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Electric Blue
Electric Blue
Electric Blue
Ebook397 pages6 hours

Electric Blue

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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New York Times-Bestselling Author: A PI-in-training gets drawn into a dysfunctional family fighting over money and murder…
Some days are just weird city. Take today. Jane Kelly, thirtysomething ex-bartender, current process server, and owner of The Binkster, a pug, is dutifully putting in slave-labor hours working for Dwayne Durbin, local “information specialist” (i.e., private investigator), and on the road to becoming a P.I. herself. Next thing she knows she’s socializing with the Purcells, a rich, eccentric family with a penchant for going crazy and/or dying in spectacularly mysterious ways.

From what Jane can tell, the Purcells all want Orchid Purcell’s money. And when Orchid turns up in a pool of blood, the free-for-all has just begun. Then when Jane finds a second body, it seems weird city is about to get even weirder—and a lot more deadly…

In her second smash outing, Nancy Bush's wickedly funny heroine, Jane Kelly, proves herself a worthy successor to Stephanie Plum, but with a wit, style, and dog that are definitely all her own.

“With her clever ability to handle the zaniest of life’s circumstances, Jane won’t disappoint readers.”—Publishers Weekly
“Move over Stephanie Plum, Jane Kelly has arrived!”—Lisa Jackson, #1 New York Times-bestselling author of You Betrayed Me
“[A] funny, feisty, immensely likable new heroine.”—Laura Levine, author of Death of a Gigolo
Release dateOct 7, 2013
Electric Blue

Nancy Bush

NANCY BUSH is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Bad Things,Jealousy,Dangerous Behavior,The Killing Game, You Don’t Know Me,Nowhere Safe,Nowhere to Hide,Nowhere to Run,Hush, Blind Spot, Unseen, as well as Wicked Ways, Something Wicked,Wicked Game, and Wicked Lies, in the Colony series co-written with her sister, bestselling author Lisa Jackson. She is also the co-author of Sinister and Ominous, written with Lisa Jackson and New York Times bestselling author Rosalind Noonan. Nancy lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest. Readers can visit her website at

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I didn't read Candy Apple Red, so I suppose I'm not as into Jane Kelly by this point as I'm supposed to be, but I thought the book was decent. I was a little annoyed that the back of the book was wrong (SPOILER: Orchid's death, seemingly the main plot instigator, doesn't happen until about 240 pages of a 350 page book, and the "second body" Jane discovers was not a part of this book), so it was much less action-packed than I was led to believe it was. Jane is definitely a fun, spunky heroine you like cheering for, but not a whole lot actually happens. Most of the sleuthing she does is for her own curiosity and doesn't expect anything to really come for it, which tells an interesting story, but it wasn't too exciting. I like her sense of humor quite a lot though, and maybe I will pick up the first one someday.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I tried this book before I read Candy Apple Red and didn’t like it. But after I got to know the characters, I thought I should give it another try. I’m glad I did. Bush writes an interesting, twisting mystery, with a large cast of characters to choose from. Jane is quirky, independent, and owns a pug. What more do you need out of a heroine? A great read to dig in with as the weather is turning…
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This whole book moved sooooooo slowly for me. The premise was good-ultra rich and ultra crazy family feuding-but it just didn't pan out for me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A fun, easy, quick read from an Oregon author. Jane is pretty easy to keep up with and her dog is a bundle of fun.A little sillier than CANDY APPLE RED, but still looking forward to reading ULTRAVIOLET when it comes out in paperback.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Electric Blue is the second novel in the Jane Kelly mysteries. Jane Kelly is training to be a private investigator or information specialist. She prefers to do research or serving process papers for local lawyers. She is reluctant to go into the business but her employer, Duane Durbin, feels she has potential. He gives her cases and mentors her. The latest case involves the richest family in the Lake Chinook's area. The Purcells founded the real estate in the 1800s and continue to build their real estate empire. The family also has mental illness in the genes. Duane finished a divorce case of one of the Purcells and assigns Jane to take the case of her cousin, Jasper "Jazz" Purcell. Jazz is an extremely handsome man, too handsome for Jane's own good. Jazz asks Jane to keep an eye on his grandmother, Orchid (the females in the family have flower names). Orchid also controls the family money, is suspicious about her children and is losing her sanity. Jane agrees and walks into a battle of a sibling who feels they are entitled that the Purcell fortune. Unfortunately, Orchid disappears then dies soon after Jane arrives. Jane learns about family history. Most of the mystery centers on Jazz's mother dying in an asylum and the cover-up by the institution and the family. The father molested the girls and the brothers raped their sisters. Then there is Jazz's wife killed in an accident, which also gave Jazz short term memory loss. The story is further complicated when Logan, Jazz's 12-year-old son is the sole recipient of the entire fortune. The sibling is either for him or against him. An unexpected arrival helps Jane finish the mystery of the Purcell family, which will continue in part two of the family drama.Many people will compare this series to the Stephanie Plum Series but I like Jane Kelly better. I mostly like the sense of humor Nancy Bush gives the character and she made Jane independent with a potential love interest in Duane. The interactions Jane has with her family (her brother Booth and mother), her best friend Cynthia and her job have a comfortable feel as if you know these people. If you are interested in light mysteries, I would recommend this series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    These books get better and better! Binks is awesome, and I can relate to Jane most of the time...great mystery with a bit of romance thrown in. The Purcells are totally crazy though!

