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The Prada Plan 2: Leahs's Story
The Prada Plan 2: Leahs's Story
The Prada Plan 2: Leahs's Story
Ebook265 pages4 hours

The Prada Plan 2: Leahs's Story

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Ashley Antoinette (of Ashley & JaQuavis fame) steps out on her own once again with the next installment of her scandalously sexy Prada Plan series! Infamous bad girl Leah Richards may have lost Indie to YaYa, but that doesn't mean she's out of the game. You can't cross a woman like Leah and not expect there to be consequences—and that's just what Indie and YaYa are about to face when Leah captures and kidnaps the couple's baby girl, Skylar. This is no ordinary game of cat and mouse. Everyone knows that Leah is nuts and there are no limits to what she will do to get her revenge. Now YaYa's world is falling apart as she and Indie desperately search for their daughter, praying she's still alive. YaYa thought her street days were behind her, but now that the old demons have surfaced, she'll need a new plan to come out on top. But when all truths turn out to be lies, it's almost too much to take. Will Leah really kill baby Skylar? Can Indie hold on to his reign over Houston without falling victim to the game? And as long as Leah lives, is there any hope of Indie and YaYa and Skylar living happily ever after? All these questions and more will be answered in this heart-pounding sequel!
PublisherUrban Books
Release dateJun 8, 2011
The Prada Plan 2: Leahs's Story

Ashley Antoinette

Ashley Antoinette Coleman is one of the most successful female writers of her time. The feminine half of the popular married duo, Ashley and JaQuavis, she has co-written over 40 novels. Several of her titles have hit The New York Times bestsellers list, but she is most widely regarded for her racy four-book saga, The Prada Plan. Born in Flint, Michigan she was bred with an innate street sense that she uses as motivation in her crime-filled writings.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It started off rocky but it got sooo good in the middle and end I am flabbergasted.

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The Prada Plan 2 - Ashley Antoinette



I know you want to label me the bad guy. Every story needs one, right? The conniving bitch that is only out for self, the crazy one with nothing to lose. That’s how you see me. Every pair of eyes that’s scanning this page would love to see this bad girl die slow, but I’m used to that. It’s the story of my life. Leah Richards has always been spoiled goods.

But you all are looking through a jaded lens. If you knew the true story behind my rage, you would understand. Little Ms. Prada Plan isn’t as perfect as she seems, and I’m not as cruel as you would like to make me out to be. Rivalry, betrayal, friendship, rejection, loneliness, jealousy—those were the ingredients that brought me to this point. All of that mixed with rage contributed to the deterioration of my mental health. Now I’m teetering on the edge, and depending on which direction the winds of life blow, I could be pushed over.

I should have never opened up my life to YaYa. The greedy bitch just took and took from me until I had nothing left. Emotionally, she drained me. She left me on E, and now it’s payback time. It’s my turn to watch her suffer.

You’ve already chosen teams, and I get it, because you have only heard YaYa’s side of the story thus far. The Prada Plan made that bitch look like a saint, but by the end of Part 2, you just might change your mind about me. I’m not a fake bitch, so I’m not saying you are going to love me; because frankly, I don’t like any of you Indie and YaYa fan club members either. All of those reviews were sickening. Damn, I mean they are a far cry from Barack and Michelle. Get off their jocks. So no, I don’t care for y’all that much, and you for damn sure don’t like me, but let’s just say that after my story you will understand me, and you most definitely will know it’s not a good idea to cross me.

My life has been one constant struggle, and one exhausting tale of survival. When nobody wants you, envy can easily corrupt your heart, and when you have no loyalties, no one is indispensable. I’ve always done what I had to do in order to get by, and the people who got in my way always felt my wrath. Fuck a mother, a father, and a friend; all I’ve ever had was me, and I refuse to lose—especially to Disaya Morgan. I’ll let my body hit the dirt before I let that bitch beat me.

I had learned to control my anger. Years of therapy and padded rooms had snapped me out of my vindictive nature, but YaYa brought me back. She unlocked the devil in me, and from the very first time I looked into those green eyes, I secretly hated her. She had what I wanted, everything that I desired. She was so beautiful and loved, yet was clueless as to how blessed she actually was. She was who I wanted to be, who I should have been.

