsteps.

But she was sometimes hearing things. A passing ambulance mistaken for Ben’s nighttime wail. The moaning hinges of the bathroom cabinet mistaken for Viv’s impatient pre-tantrum sigh.

Her heart and blood were loud. She needed them to not be so loud.

Another step.

Or was it a soft hiccup from Ben? Or was it her own knee joint cracking beneath thirty-six pounds of Viv?

She guessed the intruder was in the middle of the living room now, halfway to the bedroom.

She knew there was no intruder.

Viv smiled at her in the feeble light of the faraway streetlamp. Viv always craved games that were slightly frightening. Any second now, she would demand the next move in this wondrous new one.

Her desperation for her children’s silence manifested as a suffocating force, the desire for a pillow, a pair of thick socks, anything she could shove into them to perfect their muteness and save their lives.

Another step. Hesitant, but undeniable.

Or maybe not.

Ben was drowsy, tranquil, his thumb in his mouth.

Viv was looking at her with curious, cunning eyes.

David was on a plane somewhere over another continent.

The babysitter had marched off to get a Friday-night beer with her girls.

Could she squeeze the children under the bed and go out to confront the intruder on her own? Could she press them into the closet, keep them safe among her shoes?

Her phone was in the other room, in her bag, dropped and forgotten by the front door when she arrived home from work twenty-five minutes ago to a blueberry-stained Ben, to Viv parading through the living room chanting Birth-Day! Birth-Day! with an uncapped purple marker held aloft in her right hand like the Statue of Liberty’s torch.

Viv! she had roared when the marker grazed the white wall of the hallway as her daughter ran toward her. But to no avail: a purple scar to join the others, the green crayon, the red pencil.

A Friday-night beer with my girls.

How exotic, she had thought distantly, handing over the wad of cash. Erika was twenty-three, and buoyant, and brave. She had wanted, above all else, someone brave to look after the children.

Now what? Viv said, starting to strain against her arm. Thankfully, a stage whisper rather than a shriek.

But even so the footsteps shifted direction, toward the bedroom.

If David were home, in the basement, practicing, she would be stomping their code on the floor, five times for Come up right this second, usually because both kids needed everything from her at once.

A step, a step?

This problem of hers had begun about four years ago, soon after Viv’s birth. She confessed it only to David, wanting to know if he ever experienced the same sensation, trying and failing to capture it in words: the minor disorientations that sometimes plagued her, the small errors of eyes and ears. The conviction that the rumble underfoot was due to an earthquake rather than a garbage truck. The conviction that there was something somehow off about a piece of litter found amid the fossils in the Pit at work. A brief flash or dizziness that, for a millisecond, caused reality to shimmer or waver or disintegrate slightly. In those instants, her best recourse was to steady her body against something solid—David, if he happened to be nearby, or a table, a tree, or the dirt wall of the Pit—until the world resettled into known patterns and she could once more move invincible, unshakable, through her day.

Yes, David said whenever she brought it up; he knew what she meant, kind of. His diagnosis: sleep deprivation and/or dehydration.

Viv squirmed out of her grasp. She was a slippery kid, and, with only one arm free, there was no way Molly could prevent her daughter’s escape.

Stay. Right. Here, she mouthed with all the intensity she could infuse into a voiceless command.

But Viv tiptoed theatrically toward the bedroom door, which was open just a crack, and grinned back at her mother, the grin turned grimace by the eerie light of the streetlamp.

Molly didn’t know whether to move or stay put. Any quick action—a hurl across the room, a seizure of the T-shirt—was sure to unleash a scream or a laugh from Viv, was sure to disrupt Ben, lulled nearly to sleep by the panicked bouncing of Molly’s arm.

Viv pulled the door open.

Molly had never before noticed that the bedroom door squeaked, a sound that now seemed intolerably loud.

It would be so funny to tell David about this when he landed.

I turned off the light and made the kids hide in the corner of the bedroom. I was totally petrified. And it was nothing!

Beneath the hilarity would lie her secret concern about this little problem of hers. But their laughter would neutralize it, almost.

She listened hard for the footsteps. There were none.

She stood up. She raised Ben’s limp, snoozing body to her chest. She flicked the light back on. The room looked warm. Orderly. The gray quilt tucked tight at the corners. She would make mac and cheese. She would thaw some peas. She stepped toward the doorway, where Viv stood still, peering out.

Who’s that guy? Viv said.


Eight hours before she heard the footsteps in the other room, she was at the Phillips 66 fossil quarry, at the bottom of the Pit, chiseling away at the grayish rock.