Book preview

Electric Blue - Nancy Bush


Chapter One

Mental illness runs in the Purcell family.

I’d diligently typed this conclusion at the top of the report written on my word-processing program. I’d been so full of myself, so pleased with my thorough research and keen detecting skills that I’d smiled a Cheshire Cat smile for weeks on end. That smug grin hung around just like the cat’s. It was on my face when I woke in the morning and it was there on my lips as I closed my eyes at night.

I spent hours in self-congratulation:

Oh, Jane Kelly, private investigator extraordinaire. How easy it is for you to be a detective. How good you are at your job. How exceptional you are in your field!


I wasn’t smiling now.

Directly in front of me was a knife-wielding, delusional, growling, schizophrenic—the situation a direct result of my investigation into the Purcells. In disbelief I danced left and right, frantic to avoid serious injury. I looked into the rolling eyes of my attacker and felt doomed. Doomed and downright FURIOUS at Dwayne Durbin. It was his fault I was here! It was his ridiculous belief in my abilities that had put me in harm’s way! Hadn’t I told him I’m no good at confrontation? Hadn’t I made it clear that I’m damn near a chicken-heart? Doesn’t he ever listen to me?

His fervent belief in me was going to get me killed!

Gritting my teeth, I thought: I hope I live long enough to kill Dwayne first….

I was deep into the grunt work necessary to earn my license as a private investigator. Dwayne Durbin, my mentor, had finally convinced me I would be good at the job. His cheerleading on my behalf was not entirely altruistic: he wanted me to come and work for him.

I’d resisted for a while but circumstances had arisen over the summer that had persuaded me Dwayne just might be right. So, in September I became Dwayne Durbin’s apprentice—and then I became his slave, spending my time putting in the hours, digging through records, doing all his dog work—which really irritates me, more at myself than him, because I’d known this was going to happen.

And though I resented all the crap-work thrown my way, Dwayne wasn’t really around enough for me to work up a head of steam and vent my feelings. He was embroiled in a messy divorce case for Camellia Cammie Purcell Denton. His association with the Purcell family was why I’d delved into the Purcell family history in the first place. I admit this was more for my own edification than any true need on Dwayne’s part, but I figured it couldn’t hurt.

That particular September afternoon—the afternoon I wrote my conclusion on the report—was sunny and warm and lazy. It was a pleasure to sit on Dwayne’s couch, a piece of furniture I’d angled toward his sliding glass door for a view of the shining waters of Lake Chinook. I could look over the top of my laptop as I wirelessly searched databases and historical archives and catch a glimpse of sunlight bouncing like diamonds against green water.

