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Murdered Innocents
Murdered Innocents
Murdered Innocents
Ebook475 pages7 hours

Murdered Innocents

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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“No one faces evil head-on like Corey Mitchell.” —Gregg Olsen


On a December night in Austin, Texas, teenagers Jennifer Harbison and Eliza Thomas closed up the yogurt store where they worked. The girls were joined by Jennifer's younger sister, Sarah, and her friend Amy Ayers.

Less than an hour later, all four girls were dead—tragic victims of an apparent fire. Until it was discovered that the girls had been bound and gagged, sexually assaulted, and shot execution-style.

With no physical evidence or eyewitnesses, Austin police faced one of their toughest cases ever. Nearly eight years passed before four young men were charged with the crime, and authorities learned how a planned robbery exploded into a drug- and sex-fueled spree of brutality. But the road to justice was packed with shocking twists . . .

“Corey Mitchell empathized with crime victims in a unique and personal way. That empathy is evident in every true crime book he wrote.” —Suzy Spencer

Release dateAug 26, 2014

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a really good read. In depth book about four girls that were murdered in a yogurt shop in 1991. Corey Mitchell provides detailed information leading to the arrest and capture of the criminals responsible for the terrible act they committed. Four star read on this one.

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Murdered Innocents - Corey Mitchell



Friday, December 6, 1991

Hillside Center, West Anderson Lane

Austin, Texas

11:47 p.m.


Austin police officer Troy Gay saw the smoke rising from the strip center mall in North Austin just off MoPac Freeway. Officer Gay had served as a police officer since 1987; however, he had just begun to work in Austin one month earlier.

Officer Gay was working an overtime DWI assignment on this blustery Friday night. He drove his marked police cruiser around the Shoal Creek area, east on Anderson Lane. It was a thriving area with several shops and restaurants, not to mention the expansive Northcross Mall, which was teeming with teenagers.

The smoke began to rise from the area of the Hillside Center strip center. Hillside was typical of the strip center malls that were taking over Texas towns like the bubonic plague as it swept through medieval countrysides during the Dark Ages.

Officer Gay drove up Anderson Lane to Rockwood Lane and saw the smoke billowing up from behind the buildings. He circled his cruiser around to the back side of the stores down a dark alley. As he rounded the corner, he slowed the vehicle down so he could make sure he spotted the location of the fire. It did not take long before he saw flames spew out of the middle of a set of metal double doors. The yellowish orange flames flicked out of the crack in the door like the tongue of a demon.

At the same time, the doors of the building next to the fire opened up. A man peered out and saw Officer Gay. Jorge Barney, owner of the Party House Depot, asked Officer Gay what was going on.

Sir, I need for you to grab your belongings and get out of there, Gay ordered.

Barney complied and retreated back inside his store.

Officer Gay popped the gear of his patrol car in reverse and backed up out of the alleyway. He headed for the front of the stores to determine which business was on fire. He pulled around front and scanned the stores. There was a copier shop, a women’s clothing store, a pizzeria, and the Party House Depot. He noticed smoke poring out of the Party House Depot. He also noticed it poring out of the business next door: I Can’t Believe It’s Yogurt.

Gay grabbed his radio microphone and contacted dispatch. He spoke calmly. We have a fire in a small business at the corner of Burnet and Anderson Lane.

One problem.

Officer Gay mistakenly gave the wrong address.

Officer Dennis Smith, driving a different patrol car, also spotted the smoke. He radioed in the correct location of the fire. Officer Smith turned his vehicle around and made a beeline for the strip center.

Officers Gay and Smith exited their vehicles. They walked around back into the alleyway. This time, Gay noted, the flames had stopped. Something peculiar, however, caught his eye. Water began to gush out of the bottom of the double doors. This did not make any sense as the Austin Fire Department (AFD) firefighters had not yet arrived at the scene. Unbeknownst to Officer Gay, a PVC water pipe burst from the yogurt shop ceiling because of the intense heat. A torrent of water rushed out of the pipe, onto the floor, and out the back door. The two officers decided to head back to the front of the store and wait for the firefighters.

