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Never Too Much
Never Too Much
Never Too Much
Ebook324 pages5 hours

Never Too Much

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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"Foster's pages sizzle." --Christine Feehan

"Say YES! to Lori Foster." --Elizabeth Lowell

One Chance At Forever

Ben Badwin likes his women sexy, wild, and as uninhibited as his desires. Nothing like the brash, dirt-covered, wholesomely cute woman who just strutted into his diner. But something about Sierra Murphy's independent attitude makes Ben's fantasies run wild. . .

Sierra doesn't need a man in her life, not even one as tempting as Ben. But the more she keeps her distance, the more he wants her, and the harder it is for Sierra to steer clear of his teasing touches and his enticing eyes. To get him out of her system, Sierra makes a proposition: she'll sleep with him, but for one night only. Now, it's up to Ben to turn one night of pure ecstasy into a passion that never ends. . .
PublisherZebra Books
Release dateNov 14, 2013

Lori Foster

Lori Foster is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author with books from a variety of publishers, including Berkley/Jove, Kensington, St. Martin's, Harlequin and Silhouette. Lori has been a recipient of the prestigious RT Book Reviews Career Achievement Award for Series Romantic Fantasy, and for Contemporary Romance. For more about Lori, visit her Web site at

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ben Badwin is a self-made successful business man who liked to work hard and play hard. He also loves women, he flirts with them, cherishes them and loves them. And they love him in return. Then Ben meets his new next door neighbor, Sierra Murphy. Sierra is unlike most women Ben has ever met. Like Ben she is an independent, self-sufficient business owner and she has just moved into the neighborhood. Ben is determined to get to know Sierra better but Sierra is even more determined to keep her distance and her secrets from the irresistible rouge.If I had been asked at the beginning of reading this story I would have had to say I was disappointed. Based on the little bit we saw of Ben in Foster's previous story, Too Much Temptation, I expected better of Ben's character. Starting off, the romance between Ben and Sierra and the sub-story romance between Ben's mother and Sierra's co-worker seemed to consist of, "all she needs is a good ---- and she'll be a better woman for it", which to me was just an appalling attitude. However, toward the middle to the end of the book when Sierra's past became more of a prominent plot point, the story did gain a little more interest for me. I was able to get past the attitudes and enjoy the middle and ending of the book. I'd have to say that although this isn't my favorite Foster book, it turned out okay.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've previously read several of Lori Foster's novellas, but Never Too Much was only the second of her full-length novels I've read. It is also the second book in her Brava Brothers series, with the first, Too Much Temptation, being the first of her novels I read. Despite seeming to be a fan favorite, that story was just OK for me, so I was pleasantly surprised to enjoy Never Too Much quite a bit more. There were two main reasons for this. First, I felt that the characterizations were more even and consistent this time around. And second, the supporting characters were much more likable, so I didn't mind the few POV scenes that they were given. On the downside, much like the first book of the series, the relationship between the hero and heroine of Never Too Much developed a little too quickly to be entirely believable to me, and the plot was pretty light and breezy, not digging particularly deep into the characters and their backstories. Despite this though, it was still an enjoyable read.Ben was the only character from Too Much Temptation that I fully liked all throughout the novel, so I was hoping for a decent story for him. I'm happy to say that I wasn't disappointed. Ben quite simply loves and respects women. Maybe it's because he was raised by a single mom, but he can't get enough of them. He's a shameless flirt, who has had numerous affairs over the years, but even though the female employees at his motel and diner often come on to him very overtly, he draws the line at sleeping with any of them. Despite loving the ladies, Ben has never been in love, so no one is more surprised than he is when he starts having unfamiliar feelings for his new neighbor, Sierra. She's a cute, tom-boyish, girl-next-door which isn't usually his type either, but he just can't seem to get enough of her. Ben is ultra-confident and knows he's attractive, but he's bored by the ease with which he can have any woman he wants. He's ready to be challenged, and Sierra certainly does that with her mysterious past, her unwillingness to open up to him, and her seeming ability to resist him at first. In the beginning, Ben was a little too forward and sexually overt for my taste, but