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A Colorado Christmas
A Colorado Christmas
A Colorado Christmas
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A Colorado Christmas

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USA Today bestselling author:This Christmas in Big Rock, the bad guys have a lot more to worry about than coal in their stockings . . .

At the Sugarloaf Ranch, Smoke and Sally Jensen prepare to welcome their friend Preacher home for the holidays—unaware that he's trailed by a storm full of trouble.

On a mission of vengeance, an old trapper is rescued by Ace and Chance Jensen from ruthless outlaws—and wanted by a driven bounty hunter named Luke Jensen.

And, just released from prison, a criminal mastermind assembles a vicious gang of cutthroats to exact his final revenge against his enemy—the sheriff of Big Rock, Colorado . . .

With a snowstorm brewing, a community in jeopardy, and a showdown ready to explode, these courageous pioneers are brought together by fate and fury to forge peace on earth. But they're going to have to fight for it. With guns. With grit. With glory. Because this Christmas, the greatest gift of all is . . . staying alive.

Raves for Butch Cassidy The Lost Years!

“Johnstone is a masterful storyteller, creating a tale that is fanciful and funny, exciting and surprisingly convincing. This is great fun.” —Publishers Weekly

“An entertaining story with lots of plot twists.” —Booklist

Raves for Johnstone's Christmas epics!

“An exciting visit to the old west of gunfights and cattle drives. Four stars!” —RT Book Reviews on A Rocky Mountain Christmas

“This rollicking Western is full of gunfights, outlaws, and an unforgettable holiday."—Library Journal on A Texas Hill Country Christmas
Release dateNov 1, 2016

William W. Johnstone


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Rating: 3.727272709090909 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I am a fan of Westerns. Yet, it seems that I have been lacking in my reading of this genre for a bit. Thus the reason I was looking forward to checking this book out. In addition, to the fact that it has the word "Colorado" in the title. Living in Colorado myself, I tend to gravitate towards books with the word "Colorado" in the title, in the story, or the author is from Colorado or currently resides in Colorado. I did enjoy the setting of this story and the rough and tumble manners of the characters. It did feel like a good ole fashion Western story to me. What I realized is that this time it did not work for me to have jumped into this series for the first time. I did find the lack of a strong connection with the characters to be a minus. Therefore, I was only semi-interested in the story and attached to the characters. Some of the other readers have commented on the fact that this book did not feel very Christmas like due to the gruesome killings and towards children. Yes, the killings towards children was not great but I did not find the killings towards the adults to be that gruesome. For myself, it was just the lack of a connection that got to me with this book. In fact, I don't remember most of what I read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Title: A Colorado ChristmasAuthor: William W. Johnstone & J. A. JohnstonePages: 336Year: 2016Publisher: PinnacleMy rating is 5+ stars.Each year the Johnstone family releases a Christmas novel that brings together some of the best of both older and newer characters into a blazing, riveting story! Here is another one that is without parallel to other Christmas Westerns. There were other novels written the last few years by the Johnstones and I highly recommend reading each and every one. While they are standalone books, it is fun to see what Wild West ride the author schemes to take the audience on! Prior Christmas novels are as follows: A Lone Star Christmas, Rocky Mountain Christmas, A Big Sky Christmas, A Frontier Christmas, and A Texas Hill Country Christmas with the newest one this year titled, A Colorado Christmas.As usual I was captured by the story, especially when the author brought back a couple of older characters like Preacher and Eagle Eye Callahan. There is a stranded orphan train in town with twenty orphans needing new homes, a detective trying to find a lost boy among the orphans and if that isn’t enough, there are romance and holiday celebrations to boot!I don’t want to give away all that is brought together to tell such a story that has a plethora of happenings both on Smoke Jenson’s ranch and in town, especially when the antagonist who is an ex-con that has recently been paroled and goes on a killing spree as he carries out a plan of revenge and mayhem on an unsuspecting town. When I started reading, I knew I was hooked as the story first begins in 1926 with flashbacks to what happened many moons ago, then returns to 1926 with a climactic conclusion that I never saw coming! It was great!So grab some of these wonderful books, sit back and enjoy going back to the Old West with familiar characters and surprising plots!Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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A Colorado Christmas - William W. Johnstone

Look for These Exciting Series from



W. J


with J. A. Johnstone

The Mountain Man

Preacher: The First Mountain Man

Matt Jensen, the Last Mountain Man

Luke Jensen, Bounty Hunter

Those Jensen Boys!

