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Father Knows Death
Father Knows Death
Father Knows Death
Ebook244 pages4 hours

Father Knows Death

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

It isn't that stay-at-home dad Deuce Winters wants to be his small town's unofficial sleuth. Between caring for his peppy five year-old-daughter Carly and helping to keep his ten-months-pregnant wife Julianne sane, he's certainly got his hands full. But, well, trouble does seem to find him. . .

That's why Duece is only mildly surprised to find a body among the frozen burgers and bratwurst at the Rose Petal fair's concession stand. And it seems the defrosting deceased was last seen arguing passionately with one of the fair's board members. But there may be more--a lot more--to the mystery, and tracking down the dangerous truth may be too much for even the most determined dad!

"Laugh-out-loud funny. A terrific read!" --Laura Levine on Stay at Home Dead
Release dateJul 11, 2012
Father Knows Death

Jeffrey Allen

Jeff Allen is a columnist for Dancing USA magazine and the author of four books on social and ballroom dancing. He holds membership credentials with the North American Dance Teachers Association, Inc., and the Pan American Teachers Association. After competing in national and international competitions and winning the gold closed level at the North American Championships, Allen turned professional in 1984. However, he considers his greatest accomplishments to be the more than 30 top teacher awards he has won and being listed among the top teachers in America by DVIDA as a regional examiner and teacher trainer.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Deuce Winters and his wife Julianne are pulling concession stand duty at the local 4H county fair stand when he discovers a dead body in the freezer. Julianne, pregnant and overdue, doesn't want Deuce involved in yet another crime in Rose Petal, but as usual, things just start to fall into Deuce's lap. Allen's characters (and characterizations) of the folks of this small Texas town are spot on, from his first book regaling the wonders of football to the pride of the county fair. I continue to read these for both a pretty solid mystery that keeps me guessing and for the interplay among characters. With the arrival of kid#2, I imagine Deuce's life will get very interesting.

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Father Knows Death - Jeffrey Allen



George Spellman’s lifeless face gazed at me amid the packages of frozen bratwursts.

I stared at him for a moment and then closed the freezer door. Not because I was shocked or horrified at finding a dead body. I closed it because I realized I wasn’t fazed by finding a dead man stuffed inside a freezer. I wondered if I should just stop opening things.

It was late April and I was working the grill at the Carriveau County Fair. Rose Petal was in the heart of Carriveau County and our fair was an anomaly. Because Texas summers were so hot, our fair was held every April. All of the towns in the county shut down, schools were closed, and everyone spent the entire week at the fair. It was like an extra week of spring break, but with carnival rides, farm animals, and lots of fried food. Monday and Tuesday were spent setting up, cleaning out the barns, getting the animals delivered and letting the ride operators get their rides set up. Wednesday, everyone rolled in. It had been that way, on that schedule, for as long as anyone could remember.

Carly had joined our local 4-H chapter last year because she liked the furry little animals, and one of their big fund-raisers was working the food stand during the fair. The summer temperatures had moved in early this year, however, and there was nothing quite like working an outdoor grill in hundred-degree heat. So much for avoiding the heat.

I think we’re gonna need some more burgers and dogs for the grill, Deuce, Pete Boodle said, wiping his brow with a red bandanna. Some brats, too. Lunch rush is gonna be any minute.

The large grill was littered with thin hamburger patties, hot dogs, and a few bratwursts. They were probably seasoned with a bit of Pete’s sweat.

There’s a big freezer in the back, he said, pointing toward the kitchen. We use it for extra storage. Should be a bunch in there.

How many should I grab? I asked.

As many as you can carry, he said, chuckling. It’s gonna be a madhouse in about five minutes.

We’d been working nonstop since our four-hour shift began and I found it hard to believe it could get any busier. I could think of about fifty other things I would’ve rather been doing on a Wednesday afternoon than basting myself over a dirty grill at our county fair. But there’s one thing you learn as a parent: when your kid signs up for something, you’re signing up for it, too.

All right, I told Pete. Be back in a minute.

Grab us some drinks, too. He flipped the already overdone patties again. So we don’t die out here.

I waved at him and stepped into the food stand kitchen, which was nothing more than a saunalike shack that disguised itself as a fast-food restaurant for one week a year. There was a covered eating area for about a hundred people, front and back counters, a giant indoor grill and fryer, some sinks, and a bunch of refrigerators.

Oh, and about fifty people squeezed into the kitchen trying to serve the fairgoers.

Voices screamed and yelled about cheese and drinks and burgers and buns as people who had no business serving and preparing food attempted to do just that.

A pink-faced Carly squeezed by me, carrying two bottles of water. Hey, Daddy.

What’s up, kid?

I’m getting water, she shouted. For some people!

Her oversize green 4-H shirt hung nearly to her knees and her hair was hidden beneath a bright yellow bandanna. She was nearly six years old and starting to assert her independence already.

