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Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients
Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients
Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients
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Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients

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This revised, updated edition of Russell L. Blaylock’s revolutionary guide offers the latest cutting-edge information on how and why cancer develops, why conventional treatments fail, and the critical role inflammation plays in all stages of this deadly disease. Using the latest medical discoveries and most authoritative research, Blaylock reveals why essential natural compounds—vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals—can halt the spread of cancer. With the right combination of diet and nutrition, patients can develop their built-in immune mechanisms to stop the growth of cancer cells and protect their bodies from the debilitating, sometimes lethal effects of chemotherapy. In this new edition, you’ll discover:
*The remarkable role plant extracts play in killing and controlling cancer cells, reducing the side effects of treatment, and relieving treatment-related depression, anxiety, and stress
*The vitamins, fruits, and over-the-counter special plant extracts that protect the heart and brain against toxic effects of chemotherapy
*The powerful mushroom extract that stimulates anti-cancer immune cells selectively
*Which commonly used cooking oils can battle cancer and those that stimulate cancer growth and spread
*The truth about glutamine/glutamate and cancer
*Natural compounds that protect cells, tissues, and organs from radiation damage and improve energy
Plus: Why cancer becomes resistant to some therapies • How a ketogenic diet starves cancer cells • How to protect the heart against cardiac toxicity • How Vitamin C promotes the beneficial effects of chemotherapy • How to transform cancer stem cells back into regular stem cells • How flavonoids protect healthy cells • Cancer’s link to diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease . . . and much more!
PublisherCitadel Press
Release dateJan 29, 2019

Russell L. Blaylock

Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. is a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, lecturer, and author of five books, including Dr. Blaylock's Prescriptions for Natural Health: Natural Cures for 70 Common Health Conditions. He also writes a popular monthly newsletter which is published by Newsmax Media: THE BLAYLOCK WELLNESS REPORT.  Dr. Blaylock attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine and completed his internship and neurological residency at the Medical University of South Carolina. He is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation. He serves on the editorial staffs of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association, Surgical Neurology International, and the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He also serves as the assistant editor-in-chief for the journal Surgical Neurology International and is a reviewer for the journal Food & Chemical Toxicology among other journals.  In addition, Dr Blaylock was a teaching lecturer for the Foundation on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine fellowship program and served as clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS. For 25 years he has practiced neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. Dr. Blaylock now devotes his full attention to nutritional studies and research. The author lives and works in the Jackson, MS metro area.

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    Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients - Russell L. Blaylock



    This book is the result of more than thirty years of nutritional research directed toward improving the results of conventional cancer treatments and of the treatment of cancer by nutrition alone. I became interested in cancer treatment while in medical school, during which time I explored one of the newer methods of treatment using the body’s own immune system. It was during this study that I discovered the critical importance of nutrition in immune function.

    My goal has been to supply cancer patients, and their families, with the latest in the nutritional methods to boost the immune system and fight cancer. In addition, I offer important nutritional ways to prevent many of the complications associated with the conventional treatments. Most cancer patients are aware that these complications, such as nausea, loss of appetite, and fatigue, can lead to severe depression and a sense of hopelessness. Recent research emphasizes the importance of the cancer patient’s mood in overcoming the disease.

    Chapter 1 presents an overview of nutrition and how simple things such as food preparation can make a critical difference in the ability to overcome this dreaded disease. It also discusses the importance of choosing quality nutritional supplements, the special cancer killers contained in fruits and vegetables, and how nutrients interact to strengthen or reduce the cancer-controlling properties of foods and supplements.

    Chapter 2 reviews what we now know about how cells become cancers and how cancer cells differ from normal cells. Armed with this knowledge, the reader is better able to understand the vital role played by nutrition in controlling and even eliminating cancer. To many, the idea that nutrition could play such a powerful role in cancer control seems simplistic. This chapter will demonstrate how complex the process really is and how nutrition, by controlling the wayward biochemistry of cancer cells, can often halt the cancer process.

    Chapters 3 and 4 review two of the mainstays of conventional cancer treatment—chemotherapy and radiation therapy—and discuss how they can either benefit or, in many cases, actually do great harm. Included are ways to reduce the harm, while at the same time increasing the effectiveness of both treatments. Specific recommendations are offered for each of the complications caused by the treatments.

