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Umbra Ortum: The End Timers, #2
Umbra Ortum: The End Timers, #2
Umbra Ortum: The End Timers, #2
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Umbra Ortum: The End Timers, #2

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In this sci-fi/ horror/ thriller Tamara Umbra has been training for doomsday for as long as she can remember. But when she is accidentally locked inside The End Timers luxury fallout shelter, things take an eerie turn. Everything changes when she starts hearing a voice in her head: at first Tammy believes that the mysterious voice is the result of forgetting to take her medication, but in time she starts to believe what the voice is telling her.
Author Q Allen continues the story of Tammy who must now face the real threat and find the voice that has been whispering to her about conspiracies and telekinetic powers. With the help of a unlikely sisterhood, she must uncover these dark secrets, all while the police and a mysterious agent from a secret society are following their every step.
Don't miss the second volume of "The End Timers" saga and find out if Tamara Umbra survives to reveal all the dark world's secrets.

PublisherQ Allen
Release dateJun 20, 2019
Umbra Ortum: The End Timers, #2

Q Allen

Q Allen served over 6 years in the U.S. Army taking part on multiple deployments. He graduated 2nd from his Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC) and took part in training with NATO in Norway. After separating from the military, he attained a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology and a security clearance and began working with secure data systems. He now uses his unique knowledge and experience to write science fiction. In the beginning, he was influenced by Octavia Butler, Stephen King, Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, and the works of Edgar Allen Poe. After attending a performance of Canterbury Tales in elementary school, he wrote and performed in his first stage play. In high school, he wrote a graphic novel. The End Timers is his first published work. Check out The End Timers Series and follow Q Allen on social media.

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    Book preview

    Umbra Ortum - Q Allen

    Umbra ortum

    The End timers series

    Q. ALLEN

    All Persons Fictitious Disclaimer:

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    For permissions contact: [email protected]

    Copyright © 2017 Q Allen

    All rights reserved.

    Edited By: Kim-Lee Patterson

    ISBN: 9780999594728


    This book is dedicated to my wife, Charlena. Again, thank you for being patient… and very cute.




    Sophia’s death

    Stockholm syndrome

    Name that voice

    The end for one

    Slither eye

    Outside the gates

    Radio silence

    Captis Umbra

    Surreptitious house

    Umbra Ortum

    About Q Allen


    First, I would like to take time out to personally thank all of my family members, coworkers, and neighbors for your inspiration. Whether it is online or in real life.

    I would also like to take a moment and thank everyone who personally helped me make this second book a reality. If you purchased or downloaded my first book, The End Timers, that includes you! Especially if you gave a review or comment online. It is very encouraging as a writer when others actually read your books.

    Above all, I would especially like to extend a warm thank you to my beautiful wife. You are gorgeous, smart, and kind. Your loving and supportive words are of great value to me as well as your up-front honesty.


    Sophia’s death

    TAMMY GASPED AS she sat up in bed. The nightmare of having killed so many seemingly innocent people at the fallout shelter replayed in her dreams. Images of her fallen victims screaming in agony flashed over and over again behind her eyes. She could not block them out. All through the night, their faces screamed, cried, and begged for mercy.

    Bullets riddled their writhing bloody bodies as they squirmed and crawled to escape. She twisted and turned in the bed trying not to see them. Trying not to hear the begging, whimpering, and heavy sobs of the dead, who were still alive in her dreams. The fancy pillows were not enough to keep them from tormenting her.

    Finally waking, she breathed a deep sigh. Relieved at the conception of the new day, she sat still for a moment in the bed, taking it all in, becoming fully aware of herself and the room she was in. Telling herself that the horrible dream was over. That the lifeless bodies of the End Timers were not really there. She could relax and enjoy a moment.

    Light from the rising sun shone though the naked windows. The songs of chirping birds radiated through the master suite. Small waves lapped lightly at the sands on the lake outside the window. The view from the bed was breathtaking and the room was large and spacious with high ceilings that made Tammy feel light and free. For a moment, she let her mind drift back to the time before she joined The End Timers. Back to …

    Oh, no! Sophia! She thought kicking into high gear.

    Leaping from the bed, Tammy dashed to the door. She yanked it open, but was careful not to make a sound. If Sophia was still asleep, Tammy did not want to wake her. If the girl was even there at all. As she approached the room where she put Sophia, Tammy slowed down. She tried to calm her breathing so that she could hear. Nothing. Still and silent.

    Tammy clasped her hand over the knob and started to turn it. Gently. Listening for any movement inside the room. Once there was enough space, she poked her head around the door. She could see Sophia’s figure still lying there motionless on the bed, under the blankets.

    Kill her Tammy. Kill her while she sleeps. She is trouble that you just don’t need, the voice in Tammy’s head spoke.

    No, I trust her, Tammy thought.

    Trust? You don’t know anything about her. After what you did to her, she will definitely try to kill you. You have to get her before she gets you, the voice advised.

    Tammy couldn’t help gazing with compassion upon the sleeping young girl. Like it did with Keegan and Aileen at the End Timers facility, Tammy felt something drawing her to Sophia. Something deep. Something longstanding. A familiarity that caught Tammy’s attention like a tap on the shoulder.