The officers cleared the area in front of the yogurt shop. They asked Barney to move his car. A space was cleared for fire engine #8, driven by Henri LaCaille, and captained by Lieutenant Rene Hector Garza. Firefighter David Deveau was the designated tailboard man. The lumbering candy-apple-red fire truck pulled directly in front of the entrance to the yogurt shop. Lieutenant Garza and firefighter Deveau leaped from the truck and immediately suited up. Officers Gay and Smith made sure that all of the nearby businesses were cleared so no one would get hurt.

It appeared to be a routine fire call.

Engine 8’s job, according to Garza, was to make entry, find the fire, and put it out with our water that we carry and hoses.

Deveau, I want you to remove the rack line, Garza instructed his charge. The rack line is a 1¾-inch hose line that is attached to the fire truck. Deveau did as he was told. He was ready for the attack line on the fire. Suited up with handy talkies (handheld radios), hand lights, flame-retardant jackets, protective face pieces, and air packs, the two men were prepared to enter the store.

Gray smoke seeped out the front door. Garza realized that the fire was still burning. He noticed the shop windows were covered with black soot. The firemen approached the front door. Garza’s motto was: You try before you pry. He walked up to the front door, grasped the door handle, and pulled. It did not open. He was forced to pry it open. A wave of smoke greeted the two firefighters. Garza glanced up at the ceiling at the front of the store. Smoke scampered across the ceiling like Linda Blair’s deleted Spider Crawl scene from The Exorcist. Slowly his eyes adjusted to the view in front of him. It appeared as if there were several dining tables with wooden chairs stacked on top of them. This was the dining-room area of the yogurt shop.

Garza and Deveau got down on their bellies and began to crawl through the front of the store. Being low to the ground provided better visibility in the heavily smoke-filled room. Deveau began to charge the water hose. As the water flowed, he led the way to the back of the store. Garza attached himself to Deveau’s hip. Neither man could see more than a few inches in front of them. The billowing smoke practically blinded their path. Even the hand lights they carried provided little assistance.

Garza and Deveau inched their way up to the counter. They did not see any flames. They worked their way along the counter until they reached the right-hand side. They found themselves in a small hallway that went from the counter to the kitchen, located in back of the store.

They now saw the fire.

Garza noticed flames whipping above a large walk-in cooler, which was used to store yogurt. The two firefighters sloshed through the water on the floor. Garza pointed out the hot spot to Deveau, who stood up and opened the nozzle of the fire hose. Instead of a forceful rush of fluid, water merely dribbled out.

Garza tapped Deveau on the shoulder again. He signaled with his hands and said, I’m going back outside. Deveau understood and nodded. Garza headed back out so he could increase the water pressure. He grabbed onto the hose and used it as a guide through the dense smoke. Once at the entrance, he signaled to LaCaille to increase the water pressure. Garza immediately headed back inside to assist Deveau. The two men began to knock out the fire (douse it with water), which caused steam, which then further doused the flames. Within one to two minutes, the firefighters had the conflagration under control. Only a few glowing embers remained.

Garza needed to ventilate the room. The combination of smoke, steam, and darkness created a claustrophobic enclosure. Neither man could see. Garza ran his gloved hands along the wall searching for a door or window to open. He felt something and began to reach for it when Deveau grabbed his shoulder. Using his hand light, Deveau directed the lieutenant’s eyes to the ground. He pointed with his other hand to something that looked familiar.

Is that a foot? Deveau shouted through his protective mask.

Yeah, I think it’s a foot, replied an anxious yet composed Garza. I want to take a closer look.

Garza stepped back and crouched down for a more thorough inspection. As he scooted backward, he bumped into something. He looked back and down. He could not make it out at first. Once he shone his hand light, he realized what he had bumped into.

It was an arm.

Garza realized it was from a different person. It was the body of a young girl. She lay flat on her stomach, with her right arm underneath her chest, clutching the air with her right hand. She was completely naked and facedown in more than an inch of mucky water. A cash register drawer lay beside her head.

Steeling himself, Garza looked up at Deveau and shouted through his face piece, Stay put! I’m gonna get some more help!

Deveau gave him the thumbs-up and watched as his boss went for more help. He stood alone in the smoke-filled, pitch-black room, with two dead bodies at his feet.

Garza made it outside, scuttled over to the fire truck, and got on the radio. He knew something was not right. He walked over to the battalion chief, who assumed control while the men were inside the building.