    Of critical importance to anyone facing cancer is the issue of nutrition possibly interfering with conventional treatments. Many oncologists warn their patients not to take antioxidant vitamins due to an unfounded fear that these vitamins will interfere with the treatments. This fear is based on the idea that chemotherapy and radiation treatments both kill cancer cells by generating large numbers of destructive free radicals. In Chapter 5, I demonstrate the fallacy in this thinking and show that, in fact, just the opposite is true—that specific nutritional treatments actually make conventional treatments much more effective.

    The remaining three chapters go into detail concerning how what you eat can make the difference between treatment failure and success. This includes a discussion of the effects of certain types of fats and proteins on cancer growth and how many of these cancer-promoting foods are being recommended by oncologists and oncology dietitians. In Chapter 6, I explain exactly how special nutrients act to inhibit cancer growth and can turn off the genes responsible for cancer spread and invasion.

    The special role played by the immune system in controlling cancer was first recognized more than forty years ago. Recent studies have not only confirmed these early observations but have fine-tuned the treatment so that it is much more effective. We have also learned that nutrition plays a major role in immune function, especially in that part of the immune system that combats cancer. In fact, even single-nutrient deficiencies can cause profound immune malfunction. In Chapter 7, I discuss some of the more powerful ways to enhance the cancer-fighting portions of the immune system.

    Finally, in Chapter 8, I tie all of this information together. I also discuss how exposure to commonly found additives can sabotage treatment. For example, we know that fluoride can increase tumor growth by 25 percent, yet few oncologists warn their patients to avoid fluoride. Mercury, monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame, and other toxic substances can also increase cancer incidence, interfere with cancer treatments, and lead to treatment failures.

    At the end of the book, I provide a list of diagnostic laboratories capable of performing the tests recommended in the book. I also supply a recommended reading list that offers some of the more helpful material for cancer patients.

    While I have tried to include most of the information needed by cancer patients, I have had to limit some topics because of space. In addition, I never intended to supply information concerning specific chemotherapy drugs or drug protocols in this book. The book will provide readers with all of the critical information needed to maximize treatment effectiveness, reduce or prevent the complications associated with conventional treatments, and make a successful outcome more likely. The vast majority of patients following these recommendations will feel better and will be more energetic as well.


    My interest in cancer began when I was still in college. Like most people, I had some relatives who developed cancer and a few who died of this terrible malady. Fortunately, no one in my family had a major cancer. I was intrigued as to how normal cells could suddenly transform into malignant cells that were essentially immortal and why they were so hard to eliminate from the body by medical and surgical treatments.

    Having lived a long time, I have watched carefully as our concept of cancer changed over the years. In fact, in the last decade our understanding of this disease changed tremendously—not just the classifications of various types of cancer, but the how and why cancer develops. This new understanding now links cancer with a growing number of other diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases and an assortment of organ failures. The common denominator appears to be chronic inflammation.

    If we look at all the things that are associated with cancer development, such as viruses, certain bacteria, parasitic infections, trauma, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, exposure to carcinogenic chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, and industrial chemicals, radiation exposure and many autoimmune diseases) we notice that they are all linked to chronic inflammation. In fact, newer studies have shown that inflammation is playing a critical role in all stages of cancer, including the invasion of cancer and its spread (metastasis).

    Inflammation is an essential part of healing of the body—without inflammation we could not heal wounds or other injuries. Cancer researchers have noticed that cancers in many ways resemble the different phases of inflammation—that is, the activation of immune cells and their attraction to a site of injury, the release of inflammatory chemicals that stimulate the growth of tissues needed for repair and the ability of inflammatory cells to invade tissues of various types. One most important commonly shared property of the two processes is that both cancers and infections stimulate a local growth of an extensive network of very small blood vessels in the area—a process called angiogenesis. In the case of wound healing, this allows the white blood cells to enter the area of the injury and in the case of cancer, it allows cancer cells to invade surrounding tissues, enter the blood stream and move to other tissues and organs—something we call metastasis.