I couldn't deny that he had a certain charm about him. Ben may have the confidence of an alpha, but he's very sweet too. He's always willing to lend a helping hand, and he genuinely wants to protect Sierra and share her burdens. A couple of times, I thought he got a tad too pushy in trying to get her to open up, but most of the time, he was incredibly patient, gently coaxing her out. What I loved most about Ben though was his willingness and even eagerness to focus entirely on pleasuring Sierra, even denying himself, just to show her what a nice and sensitive guy he could be.Sierra moved to Ben's hometown, looking for a new lease on life by starting her own landscaping business. She's a hard worker, who loves the outdoors, so it was a logical choice. Sierra has had a rough life, so when she finds out about Ben's brother, Noah's background, she can entirely relate. She has an independent spirit, but felt like all her choices were taken away, first by her controlling father, then an abusive husband. She finally feels like she's on solid footing when Ben comes into her life, trying to sweep her off her feet. A part of her enjoys the attention, but another part can't bring herself to trust him. However, she does trust her best friend, Kent, and while it was nice to know that she has someone looking out for her, it seemed a little unbalanced for her to rely on Kent but sometimes push Ben away. I felt like this lack of trust and her taking so long to open up to Ben put some emotional distance between them that made it a little harder to believe in their love. I understood the fear that kept her from revealing everything to Ben, and when she finally does, it was a touching scene. However, after that, I felt like things wrapped up a little too quickly and neatly to be compelling and fully satisfying, but it was still nice.Never Too Much draws in several supporting characters, most of whom were introduced in Too Much Temptation. Noah and Grace, the hero and heroine of that book were there to support Ben and Sierra. There is also a secondary romance between Ben's mother, Brooke, and Sierra's best friend, Kent. I thought their relationship mirrored Ben and Sierra's in that Brooke was rather reluctant to get involved, while Kent is almost a carbon copy of Ben in his sweetly seductive, yet confident alpha ways. These two get a few of their own POV scenes to show the progression of their romance. I thought it was really cute the way Kent was all mooney-eyed over Brook in the final chapter. Kent's daughter, who was mentioned but not introduced, will be the heroine of the wrap-up novella for the series, The Christmas Present. Last but certainly not least was Ben's grandmother, Agatha. I really hadn't liked her much in Too Much Temptation, but it seems she has finally lightened up a little. She has definitely grown and changed since the last book, and I can honesty say I liked her in this one. It was really heart-warming how Ben's whole family came together in the end to protect Sierra and support her relationship with Ben.I have to admit that I was somewhat conflicted on how to rate Never Too Much. There were parts of it that I enjoyed thoroughly, like Ben's flirtatiousness, seductiveness and unrelenting focus on Sierra's pleasure. On the other hand, there were things, most of which I've already mentioned, like Sierra's trust issues and the short time frame in which the story takes place that kept it from being a five-star book. Still, it almost would have received keeper status from me, except that at times, I found my mind wandering while reading, which tends to mean I'm not fully engaged. In the end, I settled on 4 stars, but I can say without reservation that it was a solid 4 stars, perhaps even a tiny bit higher. Anyone who is looking for a light, easy read that is also sweet and very sexy should enjoy it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Dates from most recent read. Similar to the prior book, Ben is very alpha (as is Kent) and Sierra has a hard time maintaining boundaries around Ben and his assertiveness until she is ready to drop those boundaries. Found it implausible (and pulled me out of the story) for her to be as young as she is, owning the business and already having jobs to perform when so new to the community.

    Also, not sure what was changed in this version of the story from the first edition, but it seems weird for Kent to be moving so much with a daughter in college, unless Beth (the daughter, who shows up in the third story) was the addition for the 2008 version of the story, and the rest of the story didn't get realigned to make sense with references to her and the implications for Kent's life. Also, 40 and mostly retired is hard to swallow.

    Anyway, didn't enjoy it as much on this read through, so I bumped it down a star.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I was expecting a thrilling erotica, but it started like a FABIO-novel. Could not make it very far into it.Cheap writing. Not my kind of book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    this was great i could ot put it down.