Good for you, kiddo.

She scurried past me and snaked her way through the group of workers out to the front counter to deliver her water.

Julianne was perched on a tall stool, her gloved hands submerged in a deep sink, washing orange and green plastic trays.

I walked over and kissed her sweaty cheek. You should probably be at home.

She spun on the stool to look at me. Her green T-shirt was riding up over her enormous stomach.

Why? she asked, setting down a tray. Because its seven hundred degrees in here and I’m like fourteen months pregnant?

Yes. Exactly.

I’m tough.

I touched her very round belly. I know that. I’m just hoping the new kid likes the heat.

They won’t have a choice. We live in Texas, Deuce.

Doesn’t mean you need to boil them in your stomach.

I’m hoping that will encourage it to get the hell out of my body, she said.

Julianne was a week past her due date and looked ready to pop. Because I enjoyed my health, I didn’t say that out loud. But she’d been carrying around a baby for ten months now and she was ready to bond with it in person. We all were.

I’m going to get meat I said.

Oh, great. I’ll just stay here and wash trays and be enormous.

And beautiful.

Ha. Good one, Sausage Boy.

I kissed her again. I love you.

And I want this kid out of me and I swear to God, I’ll have it right in this disgusting kitchen if I need to, she said, spinning back on the stool. Oh, and I love you, too.

Pregnant women are funny.

I wound my way through the back of the kitchen, my thoughts focused on babies instead of sausages. I was excited that the baby was going to be here any day. Carly was, too. We were all ready to meet the newest member of the Winters family. We had no idea whether it was a boy or a girl. Julianne insisted on not knowing. I’d protested greatly. And it didn’t matter even a little, though it was still a bit weird to keep calling the baby it.

Babies should be a surprise, she’d said. "Like presents on Christmas. Plus, it’s in my uterus so I get to decide."

Which was a hard point to argue with.

I liked seeing her pregnant. I didn’t like seeing her miserable, though, and with the early heat, I knew she had to be pretty uncomfortable. But I did have this fear that her water was going to break right in the middle of the dinner rush and that would be some sort of health code violation.

And so I was thinking about babies and having to rush to the hospital when I opened the freezer and saw George Spellman’s dead face amongst the bratwursts.

And after thinking that I needed to stop opening things, my next thought was that a dead body in the freezer was probably a far worse health code violation than having a baby in the kitchen.


Well, this isn’t good, Matilda Biggs said, shaking her head.

The technicians were loading the body into the back of the ambulance and the police had formed a barricade around the back of the food stand. Matilda, a member of the fair board, was concerned. More than concerned. Mortified.

No, it isn’t, I agreed.

She swallowed hard. This is awful. Awful. Tears glistened in her eyes. This is really going to reflect poorly on the fair, she said. Could drive down revenue.

Uh, yeah, I said. I was less concerned about revenue than I was for George’s family and friends.

She paced back and forth, wringing her hands. I mean, Rusty Cow plays tonight, she said, staring at me. We’re expecting a big crowd. Huge. It wouldn’t be good if we had to cancel that.

It felt like there was something more that she was worried about, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I wasn’t really buying that her main concern was attendance at a concert for a crappy local band. I didn’t know Matilda well, but I knew of her. She was hard not to know of because she was hard to miss.

She weighed nearly four hundred pounds.

And that wasn’t one of those exaggerated statements about someone carrying a few extra pounds. She was one of the biggest women I’d ever seen. She was just short of six feet and seemingly almost as wide, with rolls of fat billowing from every part of her body. I’d only ever seen her wearing black sweats and some sort of stretched-out T-shirt, as I assumed she wasn’t able to find anything else to fit her enormous body. Her stringy black hair was thinning on top and stuck to the sides of her head with sweat. She was never more than a few feet away from her golf cart, as that was the only way she was able to make it around the fairgrounds.

She wiped at her eyes, pulled a walkie-talkie from her hip, and punched a button. Mama, this is Matilda. You copy? Over.

Five seconds later, the walkie-talkie crackled.

This is Mama. Roger that, I copy. Over.

Mama was not code for some motherly figure in Matilda’s life. Mama was Mama. Matilda’s mother. Who worked right alongside her on the fair board. I didn’t know the specifics, but I was pretty sure the entire fair board was somehow related to each other.

We’re gonna need a new freezer, Matilda said. The police are telling me we can’t use this one, on account of Deuce Winters finding George Spellman in it. George is gone. She paused. Over.

The Rose Petal police had, in fact, cordoned off the large freezer with yellow crime scene tape.

Roger. I’m already on it, Mama said through the walkie-talkie. I’ve got another one on the way. Should be there in about fifteen minutes. Over.

Matilda nodded. Ten-four. She stuck the radio back on her hip. I gotta make some calls. She glanced at the back of the ambulance for a long moment. Make sure we got more sausages coming.