Something’s wrong. We’ve got two victims. Both of them are naked. One is completely burned, Garza informed the chief. I don’t think we should do anything. Something is wrong here.

Firefighter LaCaille stepped up. I’m ready to go in, sir!

No, I don’t think you should, Garza warned his charge. Something’s not right.

Garza went back in the store. He slowly made his way to the back kitchen area, using the hose to guide him. As he came upon Deveau, he noticed a tiny light escaping from within the acrid smoke. It came from the back double doors. The room still needed to be ventilated, so he headed toward the doors, leaned his shoulder against one of them, and it opened easily. As he turned around, he saw the burned body within inches of his feet. As the smoke rushed out of the building, the scene became clearer.

It was worse than he imagined.

A second charred corpse stared back at him. The eyes were open, but clouded with a dark, milky sheen. An upside-down smile like that of a possessed clown stared back at him. It was the head of another body. It appeared to be positioned underneath the first charred body. The charred body was unrecognizable as a specific person. The lower torso was distinguishable; however, it appeared to have suffered charring and rupturing, or splitting, due to the intense heat from the flames. Both charred bodies were burned beyond recognition. The third body appeared to be completely nude as well.

Garza and Deveau both got a better look at the two charred bodies. They appeared to be female. Not only were they nearly completely burned, but their hands were bound behind their backs. One of the bodies was draped over the other at a forty-five-degree angle. The legs of each female were spread open. Their backsides lay upon the hard, messy floor. The fire did not burn beneath them and left the two females with undamaged flesh on their backsides. They appeared to have gags tied over their mouths.

Garza surveyed the scene. He had never seen anything like it.

But it was not over.

As the smoke dissipated, fourth body came into focus. Twelve inches away from the stacked bodies lay a third charred body on its side, right next to a metal rack shelf that lined the east sidewall. A metal ceiling rod rested in between the corpse’s legs. Once Garza got closer, he shone his hand light on what was once a human face. Now it was simply a mixture of black and blood.

At that point, Garza exited the yogurt shop. He stepped through the metal double doors and outside into the back alley. A fire truck had arrived in the back and spotlighted the inside of the store with bright klieg lights. Garza would not return.

Inside the shop, Deveau’s face piece alarm screeched, which signaled that he was low on air. He waited until another firefighter entered the scene. Robert Kimmons came in to replace him. Deveau handed the hose to Kimmons and exited through the front entrance. When he stepped out, he was surprised to see almost twenty firefighters on the premises.

Deveau restocked with a new air bottle and headed back into the shop. By the time he returned, there were three more firefighters ready to take his place. Instead of adding to the crowded scene, he turned around and went back outside to converse with Lieutenant Garza. The two men who discovered the bodies were reassigned to clear smoke out of the adjoining businesses.

Back inside, firefighter Kimmons manned the hose and continued to knock down flare-ups. As he finished, he walked over to the pile of bodies in the back of the shop. He leaned in to take a closer look. He gasped as he saw something shiny positioned between the legs of one of the bodies. He peered even closer and saw what he believed was an ice-cream scoop with a retractable thumb mechanism used to release the ice cream. He believed the handle was sticking out and that the metallic scoop was shoved inside the corpse’s vagina. Kimmons recoiled and stepped back. He turned to leave and saw three or four more people enter the front entrance of the yogurt shop. They appeared to be firefighters and emergency medical service (EMS) technicians.

Hey, guys, we need to be careful in there. We’ve got multiple bodies, Kimmons instructed. We want to keep it as clean as possible.

The other men nonchalantly acknowledged his presence. Kimmons left through the front entrance of the shop while the group of men headed to the pyre.

As Kimmons walked out, he spotted Sergeant John Jones, of the Austin Police Department (APD). The short, portly African American officer was followed by a female television newsreader and a television cameraman from the Austin CBS affiliate, Channel 7. Just minutes earlier, Jones was called to the scene by police dispatch. At first, the report stated that a robbery had occurred and that there was a fire. Three bodies were discovered. Jones later stated that after he drove about one mile, dispatch called again. A fourth body was found.

Sergeant Jones spoke with the battalion chief and then ambled through the yogurt shop front entrance. By the time he arrived in the back kitchen and office area, the firefighters had the place entirely lit up. Jones had no problem seeing the aftermath. He described it as wholesale carnage.