Book preview

Never Too Much - Lori Foster


Chapter One

The damp, sultry night air felt thick with the threat of a violent storm. Not a single star glimmered through the ominous gray clouds gently crowding the dark sky. It was the type of night that stirred a man’s blood, made him think of warm mussed sheets and a warmer mussed woman.

Ben Badwin needed a woman, and he needed her now. Tonight.

Taking slow, deep breaths, Ben let his mind wander to the carnal image of uncontrolled sex, of raging lust. His muscles tensed as he dredged up several female possibilities, but he dismissed them all as not quite right. A muggy breeze ruffled his hair, drifted against his heated skin through the open collar of his shirt. Ben turned his face up to the night and smiled. He knew what he wanted.

A challenge.

Lately, the thrill of the chase, the chance to seduce, had been missing in his life. But he was a man, and damn it, he liked the chase. He liked testing himself and coming out the conqueror. He liked being a dominant male.

Tonight, the bar and grill attached to his motel was packed. Not only were registered guests eating, playing pool, or drinking, but a lot of truckers had stopped in, as well as some locals who often frequented the bar.

For the most part the crowd remained friendly and free spending, allowing Ben to take a moment to himself. He stood just outside the entry door and surveyed the parking lot. Flood lamps lit the area, showing a collection of shadowed cars and trucks. Business was good, booming even. On that level, at least, Ben was very satisfied.

On another, he burned with edginess.

A little way down, in one of the ground floor rooms, a door opened. Two attractive, chatty women, probably in their early thirties, emerged. They laughed together as they moseyed toward the bar along the covered walkway. From all indications, they’d already been drinking. They neared Ben, and the one with short, stylish blond hair winked and gave a three-finger wave.

Ben smiled back, typically polite, charmed as always, yet uninterested. Ladies.

A leggy brunette cocked her shapely hip. Helluva night to be hanging outside. She eyed him up and down and up again with lascivious significance. A long scarlet fingernail touched his naked chest just inside his open shirt. You should come on in and let me buy you a drink.

Wishing he felt even a spark of interest, Ben raised his arms in mock regret. An offer that sweet is hard to refuse, but refuse I must.

She leaned forward, showing an impressive bosom to advantage. I promise not to bite.

Ben couldn’t help grinning. He adored women and their antics, how they flirted and the games they played— the games he always won. Sweetheart, I don’t believe that for a second.

The woman laughed in delight. You sure you don’t want to join us?

The blonde added, It’ll be fun.

Can’t. Ben shook his head, and lied. My time is already taken.

Your loss.

I’m sure it is.

They went inside and promptly found new game. Amused, Ben crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the clapboard wall. He enjoyed the business; he definitely enjoyed the female attention.

But these days he simply needed more, and he refused to settle for less.

A low rumble, probably thunder from the approaching storm, stirred the air. Ben looked to the sky for lightning, but saw none. The rumbling increased and seconds later the headlights of an ancient truck came around the curve, briefly flashing into Ben’s face before swerving into the landscaping business directly across the street.

A few weeks ago Ben had noticed that the shop, after being abandoned for several months, was turning operational again. He’d noticed new paint, repaired shutters, a clean sweep of the cluttered gravel lot. Truckloads of mulch and plants had been delivered and arranged into neat rows.

Ben watched the old battered truck come to a jarring halt with grinding gears and a spattering of the loose rock and dirt. The headlights died, followed by a slamming door. He stared through the darkness, strangely alert.

Inside Ben’s bar, someone started the jukebox, and the rousing tune of Bad to the Bone emerged. The base was low and thrumming, reverberating in his chest, in his head.

That’s when Ben saw her.

She came out of the shadows and started across the street toward him. Spellbound, Ben watched as fog seemed to part around her, giving her an ethereal appearance. Somehow her steps, slow and rhythmic, matched the beat of the music, and the beat of his heart.

