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House of Secrets
House of Secrets
House of Secrets
Ebook578 pages9 hours

House of Secrets

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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"Horrific, totally engrossing. . . A compelling look at insane brilliance." --Ann Rule

A psychopathic mastermind whose reign of terror had no limits--even murder. . .

For years, Eddie Lee Sexton ruled his family with perverse domination. He enforced every cruelty imaginable, from vicious beatings to raping his daughters and fathering their children. Yet the sadistic father nearly escaped death row on a legal technicality.

Lowell Cauffiel's unsparing non-fiction thriller reveals a house of horrors Eddie Lee Sexton thought no one would ever see. Now updated, it shows how Sexton's sick genius ultimately dodged justice, and investigates the tragic aftermath of his victimized family.

"An odyssey into American pathology. Deeply disturbing." --Detroit Free Press

"A balanced and grimly engaging true-crime account." --Publishers Weekly

"Cauffiel knows how to dramatize true crime." --Elmore Leonard

Warning! Contains 16 pages of graphic photos.
Release dateApr 1, 2014

Lowell Cauffiel

Lowell Cauffiel is an American novelist, screenwriter, and producer. He began his career as a journalist, contributing to publications including Rolling Stone and the Detroit News. In 1988, he entered the world of true-crime writing, publishing his first book, Masquerade. He later went on to write the New York Times bestseller House of Secrets. More recently, he has begun writing and producing crime documentaries and made his directorial debut in 2012 with the film Men in a Box. 

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Rating: 3.8662790511627905 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Horribly unsettling look into the life of a seriously deranged father. It gives a whole new meaning to "dysfunctional family." The photos of the house and the disturbed family who dwelled in it are chilling and incredibly sad. I'm very impressed with the author with the way he executed these real life events.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book didn't scare me as much as it disturbed me. I think the only taboos I didn't read about was necrophilia and beastiality....Nothing was off-limits to these people! Great book but I think the author could have picked a better title than House of Secrets.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    If you think your family was dysfunctional, read about this one! Not for the faint of heart.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This is a heartbreaking story, but the book is poorly edited and written.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    America’s most dysfunctional family is an understatement...
    Book has some grammatical and spelling errors, but it really doesn’t detract from the thorough research that went into telling this most horrific of tales.
    I was agog, gobsmacked; goes to confirm that you can’t tell what’s going on behind closed doors.
    Oh, also confirms that there’s some sick and/or evil people walking amongst us.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Fascinating tale of an incredibly horrific family in which the father achieves total domination over his wife and children. The story grows increasingly dark as an incredible web of incest is revealed, as is the complicity of the mother.Reasonably well written, but the copy editing is pretty sloppy.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book is very disturbing. To think something like this could go on is very upsetting to me. The book itself was very factual in the telling of the story, although there were quite a few typos in it. At the end it seemed to drag on where a simple this is where he is now would have sufficed, rather than a phsycological rundown of how people like this operated througout history.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    House of Secrets is probably the most twisted true crime book I've ever read. It's just such a sad case. It's even sadder when you realize that the social workers, police officers, and lawyers had tons of chances to do right by these children and by Joel Sexton, yet ultimately intervened a little too late. Had they acted right when the first got an initial complaint, I have no doubt in my mind that more lives would have been saved. It's sick what Eddie Sexton did, but it's even more sick that he escaped detection for so long. House of Secrets was meticulously researched. This book held my interest from the first page right up until the last page. I couldn't have stopped even if I wanted to. However, I do have to say that House of Secrets does have some clunky writing. Lowell Cauffiel doesn't tell the story in one straight narrative, but rather shifts around through the timeline. Not only that, but he refers to the people in this story (particularly the Sexton children) to their actual names, nicknames, and, when appropriate, their married names. It's very confusing. It took me a while to figure out who exactly he was referring to. I thought he should've picked one name to call each person and stuck with throughout the whole book. But other than that, House of Secrets was a good read that is definitely not for the faint of heart.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    distrubing. was not able to finish.

Book preview

House of Secrets - Lowell Cauffiel



When I’m With You


Terry Turify first noticed the girl in the well-waxed halls of the high school. Her only company was an armful of books. She always looked as if she needed a good night’s sleep. One day in study hall, Terry walked over and introduced herself. She felt sorry for her, always sitting there alone.