Resentment faded. Contentment returned. After all, it’s difficult to hold a grudge when, apart from some tedium, life was pretty darn good. My rent was paid, my mother’s impending visit had yet to materialize, my brother was too involved with his fiancée to pay me much attention, and I had a dog who thought I was…well…the cat’s meow.

I finished the report and typed my name on the first page, mentally patting myself on the back for a job well done. Reluctantly, I climbed to my feet and went to check out Dwayne’s refrigerator. If he possessed anything more than beer and a suspect jar of half-eaten, orange-colored chili con queso dip, life would pass from pretty darn good to sublime. My gaze settled on a lone can of diet A&W root beer. Not bad. Popping the top, I returned to the couch and my laptop.

Intending to concentrate, my eyes kept wandering to the scene outside the sliding glass door. Dwayne, who’d been lounging in a deck chair, was now making desultory calls on his cell phone. He stepped in and out of my line of vision as I hit the print button, wirelessly sending information to Dwayne’s printer. Nirvana. I’m technologically challenged, but Dwayne has a knack for keeping things running smoothly and efficiently despite my best efforts. Since I’d acquired my newest laptop—a gift from an ex-boyfriend—I’d slowly weaned myself from my old grinder of a desktop. This new, eager slimmed-down version had leapfrogged me into a new era of computers. It fired up and slammed me onto the Internet faster than you can say, Olly olly Oxenfree. (I have no idea what this means but it was a favorite taunt from my brother Booth who was always crowing it when we were kids, gloating and laughing and skipping away, delighted that he’d somehow got me. Which, when I think about it, still has the power to piss me off.)

The new laptop untethered me from my old computer’s roosting spot on the desk in my bedroom. Now, I’m mobile. I bring my work over to Dwayne’s, which he highly encourages. I’m fairly certain Dwayne hopes I’ll suddenly whirl into a female frenzy of cleaning and make his place spotlessly clean. Like, oh, sure, that’s going to happen.

Still, I enjoy my newfound freedom and so Dwayne’s cabana has become a sort of office for me. I claimed my spot on his well-used but extremely comfortable one-time blue, now dusty gray, sofa early. Being more of a phone guy, Dwayne spends his time on his back deck/dock and conducts business outdoors as long as it isn’t raining or hailing and sometimes even if it is.

Feeling absurdly content (always a bad sign for me, one I choose to ignore) I checked my e-mail. Nothing besides a note from someone named Trixie which I instantly deleted. One day I made the mistake of opening one of those spam e-mails about super hot sex and ever since I’ve been blessed with a barrage of Viagra, Cialis and penis enlargement ads and/or promises. If I didn’t have penis envy before, I sure as hell do now. Eighteen inches? Where would you park that thing on a daily basis? There are a lot of hours when it’s not in use…unless you count the fact that it functions as some guys’ brains. I have met these sorts, but I try not to date them. Makes for uncomfortable dinners out where I talk and they just stare at my breasts. If I had serious cleavage I could almost understand, but my fear is that it simply means my conversation is really boring.

My cell phone rang with a whiny, persistent ring. I am going to have to figure out how to change it. A James Bond theme would be nice. I snatched it up without looking at Caller ID. An error. Marta Cornell, one of Portland’s most voracious divorce lawyers, was on the line.

Jane! Marta’s voice shouted into my ear. Her voice lies at sonic-boom level. I feared this time she may have shot one of my inner ear bones—the hammer, the anvil or the stirrup—into the center of my brain. Who names those things, anyway?

You know Dwayne was working for Cammie Purcell, Marta charged ahead without waiting for my response. Jane? Are you there?

Yes. I was cautious. Marta was Cammie’s divorce lawyer and Dwayne had been following Cammie’s husband Chris around for several weeks, intent on obtaining proof that he possessed a second family. Said family was apparently sucking up some Purcell money. Chris Denton wasn’t exactly a bigamist. He’d never actually married his other wife. But he had children with her and he divided his time between them and Cammie. Stunted as he was maturity-wise, I was impressed he could juggle two relationships. Sometimes I find it difficult just taking care of my dog.