I looked in there, he recalled in a slight Southern accent, and said, ‘Oh, my Gawd. . . .’

Sergeant Jones learned the name of two teenage girls who worked in the yogurt shop. Jennifer Harbison, seventeen, and her best friend, Eliza Thomas, also seventeen, who lived just a few blocks from the store. He had no idea who the other two girls were.

Jones appeared horror-struck by the chaos before him.

It was like no other crime scene in history.

He had no idea.




Jennifer and Sarah Harbison were the precocious daughters of Mike and Barbara Harbison. Their parents were high-school sweethearts from the small town of Hooks, Texas. Mike and Barbara graduated from high school and married one year later on Independence Day, July 4, 1970.

They were babies, Barbara Harbison said of the couple. She described herself as the more loosey-goosey liberal type, while Mike was definitely more small-town and conservative. She added that they were so poor that they did not even have a car between them. We had to get a loan just to get enough money for a down payment on a car.

Barbara longed to spread her wings and escape the small-town mentality. She was ready to assert her independence along with Mike. One year to the day after they were married, on July 4, 1971, the couple packed up and moved to Austin. Barbara immediately found work at a Casual Corner store, located in Highland Mall. She worked there for three months before switching to a job at the old Capital National Bank in downtown Austin.

In less than three years, Barbara became pregnant. On May 9, 1974, she gave birth to a tiny baby girl they named Jennifer. Mike then decided they would be better off back home in Hooks. Again the Harbisons packed their bags and moved halfway across the state of Texas. Within less than 2½ years, on October 28, 1976, Barbara gave birth to another daughter, whom they named Sarah.

The serenity, however, did not last.

Barbara was still searching for something that the town of Hooks could not offer. On May 14, 1979, she packed her bags and took the two girls with her back to Austin. She knew the only independence she could find existed in the Texas state capital.

When I left Mike, I felt like I could do anything, Barbara exclaimed.

Barbara soon realized she could not do it all. She talked about the responsibility of feeding her daughters, keeping clothes on their backs, and providing a roof over their heads.

It’s much harder than people acknowledge. It was much harder for me.

Later that year, one specific group of people helped out the young mother. Child, Inc. took Barbara Harbison and her two daughters under their protective wing. Child, Inc., a government-funded program, provides early education for children whose parents earn less than the poverty level. Jennifer was five years old and starting kindergarten. Barbara had transportation issues because kindergarten only provided a half-day program and she was unable to pick her daughter up from school. She also could not get Jennifer into a day care program. A friend informed her about Child, Inc., but she resisted at first. Eventually she relented and asked for help. Child, Inc. accepted Jennifer. They later accepted Sarah. The assistance from Child, Inc. allowed Barbara to work, save money, and raise her daughters properly.

The following year, in 1980, Barbara met a young Italian man by the name of Francis Skip Suraci. The couple married that same year. Barbara stated that he didn’t really want to get married. However, she considered herself and her two daughters to be quite a catch. Skip relented.

According to Barbara, Skip was a little harsh with the girls. Stern. He was a bit of an outsider in the family. Yet, somehow, the couple managed to make their relationship work.

Barbara recalled the precociousness of her youngest daughter, Sarah. When she was in the fourth grade, she informed her mother, Mom, I don’t know everything you think I know. Barbara was stunned. She truly believed her daughters were the most intelligent children in the world.

As the girls grew, they became involved in a multitude of fun experiences. They loved the outdoors, they loved to playfully pick on each other and their mother, and they loved music. Both Mike Harbison and Skip Suraci loved to sing, so the girls grew up with a deep appreciation for music. Both girls would often sing around the house. They played musical instruments as well. Jennifer learned to play the viola in fourth grade. Sarah would also learn an instrument in fourth grade, the alto saxophone. She learned it in her music class at the Saint Louis Catholic School, located off Anderson Lane in North Austin. Both sisters enrolled in the private school in 1986.

The girls grew into beautiful young ladies. Jennifer, all eighty-six pounds of her, stood five feet two, and practically disappeared when she turned sideways. Her mother claimed that she was a fireball of energy and called her a skinny little thing. She added that Jennifer lived off chips and soda. She had terrible health. She never slept at night. Too much caffeine. She had a hard time getting up in the morning. Her mother also described her as wound up real tight. Jennifer hardly ever ate, not because she was anorexic or bulimic, but because she was so energetic and active.