    She did try to save me from my fictitious attacker in that parking lot, Tammy thought remembering when she and Sophia first met. Tammy had pretended that she was being attacked in the parking lot behind a gas station.

    That was before you used her own Taser on her and stole her car, the voice reminded her. Do you think that she has forgotten?

    Tammy reached out to stroke Sophia’s hair. She hoped that a show of tenderness might make up for punching her in the face the night before. She pulled back the blanket from the girl’s head.

    Sophia, she whispered.

    She kept pulling it back, expecting to see the face of her young captive. But, all that she uncovered were a couple of pillows formed to look like someone was still lying there.

    She was gone.

    Tammy jerked around. Her eyes darted all over the room, searching for any sign of Sophia. She noticed a window on the far side was wide open with the screen pushed out.

    This is the second floor. Could she have jumped? Tammy wondered.

    This is why you should have left her at the gas station! I know it bothered you to kill those people at the fallout shelter, but I only pushed you to do it so that you would survive. This type of thing is not helping you survive, the voice said.

    Tammy ran over to the opened window and scanned the area below. From the corner of her eye, she saw a small shadow dart from behind the door and into the hallway. Tammy ran after her. Sophia almost made it to the back door before Tammy caught up to her, tackling her onto the floor in the kitchen. The two began to struggle and Tammy did her best not to punch Sophia again. Mounting herself onto Sophia’s back, she pinned her down.

    Looking over to the living room, she saw a lamp. She could use the cord to tie Sophia’s hands and feet.

    I can use that cord to tie her up, she thought.

    …or choke her to death with it, the voice added.

    No, she replied.

    Ok, then. Tie her up, put her in a room, and leave her there, the voice advised.

    Leave it alone, ok? Let me do this. I have to do this, ok? Tammy said.

    Tammy dragged the struggling Sophia over to the table where the lamp sat. Sitting on Sophia’s back again, she pulled down the lamp and removed the cord, tying it around Sophia’s hands.

    Stop fighting me, Tammy shouted as she stood up. This is so you don’t get hurt trying to run away and so you don’t hurt me.

    Sophia rolled over and kicked Tammy with both feet knocking her to the floor. Rolling onto her knees, she jumped up and dashed to the back door. Sophia thought she could break through the glass, like she saw on television. She was running full speed when she hit the glass, bounced, and fell hard on the floor.

    Are you ok? Tammy asked, half laughing. Then, a full-on belly laugh..

    Sophia just groaned and rolled back and forth on the floor. Painful defeat.

    Tammy, this is crazy. You need to be on the move, not babysitting some little girl! Kill her. Kill her and leave, the voice instructed.

    No, I can’t do that again. No more killing. I like her. She punches back, she thought.

    If you don’t want to kill her, fine. Just leave her here and find another place. We just can’t risk her disrupting our plans, said the voice.

    Tammy took another electrical cord from some other kitchen device. She used this one to bind Sophia’s feet.

    There you go. That will keep us both safe, she said with a smile.

    Why are you doing this to me? Sophia sobbed. I tried to help you.

    I don’t want to hurt you, Tammy said. Her voice was calm.

    You used a Taser on me! Sophia shouted back.

    I know, I know. I shouldn’t have done that … but I really needed your car. Tammy tried to reason.

    If you wanted my car, you should have just taken it, Sophia yelled. You should have left me there. At least I could have gone home.

    Is that where you were headed? Home? Tammy asked, trying to show some care and concern. As much as a kidnapper could, anyway. Sophia turned over and squirmed towards the door. She sat up and tried to get comfortable leaning back against it, though it had repelled her moments ago.

    It doesn’t matter, Sophia said, shooting a glance at Tammy. It’s none of your business.

    Were you on your way home, or were you running away? Tammy pried as she sat with her legs crisscross on the floor near Sophia.

    Sophia turned her face away from Tammy, as if trying not to be hypnotized.

    What do you care? You’re just some kidnapping pervert. You’re going to kill me anyway, Sophia said.

    Pervert? Really? I, I’m not going to do anything to you, Tammy replied. I didn’t want to hurt you before; I just needed your car.

    Sophia snapped around, You punched me in the face! she screamed again. It was almost as if she was trying to melt Tammy’s face with her pain.

    Her words hit Tammy hard. What did she expect? She was just a stranger to this girl. A stranger who had assaulted and kidnapped her. Now Sophia sat bound, in a strange house, in the middle of nowhere, with a dangerous woman.

    She is right, Tammy. You should have left her there. Now she is a problem that you have to deal with. She doesn’t even like you. I have so much to show you. I have so much to explain to you, and teach you to get you ready. Now, you have this albatross hanging around your neck. You have to get rid of her, the voice advised.

    I have to get rid of her, she thought.

    Tammy sighed sad and deep, then pulled a Beretta 9mm from the back of her waistline, keeping it out of Sophia’s sight. She eased up close to Sophia, who had her head turned away. She took a deep breath and pointed the weapon at the back of Sophia’s skull.

    Sophia, unaware that her life was about

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