That job’s pretty much finished, isn’t it? Marta asked.

I think so. Actually, I wasn’t completely sure. Cases like Cammie’s seemed to undulate: sometimes the work lasted days on end; other times it nearly died. When Dwayne had first discovered the dirt on Chris, he’d disclosed it to Cammie and Marta. With divorce in the offing, Marta must have seen greenbacks floating around her head, but weirdly, Cammie’s only remark had been a question: What are the childrens’ names?

Later I’d learned this query had some merit after all: Chris’s two girls—with his almost wife—were Jasmine and Blossom. When Dwayne told Cammie their names her face crumpled as if she were going to cry. But then she fought off the tears and went into a quiet rage instead.

Her eyes looked like they were going to bug out of her head, Dwayne told me later. I took a step backward. Her hands were clenching and unclenching. She wanted to kill me for telling her. A part of my brain was searching the room for a weapon. But then she kinda pulled herself together. Dwayne gave me a long look. I don’t ever want to be in a room alone with her again. No wonder the bastard left her.

Camellia’s strange behavior was explained when it surfaced that many of the female members of the Purcell family were named after flowers. Apparently Chris’s non-Purcell wife had fallen for this weird obsession as well, and since it was a decidedly Purcell quirk, Cammie appeared ready to kill over it.

This was about the time I decided to indulge in some Purcell family history. Hence, my report.

Jasper Purcell would like to meet with you, Marta said, bringing me back to the present with a bang. He needs a P.I.

You mean, meet with Dwayne? I asked, puzzled. I was the research person, not the A-list investigator.

Nope. Her voice sounded as if she were trying to tamp down her excitement. Must be more money involved. He called this morning and asked me for the name of a private investigator. It’s something of a personal nature, to do with his family.

This is Dwayne’s case, I reminded her. I didn’t add that Dwayne wanted to wash his hands of the whole thing.

Jasper wants someone else to tackle this one. Says it’s sensitive.

I glanced through the sliding glass door to where Dwayne, who’d removed his shirt in the unseasonably hot, early October sunshine, was standing on the dock. His back was hard, tan and smooth. Someone who knew him drove by in a speedboat and shouted good-natured obscenities. Dwayne turned his head, grinned and gave the guy the finger.

How sensitive? I asked.

He said he wants a woman.

I wasn’t sure what I thought of that. Just how many private investigators did the Purcell family need? I’ll have to make sure this is okay with Dwayne.

I talked to Dwayne this morning, Marta revealed. He said he’s had his fill of the Purcells but if you wanted to step in, he was all for it.

Nice of Marta to keep that tidbit of information back while she felt me out on the subject. I didn’t like being manipulated, and I was pretty sure that was what she was doing.

Also, I knew Dwayne’s feelings about Cammie, but this sounded suspicious. Dwayne likes to cherry-pick assignments. That’s why I’d been relegated to grinding research and drudge work. I narrowed my eyes at his back until he glanced around. His brows lifted at my dark look and he stuck his head inside the gap in the sliding glass door. What?

I’m talking to Marta Cornell about the Purcells.

They pay well, darlin’, and that’s the only goddamn good thing about ’em. He went back to the sunshine, turning his face skyward like a sybarite.

Marta persisted, Our client wants you to meet him at Foster’s around four. Get a table. He’ll buy dinner.

Free food. I’m a sucker for it and Marta knows my weakness.

And Foster’s On The Lake is just about my favorite restaurant in the whole world. I seesawed, thinking I might be getting into something I really shouldn’t. In the end, I agreed to go. How bad could the Purcells be?