The girl said her name was Stella. Stella Sexton, she said.

Stella was wearing a blousy print dress. It looked like it had time-traveled from the 1970s. Terry thought, go home and wash your hair. Don’t let it hang there in dark, oily strands. Get rid of the dandruff on your shoulders. Don’t you know you could be very pretty? Not that Terry was a clotheshorse. God knows since Terry and her twin sister Traci had transferred to Jackson High School, they’d discovered plenty of those in the halls.

Terry and Stella Sexton had that in common. They were both outsiders, Terry a transfer student from the Cleveland area, Stella on the outside simply because of the way she looked. No one in the school seemed to have the remotest interest in the girl.

Terry tried to connect, trying harmless questions about their classes, their school, their studies. Stella gave one word answers, mostly yes or no.

After a few minutes, Stella gave up a complete sentence. She said she’d been born and raised in the Canton area, but she was also part Native American.

Really? Terry said, always fascinated with Indian culture. What kind?

Stella named a tribe. It was such an odd name, something Terry had never heard before, she later wouldn’t be able to recall the designation.

Do you know how to speak Indian? Terry asked.

Stella opened her notebook and spelled out Terry’s name in this tribe’s language. Her father had taught her the language, Stella said. He was involved with Indian tribes. He restored old furniture for Indian organizations. That’s how he made his living, she said.

Stella handed her the notebook paper. Keep it, she said.

The next day, Stella brought her another sheet of odd-looking markings. She said it was the entire Indian alphabet.

We speak the language at home, Stella said.

Hey, maybe I could come over to your house some time, Terry said. I’m really into this stuff.

Stella’s eyes narrowed. No, she said. Absolutely not.

What do you mean, absolutely?

I can’t do that. My dad would not approve.


He’d be real mad if he even knew I was telling you.

Terry figured, some people are sensitive about sharing their cultures. But in time, she would learn Stella’s father was sensitive about a lot of things.

Throughout their junior year, Terry tried inviting her to do things.

Hey, Stella, want to catch a movie?

No, Stella said.

We could go to Canton Center Mall.


How about Belden Village?


She thought, maybe Stella didn’t have any money.

All right then, Terry said. How about you just come over to my place?

No, Stella said. She couldn’t do anything, she said. Her father would not approve.

Summer vacation came. They didn’t talk again until early in their senior year. Terry saw her sitting alone at a big round table near the door in the high school cafeteria. Stella was wearing a blue and white sailor shirt. Her eyes beamed, her dark circles not so apparent as the year before.

Terry saw her tummy. Stella Sexton looked pregnant.

When Terry asked, Stella said the baby was due in October. She announced it proudly.

Terry thought, now her ostracization at Jackson High School would be complete. Stella seemed oblivious to the ramifications.

I mean, she had that glow, Terry would later say.

Terry pulled up a chair, asking, Gosh, Stella, who’s the father?

He’s in the Navy, she said.



Are you getting married?

I think so.

Terry looked into her eyes. My God, Stella, what do your parents think?

They don’t care, Stella said matter of factly.

"They don’t care? My parents would kill me."

As long as I’m happy, Stella said, they don’t care.

Terry thought, Don’t care? Last year her parents wouldn’t even let the girl out of the house.


It wasn’t until after she saw the blockbuster movie, Traci decided he was a lot like Forrest Gump. The slim, handsome boy was standing in the corner, his books cradled under his right arm, looking as if he was waiting for something, or someone.

First period, government, Mr. Paul’s class. Every morning, Traci Turify killed 20 minutes with her twin sister Terry, both of them in the building early, waiting for school to start.

She asked Terry, "What is he doing?"

Terry, leaning over, whispered, You’re sitting in his desk.

Am I sitting in your seat?

He nodded.

Well, she said. That’s just too damn bad.

He said nothing, and didn’t move a muscle, as if he was entirely prepared to wait her out.

She popped up, saying, Just kidding.

He walked over slowly, setting down his textbooks, and looked at Terry.

Terry said, Joel and I are buds.

Joel M. Good. That was his name, he said when they got to the formal introduction. They called him Joey at home. But in school, people called him Joel, or just Joe. Right off, she sensed he was different, not full of bravado or the nervous energy common to other senior boys.