The Family Jensen



The Brothers O’Brien

The Kerrigans: A Texas Dynasty

Sixkiller, U.S. Marshal

Hell’s Half Acre

Texas John Slaughter

Will Tanner, U.S. Deputy Marshal


The Frontiersman




W. J


with J. A. Johnstone



Kensington Publishing Corp.

All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

PINNACLE BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.

119 West 40th Street

New York, NY 10018

Copyright © 2016 J. A. Johnstone

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ISBN: 978-0-7860-3591-5

First Pinnacle electronic edition: November 2016

ISBN-13: 978-0-7860-3592-2

ISBN-10: 0-7860-3592-7


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A Lone Star Christmas Teaser






December 1926

Even though Christmas wasn’t far away and people were still shopping for presents, not many of them were out and about. During the day, a storm had dumped quite a bit of snow on the town, and although the main streets had been plowed, the air was so cold most folks were content to stay inside, enjoying the warmth of home and hearth.

Not everybody, though. A heavy black roadster crawled along the still-snowy street toward an oasis of light in the mostly darkened downtown area. Many of the businesses were already closed for the evening, but not Al’s Diner. The warm yellow glow of lights spilled through the plate glass of the big front window.

A man with something tucked under his arm walked toward the diner. He moved briskly, like a young man, but when he opened the door and stepped inside, the light revealed silver hair and weathered features of an older man, probably in his seventies. He wore no hat, but he had on a sheepskin jacket that he opened to reveal a flannel shirt, as well as thick denim trousers and high-topped boots.

Evening, Al, he greeted the proprietor, who was the only one working. The diner wouldn’t do enough business on a snowy evening to justify having anyone else on duty.

Al was a burly, barrel-chested man who wore a white apron to protect his clothes from grease splatters while he was working at the grill. He took a china cup from a shelf, filled it from a coffee pot, and set it on the counter. The newcomer moved toward the metal stools topped with red leather in front of the counter, giving a friendly nod to the diner’s only other customer, an older man who sat in one of the booths reading a newspaper. He returned the nod, then went back to his paper.

Figured you’d be in, Al said to the man who slid onto a stool and reached for the cup. Rain or shine, snow or sleet, you always stop by for coffee.

Well, you know us old-timers. We’re creatures of habit. The man took a sip of the coffee and then nodded. Excellent, as always.

Thanks. My dad taught me how to make it. He was a cowboy for a long time, then when he got too stove up to stay in the saddle all day, he became a ranch cook. He said the hands always wanted their coffee strong enough it could get up and walk away by itself if you didn’t keep an eye on it.

The customer chuckled. You’ve mentioned that before.

Well, a good story never really gets old, does it?

No, the man agreed, it doesn’t.

While Al picked up the pot again and went over to top off the cup in front of the man sitting in the booth, the man at the counter opened the magazine he had carried in under his arm.

Printed on rough wood pulp paper, it had a colorful cover showing a Mexican bandito, sombrero laying on the ground at his feet, blazing away with a couple six-guns. Big letters announced the title of the magazine, W




, and emblazoned across the top of the cover in red letters were the words Big Clean Stories of Outdoor Life.

That the new issue? Al asked as he came back behind the counter.

Yes, I just picked it up at the cigar store. It has a Max Brand yarn in it.

You sure like them Western stories.

They remind me of the old days around here, the customer said with a grin. Before everything got so civilized. There are times I wonder if that’s such a good thing.

The bell over the door dinged and cold air swirled into the diner as three more men came in. They all wore dark, Eastern-style derby hats and long black overcoats. Visible through the front window, the big roadster that had brought them was parked at the curb.

One man was slightly ahead of the other two, taking the lead as if he were accustomed to doing so. His face was flushed from the cold, or maybe it was just beefy to start with. He rubbed gloved hands together, smiled, and said in a voice that confirmed he wasn’t from those parts, Boy, it’s cold as a witch’s titty out there, ain’t it?

Pretty chilly night, Al agreed with the affability he would use to greet any potential customer. Come on in and warm up for a spell, gents.

The three men walked over to the counter but didn’t sit down. The leader said, They really roll up the sidewalks around here after dark, don’t they? I was starting to think the whole town was closed down for the night until I saw your lights.

Yeah, I stay open later than most places. I got some customers who like to come by in the evenings. Al nodded to the two older men.

The one at the counter had started reading his magazine. He had the pages curled back as he read and sipped his coffee.