Two hours later I found a parking spot about a block from Foster’s On The Lake—no small feat—then walked through the restaurant to the back patio, snagging a table beneath one of the plastic, faux-grass umbrellas that sported a commanding view of Lake Chinook. Most of the umbrellas are green canvas, but sometimes Jeff Foster, owner and manager of Foster’s On The Lake, adds a bit of fun to the mix, hence the plastic-party-ones. He didn’t notice my arrival or he would have steered me toward a less well-placed table. He knows how cheap I am and tries to give the paying customers the best seats. I was all ready to explain that I was being treated by one of the Purcells but a member of the wait staff I didn’t know let me choose my table. Maybe it was because I’d taken a little extra care with my appearance. I’d unsnapped my ponytail, brushed and briefly hot-curled my hair, tossed on a tan, loosely flowing skirt and black tank top. I’d even done the mascara/eyeliner bit, topping the whole look off with some frosted lip gloss.

The Binkster, my pug, had cocked her head at me and slowly wagged her tail. I took this to mean I looked hot.

I’d forgotten to ask Marta what Jasper looked like. He was a Purcell and the Purcells were wealthy and notorious, so apparently that was supposed to be enough. From my research I knew he was in his mid-thirties. I settled back and ordered a Sparkling Cyanide, my new favorite drink, a bright blue martini that draws envious eyes from the people who’ve ordered your basic rum and Cokes.

I was sipping away when a man in the right age bracket strode onto the patio. He stopped short to look around. I nearly dropped my cocktail. I say nearly, because I’d paid a whopping eight bucks for it and I wasn’t going to lose one drop unless Mt. St. Helen’s erupted again and spewed ash and lava to rain down on Foster’s patio, sending us all diving for cover. Even then I might be able to balance it.

I felt my lips part. Marta must have guessed what my reaction would be when I clapped eyes on him. She probably was fighting back a huge hardy-har-har all the while we were on the phone. This guy was flat-out gorgeous. Women seated around me took notice: smoothing their hair, sitting up straighter, looking interested and attentive. His gaze settled on me. I gulped against a dry throat. He had it all. Movie star good looks. Electric blue eyes and thick lashes. Chiseled jaw. Smooth, naturally dark skin and blinding white teeth. And a strong physique—taut and muscular with that kind of sinewy grace that belongs to jungle cats. I should have known this was going to turn out badly. I should have heard the too handsome alarm clang in my brain. But, honestly, I just stared.

He flashed me a smile, then scraped back the chair opposite me. The sun’s rays sent a shaft of gold light over his left arm. His gray shirt was one of those suede-ish fabrics that moves like a second skin.

Jane Kelly? he asked.

Great voice. Warm and mellow. He smelled good, too. Musky and citrusy at the same time. And his dark hair had the faintest, and I mean faintest, of an auburn tint, a shade women pay big, big, HUGE, bucks for.

I nodded, wondering if I should check for drool on my chin. You can never be too careful.

I’m Jasper Purcell.


Thanks for meeting me. I know I didn’t give you a lot of time.

I cleared my throat. No problem. Marta Cornell said you wanted to see me about your family. She wasn’t specific.

I wasn’t specific with her. He hesitated, his eyes squinting a bit as if he were wrestling with confiding in me. After a moment, he said, It’s about my grandmother, Orchid Purcell.

I looked interested, waiting for him to continue.

She named all her girls after flowers. But it’s the only crazy thing she’s done until now.

Mental illness runs in the Purcell family…. What’s happened? I asked cautiously, but Jasper Purcell didn’t answer me. He appeared to be lost to some inner world.

Eventually he surfaced, glancing around, seeming to notice his surroundings for the first time. Nice place. I’ve never been here.

Since Foster’s was a Lake Chinook institution I was kind of surprised. The Dunthorpe area—where the Purcell mansion had been for the last century—was just north of the lake. If Jasper Purcell grew up there, the restaurant seemed like a natural.

How can I help you, Mr. Purcell?

Sorry. He leaned across the table and shook my hand. The heat of his fingers ran right up my arm. I was dazzled by that incredible face so close to mine. Call me Jazz.


Short for Jasper. My cousin Cammie could never pronounce it.

Nowhere in my research had anything been said about this man’s extraordinary good looks. Was Cammie as beautiful as Jasper—Jazz—was handsome? I made a mental note to ask Dwayne.