Tracy wanted to know more. He was a transfer student, he said. He came from another suburb called Perry, between Massilon and Canton.

Traci said that she and her twin sister Terry were transfer students, too.

He said he came to Jackson as a junior, lived with his aunt and uncle now. He said he used to live with his grandparents in Perry.

What about your mom and dad?

They were both dead, he said. They’d died when he was 13, his father from a heart attack, his mother from diabetes.

Where you from? he asked.

We’re from Cleveland—the real world, Terry said.

In fact, they were from a working-class suburb of Cleveland called Parma. It was only 50 miles due north on 1-77. But the way the Turifys saw it, Parma was an entire world way. They were still having a hard time of it, even as seniors. Terry absolutely hated Jackson High School and most of the students. Traci had managed to make some friends.

Jackson just wasn’t normal, they would tell people who bothered to ask. Normal schools don’t call their school auditoriums a center for the performing arts. Normal teenagers don’t drive to class in BMWs and new Jeep Wranglers. Normal teenage girls don’t wear Liz Claiborne blazers, and normal boys don’t strut down the halls in pink golf shirts and yellow Izod sweaters. Tracy had never been in a school before where the class bell signaled a stampede of Ralph Lauren horsemen down the halls.

In Parma, a prime car is held together with duct tape, Terry would say. A pink shirt? That would be the same as committing suicide in our old school.

Jackson High School, the pride of Jackson Township, a suburb north of Canton, Ohio. Students from the west side came from homes that pushed a half million. They had clothes and money and worries about how many photos and club references they could stack in the yearbook index. Their senior class called the yearbook: What Goes Around Comes Around.

"And they let you know it, Terry would say. If you don’t have it, they let you know you do not belong. They look right through you in the halls."

Joel Good was more like them, one of the invisible people. Traci Turify knew that right off, sitting in their corner before government class.

As the 1988-89 school year unfolded she found more to like about the boy. He eventually took a job as a dishwasher at Don Poncho’s and enrolled in a class in the building trades. He rode a Schwinn 10-speed everywhere. He biked around his sub after school, visiting with neighborhood friends. Parents liked him. They were always inviting Joel Good to stay for dinner. He’d eventually buy a brown, rust-pitted Datsun hatchback for $400, feeding it gas a couple bucks at a time. It was always breaking down. But rather than complain, he’d just get back on the bike again.

Joel hung out mainly with underclassmen, kids from his neighborhood. They went bowling a lot up at Colonial Lanes. Or Joel took them to a couple old drive-in movie theaters south of Canton. He avoided endless discussions about the world-class prep football being played in the Canton-Massilon corridor and the hottest new videos on MTV. He was satisfied with the hapless Cleveland Browns and liked bands popular in the 1970s, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Peter Frampton. A neighborhood friend took him to his first concert, Cheap Trick. They stood in the front row. Joel complained he couldn’t hear for two days.

At first, he didn’t make a big deal about girls and dating. He never made cat calls at them, hanging his head out of a speeding car in the school lot like Traci had seen others do. The closest Joel Good ever came to a date was a movie outing with a group of underclassmen. He hung around that night with another transfer student, a girl who was 75 pounds overweight.

He made me feel like a person, the girl later said.

A sweet guy.

Very caring.

The nicest guy I ever met.

They described him that way, the few who took the time to know him. As for those who ignored him, Joel Good didn’t appear to care. He took each encounter as it came, seemingly unaware the preppies looked through him and that the burnouts thought he was a square.

And he was funny, Traci often thought. The routines they found comic were not about others, but about mundane foibles of Joel Good’s own life. A story about his car breaking down could put them in stitches.

He hobbled in one day.

So there I was stuck on the freeway.

So what did you do? somebody asked.

I kicked it. That’s how I broke my toe.

It wasn’t the punch line. It was the delivery. Straight-faced, and usually in a monotone.

Just like Forrest Gump.

Traci learned they had much in common. Joel Good would turn 19 in January. He’d been held back a year in grade school and placed in the slower classes most of his school years.

God, Traci said. You too?

Traci had trouble with numbers. A form of dyslexia, she explained. Like a phone number. I’ll get one of the two digits all mixed up.

