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Trick Or Treat Murder
Trick Or Treat Murder
Trick Or Treat Murder
Ebook274 pages4 hours

Trick Or Treat Murder

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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In this little Maine town, Halloween brings a homicide: “[A] charming setting and likable cast…enjoyable reading.”—Publishers Weekly
The locals in Tinker’s Cove are busy planning haunted-house parties and ghostly galas, and Lucy Stone is whipping up orange-frosted cupcakes, recycling tutus for her daughters’ costumes, helping her son with his pre-teen rebellion, and breast-feeding her brand-new baby. But amid the fun, something really scary is going on: An arsonist is loose, and when the latest fire claims the life of the owner of the town’s oldest house, arson turns into murder.

While the townsfolk work to transform a dilapidated mansion into a haunted house for the All-Ghouls festival, the hunt for the culprit heats up. Trick-or-treat turns deadly as digging in all the wrong places puts Lucy too close to a shocking discovery that could send all her best-laid plans up in smoke…

“Lucy Stone is an endearing sleuth.”—Dorothy Cannell
Release dateFeb 8, 2013

Leslie Meier

Leslie Meier is the acclaimed author of the Lucy Stone Mysteries and has also written for Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. She lives in Harwich, Massachusetts, where she is currently at work on the next Lucy Stone mystery.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    When I first picked this book up I didn't realize it was the 3rd book in a series, but it definitely served fine as a standalone. Although I probably would have known the characters a bit more going into it had I read the books in order, I didn't feel lost reading this one first. After reading this book though, I would like to get my hands on the first couple books in this series, but that's simply because sometimes i'm in the mood for a nice mystery novel to break up all my other reading.I wanted the perfect book for Halloween and although I read this the day before it was still exactaly what I was in the mood for. I wanted a read that would be a quick read, and that would put me in the halloween spirit, without being absolutely frightening (because we had no power, due to Sandy) and didn't want to be up all night scared. Although I think this book could have been a bit more halloween-centric, I still felt like it had enough to be a good read for halloween. I'm not quite sure what a serial arsonist had to do with halloween, and from the title thought maybe this book would have something to do with murders occuring when trick or treating, but maybe I was taking the title too literally. I still think that the mystery was good in this book, and I didn't guess who the murderer was from the get-go which as we all know some mysteries can be super predictable. I did enjoy Lucy Stone's character and can't wait to read some more from this series, especially because a lot of them are holiday reads, which I always try to read at least one for each holiday to put me in the festive spirit.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wonderful book. My tentative faith in this series lives on. This is the story of Lucy Stone loosely investigating a series of arson crimes. In the process we get to observe her daily routines. Her husband Bill gets some of the spotlight too. It's a fascinating read as this is the type of coverage I won't get in any TV show or movie or website or comic book. The 5 star rating was clinched when Lucy had to survive being burnt, twice. No, on second thoughts I was pretty sure it would get that perfect score, but a weak finale might have ruined that likelihood. The flow of this part of the book was very nicely managed. Lucy Stone is an open minded person, and she seems to be ready for whatever happens when her kids get less younger. She has friends without being either popular or a pariah. She is well off without being rich. She is articulate without being very well educated. She is fascinating. Bring on the rest of the books. I recommend this entire series fully, heartily.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Ultimately, it was an OK murder mystery with some OK twists and turns and conclusions... but there were some MAJOR flaws... and if those flaws had been, er, done away with... well, what I'm really trying to say is that I think the author actually has potential. Though I don't know if she'd ever realize it, since this formula makes her successful enough...Major Flaw #1: it's a book called Trick or Treat Murder, yet the murder does NOT happen on Halloween or surrounding any Halloween-related activity. in any way. whatsoever. Rather, the murder happens in the days leading up to Halloween, so ya know, it's being investigated around Halloween time. Which I don't think is enough. But maybe even that could have been if there was more Halloween in this Halloween book. Instead, it's like, they're getting ready for this big Halloween party, and that's supposed to be enough? Where're all the descriptions of all the Halloween decorations all over the neighborhood, the candy being purchased, the costume-planning, the Halloween activities, buying pumpkins, carving them, etc. etc. etc. So, I thought that was a MAJOR let down.Major Flaw #2: This is the first Leslie Meier book I've read, so maybe this is just what these books are about, but it's NOT about a detective lady, even an amateur detective lady, solving mysteries. It's about a housewife with a bunch of kids, too much time on her hands, and a busy-body attitude. She likes to "investigate" things with not only NO authority to do so, but while being told NOT to do so by the authorities AND while receiving threats. While she has kids. I mean, that's incredibly careless, dangerous, and frankly stupid. Plus, she's not terribly bright. She comes to weird sudden conclusions ... surely crafted to lead the reader astray, but they're not even convincing. Oh! He was having an affair? It MUST BE HIM. I mean, with no other evidence, it's such a WEAK conclusion to draw. All of the various theories are so weakly manufactured, that the reader is, instead of trying to solve a mystery, just waiting for the *right* clues to be "conveniently" dropped on her lap. This, while the main character runs around in circles like a chicken with her head cut off, making grand accusations and essentially ignoring death threats to her and her family. AND THEN? Yeah, this book is more about the trials and tribulations of a housewife with 4 kids, one of which is a brand new baby, than it is about solving a mystery. In particular, it's about nursing, working out, and making 12 dozen cupcakes. Which I can assure the author does NOT take an entire week. Not to mention that the cupcakes that were made earlier in the week would be nice and stale by the time they were eaten. Major Flaw #3: You've GOT to be kidding me on the husband. He's ridiculously 2-dimensional, which would be fine if he wasn't such a major character with such a major role. From where I'm sitting, he seems like a bit of an arrogant, distant a$$, but for some reason, Lucy Stone ("detective") worships him. And there's quite a bit of hero-worship going on here, which was eye-rolling for me, but might be nice for some people who want to fantasize about... this kind of guy? I don't know. I feel like, he must have been written this way because some people find that attractive.... So yeah. Some major problems. BUT it was enjoyable enough and read quickly enough, once you got past page 125 or so... It was nice to read a "Halloween themed" mystery at Halloween, even if it wasn't Halloween'y enough. I'd recommend for people who don't mind the off-topic murder mystery and who don't find reading about a new mom's "milk falling" off-putting...