    Cancer cells, like white blood cells used in wound healing, release powerful chemicals that stimulate the growth of more cancer cells. And they release other chemicals that dissolve the tissues around a tumor, thus allowing the cancer cells to invade its neighbors—including blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. Cancers become deadly when they spread. Cancers that do not spread or that are treated surgically before they spread can be easily cured in most cases. Yet, when they spread to other areas of the body, the cure rate, even with all that conventional medicine has to offer, at most, is quite dismal. It is estimated that curing or controlling the cancer once it has metastasized is somewhere around 5 percent to 10 percent of cases—a very discouraging statistic.

    Unfortunately, for the more common cancers—breast, prostate and lung—the tumor will have already spread by the time the cancer is discovered. Once the cancer spreads, conventional treatments—chemotherapy and radiation treatments—offer little to the patient and are enormously expensive. In addition, these treatments often leave the patient, during their last few months, in a condition of extreme fatigue, nauseous, in extreme pain and suffering from tremendous weight loss. There is even some evidence that patients at this stage treated with conventional treatments not only do not have their lives extended, but, in fact, often have shortened lives as compared to no chemotherapy treatment at all. These studies show that the purported prolongation of advanced cancer patient’s lives is in fact an illusion. When researchers took into consideration that the patients were diagnosed several months earlier than recorded in older studies, a time in which there were no adjunctive treatments, it only appears that they were living several months longer with conventional treatments. In essence, it was all smoke and mirrors.

    Cancer patients are understandably terrified once they receive the diagnosis. Cancer is one of the most frightening words in our language. And we know that under conditions of fear we often make wrong decisions. Feelings of desperation lead to similar desperate acts. When the man in the white coat tells you that he is your only hope, it is difficult to resist the impulse to agree—especially when your family and friends are pushing you in that direction.

    Unfortunately, the medical profession is not as truthful as they should be in these situations. For instance, few patients are told that once their cancer has spread to distant areas in the body, the chance of the gruesome conventional treatments actually having a significant impact on the cancer, far less bringing about a cure, is quite remote. As I said earlier, a cure or control of the cancer is no more than 5 percent to 10 percent at this stage.

    Studies have also shown that physicians are more likely to report that their patients have few if any side effects from the treatments than are the cancer nurses, who, in fact, spend a great deal more time with the patients. In fact, one poll of oncologists found that 80 percent said that if they had cancer, they would not take the treatments that they suggest to their patients. This is more telling than any propaganda by the medical profession.

    In 1971 President Nixon, via the National Cancer Act, launched what has been called the war on cancer, with an initial expenditure of a 100-million-dollar federal grant. Over the ensuing 45 years, the federal government spent $90 billion for research to find a cure for cancer. Unfortunately, as many have noted, we lost the war—at least against the major life-consuming cancers. Yet, the money has not all been wasted. What we have accomplished with this enormous expenditure is learn a great deal about the cancer process—that is, what exactly is going on in cells that makes them become cancerous.

    What this new knowledge has—or should have—told us, is that most modern cancer treatments fail because we have ignored what we have learned. For example, we know that cancer cells utilize a great number of special cell-signaling messages in order to do what they do—that is, grow, invade surrounding tissues and eventually spread to other parts of the body. In addition, cancerous tumors suppress our immunity, so as to escape our normally built-in cancer killing immune mechanisms.

    We now understand why traditional treatments so often fail—they attack only one and at best two of these mechanisms. Cancer cells are very versatile—they can quickly bypass the blocked mechanism and continue to grow and spread. As mentioned before, a large number of natural compounds—vitamins, minerals and various phytochemicals (chemicals isolated from plants) can inhibit a far greater number of these cell mechanisms that are critical for cancer cell survival. In fact, they block so many of these cancer mechanisms that the cancer cells cannot bypass them. In addition, several of the plant products not only reverse immune suppression by cancers, they also stimulate special cancer killing immune systems, such as natural killer cells and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.

    There is another important finding that has increased our understanding as to why traditional treatments fail so often. Recent research has discovered that in all types of cancer the tumor, it appears, originates from stem cells gone haywire. Normally, our body contains special cells called stem cells, that are scattered throughout all tissues and organs. These special cells normally lie dormant (sleeping) and can be activated when injury occurs to replace damaged cells. This is because stem cells can be transformed into any type of cell—bone, skin, muscle, nervous tissue, liver cells, etc.