The reflection of a streetlamp glinted off her reddish-brown hair. It was tied into a high ponytail that might have been neat at one point during the day but now straggled loose and sloppy around her face. A fringe of bangs, stringy with sweat, hung half in her eyes. She wore a dusty white sleeveless shirt under a pair of coverall shorts with unraveled hems and a pair of brown lace-up work boots over rolled gray socks.

Ben wouldn’t call it feminine attire, but maybe fetish attire? Whatever. She sure got his attention.

He couldn’t help but wonder what kind of panties a woman wore under a getup like that.

Despite being midnight and hotter than Hades, her stride was long and sure and fluid, matching that provocative music—Bad to the Bone.

She had the walk of a satisfied woman, and it turned Ben on. He’d always found confidence to be very sexy.

Because he stood in the shadows, she didn’t notice him until the last moment, when she was a mere three feet away. Their eyes met; their gazes caught and held. She faltered, then slowly, intently, surveyed him. Her lips parted in surprise.

Ben didn’t move, didn’t alter his relaxed pose against the building. But inside, interest roiled, kicked up his heartbeat and sent his senses—and his equipment—on full alert.

Knowing he looked too enthralled, Ben managed a more casual nod.

At his acknowledgment, the woman inched closer, but now her every step seemed weighted with caution and curiosity, as if she didn’t want to look at him, but couldn’t quite help herself. When she was directly in front of Ben, her wide lush mouth tilted and her eyes smiled. She shook her head, as if bemused.

Or disbelieving.

You ought to be illegal. Her laughing comment, low and throaty, broke the spell. It’s a good thing I have a stout heart.

With that strange, yet provocative remark, she strode on past and into the building.

A little amazed at his aberrant reaction, Ben realized he hadn’t said a single word, hadn’t taken advantage of the situation or her comment, hadn’t even introduced himself. He turned to view the back of her and his interest expanded. Her ass looked great in the coveralls, soft and cuddly and rounded just right. A nice handful. Her legs were strong, shapely with smooth muscles, lightly tanned.

The rousing music faded away, but the scent of heated woman touched by the damp outdoors remained. Ben grinned in acute anticipation.

Oh yeah, this was what he’d been looking for. She was what he’d been looking for.

The chase was on.

Feeling like a bull in rut, he trailed into the bar after her. Impatiently, he waited while she looked around, located a booth at the back of the room, and headed in that direction.

With one nod, Ben let the waitress know he’d take care of this particular customer. He followed along and when she slid into the bench seat, Ben propped his hip on the table. He tried for a nonchalant smile of welcome, but he knew his eyes were glittering, that his smile was more wolfish than not. He couldn’t help that; he hadn’t felt this sexually alert in a long time. Hi.

She glanced up, saw it was him, and pinched off her automatic smile in an effort to keep her expression impassive. A Coke please. Plenty of ice.

The interior lights this time of night were dim to accommodate all the drinkers. Ben couldn’t see the color of her eyes, but the shape was exotic, tilting up on the outsides, heavily fringed with dark lashes. Ben studied her face and attempted to determine what it was about her that lured him.

Her mouth looked sinful, and very soft.

Her freckles looked playful, a bit impish.

Her body . . . Well, it was hard to tell in her sloppy clothes, but he sure as hell intended to find out.

Even with his obvious perusal, she looked away, reached for the menu, and effectively dismissed him.

Ben’s interest escalated. Oh yeah, she was good at this, at playing the game. So, she wouldn’t make it easy for him? Good. He nearly rubbed his hands together in anticipation of the coming night.

Feeling challenged and loving it, he straightened away from the table. I’ll be right back with your drink.

She didn’t reply.

Taking her at her word, Ben filled a glass with crushed ice and then poured in the soda. She had her head propped up on a fist, her exotic eyes closed tiredly when Ben returned.

Her nails weren’t painted. They weren’t even clean. Wherever she’d worked today, it had been a dirty job, and the stains on her fingers proved it. But that didn’t bother Ben. He was too pleased to make note of the lack of a ring. Not married, not engaged.


He set the drink down and waited.

Very slowly, her eyes opened. She had a sexy, full mouth, which stretched wide in a yawn before she mumbled through her hand, Thank you.