Sarah also stood five feet two and was the heavier of the sisters. Of course, anyone standing next to Jennifer would have been considered heavier. Sarah grew into a lovely young woman with flawless peaches-and-cream skin and big, thick blond Texas hair. Sarah was the more conservative of the two girls. She kept in shape and ate a healthy diet all the time. She was the quieter of the two girls, but she was known for her witty sense of humor.

Sarah was a serious comedian, her mother said. She would watch any comedian on videotape. She was studying punch lines, pauses, and timing. She used to love to cut up.

Both girls excelled in their studies. Honors classes were the norm. They were also involved in a multitude of scholastic extracurricular activities. Jennifer served as a team manager for the Lanier High School Vikettes drill team for two years. She told her mother that when she first started, the older girls did not trust her. Eventually they came to rely on her, but when it was Jennifer’s turn to be offered a position on the team, she turned it down. Her mother asked her why after she spent so much time helping out.

I’ve already conquered that, Jennifer replied, referring to winning the trust of the older girls.

Sarah was the more athletic of the two girls. She was proficient at volleyball and basketball. She also participated as an Extra Gold cheerleader her freshman year.

As they got older, the girls’ attentions turned toward animals, boys, and music. Country on all three counts.

They loved to listen to country music. They were way into Willie, Barbara recounted, referring to Austin native and country music legend Willie Nelson. The girls also found joy in singing songs by George Strait and Garth Brooks.

The sisters also liked the older boys at Lanier High School, especially the ones in the Future Farmers of America (FFA). Older boys in blue jeans, their mother recalled with a laugh. That was a plus right there for Jennifer.

The girls, however, were interested in more than just cowboys. Both girls shone in their agricultural endeavors. Jennifer served as the school’s agricultural club president her junior and senior year in high school.

She enjoyed being part of the team. I also believe the girls enjoyed ag because it was something I had no interest in. It was a way for them to assert their independence from me.

The girls learned responsibility in their agricultural courses. They would head over to the FFA farm every day before and after school to care and feed their animals.

Jennifer and Sarah both thrived on competition. Their mother recalled one FFA meet where both sisters showed off their prize lambs. The girls were positioned in opposite brackets. Each girl progressed to the next round, beating each prospective opponent, until they both won their brackets and faced off against each other.

Jennifer also excelled in a national horticultural competition through FFA that took place in Kansas City. She placed eighth in the country, but was more excited about getting to see snow and ice for the first time.

Jennifer’s boyfriend, Sam Buchanan, was also a senior at Lanier High School. The stocky blond cowboy was a member of FFA and played baseball for the Lanier Vikings during his first three years of high school. Everyone on the baseball team fell in love with Jennifer. Even head coach Ed Sanders loved having Jennifer around. She became the team’s unofficial mascot.

Jennifer Harbison’s best friend was the olive-complected, dark-haired Eliza Thomas. Eliza was born on May 16, 1974, one week after Jennifer was born. Eliza’s parents, James and Maria Thomas, divorced when she was little. Her father, a social worker, remarried Norma Fowler, an associate professor of botany from the University of Texas. Eliza, Maria Thomas, and Eliza’s younger sister, Sonora, all lived together in a small house off Skylark Lane, less than one-half mile from I Can’t Believe It’s Yogurt.

Eliza started working in the yogurt shop in late 1990. Several months later, she helped Jennifer get a job there. Eliza worked at the yogurt shop so she could buy and then later maintain a dilapidated green 1971 Karmann Ghia. The car was in a constant state of disrepair. One of her friends described her car as looking like an egg and that it was junky.

Jennifer used to tell her mother that Eliza was the most beautiful girl she ever knew. With her long brown hair and brown almond-shaped eyes, Eliza had an exotic look to her. Despite her appearance, she thrived in several nontraditional female fields, such as welding and small-engine repair. Useful for the Karmann Ghia.

Eliza succeeded in the world of agriculture as well. She transferred from nearby McCallum High School in Austin to Lanier High School after her junior year so she could join the Lanier FFA chapter and be with Jennifer.