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A paranormal story with real witches involved! Different twist!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Lucy Stone is the mom to 4 kids and has a natural curiosity that seems to throw her right into the middle of an arson investigation. Someone in the historical town of Tinker's Cove, Maine, is burning down old homes. One of the fires kills someone, a friend of the Stone family. Living in an old home herself, Lucy can't help but worry, and in between planning for a huge Halloween bash for the town and taking care of her family, Lucy decides to get to the bottom of it. The only problem is, she is being watched by the arsonist, who is not happy with her meddling. Cute book with a decent mystery.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The plot: Lucy Stone, mother of four, begins snooping around her Maine village looking for clues after a friend's remains are discovered in a burnt home. There have been several historic buildings burned recently and Lucy suspects her friend's estranged husband is behind it.The reality: This book was written by someone who uses the terms "sock hop" and "fanny". There is very liitle violence, which is fine as I prefer cozies, but Meier managed to gross me out anyway by describing the color of Lucy's mucous when she coughs up, having her lick the blood from a wound and, several times, having her change her baby's diapers as other characters are eating. Eeeeww. And what's with the constant breast-feeding in public? Whatever the situation, Lucy Stone whips them out. If it had happened once, to remind the reader that this is a woman with a newborn, I could have forgotten it. But it was on one page after another. And did we need to have the descriptions of how Lucy's breasts felt all along the way, according to how long it had been since the baby had last nursed. I also had to stop and re-read the passage when Lucy paid the babysitter for watching her four children for the night, one of whom was the newborn with an ear infection. Ten dollars. I know this book was written in 1996, but stil, ten dollars?Though I finished it, I lost my patience halfway through this book. The story was more focused on Lucy's baby than a mystery. I flipped to see how many pages this would go on for (268) and that's when I saw the author 's photo on the inside back cover. At first I was appalled to see a woman with a Moe haircut leaning into her hand with an "Aw, shucks!" expression, but then I realized that the picture explained the whole never-been-far-from-home tone of the book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    An arsonist is destroying old buildings in Tinkers Cove, Maine. When he burns down one old home, the investigation turns to murder as the woman who owns the summer home has gone there after finding her husband has been cheating on her. Will they discover who the arsonist is before he destroys more historic buildings? I found this to be an enjoyable, but flawed, read. The biggest problem with it lies in the lack of resolution to some things introduced, and the way certain statements should have been further explained to the reader -- maybe not at the point they were made, but later in the book. Just a lot of loose ends that weren't tied up neatly in the end. However, I still found this to be a fun, escapist read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An arsonist is at work in the small town of Tinker's Cove, Maine. Just before Halloween, a summer resident dies in a fire in her supposedly empty home, conveniently for her philandering husband. Could the fires be covering up murder? Or does the arsonist have a different purpose in mind? Mom of four Lucy Stone fits some sleuthing into her already hectic schedule.The culprit wasn't difficult to spot, although the author did provide several plausible suspects. For the most part, the situations that allow Lucy to snoop arise naturally. Rather than going out of her way to look into the fires, she takes advantage of the opportunities that arise as she goes about her daily activities. Lucy and her family make pleasant companions when I'm in the mood for something cozy. I'm just getting started with this series, so I have several more holiday treats in store for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Trick or Treat Murder by Leslie MeierHave read some of the author's other works so I'm familiar with the town and it's cast of characters.This one starts out with Lucy and her friend Sue are going to have a Halloween party in the empty mansion for the kids.There's been fires in the town that is starting to cause some to question what's going on...Story also follows the fire investigation and the newspaper reporter who writes about it.Also a wife who found her husband in bed with her yoga teacher!Lucy's kids are also into activities and she has a lot on her plate to deal with, Hubby Bill is on the historic committee and it could be the calls they get at night about her snooping too much into the fire investigation or his dealings with the committee.She's fearful their old house will be next to be set on fire.Good story and there's so much to it. not predictable til the end.Excerpt from one other book is included at the end.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    October in Tinkers Cove, Maine isn’t just fall colours. For Lucy Stone it means getting things ready for her kids’ trick or treating and the big Halloween party at the Ezekiel Hallet house. It also becomes a time of arson in a small town of old historic buildings.Someone is setting fire to some of the old historic buildings. They may be vacant and in bad shape, but that is no reason to destroy them in a community that values their history and has laws regarding the preservation of the properties. Or is it?Lucy can’t avoid a mystery, even if she is toting Zoe, her offspring, pretty much wherever she goes. There is the frequent need of diaper changes and nursing that can’t be ignored, even when Lucy is sleuthing.This cozy series is fun to read in small doses, for me. A quick read, and good break, if I am reading a more complicated book. That comment doesn’t mean that there is a lack of puzzlement of figuring out who-dunnit.