Instinctively, I knew I should stay out of whatever he had in store for me. But I really wanted to help him. Really, really wanted to help him. Call it temporary insanity. But every cell in my body seemed to be magnetically attracted to him.

Jazz looked down at the table, then across the patio toward the lake. Light refracted off the water’s green depths, glittering in soft squares of illumination across his cheek and jaw. I lifted my glass and nearly missed my mouth. My gaze was riveted on his face.

Do you know anything about my grandmother?

I know she’s a philanthropist, active on all kinds of boards.

Was. Her health’s been failing her. It could be anything from simple forgetfulness to Alzheimer’s to another form of dementia, to—according to my aunt—a nasty trick she’s playing on all of us. He gave me a look. Between you and me, that’s just not possible. My grandmother isn’t made that way.

So, what do you think?

She’s definitely not as sharp as she once was. She doesn’t drive anymore. We have someone taking care of her during the day who Nana likes, but it’s tricky.

I thought carefully and said, I’m not sure what you’d like me to do. I’m certainly no expert on that kind of thing.

Missy, Foster’s most generously endowed waitress, hovered nearby. Jazz smiled, but shook his head at her. She cast a lingering look over her shoulder as she swayed off. I’d just like someone else’s opinion.

How about a doctor’s?

He smiled, briefly and bitterly. If you can figure out how to get Nana to see a doctor, that would be fantastic. She’s afraid we’re trying to railroad her. Wrest the family fortune out of her hands.

I could hear the beginnings of a very loud inheritance squabble revving up. Is it what you’re trying to do?

Not unless it comes to that, Jazz said grimly. He lightly drummed his fingers on the table, frowning. I just want you to meet her. Someone outside the family who has no ax to grind. A woman. My mother doesn’t really trust strange men.

You mean your grandmother.

His head snapped up. Yes, grandmother. What did I say?


I swear his skin paled a bit. How Freudian, he murmured. My mother’s dead. Died not long after I was born. Nana gave me Purcell as a last name, and she raised me. He sighed. Guess I’m throwing all the skeletons out of the closet. Feels easier than holding back, although other members of my family wouldn’t agree.

What caused—your mother’s death? In my research, I’d learned that Lily Purcell had died in a sanitarium when she was still in her teens. She’d had Jazz at a very tender age indeed.

Jazz’s eyes met mine again. I felt slightly breathless under their solemn regard. He said, She died in a mental hospital of complications that arose when the staff tried to restrain her. The whole thing was hushed up.

Not sure how to respond, I took a sip from my Sparkling Cyanide. The color of my martini was very close to the shade of Jazz’s eyes.

There have been all kinds of rumors over the years. My grandmother even thinks my mother was deliberately murdered.

Murdered? Disbelief rang in my voice. At the sanitarium?

So, Nana believes. She says my mother was one of the meekest women on earth. Not a resistant bone in her body. Having to restrain her doesn’t fit.

Drugs can make people act like maniacs, sometimes.

Jazz inclined his head. Nana believes there’s more to that story, though frankly, I’m not so sure. But that’s all past history. What matters now is Nana. Will you meet her? Just get an overall impression? That’s all I’m looking for, he said, his gaze turning toward the lake. A sleek, black-and-white Master Craft pulled up to the dock outside Foster’s patio.

I didn’t talk about the cost. I didn’t mention that I was barely an apprentice. I didn’t say anything to jeopardize the moment. Under Jasper Purcell’s spell I could only give one answer: Yes.

That brought a brilliant smile to his lips. He gave me his full attention again and clasped my hands between his own. My knuckles tingled. Thank you, he said, his gaze so warm my internal temperature shot skyward. Whew. I was going to have to order another drink…and pour it over my head to cool off.

Marry in haste, repent in leisure. One of my mother’s favorite axioms slipped across my mind. So, okay, I wasn’t marrying the guy. It wasn’t like he was even interested. But I sure ended up with a lot of time wishing I hadn’t been so hasty.

Every time I say yes it gets me in a shitload of trouble.

Chapter Two

"So, how’d it go?" Dwayne drawled.