Befriending the bitch was easy enough. Getting rid of Mona’s tag-along ass was simple, because she was a weak ho from the beginning. Being close to YaYa fulfilled my need for attention, but after I helped her Baby Phat—wearing ass sleep her way to the top, she forgot that we were a team. I introduced her to real money and a completely new lifestyle, then the bitch fell in love, and she had the nerve to turn her nose up at me—like lying on her back hadn’t just been her way to get paid too.

She acted like what we had didn’t mean shit to her, as if Indie could offer her so much more. The bitch was stupid, because the way I see it, he was using her. At least my love was genuine. My love had been there all along. It was based on a much deeper connection, not just on the sex. Indie didn’t decide to wife her until she gave him some pussy. I, on the other hand, appreciated her for so much more. YaYa’s dense ass couldn’t see that, though, and her brand new attitude turned me off completely.

I don’t get clipped; I clip bitches. She should have known that there could only be one queen B, and now I have to teach her a lesson. It’s time for her to kneel at my feet and know what it feels like to be second best.

I know I’m rambling. It is so easy for me to get caught up in my emotions and vent about this situation all day, so before I take it there, I’m going to hand this story over to someone who can do it justice. If I kick it to you, you are going to be biased. You already hate me, so you won’t judge it with an open mind, so Ms. Ashley Antoinette is going to deliver it for me—raw and uncensored, the way that only she can do it.

I’m about to flip this entire shit upside down. Fuck a Prada Plan and the bitch that created it. It’s Leah’s turn. Welcome to my story.

Chapter One

YaYa’s ears went deaf to everything around her as the explosive sound of her frantic heartbeat rang loudly in her ears. The sight of her daughter’s empty crib incited a fear within her that she had never known. Her stomach instantly went hollow as she bent over in disbelief, and the agonizing thought of someone hurting Skylar broke her down to her knees. The lonely tears that cascaded down her delicate face were every indication that her grief was too much to bear. Her mouth formed in an O of horror, yet no words came out. Her cries were so heavy that they plagued her in silence. Her soul hurt so badly that she couldn’t register the emotion in her brain. The torment that she felt was one that only a mother would know. A missing child is like a missing identity. She didn’t know who she was without her daughter, and now that she was gone, YaYa felt as if the air had been knocked from her lungs.

Indie knelt with her in an attempt to console her. His strong arms wrapped around her fragile frame as she melted into his embrace. Tears plagued his own eyes as a jumble of emotion built up inside of him. He felt so many things at once as his mind kicked into overdrive. He immediately thought of any and everyone who he had ever had problems with. YaYa was a mother. She had birthed Skylar, but it was Indie who had created the little angel. Skylar was his seed, and the fact that someone had trespassed against his own sent Indie over the edge. Through all of the confusion, the sadness, the grief, his most prevalent emotion was rage.

I’ma take care of it, YaYa. I’m going to find out who did this, he whispered as he held her, pulling her head into his chest.

Who would take her away from me? She’s a baby, Indie. She’s my baby, YaYa cried.

I don’t know, ma, he replied truthfully.

YaYa sprang to her feet and rushed out of the room as she headed for the phone. I have to call somebody. We need to call the police. She hasn’t been gone that long. They can help bring my baby back. YaYa’s hands shook violently as she picked up the cordless phone, but before she could dial one number, Indie removed it from her grasp.

We can’t call the police, he stated.

What? YaYa responded incredulously as her eyes squinted in confusion. Indie we have to.

Indie was trying his hardest to hold onto his logical reserve. The situation was threatening to cripple him at any moment, but he knew that he had to stay strong. Panicking would only cause more chaos, and chaos would ultimately lead to his daughter’s demise. He had to remain focused and think. The weight of the world was on his shoulders. YaYa needed him. His daughter needed him, and he had to be the man they had come to rely on. It was up to him to make everything okay.

This is federal, YaYa. If we report Sky missing, this place will be crawling with the feds within the hour, and they’ll want to know everything. Everyone will be a suspect, including me. What I do and how I get my money will come under scrutiny.