Back where we come from, the joints haven’t even started jumpin’ good by this time of night. And the real action comes later, in the speakeasies.

Al said, I wouldn’t know anything about that. You fellas want some coffee? I’ve got some mighty good apple pie, too, or I could grill you up a sandwich.

The red-faced man shook his head. Nah, we’re not hungry. Apparently he didn’t mind speaking for his two companions. The coffee sounds good. Might take some of the chill off. What we’re really looking for, though, is information.

Oh? What sort of information?

The red-faced man was tugging off his gloves, revealing hands with thick, strong-looking fingers. He dropped the gloves on the counter and waved a hand to indicate their surroundings. This town used to be called Big Rock, didn’t it?

That’s what I’ve heard. I think they changed the name right around the turn of the century.

The man on the red leather stool looked up from the pages of W




. Couldn’t help overhearing, fellas. Yes, this used to be Big Rock. That was the name of the place when I came here. Of course, it’s changed an awful lot since then, not just the name. It’s a regular city now.

Is that right? said the red-faced man. So you’ve been around here for a long time?

I have. What’s your interest in Big Rock?

We’re working on a, uh, family history, I guess you could call it. The red-faced man looked at the other two. Ain’t that right, boys?

A family history, repeated a thin man with a dour expression. Yeah.

Oh, you’ve got relatives here.

Not exactly, the red-faced man said. But I did. My grandfather spent some time here.

What’s the name? Maybe I knew him.

I doubt that. He wasn’t here for very long, and he wasn’t really the friendly sort, if I do say so myself. But I’d still be interested in learning more about the town and the time he spent here.

When was that? Chances are, I can tell you anything you want to know about Big Rock.

Forty years ago, the red-faced man said. Almost exactly forty years, since it was Christmas time when Granddad came through here.

The old man’s silvery eyebrows rose. Forty years ago, you say? I remember it well. I’ve got good reason to.

Yeah? How come?

The old man slid the magazine aside. Well, that particular Christmas was a pretty eventful one in Big Rock. Yes, sir, a lot of things happened that year, some good, some bad.

I’d love to hear about it, the red-faced stranger said.

Why don’t we go sit down at one of the tables and I’ll tell you, the old-timer suggested. Al, pour some of that java for my friends here. On me.

That’s kind of you, the stranger said.

Oh, that’s just Western hospitality. We like for folks to feel welcome out here.

Al filled three more cups.

The silver-haired man left his magazine on the counter and went over to a round table with a red-checked cloth to sit down with the three men from back East. Where do you want me to start?

I want to hear everything about that time, the red-faced man replied. As much as you know.

The old-timer smiled and clasped his hands together in front of him on the table. Well, I wasn’t around for all of it, you understand, but I heard a lot about it later from the people who were involved, so I reckon I can give you a pretty good idea of what went on.

The man with the dour expression said, Jeeze, this is gonna take all night. I never heard anybody who talks as slow as you cowboys.

Take it easy, Freddy, scolded the man with the red face. Our new pal is helping us out here. He went on to the old-timer. You go right ahead, friend, and take your time. Tell us about that Christmas in Big Rock.

"Well, all the trouble actually started before Christmas, you know, and not all of it started right here in Big Rock, as it was known then. The old-timer took a sip of coffee. In fact, you might say it started on a ranch about seven miles west of town, a week or so before Christmas. . . ."




Sugarloaf Ranch, Colorado

December 1886

"What do you think, Smoke?" Sally Jensen turned slowly in front of the fireplace, holding out her arms to give her husband a good view of the new dress she wore.

I think you’re asking the wrong fella, Smoke Jensen replied with a grin as he sat back in the armchair, stretched his legs out in front of him, and crossed them at the ankles. You’re so beautiful you look good in everything you wear, Sally. I even think you look good when you’re not wearing anything at all.

The dark-haired young woman blushed, which if anything just made her more lovely. I was asking for your honest opinion, not flattery. Somebody might come in. Besides, you shouldn’t be talking like that at this time of year. It’ll be Christmas soon.

Seems to me there’s nothing wrong with a man loving his wife no matter what time of year it is.

Well, no, there’s not, Sally agreed.

Smoke leaned forward as if to stand up. So, maybe you could take that dress off—

And put my apron on and get back to baking, Sally interrupted him. That’s a really good idea. Since we’re spending Christmas at home for a change, and since we’ll be going to the big Christmas Eve celebration in Big Rock, we’ll need lots of cakes and pies—

And bear sign, Smoke put in. Don’t forget the bear sign.