    Yet, when inflammation is occurring in an area of the body, enormous numbers of free radicals are generated, which not only damage the genetics of these stem cells, they also damage the mitochondria—the microscopic factories within all cells that generate most of the cell’s energy. In combination, this causes these stem cells to lose their normal controls and they begin generating primitive cells by the billions. These daughter cells make up the bulk of the tumor, but it is the cancer stem cells that are the source of the tumor cells. These cancer stem cells may make up no more than 1 to 10 percent of the tumor’s bulk.

    Interestingly, because stem cells can produce any type of tissue, we often see bits of these tissues within tumors. For example, adenocarcinomas of the intestines will contain primitive-looking intestinal cells scattered about in the tumor.

    What has been discovered is that most chemotherapy agents and even radiation treatments, do not kill these cancer stem cells—they only kill the daughter cells. This is why one often observes tumors shrinking dramatically with a chemotherapy drug to only have the tumor recur rapidly soon afterwards. This is especially common with metastatic tumors. Oncologists are often fooled by this phenomenon and will falsely tell their patients that a certain new drug has very impressive results because it makes the tumors shrink dramatically. But, because it doesn’t kill the cancer stem cells, the tumor will often grow back with a vengeance—that is, much more aggressively. In fact, studies now suggest that chemotherapy that fails often makes tumors more aggressive. This is because all chemotherapy drugs induce intense inflammation and inflammation is known to make cancers more aggressive.

    Interestingly, many natural plant extracts suppress and even kill cancer stem cells and in some cases, it is suspected that the cancer stem cell is transformed back into a normal stem cell. Some newer research suggests that a tumor doesn’t metastasize unless the cancer stem cells enter the blood or lymphatics and spread to other tissues and organs. This would explain why metastatic tumors are so resistant to traditional chemotherapy.

    To make things even more complicated, we know that in many cases tumors can become resistant to chemotherapy agents because the cancer cells utilize a cell mechanism to expel the chemotherapy agent out of the cell and the drug must enter the cell to work. Once this happens, the cancer becomes resistant to all other chemotherapy drugs—so it does no good to switch to another group of chemotherapy drugs. We call this multidrug resistance or MDR. This is a major reason for treatment failures.

    A number of natural plant compounds, such as flavonoids, have been shown to reverse MDR, so that the chemotherapy agent once again becomes effective against the cancer. When used in combination with chemotherapy drugs, these plant chemicals actually make the drugs much more effective. Another benefit of the natural compounds is they also protect normal cells, tissues and organs from being harmed by the chemotherapy and radiation treatments. This phenomenon of specifically targeting the cause of disease while not harming normal cells has been called the magic bullet. Originally, it was in reference to using chemicals (antibiotics) to kill bacteria without harming cells in the person’s body.

    Unfortunately, chemotherapy drugs do not selectively harm only cancer cells—they harm virtually every cell in the body, but especially the fast dividing cells, such as one sees in hair follicles, the liver, intestinal lining and cells in the bone marrow. Most traditional cancer treatments are a careful balancing act of using highly toxic levels of the drugs, hopefully without killing the patient. This does not always succeed and in far too many cases the patient’s death is due to the treatment and not the cancer. This is especially common in older cancer patients and in those with preexisting diseases—such as diabetes, heart disease, liver diseases and extreme frailty.

    By making the cancer much more sensitive to being killed by chemotherapy drugs, these plant compounds make it possible to use lower doses of the chemotherapy drugs with equal or even greater effectiveness, thus lessening the risk of severe side effects. We also know that for many of these natural compounds, mixing them together greatly magnifies the anticancer effectiveness over using them alone, something we call synergy. Some of these plant extract combinations can even cure or control far advanced cancers.

    One of the major advantages of using anticancer plant extracts is that most have a high level of safety and few significant side effects, even when used in very high doses. This means that one can stay on them for very long periods without worrying about toxicity effects. In addition, for most of these natural products, the cost is dramatically lower than chemotherapy and does not require constant physician monitoring.


    Fighting Cancer with Nutrition

    We have known for more than a century that people who eat a diet consisting mostly of fruits and vegetables have a cancer rate much lower than those consuming few of these healthy foods. Only recently have we begun to understand the scientific basis of this protection, however. New techniques for measuring biochemical events on a molecular level have allowed us to map out the many ways the components of fruits and vegetables inhibit cancer formation.