Math was difficult for Traci. For Joel, school was a struggle across the board. In his old high school he studied in a special curriculum. In Jackson, they appeared to have tossed him in with the mix, expecting him to fend for himself. His grades fell from B’s and C’s to D’s and F’s after he transferred. His aunt hired a personal tutor, who worked with him twice a week. Traci depended on Terry, who did her homework and coached her on tests. She passed her twin’s tips on to Joel.

Make up little skits in your head, Traci told him. It’s a good way to remember.

Joel eventually raised his grades to C’s.

Other students rarely insulted his lack of intelligence. Joel Good wouldn’t argue, and he certainly couldn’t be goaded into a fight. People gave up quickly on trying to push his buttons, especially when their insults were met with that Forrest Gump stare.

Even Traci’s sister Terry, the consummate cynic, noticed it. He believes in people, she said. He always thinks good of people, no matter what they do.

Like when Traci took his desk. That became their morning routine, their little ritual through the fall and winter. Traci in his seat, talking to Terry. Saying a nasty line, then giving it back to him when he showed up.

Then Traci landed a baby-sitting job in Joel Good’s neighborhood. He began dropping by to see her after school, pedalling over on his bike. They talked about homework and the Cleveland Browns and life after high school.

One day she asked, What are you going to do after graduation?

I’d like to have a family, he said. I’d like to have a wife and kids.

That’s a good goal, she said.

Terry pulled her aside at school one day. Traci, she said. I think Joel wants to ask you out.

He asked her a few days later, in front of his aunt’s house, standing in the driveway, looking at his feet.

She didn’t want to hurt his feelings. But she’d been going with a boy named Eric for six months. Eric had already asked her to the prom, she said.

You’re still my friend, Joel, she said. Is there anybody else you want to ask? Maybe 1 can help.

He answered the next day. I sort of like that girl you guys sometimes hang around with.

What girl? Traci asked.

Stella, Joel said. She seems nice.


The day she first heard the girl’s name, Teresa Boron panicked. Joel Good had sprung the question on her at 10:30 that morning, a Saturday, when mall parking was a major challenge in and of itself.

What do you wear to a prom? he asked.

She always called him Joey.

Joey, you’re going? Teresa asked back. Her eyes filled with disbelief.

He nodded.

Teresa asked, You’re going with Traci?

Weeks ago, she’d suggested her nephew ask the neighborhood girl who often stopped by their house after school. He’d finally gotten up the nerve, only to be rejected. Teresa thought, Traci must have changed her mind. Now Joey had waited until the day of the dance to break the news.

Traci has a boyfriend, Joey said. I’m going with a girl.

What girl?

Her name is Stella.

And who is Stella?

She’s a girl at school. Traci kind of set it up.

Stella, Teresa thought. That was an unusual name.

Her nephew had shown little interest in dating. He had moppy brown hair and innocent eyes that might have charmed a half dozen girls, if he’d only had the confidence to make the moves. He was shy and academically slow. Not retarded, but his IQ was borderline. She’d hired a tutor to help him, but she could only guess what he was up against in the high school’s social scene.

Joel Michael Good, Jr. was four weeks from graduation. Unlike most of the students at Jackson, he did not have a stack of college acceptance letters to consider. But in her house, Teresa Boron figured, he had a shot at making a life for himself. She was the co-owner and bookkeeper of her husband’s machine shop. They made guide rollers for mills in the rust belt. She handled the payroll and the accounts payable and receivable between raising four kids of her own under the age of 10. She never thought twice about taking in Joey. As a child, he called her Aunt Tee Tee. Sometimes he still did. He’d lived with her sister Velva, then her parents. Joey’s younger brother Danny was still living with his grandparents in south Canton. When Joey said he wanted to move in with her, Teresa figured she was fulfilling an old promise.

Her sister Linda had called her to her sickbed six years ago, blind, her organs failing. I have to make sure my kids are going to be okay, Linda said.

That day Teresa promised, I’ll always be there for them.

She wished her sister could be there now. A first date, to the senior prom no less. How proud his mother would be.

You wear a tux to a prom, Teresa said.

Joey did not have a tux, or reservations at a restaurant. He’d given no thought to flowers, color coordination, or any of the other details most students spent weeks planning.