I wouldn’t dare, Sally said with a laugh. Pearlie and Cal would never forgive me if I did.

I’m not sure I would, either.

Seriously, though, Smoke—she ran her hands down over her belly and onto her thighs, smoothing the blue fabric of the dress—you think this will be all right for the Christmas Eve party?

I think it’ll be fine, Smoke assured her. He stood up, moved over to her, put his arms around her waist, and kissed her on the forehead.

Folks said they made a handsome couple, and that was certainly the truth. Smoke was tall and muscular, with extremely broad shoulders, and his face was ruggedly attractive under close-cropped ash blond hair. Like Sally, he had the vigor of youth about him.

Only his eyes seemed older than his years. They had seen so much death, starting two decades earlier with his mother on the hardscrabble farm in the Ozarks and the death of his father after the war, when the two of them had gone west because there was nothing to hold them in Missouri anymore. The battle with Indians had prompted the old mountain man called Preacher to dub young Kirby Jensen Smoke because of his speed with a gun, and countless evil men had fallen to Smoke’s guns since then, including those responsible for the murders of his first wife and their child.

Yes, Smoke Jensen had seen enough death for a dozen men his age, but he had never let it destroy his soul like it did some men. He could be hard, with a heart like iron when he needed to be, but decency and humor and love lived within him, as well. He figured that was because he had met Sally at just the right time in his life. She’d been there to help him find the right path after he had avenged the brutal deaths of his first wife Nicole and son little Arthur.

Smoke stood in the parlor of the comfortable home he and Sally shared on their ranch, the Sugarloaf, and thought about what a truly lucky man he was.

Boots clomped loudly on the porch and Sally smiled up at him for a second. It sounds like we’re about to have company.

I’ll bet I know who, too. I think I can hear them squabbling already.

A knock sounded on the door. Smoke let go of Sally, turned toward it, and told the visitors to come in. Two cowboys stepped into the room, the older one in a sheepskin coat, the younger—little more than a boy, really—wearing a short denim jacket.

See, I told you he’d be here. A former hired gun and outlaw, Pearlie had reformed thanks to Smoke’s influence and had been the foreman on the Sugarloaf for several years.

I never said he wouldn’t be. Calvin Woods was a top hand in spite of his youth and also Pearlie’s best friend. If there was any trouble around, the two of them could be counted on to find it, but they also watched each other’s backs and had helped pull Smoke out of more than one dangerous scrape. I just thought he might be busy.

In the middle of the day like this? Busy doin’ what?

Cal looked a little uncomfortable as he said, Well . . .

Sally cleared her throat. I think I should beat a hasty retreat right about now.

Aw, dadgum it! Pearlie exclaimed. I’m sorry, Miss Sally. I never meant to embarrass you none—

It’s all right, Pearlie, Smoke told him. Actually, we were just talking about bear sign, weren’t we, honey?

As a matter of fact, we were.

Pearlie’s face lit up at the mere mention of the delicacy. Were you fixin’ to cook up a batch up of ’em, ma’am?

Well, not right now. But I’m going to make some to take to Big Rock for the Christmas Eve party, along with some pies and cakes.

Pearlie licked his lips. I can’t hardly wait. It’s a-gonna be the best Christmas ever, I reckon.

Well, we’ll have to wait and see about that, Smoke cautioned. Why were you boys looking for me?

Oh, yeah. The expression on Pearlie’s craggy face grew more solemn as he forced thoughts of baked goods out of his mind. That panther’s back, Smoke. One of the hands found what was left of a cow it drug off last night, over by Melville Peak.

The Sugarloaf filled up most of a long, broad valley bordered by mountains. Melville Peak was about a mile to the north of the ranch headquarters. Smoke frowned as he thought that the big cat was getting a little too close to home.

All fall, the hands had been catching glimpses of an abnormally large panther that came down out of the mountains to raid the herds two or three times a month. A few of them had taken shots at it but missed, and others had tried to track the predator back to its lair. The big cat was elusive, though. He showed up out of nowhere and seemed to vanish the same way.

Not surprisingly, the panther’s success had emboldened it, made it more daring. It had been coming closer and closer to headquarters. It had struck again, only a mile away. That bothered Smoke. He didn’t want Sally to step outside some morning on her way to the chicken house to gather eggs, only to be confronted by several hundred pounds of snarling, killer beast.