    Even more exciting is the discovery that many of the chemicals found in edible plants can turn precancerous into normal cells, meaning that food components may, in the future, indeed be used to reverse cancer itself. In addition, these same plant chemicals can reduce the complications associated with the conventional cancer treatments and enhance, sometimes dramatically, the effectiveness of these treatments.










    The ability of nutrition to prevent the occurrence of cancer is now beyond dispute. In a paper appearing in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Dr. K. A. Steinmetz and his coworkers found by reviewing 206 of the best human cancer surveys and 22 animal studies that of all the dietary factors considered in relation to reducing cancer development, at all of its stages, the most important was the intake of fruits and vegetables. ¹

    In fact, over all, the cancer rates were reduced 50 percent in the people who ate the most fruits and vegetables, with the greatest reduction being in cancers of the esophagus, oral cavity, larynx, pancreas, stomach, colon, rectum, bladder, cervix, ovary, endometrium, and breast. Even better protection was seen with some types of cancer.

    The greatest fall in cancer rates in humans has been with cancer of the stomach, attributed almost solely to a higher intake of vitamin C–containing foods. To better appreciate the power of phytochemicals in foods in preventing cancer, let us look at a study done in Japan. It was found that people eating the most yellow-green vegetables had a stomach cancer incidence 65 percent lower than those eating significantly fewer of these vegetables. If that is not impressive enough, another study found that persons eating citrus fruits just twice a month or less had a sixteen-times higher risk of developing stomach cancer than those eating fruits at least once a week or more.

    Today we hear a lot about cancer of the pancreas. It took the lives of President Jimmy Carter’s sister and actor Michael Landon, as well as of 28,200 people in the year 2000 alone. Pancreatic cancer has a mortality rate of more than 90 percent. Yet, its occurrence appears to be strongly related to our diet. In one study, it was found that people who ate no vegetables had a fourfold higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer than those who ate five or more servings of vegetables. Reducing the pancreatic cancer risk depended mostly on eating vegetables and fruits high in beta-carotene and especially lycopene, the red pigment in tomatoes, pink grapefruit, and watermelon.²

    This same red pigment appears to play a leading role in preventing prostate cancer, with the risk being lowered 35 to 45 percent in those eating a lot of such fruits and vegetables.³ Vitamin E, especially when combined with selenium, also dramatically reduces the risk of this cancer.

    While we are learning more about how these nutrients inhibit cancer, something even more exciting is occurring in the world of science. We are now finding that the very same nutrients can be used to inhibit the growth, invasion, and metastasis of cancers that already exist, and that when we combine these nutrients with conventional cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy, the conventional therapies work significantly better. If that were not enough, an increasing number of studies have demonstrated that vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients can protect patients from the harmful side effects of these conventional treatments.

    Numerous anticancer components are found in foods. A partial list includes:

    • Allicin

    • Antiestrogens and antiprogestins

    • Carotenoids, folate, niacinamide, and vitamins A, D, K, and B12

    • Coenzyme Q10

    • Ellagic acid

    • Fiber

    • Flavonoids (some 5,000 have now been identified)

    • Glucosinolates

    • Glutathione

    • Glycolipids and glycoproteins

    • Immune-enhancing polysaccharides

    • Indole-3-carbinol

    • Isothiocyanates

    • Magnesium

    • Phytates

    • Protease inhibitors

    • Saponins

    • Selenium (principally in an organic form)

    • Sterols and sterolins (plant steroids)

    • Sulphoraphanes

    • Zinc

    Most patients dread the effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments as much as, and sometimes more than, their cancer. This is especially so for patients who already have had to go through several rounds of chemotherapy treatments. Today, it is not uncommon for cancer patients to undergo such treatments for as long as a year. Overwhelming fatigue, nausea and/or vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and severe bone marrow depression can make life seem hopeless and, for many, hardly worth living.

    To be physically ill every day for months is very difficult. Yet my experience, confirmed now by many studies, has shown that patients do not have to suffer to receive benefit from the conventional treatments. The vast majority of the complications and side effects of the conventional treatments can be avoided by using simple nutritional methods.