Teresa glanced at her watch and reached for the Yellow Pages. My God, Joey, she asked. What color is Stella’s dress?

I don’t know, Joey said.

He didn’t have Stella’s phone number, either, and only vague directions to her house.


Eight hours later, they sped down Wales Avenue toward Massilon, Joey in the backseat, Teresa’s friend in the front, along for the ride.

They would find this Stella’s house, pick her up and take the young prom couple to a restaurant called the Leprechaun. They would let the two seniors dine by themselves on the other side of the restaurant, while Teresa and her friend sipped a couple of drinks. Then, they’d drop them off at the McKinley Room in the Canton Civic Center, site of the 1989 prom. They were calling the dance When I’m With You, inspired by a song by the band called Sheriff.

Teresa scanned the houses, her eyes straining from behind the wheel of her Chevy van. It was twilight, the sky a dark off-white from a murky overcast. Dusk had turned the lawns and homes and leafless trees into ill-defined dark shapes.

They were looking for a pond.

She said it was the house on Wales next to the pond, Joey kept saying.

So far, they’d gotten lucky, Teresa figured. Her nephew was dressed in a brilliant white tuxedo, complimented by white shoes and a powder blue tie and cummerbund. They’d found a rental shop that did one-day alterations. There was a table waiting for the couple at the Leprechaun. At the flower shop, Joey had picked out a rose corsage.

You can never go wrong with a red rose, Teresa said.

When they found the pond, Joey went up to the house on the north side of the water, but returned after a few moments. When he got back into the backseat, Teresa spun around, wondering.

Wrong house, Joey said. He pointed south. The people said there’s a girl named Stella who lives over there.

Teresa wheeled the van back around on Wales, then up Caroline, finding the driveway. The house was almost imposing, sitting there on top of the hill at dusk. She watched her nephew walk slowly up the sidewalk, carrying the clear plastic case with the rose corsage in front of him, doing it carefully, as if it were a liquid that might spill.

When he returned minutes later, the girl Stella was with him. Teresa Boron got out of the van and walked toward them, a camera in her hand. She could see the parents hovering near the front doorway on the deck. They didn’t come out to introduce themselves. Teresa didn’t approach. She figured this was no time to chat. After all, this was Joey’s night.

Besides, Stella Sexton had captured Teresa’s eyes.

My God, she thought, this girl is very pretty. Her dark brown hair was pinned up on her head. She was wearing a full-length formal, not one of the tight body dresses or skimpy satins popular with teenage girls today. The outer shell was white lace, her bare shoulders covered with a transparent lace shawl. The color was powder blue and white, the same shades as Joey’s tux. Stella had pinned a white carnation on Joey’s lapel. But Joey was still holding the red rose corsage in front of him, the flower still in its plastic case.

In the back of the van, the two of them said nothing. They remained silent for miles. The two shyest students in Jackson High School have somehow found each other, Teresa thought. A perfect match.

Teresa broke the silence, asking about their plans. Stella said her father and brother would be picking them up from the prom. She spoke in a hardly audible voice.

I have to be home early, she whispered.

Teresa thought, on prom night?

That would not be the only deviation in prom protocol. As Teresa dropped them off at the Civic Center, Stella still hadn’t put on the red corsage. Later, Teresa learned the flower never left its plastic case. Stella Sexton had emerged from the house on Caroline Street wearing a blue-and-white wrist corsage.

She would not replace it with the rose.

It’s a gift from my father, she said.


They watched them in an awkward slow dance. A couple of times, Joel tried to hold her hand, but Stella would touch him only for a few moments, then slide her fingers away. They sat at Terry and Traci’s table. When Joel slipped away for a cigarette, Traci followed him outside.

He sucked hard on the smoke. Traci Turify had never seen him so frustrated.

Man, he said. She hardly says anything.

Traci was feeling like little miss matchmaker. She’d personally gone to Stella Sexton and told her that Joel Good wanted to ask her out. Only after she said she’d probably go did Joel decide to invite her as his date.

Maybe she’s nervous, Traci said.


Well, she’s not well-liked at school. You know that.

They’d talked about her pregnancy. Neither Traci or Terry had been able to get a straight answer from Stella about the father of her baby, whether he was ever coming back.

Maybe that’s it, Traci said. This boyfriend in the service.