Her voice was smoky and deep, her expression orgasmic. Or maybe exhausted. Hard to tell when he was so aroused.

Rather than take a drink, she lifted the icy glass to her forehead and sighed at the cool touch. It’s so hot outside tonight.

It was hotter than hell inside, too.

A drip of condensation rolled down the frosty glass, fell onto her upper chest, and trickled down between her breasts. Ben held his breath.

Damn, everything about her seemed devised to push his buttons. Only he couldn’t ever recall a bedraggled, sweaty woman in work clothes turning him on before now.

In an effort to diminish the lust and further his association, Ben cleared his throat. You work next door?

A proud, friendly smile lit up her eyes. Yeah. I’m the new owner. We’ve spent the past couple of weeks getting the place into shape. But today we finally started business.

She owned the business. She’d be close by.

Damn. Any woman who would constantly be so close could be trouble. Starting something that would be difficult to end due to proximity would be plain foolish. He had to be cautious, to consider all the possible problems . . .

Using two fingers, she fished an ice cube out of the glass and sucked on it.

Ben drew in his breath. To hell with caution.

He held out a hand, anxious to touch her even in a platonic way. Welcome to the neighborhood. I’m Ben Badwin, and I own this motel.

She looked at his extended hand. Is that right? Wow, great place. She swiped her fingers across the top of her thigh, on the coveralls to dry them, then took his hand and pumped twice in a mannish way. Sierra Murphy. It’s nice to meet you, Ben.

Sierra—an unusual name for an unusual woman. Her hand was small, slim, warm. And callused. She looked far too young to own a business, and far too appealing to be working in the dirt. Reluctantly, Ben released her. You’re out late.

Yeah. That deep satisfaction was back, somehow as tantalizing as a woman’s natural perfume. Working on the condos around Parker’s Point.

By moonlight?

She shrugged strong, feminine shoulders, bare beneath the sleeveless shirt. She appeared sleekly muscled all over and that had Ben’s brain in a cramp, trying to picture her naked. There wasn’t anything masculine about her figure, but despite her small stature, she wouldn’t be a weak woman either.

She took a long drink, then slouched back in her seat with a genuine show of tiredness. There was nothing posed about her posture, nothing deliberately enticing, and Ben appreciated the natural picture she made.

I unloaded a lot of stuff so we’ll be ready to go bright and early in the morning. Getting a job that size was sheer luck. I don’t want to do anything to blow it.

Her candor surprised Ben.

At his expression, her smile turned playful and she wrinkled her narrow nose.

Her freckles were really very cute. Was she freckled anywhere else?

I’m excited about it all, she admitted, and knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway. Figured I might as well get some work done.

He had a cure for sleeplessness that beat the hell out of work anytime, but the timing wasn’t right just yet. Sierra chatted with him, but she wasn’t in any way coming on to him. Other than her beguiling comment out front, there were no signals, no come and get it signs. She was friendly, but only friendly.

Improvising, Ben made the only offer he could think of to extend their introductions. You look hungry, Sierra. Can I get you something to eat?

Her arched brows disappeared under her bangs. Your menu says you stopped serving food at midnight. That was ten minutes ago.

True. The kitchen is closed and the cook gone home. But we’re neighbors, so I’ll make an exception for you. And hopefully some headway.

She sat back in surprise. Thank you.

You’ll have to eat in the kitchen though, so no one else starts ordering up. He grinned his most engaging grin, the one that made females flutter and giggle. I close up at one, and I don’t want any delays.

Sierra didn’t flutter, giggle, or even appear to notice his grin. She pursed her mouth, tilted her head, and stared him right in the eyes. No way will I argue with food right now. I’m starved and too tired to cook for myself.

I’m glad to be of service. In any way you might need me.

But I’ve got to make sure you understand, it’s only a little food I want.

Ben blinked at that additional dose of bluntness. Beg your pardon?

What I said out front? When I first saw you?

What about it?

She lowered her thick lashes, hiding her eyes. I don’t want you to make too much out of it. That was just shock talking.

Shock? It had sounded like interest to Ben. Very welcome interest. Reciprocal interest, damn it.