She waddled over to the golf cart, wedged herself in behind the steering wheel, and took off, spraying dirt and weeds behind her.

Carly and Julianne made their way around the food stand building to me. Carly surveyed the scene, trying to take everything in. I resisted the urge to pull down the bandanna from her hair to cover her eyes.

Julianne just raised her eyebrows. Well, this is interesting. You already talk to the police?

Yeah. Took all of five minutes. I didn’t do anything other than open the freezer door.

Maybe this time you won’t be a suspect.

I narrowed my eyes. Very funny.

She shrugged. You sort of have a way of falling into these things.

It was hard to deny that, as much as I might’ve liked to. My part-time private investigating gig only existed because I kept finding myself embroiled in the criminal activity in Rose Petal. Julianne had made several subtle suggestions that, with a new baby on the way, maybe I might want to curtail my activity in that arena. I didn’t disagree.

But it seemed that trouble was still finding me, no matter how much I tried to avoid it.

As I contemplated that, Susan Blamunski hustled our way.

Oh, good Lord, Julianne whispered. Red alert. Crazy woman dead ahead.

Susan’s face was a mask of concern.

And of heavy eye makeup.

Her large mane of dark hair was teased up and hair-sprayed to death, so much so that I was sure it would’ve taken a missile to penetrate its exterior. Her 4-H T-shirt was expertly tied at the hip, just above her denim capris. Her sparkly silver sandals seemed a poor choice for a day at the fair, but she’d probably chosen them to match the sparkly silver polish on her toes.

Deuce, she said, grabbing me by the elbow. "What is going on?"

I tried to casually shake free from the grasp of our local 4-H leader, but failed. I’m not completely sure.

I heard they found a dead body, she said, her decorated eyes widening. She glanced at Julianne and seemed to just notice that she was there. Oh, hello, Julianne. So nice to see you. We rarely get the opportunity to see you at 4-H events.

The corners of Julianne’s mouth twitched. I could see the muscles in her face tense as she held back a retort. She wasn’t one to bite her tongue, but for the sake of our daughter, she said, Hello, Susan.

So nice that your entire family could work the fair, Susan said to me. Finally.

We worked it last year, Julianne said through gritted teeth.

Did you? Susan asked, pursing her perfectly glossed lips. I don’t recall. Seems like we see you so . . . infrequently.

If Julianne had had access to a hammer, I was pretty sure she would’ve used it on Susan’s skull at that moment. The fact that Julianne was in the process of establishing her own law practice after leaving her firm earlier in the year meant she was having to put in some serious hours before the baby was born.

But Susan’s digs about our family were nothing we hadn’t heard before. Our nontraditional family was still a novelty in Rose Petal. People couldn’t seem to get used to the role reversal we’d chosen in our home. It worked just fine for us, but there was no doubt that we were the topic of much conversation throughout town.

Julianne took Carly’s hand. Come on, baby. Let’s go check out the bunnies. Before they have another dead body to deal with.

If Susan picked up on the fact that she was the potential other body, she didn’t show it.

When is she due? she asked.

Supposed to be a week ago, I said. Any day now.

That explains her size, she murmured. She tugged on her own green shirt, smoothing it over her flat stomach. I don’t think I gained more than nine pounds with either of my kids. But I have a terrific metabolism to begin with, so it’s actually hard for me to gain weight. She smiled at me. But you’ve probably noticed that.

Uh, sure.

She refocused on the activity around us. So, I heard they found some man in the freezer.


And was it really George? George Spellman?

I nodded.

And you . . . you found him?


She squeezed my elbow. How terrible! Why was he in there?

Uh, I don’t know. I just found him.

The concern in her eyes now outweighed her makeup. That is terrible. She was silent for a minute, an expensively manicured fingernail in between her lips. This isn’t going to be good. Did they say anything about the food stand?

Not yet. I watched her. Like Matilda had been, it seemed like Susan was concerned, but not necessarily because someone had died. Susan appeared to be worried about something more than the food stand, too. But I didn’t know about what.

We get nearly all of our funding from this week at the fair, she said. Without it, we won’t have any money for activities. For anything.

That was the truth. The food stand was the major fund-raiser each year for our local 4-H. Nothing else brought in an even comparable amount of money. The entire year was built around one week of earnings.

I’m sure the police will be done soon. I wasn’t sure at all, but it seemed like a good way to placate her.

Susan looked around the area. And didn’t I see Matilda over here earlier?

Yeah, she was here, I said. But I think she went to find out about the new freezer or something.

Susan’s lips tightened together. Well, that’s interesting.

What? That she went to find a new freezer?

No, no, Susan said, lowering her voice. She looked up at me like she was about to share the most earth-shattering secret in the world with me. I heard something . . . interesting.

You keep using that word.

She glanced around me before settling her eyes on mine.

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