I’d stopped by his cabana to pick up my cell phone, which I’d left charging merrily away on one of his end tables. I’d really hoped to avoid a tête-à-tête with him because I wanted to absorb and process my meeting with Jazz. But Dwayne stood in his living room, an unbuttoned white shirt over his tanned chest, hands on his hips, in jeans and bare feet. He looked solid and interested. Fobbing him off wasn’t going to be easy.

Have you met Jazz Purcell? I asked.

Seen him. Haven’t spoken to him.

I hesitated. I know you’re a guy and all, and this’ll be hard for you, but did you think he was…really attractive?

Dwayne heaved a sigh. They’re all crazy, Jane. No matter how good they look. You got it right the first time. He gestured toward the printer table where my Purcell history document lay in an untidy heap. I snatched it up along with my cell phone and charger. My laptop was already in the Volvo. Mentally unstable, to a one.

Can you change my cell phone to vibrate? It’s got this whiny ring I can’t stand.

You won’t hear it on vibrate.

I plan to carry it in my pocket.

Dwayne took my phone and made some lightning adjustments. It was easier than reading the manual or trying to fight my way through the phone menus.

Is Camellia as gorgeous as Jazz? I persisted as he finished, handing the phone back to me.

Dwayne’s smile was knowing, sliding across his face to a wide grin.


He got to you, didn’t he?

I’m just asking, I said, slightly annoyed.

You like him.

Not that way.

Yeah, you do.

I detest it when Dwayne—or any man, for that matter—attempts to tell me what I feel. The man’s physically attractive. You can’t miss it.

Woke you up?

I gritted my teeth. He was loving this, I could tell. And Dwayne knows better than anyone that I’m emotionally rocky on the whole man/woman thing right now. I’d made the mistake of trying to rekindle a past relationship and it ended badly. I’m still feeling raw about it all and whenever my mind touches on memories—which it does a lot—a sense of sorrow fills me that I can’t rationally shake myself out of. What does Cammie look like?

He had the sense to let it go. Not as good looking by half. But I’d say those looks come from the Purcell side. Some of ’em are knockouts; even the ones in their fifties. For what that’s worth, he added with a snort. They’re scary-nutty, Jane.

Jazz seemed okay.

Watch him. They’re smart. He shook himself all over as if he had the heebie-jeebies. They give a new spin to weird.

You’re talking about Cammie, specifically? Clue me in. What did she do?

Darlin’…give me a week.

Come on, Dwayne.

He ran a hand through his light brown, sun-streaked hair. "The woman’s unstable as nitroglycerin. Flashpoint anger. Comes out of nowhere. When I showed her pictures of her cheatin’ husband’s other family, she goes all white. Her lips just turn gray. I thought she was going to faint for a minute, so I moved closer, in case I needed to catch her. Suddenly she grabs me. I mean claws my arm. Jesus. I had to peel her off."

The picture of the flower kids—Jasmine and Blossom?

You got it. Cammie just went into this zone. Closed her eyes. I swear the woman did not breathe. And I mean a long time passed. Minutes. Then she opens her eyes, gazes at me with that really crazy look…you know the one. Something about it’s just not right. And she says, ‘Okay, thanks. That’s all I need.’ His gaze flicked to the report I held. Keep that. Good to know what that family history is. Especially since you’re planning to get involved.

Overall, it doesn’t sound that crazy. All families have something. I’d met Dwayne’s sister and niece and their relationship was dysfunctional enough to make me give them a wide berth. The Purcells might have a little more strangeness than some. Money’ll do that.

I got a bad feeling about all of them.

You want me to make decisions based on your feelings?

"Damn straight. Trusting my own instincts is what’s saved me a time or two. Pay attention to your own instincts, Jane. What are they telling you about this Jazz Purcell?"

I just said I’d meet his grandmother.

That ain’t all, darlin’. Don’t believe it.

Dwayne Durbin, thy middle name is ‘paranoia.’