Book preview

Trick Or Treat Murder - Leslie Meier



"I could just kill him."

Monica Mayes pressed the gas pedal of her little BMW to the floor and zoomed around a pokey Dodge Caravan, cutting it a bit too close as she pulled back into her lane. The driver of the Caravan braked, and the van swerved, but Monica didn’t notice.

How could he do this to me? she asked herself, pulling out the cigarette lighter. With a trembling hand she held it to the end of a Virginia Slim and took a long, slow draw. No longer used to the smoke, she hadn’t had a cigarette in years, she coughed.

He’s not worth it, she decided, tossing the cigarette out the window. She was damned if she was going to sacrifice her health for him. He’d gotten enough from her already. Thirty-two years of marriage, three grown children.

Tears welled in her eyes. She couldn’t believe how much it hurt, actual physical pain. Her chest ached with every breath; she could hardly swallow. He’d never laid a finger on her, but she felt bruised and beaten anyway.

She hadn’t seen that final blow coming. If she had she might have taken care to avoid it. But she’d never suspected a thing.

She’d left the house at a quarter to one for her weekly shift at the Hospital Auxiliary thrift shop. Realizing she’d forgotten a couple of Roland’s old suits that she’d planned to donate, she returned home. She’d hurried upstairs, thrown open the bedroom door, and was halfway across the room before she even saw them.

Roland and Krissy, her aerobics instructor. Her aerobics instructor, for God’s sake! And in her own bed—their marriage bed.

How could he do that? she asked herself. He was such a bastard. Why hadn’t she realized it sooner? She’d just gotten used to it. She gave and he took. That’s the way it was. Her job was to please him. She cooked for him. She cleaned for him. She washed and ironed for him. She entertained for him, and decorated the house for him. She dressed for him, and dieted, and even took aerobics for him.

She’d been a fool. She’d thought their marriage was as important to him as it was to her. Him. The doctor. The head honcho. The chief of staff.

Angry now, she impatiently brushed the tears from her cheeks. She’d show him, she decided. She’d hit him where it hurt. He wasn’t going to get off scot free. He’d have to pay. She began making a mental list as she flew along the turnpike, empty on this weekday night now that the tourist season was over.

First of all, she wanted the house in Tinker’s Cove, and all the furniture. She’d need her car, of course, and money. A nice little nest egg, plus a big fat alimony check every month. It was her due. She’d earned it. She wasn’t going to settle for less.