I don’t know, Joel said.

Joel wanted to ask her to a class trip the next day to Cedar Point, a world-class amusement park west of Cleveland.

But, man, she sure is shy, he said.

Coming from him, Traci thought, that had to be about as shy as shy gets.

They went back inside.

Well before midnight, Traci came back from the dance floor and realized Joel and Stella were gone.

A couple days later in school, Traci asked him, So, how did it go?

Joel looked disappointed. I took her home and that was it.

You didn’t go to Cedar Point? she asked.

He shook his head.

Joel Good never mentioned Stella Sexton again until their graduation ceremony. Stella had just walked past Traci with her diploma. She said hi, but Stella just kept walking, not even bothering to look at her or wave.

When she saw Joel, she asked, Hey, what’s the deal with Stella?

I don’t know, he said. She doesn’t call or anything.

That was short-lived.

Yeah, I guess, he said.

It was the last conversation they would ever have.


It was summer the next time Teresa Boron saw the girl. Joey had decided to try to ask Stella Sexton out again. Teresa suggested he invite her to a family cookout. Teresa drove over to the house on Caroline Street to pick her up. Stella Sexton came walking out of the door with a baby in her arms.

Is that your sister? Teresa asked in the car.

No, she said. It’s my baby.

Her name was Dawn, she said.

Teresa didn’t probe. It was the girl’s business. She thought, kids sometimes made mistakes.

Later, Joey told her about the father in the Navy. The guy walked out on her, he said. He claimed it wasn’t his.

When Teresa looked at the baby, something seemed profound about the girl’s looks. What an uncanny resemblance to her mother, she thought.

At the cookout, Teresa tried engaging Stella in conversation. She spoke in a hardly audible voice.

Getting any information out of her was like pulling teeth, Teresa later recalled.

Teresa eventually put a few facts together. Like Joey, Stella had been held back one year in school, but it wasn’t because of her grades. She had a high B average in high school. She’d repeated the first grade after she’d been hurt in a cooking accident in the family home. She was hospitalized for two months, her arms and chest burned by hot grease. She’d studied culinary arts in high school, but dropped out of the co-op cooking program when she had the child. She’d worked at Pizza Hut and Frank’s Family Restaurant in Massilon.

What does your father do? she asked.

He has his own painting business, she said.

Estella May Sexton. That was her full name, exactly the same as her mother’s. Stella was the oldest girl in a family of 12 children. There were seven boys and five girls, ranging in age from 6 to 23. Her parents had given her a nickname.

At home, everyone calls me Pixie, she said.

Pixie Sexton said she had to be home by no later than eight. It was summer, daylight savings time. It wouldn’t even be dark.

That’s awfully early, Teresa said.

My father wants me home by eight, Pixie said.

For the next date, Joey got his rusted Datsun working and drove over to see her. Then he began visiting her a couple of nights a week.

What do you guys do at Pixie’s? Teresa asked.

We sit around and talk, Joey said. We watch TV. The baby really likes me.

He began bringing Pixie to their house on weekends, sometimes Pixie’s brother William in tow. They called him Willie. He was a dark-haired, gangly boy Joey’s age. He was as quiet as his sister. The three of them would sit in Teresa’s family room and watch TV. They had to be the quietest teenagers in Stark County, Teresa thought.

The first time Teresa Boron heard the rumor, it came from a boy in the neighborhood who mowed their grass. He’d gone to school with the Sexton children. He claimed the family belonged to some kind of cult.

Cult? Teresa asked. What kind of cult?

Some kind of strange rituals, he said. And the Sexton boys used to come to school looking like they’d been beat up and stuff.

She pressed him for details, but he had none. She tried to dismiss it, but as the weeks went by, it lay there in the back of her mind.

Joey said one night, I really like Pixie.

She thought, like wasn’t the word. He confirmed that when he added that he’d like to marry Pixie Sexton one day.

She said, You don’t know her. I mean, you don’t even know who her child’s father is?

Joey repeated the story about the father being in the Navy. Later she would get a more developed version, Pixie saying now that the baby’s father had died.

Teresa Boron began to worry. The cult story kept coming to the front of her mind.