She had been looking forward to it, an hour alone in the Pit, the absorption into the endless quest for fossils, the stark solitude of it, thirty yards removed from the defunct gas station, away from the ever-increasing hubbub about the Bible, away from the phone calls and emails and hate mail, away from the impatient reporters and scornful hoaxers and zealots swiftly emerging from the woodwork.

"Almost a decade of mind-bending plant-fossil finds, a bunch of them unplaceable based on our current understanding of the fossil record, Corey had griped last week, and no one but us and a handful of other paleobotany dorks gave a damn about this site until now."

As Molly stood in the Pit, her focus eluded her, the obsessive focus that had been the trademark of her working life, the longtime source of mockery and admiration from her colleagues and her husband alike. Your freak focus, David called it.

Now, though, she was just outrageously tired: soggy logic, fuzzy vision. It was inconceivable that in forty-five minutes she would be standing in front of a tour group, saying things.

The night prior, Ben had awoken every hour or so to howl for a few moments before dropping back into silence. Again and again she almost went to him. Finally, at 3:34 a.m., she entered the children’s room to find him standing naked in the crib, gripping the wooden bars. He had somehow managed to remove his red footed pajamas by himself, a skill she would have guessed was still months off. When he saw her, he stopped shrieking and smiled proudly.

Good for you, she whispered, nauseated with exhaustion.

She lifted him out of the crib, anxious about the possibility of waking Viv, and sank down into the rocking chair to nurse him. She shouldn’t do it. It was bad for his freshly grown teeth to have milk on them at night. He was too old for night nursing. But in the dark, disoriented, she sometimes gave in, less to his nagging and more to her own desire to hold a person close and, effortlessly, give him what he most wanted.

Yet tonight, for the first time ever, he didn’t want to nurse. Instead, he pressed his head against her clavicle and then patted her cheek four times before leaning away from her, leaning back toward the crib.

Shouldn’t we put your pajamas on?

He was woozy, though, already almost asleep again, and anyway the radiator was going too strong for this uncannily warm early spring, so she returned him to the crib in just his diaper.

She had finally fallen back to sleep in her own bed when there was a mouth an inch from her face.

I’m carrying a tree.


"I’m carrying a tree."

You’re carrying a tree?

"No! Not a tree, a dream!"

You’re carrying a dream?


She and David had a running joke about how they both feared their kids at night the same way that, as children, they’d feared monsters under the bed. Beasts that would rise up from the side of your bed, seize you with sharp nails and demand things of you.

She shouldn’t do it, but she did: hauled Viv into bed, parked the kid between her body and David’s, which slumbered through everything, even through Viv’s sleep dance, her spread eagle evolving into pirouette evolving into breaststroke, her almost-four years swelling to take up far more space in the bed than their combined sixty-eight.

So you wake up ill with tiredness but it’s your own fault for not being better, stricter. So you stand there at work wondering what you have to offer the world, just your strained, drained body and your weakness. But somehow you crouch down again, again you hack at the unyielding earth.

And that was when she saw it.

That unmistakable brightness, the warm color of childhood, a wish in water.

A penny, lodged deep in the dirt at the bottom of the Pit.

A new penny, that glow of the recently minted.

So, the most current artifact of the five to date: the Coca-Cola bottle, the toy soldier, the Altoids tin, the potsherd, the Bible. Her strange discoveries had taken place gradually, over the course of the past nine months, starting with the Coca-Cola bottle her first week back at work after Ben’s birth (she had picked it up, tilted her head this way and that, trying to figure out whether the oddity lay in her or in the font). Just the tiniest dribble of random objects amid the tsunami of plant fossils. But, here, another find, only a month after the Bible.

As she photographed the penny and recorded its GPS coordinates (hoping her own stupid footsteps hadn’t already altered its location), adrenaline blasted through her fatigue. She ought to leave it in situ and call Shaina to find out how soon she could drive across town to come take a look. Shaina was the first person Molly had contacted when she found the Coca-Cola bottle, needing the archaeologist perspective from her old grad-school friend. But from the start Shaina had taken a dubious stance on the objects: she complained that Molly and Corey and Roz, all with their typical paleobotanist’s disregard for the maintenance of the stratigraphy, had long ago made any meaningful archaeological analysis very nearly impossible. You work by way of sledgehammer, Shaina had said. I work by way of sieve.

But you think the Bible was really printed in the early 1900s?

Look, Shaina had said over beers at the nearest bar, for all I know, some high-tech prankster buried that Bible in the Pit hours before you uncovered it.

And the others? Molly pressed.