Was that her exit already? Braking hard she careened off the highway, almost losing control of the car on the tight curve of the exit ramp. Shaken, she pulled to a stop at the intersection and paused, taking a few deep breaths. Then she proceeded, carefully turning onto Route One and was soon driving down Main Street, surprised to find it empty. Of course, she reminded herself. Until now, she had only been here in the summer, when the town was full of tourists and summer residents. Now it was fall. Dark came much earlier, and the only signs of life were the lighted windows of the houses.

She stopped at the blinker and turned left, then left again onto Hopkins Homestead Road. The road was named for her house. Hopkins Homestead, the oldest house in Tinker’s Cove.

She took one last turn onto the familiar dirt driveway and parked the car neatly in the vine covered carport behind the woodshed.

Her key turned easily in the lock and the heavy pine door swung open. She eagerly inhaled the spicy, old wood smell of the house.

Ignoring her reflection in the spotted glass of the hall mirror she stepped into the tiny parlor and switched on a lamp.

It was just as she remembered. Bare, wide plank floors, a camelback sofa, a scarred old sea chest serving as a coffee table. There were no curtains on the windows; Monica loved the way the garden became an Impressionist landscape when viewed through the wavy old glass. Anyone passing the house could have looked in and seen her, but no one did.

She went into the next room, the dining room. A collection of Currier and Ives lithographs hung on the wall, and a pine drop leaf table stood in the center of the room, surrounded by six yellow painted chairs. The chairs were the first purchase she’d made for the old house, hesitantly raising her hand at a country auction. Sold, announced the auctioneer, bringing down his gavel. The bidding was over almost before it had begun. Soon she’d become a regular, rescuing fine antiques from the greedy dealers who stripped off the original finishes and slapped on high prices, taking advantage of ignorant buyers.

Passing through the kitchen, she stepped up into the borning room. Here, close to the warm kitchen hearth, was where the first inhabitants of the house had given birth, nursed the sick, and died. This was where she had put her most prized possession, the curly maple sleigh bed.

Monica pulled back the blue and white hand-woven coverlet and found crisp, white sheets. So, she had left the bed made after all. She paid a quick visit to the bathroom, grateful she’d decided to put off closing the house and draining the pipes. Why had she done that? Had she known on some subconscious level that she would need the house? Shivering, she checked the thermostat and raised it to sixty-eight.

Then she pulled off her shoes, slipped off her slacks, and climbed into the bed, pulling the covers around her shoulders. Involuntarily, she let out a long, shuddering sigh.

She was so tired. Here was where she would rest, lick her wounds, and gather her strength. The house was old; it had endured centuries of nor’east storms, winter blizzards, summer heat waves, and decades of neglect. She had restored it and brought it back to life. Now, it was the old homestead’s turn to shelter and protect her. She felt safe here. She reached up and turned off the light. She slept.


"This place is a firetrap. It ought to be torn down."

Sue Finch bit neatly into a crisp apple, closed her eyes, and raised her face to the warm October sun while she chewed. She was sitting on the ramshackle porch of the Ezekiel Hallett house, once the grandest mansion in Tinker’s Cove. Now, it was little more than a decaying pile of tinder.

How can you say that? asked her companion, Lucy Stone. She thought of the fantastic tower rising above their heads, the mansard roof, and the fanciful urns that perched on every corner. It’s a fabulous example of Victorian seaside architecture. It ought to be restored.

Lucy spoke softly. She didn’t want to disturb six-week-old baby Zoe, who was asleep in the red corduroy baby carrier she wore strapped to her chest.

As what? It’s much too big for a family.

It could be a restaurant, or an inn. Just look at this view.

From where they sat on the porch the two women could see the little town of Tinker’s Cove spread out before them. Low, rocky hills sheltered the harbor where a few Cape Island boats bobbed at anchor off the fish pier. The water was a deep blue today, and the tree covered hills wore their fall colors of red and gold.

Think of the heating bills, said Sue, pulling her sweater off over her head and shaking out her hair.

That’s new, isn’t it? asked Lucy. Where’d you get it?

At the Carriage Trade, said Sue, naming an expensive specialty shop. Twenty bucks. Last spring.

Some people have all the luck, grumbled Lucy. When I go there all I find is real expensive stuff that I don’t have any place to wear. Even if I did find something on sale, I wouldn’t know what size to buy. I can’t seem to get rid of these extra baby pounds.

"There’s a new aerobics studio opening across from the Laundromat. If we weren’t so lazy we’d sign up for something. What’s the latest? The step, the slide?" said Sue, yawning.