    While I do recommend many special supplements, the central and most important part of the treatment program is diet. As you shall see throughout this book, diet can mean the difference between success and failure. Many of the phytonutrients I will discuss are not available as separate nutrients, but are obtained by eating selected fruits and vegetables. By combining the two—special supplements and diet—you can supply your body with a very powerful brew of cancer-fighting nutrients.

    I always tell my patients that if they try to depend on supplements alone and not change their diet, they will ultimately fail. It is estimated that as many as 70 percent of all cancers are related to the diet. To continue eating the same foods that led to your cancer in the first place is to travel down the road to disaster because, as you shall see, foods often contain extremely powerful cancer-causing and -promoting substances as well. The typical Western diet—high in red meats, bad fats, food additives, and carbohydrates—is a perfect cancer brew. Below we can see the effects that different dietary excesses can have on prostate cancer:

    • High red-meat intake—200 percent increased risk

    • High caloric intake—190 percent increased risk

    • High dessert intake—180 percent increased risk

    This brew not only causes cancer, but can promote the growth of existing cancers as well. This is especially true of fats. Certain fats, called omega-6 fatty acids, not only stimulate cancer growth, but also powerfully suppress the immune system at the same time. I tell my patients that eating these fats is like adding fertilizer to crab grass. Throughout the book I will describe other cancer fertilizers.

    Another problem I see when discussing diet changes is what most people consider eating lots of fruits and vegetables to be. To many, it means eating their favorite vegetable or fruit. If they like green beans and bananas and eat them several times a day, they consider this to be eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. The beans often come from a can and have very little nutrition left plus have high levels of toxic metals. And the bananas, while having some important nutrients, are very high in sugar, a cancer growth–promoting nutrient.

    We see that regular consumption of these foods and a high total caloric intake dramatically increases men’s risk of prostate cancer. Additional risk factors include milk consumption and a low intake of the omega-3 oils combined with a high intake of the omega-6 oils.

    When I analyze most patients’ diets, I find that the majority do not eat even two servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Most studies confirm this observation. For example, one survey found that Americans eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables less than 25 percent of the time. The statistics are even worse for children.

    In terms of health benefits (mainly in terms of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects), eating fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables a day does very little good. The health benefits begin at five servings, and for people below the age of fifty, they reach a maximum at ten servings. For those over the age of fifty, adding two additional servings—that is, consuming a total of twelve servings a day—provides the maximum health benefits. So, up to a limit, we gain greater benefit by eating more fruits and vegetables.

    Several studies have shown that eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables, especially vegetables, not only retards the growth of cancers, but can convert very aggressive cancers into much more benign tumors.⁴ This is a remarkable finding. In the past, we thought that once a cancer formed, its prognosis was always in one direction: Aggressive cancers stayed aggressive and less aggressive cancers could become more aggressive, but never the reverse. Newer studies are even showing, at least experimentally, that some cancer cells can be changed into normal cells using specific nutrients. So, instead of directing all our efforts into figuring out how to kill cancer cells without harming normal cells, we can simply change cancer cells back to normal cells.













    In the past, before we understood why nutrition works, most of our information was based on so-called anecdotal stories (case histories), studies of large populations of people (epidemiological studies), and word of mouth from those utilizing nutritional treatments outside the medial establishment. This presented two major problems. First, physicians hesitated to use nutrition because little proof or explanation existed for its mechanism of action. Second, cancer patients were often afraid to rely on a treatment method that was not endorsed by the scientific community.

    Despite the tens of billions of dollars spent on the war on cancer, we have not found a cure for the disease, but we have learned a lot about the cancer process and how cancer cells differ from normal cells. It is this basic knowledge that elucidated for us what many early practitioners of alternative medicine knew all along: something in plants, both as foods and as herbs, has a beneficial effect in suppressing cancer growth, invasion, and metastasis.

    Chapter 2 of this book goes into more detail about how cells become cancers, what causes this transformation, and why some people are more at risk than others. I would suggest that you read the chapter for its content and not try to memorize all of the technical terms, since they are not important to your understanding. If you find the chapter too technical, I suggest you skip over it and move deeper into the book. I include the chapter because many cancer patients spend an inordinate amount of time exploring all the aspects of their disease and develop a sophistication that allows them to better understand the intricacies of the science.