Same. Sure, like, with the potsherd: yes, interesting, it’s not a pattern I’ve ever seen before. But it’s so small, and with no organic material found nearby that I could use to confidently carbon-date it . . . Yes, sure, I’m weirded out by an old Altoids tin that’s slightly the wrong shape. Yes, I’d like to identify somewhere, sometime, another plastic toy soldier that was manufactured with a monkey tail. I’ll study them a bit more because I can tell you care a lot. But there’s just not really enough to work with.

The penny glinted up at Molly. She and it, alone together. This was what had drawn her to a field that involved unveiling the layers of the earth, unsure what you were seeking: this throb of fascination. She used the tip of her trowel to dislodge the penny.

Excuse me, she said to the penny as she pried it out. Minted this year, she noted as she slid it into a baggie from her pocket. She would postpone any further examination until she was back in the lab. She wanted to pause here, between not-knowing and knowing. She looked up: above her, beyond the twenty-foot walls of the Pit, the sky was the color of milk.


She had no choice but to look out into the living room herself.

What could she do to make sure he would shoot her and spare the children?

Did you really see a man? she whispered.

Viv smiled up at her.

Move, Molly said, trying to scoot her daughter out of the doorway with her hip.

But Viv, sensing her mother’s urgency, tensed her muscles and refused to budge.

Viv, she said, suddenly nonchalant, go on out to the living room. I’m putting B down on my bed and you can’t bother him while he sleeps.

That was all it took. Viv let go of the doorjamb, jumped onto the bed beside her brother, began harassing him with coos and kisses.

The ploy bought Molly perhaps forty-five seconds before the baby woke or the big sister tired of the provocation. She hurried to the doorway. A peculiar half laugh rose in her: hurrying to see who had broken into their home, just as she was always hurrying to get ready for work, hurrying to put the groceries away, hurrying to take a shit, every single thing in life shoved between the needs of a pair of people who weighed a cumulative fifty-seven pounds.

Who’s that guy?

But as she looked out at the living room, she saw only its normal end-of-day chaos, a scattering of Cheerios, a ruin of blocks, the crayons splayed like many fingers pointing. Usually the sight would have wearied her, but at this moment, colored by her relief, it seemed terribly beautiful.

It was an open, spare room—no place to hide. Just couch, bookshelves, chairs, dining table. The only possible hiding spot—as she’d learned last month when, for an entire weekend, Viv refused to do anything except play hide-and-seek—was inside the squat, ugly coffee table that doubled as an enormous toy box. It had been so coffin-like in there that she had begun to miss them fiercely when she heard their voices, their footsteps (David’s surprisingly heavy for such a skinny man; Viv’s quick, frantic; Ben’s so dainty, halting and sticky), moving through the rooms as they searched for her. But no casual intruder would realize the coffee table was hollow inside.

Everything was fine, fine, fine.

She strode to the kitchen. Turned on the overhead. Opened the freezer to pull out the peas.

In the bedroom, Viv screamed.


Her makeshift office was at the back of the gas-station-turned-research-lab-and-display-room, in what had once been the candy aisle of the Phillips 66. She pulled her wallet from her bag, unzipped the overstuffed change purse, was lucky enough to find a penny also minted in the current year.

She placed the penny from her wallet on an examination tray. She had never in her life looked so closely at a penny. The phone on her desk was ringing but she ignored it. She tugged open the plastic baggie, shook the penny from the Pit out onto the examination tray along with a sprinkle of Pit dust, and wrote beneath the penny on the left CONTROL and beneath the one on the right PIT.

What would it be this time? A president other than Lincoln? Or the profile of a leader unknown to her? The word PEACE or ORDER rather than the word LIBERTY? A sunburst instead of a shield? An alphabet she didn’t recognize? Or, more likely, some subtle shift of typography or proportion barely perceptible even to her eye trained in tracing the faintest veins of ancient leaves.

Just then her milk came down. It often came at moments of high emotion. That slight ache or buzz, valves pressured into opening, the simultaneous relief and frustration, her bra damp in two focused spots. Reminder: Mother. Reminder: Animal.

Her breast pump was somewhere in the darkness beneath the old metal desk. When had she last rinsed the shields and the valves? It was a hassle to clean them. She would need to scrub them before pumping. If she were more on top of things, she would have taken them home to boil them in hot water for five minutes.

But for now: the two pennies, side by side. Mundane and sacred at the same time. She thought of her children.

The penny from the Pit. Heads side: above Lincoln’s profile, the words IN GOD WE TRUST. To the left of his profile, the word LIBERTY. To the right, the current year.

She searched for a difference in Abe’s facial expression; was he perhaps a tad more wry, a tad less stern, in the penny from the Pit?

But eventually she had to admit that the penny from

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