It wasn’t just these mysterious Sexton kids, it was Joey. She couldn’t count on her nephew to discern fact from fiction. His slowness hampered him in the simplest of things. The first time he tried to get his driver’s license, a frightened state examiner aborted his road test, made him park the car on the street, and walked back to the state office. Teresa discovered he needed glasses, but it still took him three more tries to get his permit. She had to remind Joey to take a shower. She still had to coax him to brush his teeth. Not because he wanted to be dirty, he just forgot simple necessities like that.

My nephew wasn’t ready for marriage, Teresa Boron would later say. My nephew wasn’t ready for life.

Teresa believed she had two extreme options. She could ignore what appeared to be happening to Joey with Pixie. Or she could get him declared incompetent by the court. She’d be damned if she’d do that. That was not taking care of her sister’s son.

Teresa tried to find middle ground. You need to live your own life for a while, she said. Then, later, you can think about marriage and a family.

But he continued seeing her, spending more evenings at the house on Caroline Street.

He became head over heels with this girl, she later recalled. And there is just no reasoning with a teenager in love.

Then one day in September, Joey announced that he wanted to move to Montana.

Montana? she asked. With who?

Pixie. And Mr. and Mrs. Sexton. The whole family is going to move out west.

He explained that the Sextons were buying a big ranch there. It was located on top of a mountain, a millionaire’s mansion with hundreds of acres. There were guest quarters and a guard house. Mr. Sexton had shown him a video of the spread.

They want me to work in the guard station, Joey said.

That evening, Teresa Boron drove to the house on Caroline, Joey tagging along. The man who introduced himself as Pixie’s father met her at the front door. Ed Sexton was a tall, thin man with a pronounced widow’s peak.

She told Ed Sexton she needed to talk about Joey.

Ed Sexton smiled, inviting her to sit on the deck. His wife Estella emerged, but Sexton turned to her and said, Go inside and get some iced tea.

It was an order. The wife silently complied.

As she settled into her chair, Teresa noticed a couple of girls and a young boy, ages maybe 8 to 12, quietly come outside. Soon eight or nine Sexton children came out, taking positions, all of them absolutely silent. They stood looking at her with their chins lowered, their dark eyes peering up at her, as if she were some new, strange species they’d never seen before.

When Estella handed her the tea and returned inside, Joey took Dawn for a walk down by the pond, Pixie and several other of the children following. Ed Sexton looked as relaxed and cordial as a southern gentleman sipping a mint julep on a plantation porch.

You know, Joey is just terrific with little Dawn, Sexton drawled.

Sexton began asking the questions. He wanted to know the fate of Joey’s mother and dad.

She gave him the brief version. His father died unexpectedly of a sudden heart attack three years before his mother, she said. Neither lived past the age of 35.

Did the parents have insurance? he asked. I mean, to take care of the boy?

She thought, That’s a nosey question, but answered anyway. They didn’t have a lot of insurance. He gets Social Security.

Do you invest the money? Sexton asked.

He got $450 a month, she thought. They gave him money for allowance and expenses. They put the balance in CDs and a savings account. But she didn’t tell Sexton that. She skirted the question. It’s none of your business, she thought.

Already, Teresa Boron didn’t like this man.

Joey says you want him to move to Montana with you, she began. And I don’t think that’s good.

She pled his case. He had a younger brother who needed him. He needed to get established in a good job. If they wanted to be together, perhaps Pixie could remain behind while they dated.

After his brother Danny graduates from school, maybe then they could go out and join you, she said.

She thought, at the very least she could buy time, until her nephew’s infatuation passed.

She told Sexton, Joey needed to be able to support himself before he could support a wife and a child.

Well, Pixie did make a mistake, Sexton said of the baby. But I still love her.

Sexton said he had it all worked out. He talked about the scenario as if it were a done deal. They were buying a place called the Skytop Ranch, he said. It was on 1,200 acres, on a mountaintop just south of Helena, Montana. Later, she’d learn he’d found the place through an advertisement in The Robb Report, a magazine for millionaires.

Sexton had a brochure. It read: More than a home, Skytop Ranch, Montana is a lifestyle ... Expansive views of Montana’s beloved big sky are rivaled only by the mountain peaks, pine forests and wildflowers that are visible from every window of this three-story mansion. Here, the nearest neighbors are deer and elk, coyote and cougar. Here, the distractions are subtle—the rustle of the wind, the laughter of a trout stream, the soft morning whistle of a mountain bluebird.