I reckon we’re going to have to do something about this, he said.

That’s just what I was thinkin’, Pearlie agreed. The three of us’ll go up into the mountains, take enough supplies for a few days, and not come back until we’ve done found that varmint.

He’s got to have a den up there somewhere, Cal added.

Smoke nodded in agreement with that. The only thing wrong with what you said, Pearlie, is that there’ll just be two of us going—me and Cal.

Pearlie looked surprised as he said, You’re gonna leave me here?

Somebody’s got to keep the ranch running.

Shoot, at this time of year, there ain’t much to that. The place’d be fine for a few days without me.

I’d like to think so, but you never know when trouble will crop up. I’ll just feel better if I know you’re here to keep an eye on things.

Sally said, I don’t like the idea of you leaving right before Christmas, Smoke.

It’s still a while until the big doings in Big Rock, he said. We’ll be back well before then. In fact, I promise that if we don’t find that cat in a couple days, we’ll turn around and come back and pick up the hunt again after the holiday.

Well . . . in that case, I suppose I can’t complain too much.

Anyway—Smoke grinned—I wouldn’t take a chance on depriving Cal of Christmas.

That’s right, Pearlie jumped in. He’s still a growin’ boy. I’ll bet he plans on hangin’ up a stockin’ for Santy Claus to fill with goodies.

Aw, you two, Cal complained. I’m a full-growed man. I don’t believe in Santa Claus no more.

Question is, does Santy Claus believe in you? Pearlie asked.


Just go get your gear ready and saddle a horse, Smoke said. We’ll ride out today. There’s still plenty of light left. Who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky and be back tomorrow with that panther’s pelt.

A little shudder went through Sally. You be careful, Smoke. If that beast is big enough to drag off cows the way it’s been doing, it could do the same to you and Cal.

No, ma’am. Cal shook his head. No critter is gonna keep me away from that bear sign of yours, come Christmas Eve.

A short time later, Smoke walked out of the house carrying his Winchester and a bag of grub and supplies that Sally had put together quickly, still wearing the dress she intended to wear to the Christmas Eve party in the settlement. It was a beautiful day, crisp and cool enough for his breath to fog in front of his face as he walked toward the barn where Pearlie and Cal were waiting for him with two saddled horses.

Smoke glanced at the blue sky, dotted here and there with white clouds. There was nothing threatening about it, but some instinct stirred inside him. Like a lot of Westerners, he had a feel for the weather, maybe a better one than most, and it wouldn’t surprise him if snow fell sometime in the next few days. Maybe he could smell it in the air.

You still plan on me stayin’ here? Pearlie asked as Smoke walked up.


Well, then, I reckon that’s what I’ll do. I’d rather be goin’ with you boys, though.

Cal said, Of course you would. A few days of huntin’ beats stayin’ here and working, doesn’t it, Smoke?

This isn’t an excursion, Smoke pointed out. That cat is dangerous. If we don’t put a stop to its prowling, it’s liable to come right up to the house before long.

Pearlie nodded. I kind of figured that’s why you wanted to find it. Reckon I’ll wish you good huntin’.

Smoke tied the supplies to his saddle, which already had his bedroll lashed behind it. Then he and Cal swung up onto the mounts and headed out.

As they rode away from the ranch headquarters, Smoke frowned slightly and looked around, not seeing anything out of the ordinary, but he had felt something, a slight prickling on the back of his neck. That usually meant he was being watched.

He wondered suddenly if on this trip into the mountains, he was going to be the hunter—or the hunted.




Pearlie had passed along to Smoke what the puncher had told him about finding the mangled carcass of a cow near the base of Melville Peak, so he had no trouble locating the grisly remains. He knew every foot of the valley and the surrounding mountains, having explored the area thoroughly in his younger days.

Those days really weren’t all that long ago, to be honest, but most of the time it seemed like he and Sally had always been together, had always been in the rugged paradise making a life for themselves.

Dang, Cal exclaimed as he and Smoke rode up to what was left of the cow. Looks like that panther had himself a feast.

Yeah, Smoke said, nodding gravely, his belly ought to be full, that’s for sure. That means he’ll head back to his den and sleep for a while. Maybe we can find him before he wakes up.

You reckon you can follow the sign? Cal asked, then laughed. Shoot, that was a dumb question, wasn’t it? Of course you can follow the sign. You’re Smoke Jensen, the canniest tracker, the boldest fighter, and the fastest gun west of the Mississippi or anywhere else.