There was a pause in the conversation. The bright sunshine and fresh air, combined with a hearty lunch, was making the women drowsy.

Are you making Halloween costumes for the kids? asked Sue.

No way. Toby’s going to wear his werewolf mask and hairy hand gloves from last year. The girls are going as ballerinas—in the tutus they wore in the show last spring.

They’ll freeze, warned Sue.

I’m having them wear pink tights and turtlenecks underneath. They won’t be out too long.

Is there a party at the church, or the youth center? Something to keep them out of trouble?

Not that I know of, said Lucy. I wish there was. I don’t even like them trick-or-treating. You always hear about some maniac who poisoned the candy or put razor blades in the apples. Toby won’t go with me and the girls—he wants to go out with his friends. I hope they don’t come here. A place like this is a real magnet for kids. Especially on Halloween. Think what could happen if they played with matches, or experimented with cigarettes. It wouldn’t take much to burn this place down.

Like the Hopkins Homestead, said Sue.

Bill was awfully upset when he heard the news on the radio this morning. That house was his first big project.

Lucy’s husband, Bill Stone, was a restoration carpenter.

That’s too bad. Sue was sympathetic. They said it burned to the ground.

It did. I drove by on my way to your house. Nothing’s left but the chimney. I’m worried Bill’s going to take it hard. He really put his heart and soul into that place.

Is there insurance? Do you think they’ll rebuild? Sue was practical.

I don’t know. Bill tried to call the owners, but there wasn’t any answer. He wanted to tell Monica himself, before she heard it on the news or something.

Her husband’s a doctor, right?

Yeah. They live near Boston. The house was really her project. Bill said she was the perfect client. Lots of money, and good taste, too.

A rare combination, said Sue.

Lucy smiled. Zoe was shifting around in the baby carrier and it felt a bit like being pregnant again. She got up on her feet and walked back and forth on the porch, hoping to lull the baby back to sleep.

Doesn’t it seem like we’re having an awful lot of fires lately? she asked, leaning against a post.

Well, yeah, now that you mention it. There was the old movie theater just after the Fourth of July. It was damaged, but they were able to save it. Winchester College is going to renovate it, turn it into a performing arts center.

Then there was that barn out on Bumps River Road, said Lucy, sitting down Indian fashion and undoing the carrier straps so Zoe could nurse. When was that?

Mid-August. I remember because I was getting Sidra ready to go back to school. Sue’s oldest daughter was a sophomore at Bowdoin.

Who did that belong to?

Nobody. It was listed ‘owner unknown’ in the tax files.

And now the Hopkins Homestead.

Don’t forget that fire at the old powder house. They caught it before it did much damage.

Right. Lucy nodded. The powder house, a tiny relic of the Revolutionary War, stood in Brooks Park. It’s kind of suspicious, isn’t it? All these fires?

Not really. They were all old buildings, but old buildings are more likely to burn. The wood gets dry. Sue picked off a bit of shingle and it crumbled to dust in her hand. I’ll bet this place is next. Want to take a look inside before it’s gone?

Can we? Isn’t it locked up?

I know how to get in. Sue grinned mischievously.

Okay, said Lucy. Zoe doesn’t seem very hungry. Standing up she rearranged her clothes and refastened the baby carrier. I’m game if you are.

Hopping off the porch, Sue led the way around to the back of the mansion. Pushing aside some overgrown bushes she revealed a flight of stone steps.

This is the kitchen entrance. We wouldn’t want tradesmen muddying up the front hall.

Of course not, agreed Lucy, watching closely as Sue pulled off a loose board and opened the door. You’re pretty good at this. How long have you been breaking and entering?

Practically my whole life. When I was in high school we used to sneak in here to smoke cigarettes and drink beer.

"I’m shocked," said Lucy, following her friend into the darkness. Zoe’s eyes, peeking out over the corduroy carrier, were very large and round.

This is the kitchen, said Sue, in her best real estate lady voice. Very roomy.

It’s enormous, said Lucy, glancing around at the cavernous, dungeon like room.

All the latest in modern appliances, said Sue, waving her arm. The stove. She pointed to a rusting hulk in one corner. The dishwasher. Sue indicated a soapstone sink complete with hand pump. The refrigerator! Throwing open a pantry door, she sent a startled mouse scurrying for shelter.

Yuck. Can we go upstairs?

This way, madam.

Sue led the way up a flight of surprisingly sturdy wooden steps and opened the door to the dining room. Lucy blinked at the brightness; dusty sunlight streamed through the filthy windows. Long brown ribbons of wallpaper were peeling from the walls, and the carcasses of dead flies crunched under their feet.