    It should also be appreciated that much of the scientific work was done in an experimental setting. While thousands of cancer patients have been treated successfully with nutritional treatments, few carefully controlled studies of these large populations of patients have been properly done. This is because such studies are very expensive and no one, until recently, has taken an interest in funding them. Recently, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has begun several studies of the nutritional treatment of cancers in large numbers of people. It will be several more years before the final results of these studies appear.

    For the cancer patient, waiting for the results of academic studies is not an option. I have used nutritional methods for at least thirty-two years, more so in the last ten years, and I have seen undeniable benefits—and no harm. There is no question that the patients using these methods tolerate their treatments better and have far fewer complications. They also respond much better to their conventional treatments.

    As I will show in the following chapters, selected nutritional supplements affect the cancer cell at multiple steps in its metabolism in such a way as to significantly interfere with its ability to survive. They do this without interfering with the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. By using different ways to kill and suppress cancer cells, nutrition, in fact, enhances the effectiveness of the conventional treatments.

    To kill cancer cells, or to at least force them into a dormant state, every mechanism on which the cancer cell depends must be interfered with. Nutritional supplements do this more effectively than either chemotherapy or radiation treatments, and with little or no effect on normal cells, except to make them stronger.

    Changing your diet is a very difficult thing to do, especially if the changes are drastic. Most of us are so accustomed to eating foods that are full of artificial flavors, very sweet, or creamy in texture that eating foods without these qualities becomes a chore. Dietary compliance is the most difficult problem I have faced in treating cancer patients. This is especially so for the patients having the worst diets. For example, a person who lives for his barbecued ribs, french fries, and soft drinks will have great difficulty switching to a plate full of fresh raw vegetables, and pure water.

    If understanding why nutrition is so important does nothing else, it at least helps cancer patients to stick to the new diet. The more you understand the mechanisms by which phytochemicals inhibit cancer growth and spread, the more you will appreciate why even minor variations in your diet can have significant effects on your cancer. There is serious question as to whether cancers are ever completely eradicated. If they are not, then sticking to the diet becomes even more important, since the dormant cancer can be reactivated by a bad diet—even years later.

    The longer you adhere to the diet, the easier it will be for you to follow. Tastes change with time. People on low-salt diets find normally salted foods far too salty. The same is true for low-sugar diets: people on low-sugar diets soon find foods and drinks containing sugar to taste too sweet. This readjustment process of the taste buds allows us to conform to a diet we previously thought would be unbearable. It’s all what we get used to.

    Supplements Versus Foods

    Many health practitioners who treat cancer with alternative methods insist that no supplements are needed, only pure, healthy foods, while others disagree and promote the use of supplements. Personally, I see a third way: a program based principally on dietary changes and whole foods plus the use of specially selected supplements that have shown particular activity against cancer.

    My selection of supplements is based on hard science and numerous clinical studies, as well as in my own personal experience. For example, we now know that the anticancer activity of the different forms of vitamin E varies considerably. Some forms of vitamin E, such as d- or dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, have very little anticancer activity, are poorly absorbed, and may interfere with other nutrients, while the d-alpha-tocopheryl succinate form of vitamin E has powerful anticancer activity, is well absorbed, and has the greatest antioxidant activity. The same can also be said for synthetic beta-carotene compared to natural forms.

    We should also appreciate that we still do not know all the components in edible plants, nor do we understand many of the functions of the food components that have been isolated. By using only extracts of these plants, we may be missing an as-yet-unidentified anticancer nutrient. In addition, the process of extracting the known nutrients could destroy some of the mysterious components.

    One of the big mysteries of nutritional cancer treatments is why it takes so many fruits and vegetables in the diet to have any anticancer effect. Ten servings of fruits and vegetables add up to a lot of produce. Closely connected to this mystery is the difference between the cells of animals and the cells of plants. Most of the nutritious components of plants are confined within their cells, which differ from animal cells in that they have tough cell walls surrounding their membranes. Unfortunately, humans do not have enzymes in their digestive tracts to dissolve these cell walls. As a result, we cannot absorb most of the nutrients in plants.

    This leaves us with three ways to extract these locked-in nutrients. First, we can mechanically break the cell walls by chewing all our fruits and vegetables until they are fine mush. Unfortunately, most of us chew our fruits

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