The brochure showed a sun-drenched family room with a huge circular leather couch and a telescope aimed at the nearest mountain peak. In the formal living room, a black grand piano stood across from a large fireplace, its walls adorned with modern art. There were many rooms, cozy niches for reading, playing and being, the brochure said. Skytop had sophisticated fire and security systems. It had a helicopter hangar and a red, two-man chopper.

Sexton also said he had a video of the property. He offered to send the tape home with Joey someday. Joey would be working for him, handling security, he said.

As if Joey knows anything about security, she thought. Teresa Boron eyed the weathered deck and Ed Sexton’s worn blue jeans. She couldn’t help but notice the simple clothes the kids were wearing. She thought, where was this guy going to get the money for a mountaintop mansion? She thought this even before she learned the asking price for Skytop. The owner wanted $1.9 million for the ranch.

Sexton brought the subject up. He said he was making a multi-million-dollar deal with the Wendy’s and Burger King franchises to do a nationwide promotion.

Promotion of what? she asked.

The Futuretrons, Sexton said.

She asked him to repeat the word.

Futuretrons, he said. You see, my daughter and I are Futuretrons.

Teresa said she didn’t understand.

Ed Sexton held out his left hand, showing her his palm. He pointed to what looked like normal lines in the skin. He said his second youngest daughter, Lana, had the same lines.

If some of these Satanic cults knew she had this mark, they’d hunt her down, he said. If they knew of her, or her whereabouts, she’d be in grave danger.

Teresa wondered, what kind of danger?

They’d want to sacrifice her. The mark on her hand makes her so powerful, she could destroy them. The power can wipe ‘em out. I mean, wipe ’em out.

The girl Lana looked hardly 10 years old, but Ed Sexton was serious.

Okay, Teresa said, humoring him.

He talked about markings on his other children. He said his 6-year-old Kimberly had the mark of a Christmas tree on her leg. When his wife was pregnant with Kimberly, he said, the family tree fell down and the baby jumped in her tummy. When the child was born, it bore the mark of the tree.

Really, Teresa said. But she was thinking, Joey isn’t going anywhere with these people. God, it was true. The Sextons were into cults.

Pixie and Joey returned to the deck.

Pixie, why don’t you stay here instead of going to Montana? Teresa asked.

My dad says it’s best I go, she said quietly.

Joey will eventually be getting an apartment. You guys can still see each other.

My dad says it’s best if we were out there, Pixie said.

Dad plays a big part in this girl’s life, Teresa thought.

She looked back at Sexton. He was staring at her now. His eyes had a penetrating, dark quality. Now he’s trying to intimidate me, she thought. She’d dealt with men like that before. She’d had a lot of practice in the steel business.

Teresa stared right back. Well, it’s not going to happen, she said firmly. Joey is not going to Montana. His main obligation right now is to take care of his brother. It is not to follow you guys out west.

She remained cordial saying goodbye. But couldn’t wait to get off that deck.

A few weeks later, Joey came home from work depressed.

It’s off, he said.

Teresa wondered, the trip to Montana?

Me and Pixie, he said.

She didn’t want to see him anymore.

Teresa Boron thought, Thank God.


Joel found a job at a local nut and bolt manufacturer. Teresa Boron helped him find his own apartment on Sixth Street, a one bedroom with a kitchen, living room, and bath. Her older sister Velva also pitched in for the move. Teresa gave him an old couch. Velva bought him new towels. They both equipped him with dishes and kitchen utensils.

Velva could practically see his apartment from her two bedroom home on Park Avenue.

You’re moving him close to me because you know I’m close enough to watch him, Velva said.

The whole family worried about him, not only Teresa and Velva, but their parents Lewis and Gladys and their brother Sam. They’d all had a hand in raising him. They all wanted to see him find independence, but they were concerned about his trusting nature.

You would have to know Joey to understand, Velva would later say. He was a good, gentle person. But he was also very naive.

Velva was as close to Joey as Teresa. She, too, thought of him as a son. Joey and his brother Danny had spent weekends with Velva when his mother was dying. When Linda passed, her will gave Velva custody of her sons. They stayed with her and her husband for two years

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