The dining room needs a bit of freshening up, conceded Sue. The living room is this way, through the hall.

Stepping into the hallway, Lucy paused and let her gaze follow the long curving staircase upward. Long ago the house must have been lovely, and beautiful young ladies in long gowns would have descended these stairs to greet the handsome beaux who waited for them below.

I see this old place is casting a spell on you, said Sue. Would you like to see the ballroom?


I kid you not. Sue tugged at a pair of warped French doors and finally succeeded in opening them. She bowed with a little flourish as Lucy entered the room.

It was a long, rectangular room with three sets of French doors along one side. There was a magnificent, ornate marble fireplace at one end and a balcony for musicians at the other. Facing the French doors there was a wall of matching mirrors, now spotty and dusty. The panels between the doors were decorated with carved wood shaped into lavish bouquets of flowers. Gilt sconces, long since robbed of their crystals, lined the walls.

Sue, how can you say you want to see all this demolished? asked Lucy. It’s fabulous.

It could be, if somebody had hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend fixing it up. But that’s not going to happen. It’s been empty for a zillion years, falling apart bit by bit. A rock through a window here, a piece of paneling ripped out there, it’s like the death of a thousand cuts. I’m all for a swift mercy killing.

You really care about this old place.

They just don’t build ’em like this anymore. Hey, I want to show you something.

Returning to the hallway, Sue opened another oak-paneled door and revealed a tiny cabinlike room, barely ten feet square.

This is the house Ezekiel Hallett was born in. When he got rich he built the mansion right around his boyhood home. They say he used to come here to get away from his social-climbing wife and daughters.

Lucy examined the rough-sawn plank walls, the packed dirt floor, and the crude hearth.

This was the entire house?

Yup. He was one of seven or eight kids. There’s a sleeping loft overhead.

From this to that, said Lucy, trying to imagine raising a family in such cramped quarters. It’s incredible.

He did it the hard way—selling guano.

What is guano, anyway? asked Lucy, heading for the door. She found the tiny, windowless room claustrophobic. I’m gonna go out on the porch. I need some air.

Okay, said Sue. I’ll lock the door behind you and backtrack through the house.

I forgot. We didn’t come in through the front door, did we?

Lucy stepped outside and busied herself gathering the picnic things. She was struggling to her feet when Sue reappeared.

You know, Lucy, it might be kind of fun to try out that gym, she suggested.

I think I’m past help. Besides, I don’t have any energy to spare.

They say working out gives you energy, though I don’t quite see how, admitted Sue. I’ll give them a call. See if they’ve got a good deal.

Don’t forget to ask if they have child care, said Lucy, opening the car door and beginning the process of transferring Zoe from the baby carrier to the car seat.

I’ll call, said Sue, hopping into her little sports car and starting the engine.

Lucy watched as she zoomed down the dirt driveway, disappearing in a swirl of dust. Finally clicking the last strap in place, she looked down at the baby. Do you think I’m too fat? she asked.

Zoe folded her hands across her chest, and closed her eyes. She was as inscrutable as a little Buddha.

Okay, be like that, said Lucy, settling herself behind the steering wheel and turning the key in the ignition.


Ted Stillings, editor-in-chief, reporter, photographer, and publisher of The Pennysaver, parked his aging subcompact in front of the Hopkins Homestead and climbed out.

Whew, he said, shaking his head. He’d covered a lot of fires in his career, but never one this bad. There was literally nothing left of the house. The massive chimney, now black with soot and surrounded by a mound of charred rubble, was all that remained.

A yellow plastic ribbon encircled the site, and a few curious onlookers stood politely behind it. Inside the cordon, Fire Chief Stan Pulaski stood chatting with Police Chief Oswald Crowley. Ted lifted the yellow ribbon, ducked under it, and approached them.

Hey, you! Stay behind that line, ordered Crowley. He knew perfectly well who Ted was, but enjoyed being as obnoxious as possible.

Cut it out, Crowley, yelled Ted. I need some information.

You think writing that paper of yours gives you special privileges or something? Crowley narrowed his eyes, and picked at his yellow teeth with his fingernail.

People want to know what happened and I want to tell them, said Ted, turning to face Pulaski. So, Chief, what’s the story?

I haven’t finished the report yet, he answered affably. Soon as I do you can pick up a copy at the station.

Thanks. Ted surveyed the scene. Mind if I take a few pictures?

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