Mmm. You really took me off guard, just showing up like that. She gestured somewhere around his midsection, up and down and back again. Not every day a woman sees a man like you, especially in the dark that way. And I guess I’m just tired enough that I spoke without really thinking.

Ben stared at her, hoping he displayed a man in ultimate control of himself. A man like me?

She laughed. Yeah. Gorgeous? Sexy? A stud?

He had no idea how to reply. For the first time in his life, he found himself speechless with a woman.

Oh, come on. I’m sure you’re aware of how you look, right? I imagine women throw themselves at you all the time.

Ben crossed his arms over his chest and nodded slowly. This game was new, but he was catching on real quick. Yeah, leaves a horrible mess around the diner. All the fallen bodies, you see.

She laughed again. No doubt. Probably trips up the waitresses, huh?

He didn’t answer. He just waited to see what else she’d say.

She smiled up at him, as if to soften her rejection. The thing is, I’m plain not interested. In fact, I’m one hundred percent disinterested. So if your offer to feed me is a come-on, I’ll just go home and try to find some cheese crackers or something to eat.

Remaining speechless, Ben pondered her. He’d never met a woman who spelled things out so candidly. The jury was still out on whether he liked it. Such honesty in bed would be great. But in the middle of the diner?

Sierra lifted her shoulders and her expression was apologetic. Just trying to make sure we start our neighborly association off on the right foot, since my comment out front could be misleading.

Well, hell. She sounded too damned sincere. Could she really be that unaffected when he was very affected? He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had captured his attention like this. He felt . . . alive. On the prowl. Anxious and turned on.

At the moment, she had the verbal upper hand and she knew it. But no way would Ben let any woman, not even a woman who intrigued him this much, keep the upper hand. It wasn’t natural.

He drew a deep breath and made his move to take control. Have you seen a mirror lately, Sierra?

Her confident smile slipped a notch. I . . . uh . . .

You’re pretty much a sweaty mess. His gaze roamed over her. He reached out to flip her bangs with his fingertips, and despite himself he felt a smile tug at his mouth. And dirty.

She ducked her hands under the table and glared at him. "It’s hard to get the ground-in dirt out from under my nails without soaking them. But I did wash, of course."

Stung by guilt at her embarrassment, Ben girded himself and continued. Maybe you clean up real nice, hard to tell, but at the moment you don’t look all that beddable, so I think we’re both safe, don’t you?

Her face colored, her sweet mouth opened, then incredibly, she laughed. When Ben frowned at her, she wiped her eyes and chuckled some more. Oh, you’re right of course. How conceited I must have sounded. It’s just that you have ‘wolf’ pulsing off you. I figured any guy who looked as good as you do had to always be on the make. She smiled up at him. Nice to know my new neighbor is more discriminating than that.

There was that disconcerting honesty again. Her every word seemed to push Ben closer to the edge. She had him pegged.

Sierra eased out of her bench seat and saluted him with her half-empty Coke. Is the offer of sustenance still open?

Standing in front of her, Ben realized how petite she was, how delicate regardless of her strength. He had the urge to pull her close and see how she fit him, to feel her against his body.

Ben forced himself to behave. Yeah, the offer stands.

Great. Then lead the way. I’m faint with hunger.

Ben had expected her to be insulted by his comments on her person, not amused. She wasn’t an average female, to be amused. But then he hadn’t wanted an average female.

Finding himself at another loss, Ben led.

A few people looked up as they crossed the floor toward the kitchen, but for the most part no one paid them any mind.

Ben was very aware of her strolling behind him, physically close but emotionally distant, sexually disinterested. He stepped aside until she’d passed him, then let the doors flap shut behind them. Muted noises from the outer area drifted in, but they were now afforded a small bit of privacy.

He flipped a wall switch and bright fluorescent lighting flickered on to illuminate the kitchen. Being furtive, he glanced at her and finally saw the color of her eyes.

Green. But not just green, sort of a soft green with deeper flecks of blue and gold. Nice.