Eliza would also venture over to the Lanier FFA farm, located off Lamar Boulevard and Ferguson Drive, approximately two miles away from campus. There she took care of her eight-hundred-pound prize pig, Stoney, which made auction at the Travis County Junior Livestock Show in the spring of 1991.

At home, Eliza had her own personal menagerie-in-the-making. She kept three gray crawfish in a pan beside her bed. She also owned a pair of ugly rats.

Eliza also loved country music and preferred Willie Nelson. She also spent her spare time, what little there was, reading books. Her mother said that she would often have two or three books going at the same time. Her mother was convinced that Eliza would eventually become a writer.

Eliza had other aspirations as well. She wanted to become a veterinarian. Her goal was to attend Texas A&M University and its internationally renowned agricultural program. She dreamed of earning a degree, becoming a licensed vet, and owning a ranch so she could take care of even more animals when she came home from work.

Eliza, however, was not ready to leave home just yet. She let her mother know that she wanted to stay with her for a couple more years before she went off to Texas A&M. She did not want her mother to be lonely. She decided, instead, to attend Austin Community College for a couple of years. Maria Thomas was elated.

Sarah Harbison’s best friend was thirteen-year-old Burnet Middle School eighth-grader Amy Ayers. Amy was the second child of Bob and Pam Ayers, who had an older son, Shawn. Amy was born on January 31, 1978. She attended Wooten Elementary School in Austin. It was apparent from an early age that Amy would be an achiever in school.

Burnet Middle School principal James Wilson described Amy as the epitome of the good student: A good student is one who makes good grades, does well in class, has lots of friends, and participates in extracurricular activities. Amy did all of those things. She was a member of the Aim High team, a member of the yearbook staff, and she received two academic achievement awards. Amy also received the Outstanding Student Award at Burnet.

Just like Sarah, Jennifer, and Eliza, Amy had a passion for animals. Like many young girls, she had a special place in her heart for horses. Encouraged by her father, a polite, honest-to-goodness cowboy, Amy began showing quarter horses when she was only three years old.

Amy was probably the most country out of all four of the girls. As she grew older, she inhabited the role of the all-American country girl. From her boots to her blue jeans to her preference in music, Amy was pure country.

The quiet, reserved young girl, who took after her mother in that regard, was also very popular. Her brother, Shawn, had been a member of the FFA, which inspired her to get involved in the organization at an early age. She became a junior member of the Lanier chapter during the third grade. She was later nominated as the vice president of the Junior FFA.

Amy was hugely successful in competition. She showed hogs in competition at the Travis County Junior Livestock Show for five years. One year, she won the Showmanship Award. She also participated in the Livestock Show Arts and Crafts Fair, where she won the Grand Champion Award at the Travis County Fair for her needlepoint doorstop.

Not only did her participation in FFA bring Amy closer to animals, it brought her closer to her best friend, Sarah Harbison. Despite their age difference, which was considered a big deal for teenagers, the two girls got along wonderfully. Amy confided in Sarah her dream to become a veterinarian and to own a ranch, just like Eliza.

All four girls became the best of friends. They would always spend time together, in school and out of school. They would spend the night at each other’s houses, go to competitions together, spend time at the FFA farm, go shopping together.

You name it, they did it.

It was a common sight to see the bright, smiling faces of Jennifer and Sarah Harbison, Eliza Thomas, and Amy Ayers together.

Faces that lit up rooms and barns wherever they went.


December 6, 1991

Austin, Texas



It seemed like another ordinary day. All four girls went to school. When she got home, Sarah immediately called Amy and invited her over to spend the night. Jennifer would pick Amy up and take the two girls to Northcross Mall that night. The girls would gallivant around the mall while Jennifer worked at I Can’t Believe It’s Yogurt. Before her shift was up, Jennifer would pick up the two girls, bring them back to the shop, and have them help close up. Amy readily agreed and began to pick out her clothes for the evening.

Amy grabbed her beige tote bag. She stuffed the bag with more clothes for the sleepover. She threw on her favorite outfit: turquoise Wrangler jeans, her brother’s dark brown leather bomber jacket, her ever-present cowboy boots, a heart-shaped belt buckle that belonged to her mother, a pair of gold shrimp earrings, and three friendship

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