Smoke frowned. You haven’t been reading those dime novels again, have you, Cal? I told you, those are all just stories that some scribbler makes up. Wouldn’t surprise me if he is drunk while he’s doing it, either. I might not be able to stop them from writing about me, but I don’t have to read them and neither do you.

Well, no offense, but I sort of like the ones about Frank Morgan better, anyway, Cal said as he thumbed back his hat. He’s this gunfighter, folks call him the Drifter—

I know who Frank Morgan is, Smoke broke in. He couldn’t stop a chilly edge from entering his voice. Morgan had a notorious reputation as a gun for hire.

Oh, yeah, sure, I reckon you would. Have you ever met him?

No, I haven’t, and I swear, Cal, if you ask me which one of us I figure is faster on the draw—

Heck, there’s no doubt in my mind about that, Cal said. Nobody’s faster than Smoke Jensen.

Smoke just grunted and turned his horse to ride around the bloody carcass. Come on. We’ve got us a panther to tree.

You really think he’ll be up a tree? Cal asked as he moved his mount alongside Smoke’s.

That’s just an expression. More than likely he’ll be in a cave. Smoke sure didn’t believe all the dime novel nonsense that had been written about him, but it was a fact that he was a pretty good tracker. Of course, he’d had the best teacher anybody could ever have in the person of the old mountain man Preacher.

He was still kicking, still quite active despite his advanced age, and if he had been there, he could have followed the panther’s trail as easily as if there had been signs posted showing the way.

As it was, Smoke had to search some for the paw prints, the broken branches, the overturned rocks, the occasional tuft of hair stuck on a tree trunk or a bush. The panther didn’t leave many such signs, but there were enough for Smoke to follow the trail. He just couldn’t hurry it, so the progress they made was on the slow side.

The trail led up the pine-covered slope toward the upper reaches of the mountain. The higher they went, the more the vegetation thinned out. The peak itself was above the tree line, gray and forbidding even on a sunny day, and topped with a white cap of snow.

Smoke wondered just how far up the panther’s lair was. Cats liked high places, so there was no telling.

They had been making their way up the mountainside for a couple hours when he said, We’ll lose the light in another hour or so, Cal. We’d better start looking for a good place to make camp.

We won’t be gettin’ back to headquarters today, will we? the young man asked.

"Nope. I didn’t really figure we would. That would’ve been just blind luck, if we’d found the varmint that fast. I’ll always take good luck when it comes along, but it doesn’t pay to expect it."

Before the sun went down, they found a fairly level, open spot among some trees to make their camp. Smoke tended to the horses while Cal hunted up some firewood along with the rocks they would arrange in a circle to contain the blaze. Smoke had spent many a night under the stars, so it wasn’t anything new to him. Back in the days when he’d been riding the hoot owl trail with false murder charges hanging over his head, he’d made camp in a lot lonelier places.

They didn’t have to cook their supper as Sally had made sandwiches, placing thick slices of roast beef between slabs of sourdough bread. Smoke brewed coffee in the pot he had brought along, and they washed down the bread and meat with tin cups of Arbuckle’s. She had put several airtights in the bag of supplies as well, so he used his knife to open a can of peaches and split it with Cal for dessert, letting the young man drink the thick, sweet syrup left in the can.

After they had eaten, they sat next to the fire, enjoying the warmth cast by the merrily dancing flames. Neither looked directly into the fire. They knew doing so would make a man lose his night vision temporarily. With a killer cat loose on the mountainside, neither of them wanted that.

It’ll be good to have you and Miss Sally home for Christmas this year, Smoke, Cal said as he nursed a second cup of coffee. Are either of your brothers gonna be here?

Not that I know of. The last letter I got from Matt, he was out in California and didn’t say anything about heading this way. I haven’t heard from Luke in a long time. Smoke smiled faintly. He was never much of one for staying in touch.

That was putting it mildly. For many years, Smoke had believed his older brother was dead, killed in the last days of the Civil War. Luke had been betrayed by men who were supposed to be his friends and comrades—the same men ultimately responsible for the deaths of Smoke’s father Emmett, Nicole, and Arthur. Luke had survived that treachery and made a new life for himself, under a new name, as a bounty hunter during the violent days following the great conflict.

Finally, fate had brought the brothers back together. Not surprisingly, that reunion had seen a lot of hot lead flying around, and somehow, gunplay continued to be quite common whenever Smoke

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