Horace, my cook, always leaves something edible in the fridge for me. Let’s see. Ben opened the gigantic refrigerator and peered inside. There’s a sub sandwich, pie, soup . . .

The sandwich sounds great if you’re sure you don’t mind sharing. Thanks.

Ben took it out and unwrapped it, using the time to gather himself, to rethink his position. He’d helped out in the kitchen many times and, in fact, had worked every job in the motel and bar. He liked staying busy.

He put the sandwich on the large cutting board, cut it in half, and put it on a utilitarian plate. After forking a pickle from the enormous jar on the counter and adding some chips from a large airtight bin, he turned back to Sierra—and caught her staring. At his ass.


She glanced up, looked startled, and frowned at him, as if it were his fault she’d ogled him.

Ben was a gentleman, so he didn’t remark where her gaze had strayed, but it was a real relief to know she wasn’t as disinterested as she’d claimed. This way.

He made a point of leading her into the employee lounge, affording her the chance to cop another peek, if she was so inclined. When he looked at her, her expression was blank, so he couldn’t tell if she’d been checking him out or not.

She took the first chair and dropped into it with a groan of weariness. She stretched out her legs, crossed her booted feet, and blew her bangs from her face. For a moment, her eyes closed tiredly and she looked very vulnerable.

Ben eyed her limp form, the weariness etched into her bones, and shook his head. He was horny, and she looked ready to pass out. You’re really exhausted, aren’t you?

Her head lifted. Yeah, but it feels great. She accepted the plate he handed to her and took a large bite of the sandwich.

You like getting dirty, do you?

Her nose wrinkled. Around the mouthful of food, she said, Beats working in a stuffy office any day.

Agreed. Ben wanted to keep her talking just to hear her. She had a throaty voice that reminded him of a purring kitten. But any business will have some office hours, too. God knows I put enough of them in here.

True, but right now the paperwork is minimal because we’re doing only on-site jobs, which keeps me out in the sun and fresh air during the day. At night, I do the paperwork.

Which would make for long hours. No wonder she looked so tuckered out.

She ate several chips before continuing. If I can get ahead in a year or two, I’d like to sell summer flowers and plants, maybe Christmas trees in the winter, mums in the fall . . . You know, have someone always on the lot during business hours. There’s a lot of call for seasonal stuff. If that ever happens, I’ll probably hire someone just to keep the records.

If she was doing it all by herself right now, she had a heavy load to handle. Being your own boss isn’t always easy.

I know, but I’m working for me, not for anyone else. That’s makes the hard work worthwhile.

Because he shared those sentiments, Ben nodded. Above the pulsing lust, he was aware of a strange affinity toward her, and a stronger sense of anticipation. His body was tense with basic awareness, and his blood felt hot, pumping thickly through his veins. He was a man on the prowl, and it felt good.

He wanted her. But he also wanted to sit down and converse with her more because they had a lot in common.


It was time to get things back on track. He waited until she’d eaten half of the sandwich, ensuring she wouldn’t starve on him, then gave her his full attention.

She caught him staring and must have seen the heat behind his gaze because she blinked. She looked down at herself, apparently checking that nothing showed, then she looked behind her. Finally she frowned at him. What’s the matter?

Ben smiled. I lied.

Is that right? As if she didn’t really care one way or the other, she continued to eat with a very healthy appetite. About what?

Ben pulled his own chair close to hers, turned it around, and straddled it. He crossed his arms over the back and propped his chin there, watching Sierra with the sun-kissed skin, the luscious mouth, the smiling eyes.

Softly, feeling wolfish indeed, he said, About wanting you.

She went still, not even chewing. Suddenly she choked, sputtered. Ben reached around to pat her on the back, but her eyes widened and she leaned out of reach. The rest of her sandwich dropped to the plate and fell open.

She swallowed hard, wheezed, then choked out, "Uh . . . what do you mean, wanting me?"

Now this was a reaction he could understand but hadn’t really wanted. Strange, huh? Part of what I said is true, you are a little on the raw side right now. He looked at her body again, this time with his thoughts clear on his face. His voice dropped, became husky. "I

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