This grandmother hold the purse strings? I nodded and he grimaced. Tricky stuff, family inheritances. All kinds of strange things emerge when there’s big money involved.

It’s a question of sanity, apparently. Some of the family members think she’s losing it. Others aren’t so sure.

They’re the last group I’d ask for a recommendation on mental capacity.

One meeting…what can it hurt?

Dwayne’s phone rang. As he turned to answer it, he said over his shoulder, Read over your own report, Jane. And FYI: you counted up the current middle-agers wrong.


Orchid Purcell had four children, not five.

Fifteen minutes later I pulled into the driveway of my cottage at the west end of Lake Chinook. I parked in front of the shed-cum-garage as there’s no room inside it for my car. My landlord, Mr. Ogilvy, keeps god-knows-what within its faintly leaning, shingled walls. When it rains, I curse him. Today was so beautiful, a warm, glowing Indian summer afternoon, that I almost opened my arms and embraced it.

As soon as I entered my front door my pug, The Binkster, trotted toward me, her body wriggling like a contortionist. Her black mashed faced and bulbous eyes looked up at me expectantly and we exchanged kissy-face hellos. I’m getting really weird about my dog. She’d been thrust on me by the grace of my mother, who’d honored some shirt-tail relative’s request to find the little beast a home. I’d resisted for all I’m worth, but I must not be worth much because here she is. The Binkster, sometimes called Binky—which is enough to start the gag reflex, in my opinion—is a sweet-tempered, constantly shedding, stubby overeater with a serious bug-eye problem. However, I’ve grown way, way too attached to her. Whereas before I was looking out for Number One and holding my own, barely, now I was looking out for her as well. At night, this extra responsibility creeps into my conscious and my subconscious, too. I’ve woken more than a few times yelling at the top of my lungs at some imagined threat to my dog. This gets Binks going as well. Growling low in her throat from her little bed in the corner, she then jumps to her feet. She seems to sense my weakness in those moments and she makes a beeline for my bed, practically jumping into my arms and snuffling her way beneath the covers. I make faint objections which we both ignore.

Walking into the kitchen, I gave my refrigerator the obligatory check and was surprised and delighted to relearn that I’d purchased some groceries a few days back. Yes, yes. I’d been in a buying mood. I actually had sourdough bread and margarine and romaine lettuce. Almost a meal. There was a small carton of milk which I’d purchased for reasons that escape me now. I’m slightly lactose intolerant so I generally restrict my dairy to cheese. I drink my coffee black.

I slathered the bread with margarine, added the romaine, slapped another margarined slice of bread and bit in. I pretended I was eating roast beef. It’s not that I’m so poor I can’t afford it. I just can’t make myself pay the highway-robbery prices very often. I coulda used some cheese, though.

Binks set her chin on my leg and gazed up at me. This is a ploy. An effective ploy, actually. I gave her a smidgeon of my crust because I was too lazy to get up and find one of her doggy treats. Besides, I like to ration them out, and not just because of the price. Binkster’s supposed to be on a diet as she’s about as wide as she is long. Okay, that’s an exaggeration…but not by much.

While we both munched, my eye fell to my report on the Purcells. With Dwayne’s admonitions still rolling through my mind, I decided to remind myself what I was getting into. Tucking a last bite of sandwich into my mouth, I read:

Jane Kelly, Durbin Investigations

Purcell Family History

Mental illness runs in the Purcell family. Their history bears this out. When James Percy Purcell arrived in Oregon in the early-to-mid-1800s he came with dreams of building a giant city at the juncture of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. Other men joined in his vision and Portland was born, though Percy still managed to put his individualistic stamp on a lot of the city’s architecture. To this day more than a few buildings have scrolled P’s embedded into their stones and bricks.

Percy appears to have been sane enough (if you count marrying six times as sanity). Wives one and two died from unspecified diseases. Wife three ran off when she learned Percy was determined to leave Boston for Oregon. Wife four signed on in St. Louis as Percy was making his way west, then fell overboard to her death when the Purcell’s Conestoga half-slipped off its raft as it swiftly floated down

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