YaYa shook her head in total disbelief as she stormed toward Indie, her eyes ablaze with anger. I don’t give a fuck, Indie! She’s our daughter. They can take both of our asses to prison as long as they get her back. Give me the phone! she demanded as she lunged to grab it from his hand.

Indie held the phone away from YaYa’s reach, which only made her cry harder as she wrestled him for it. With a lack of someone to blame, she began to turn on him. He became her enemy.

Give me the fucking phone! I hate you! she screamed. Inside, she knew that she could never mean those words, not when it came to Indie, but at the moment, he was making her feel so helpless that they just slipped out. Her love for her daughter surpassed that of any man, including Indie, and she was reacting the only way she knew how.

She pushed Indie with all of her might, taking her frustrations out on him as she hit him repeatedly in the chest. Somebody took her! How can you just stand there? I need that phone! she yelled as snot and tears mixed on her face.

Indie grabbed her wrists and turned her around so that her back was facing him, and he restrained her gently as he hugged her to his body. Shhh…. Everything is going to be okay. Calm down for me, ma. Just breathe, he whispered in her ear as sobs caused her to tremble.

She gasped for air as she began to hyperventilate, but Indie continued to hold onto her. For the past half hour, she had been falling into despair and fear had taken over her, but Indie had caught her. He was her rock, and he was slowly soothing her nerves and bringing her back to sanity. His baritone was like therapy to her as she closed her eyes and let her tears fall.

Indie was glad that he was holding her from behind. If she were facing him, she would have seen the tears forming in his own eyes and the uncertainty that lingered in his heart. He loved his family more than anything, and seeing the love of his life so broken was crushing. He could feel the tension leaving YaYa’s body as she stopped fighting him.

What am I going to do? she asked.

Indie slid the phone into her hands and said, You’re her mother, YaYa, but she’s my daughter too. They’re going to have to put me in the ground to stop me from finding her. I need you to trust me, ma. I’m going to handle this, but if you feel like you need to call the police, go ahead. Do what’s in your heart, I won’t be mad. But if you trust in me, ma, put down the phone. I’ll bring her home.

YaYa’s mind spun as she contemplated her options. If she called the police, then she would feel peace of mind, but could they really help her? She had seen all of those news specials about children who had been abducted only to never be heard from again. There was a good possibility that even law enforcement would not be able to bring her baby home. Indie, on the other hand, had never let her down. She trusted him more than she had ever trusted anyone else in her life, and she knew that there was no one safer to put her faith in than him. She didn’t know shit about Houston, but she knew that Indie ran the city. Her daughter’s chances were better if she allowed Indie to hold court in the streets.

YaYa dropped the phone at her side and turned to face her man. I’m scared, she said as she stared at him through glistening, tear-filled eyes. But I trust you. Please, Indie, bring our daughter back. If something happens to her, I don’t know what I would do.

Indie kissed the top of her head and then put both of his hands on the sides of her face. I have to go out for a minute, ma. Will you be okay here by yourself? he asked, genuinely concerned.

She nodded as he released her. He raced up the stairs and disappeared into their bedroom and dressed quickly.

What are you going to do? she asked as he came back into view.

I’m going to handle it, ma. Try not to worry yourself sick, he said as he pecked her cheek quickly. He was trying to play it cool and keep it calm in front of YaYa. The last thing he wanted her to see was his panic, but if she could see inside of him, she would know his true fear. His insides were boiling, and his heart was beating so quickly that it felt as if he were having a heart attack. I’m going to make everything okay, he assured with opaque confidence.

She wanted to believe in him, but the feeling that gripped her when he walked out of the door was haunting. Chills of doubt crawled up her spine, and the little bit of hope that Indie had left her with quickly abandoned her as soon as she heard the lock click behind him. She hoped that she had made the right choice, because her entire existence depended on it. Even in her darkest hour she had never felt so lost. To be responsible for the protection of such an innocent life was a daunting task.

I’m her mother. I was supposed to keep her safe, she thought dismally as she allowed the blame to fall on her shoulders. Her spirit was heavy with burden as she closed her eyes and imagined her infant’s face in her mind.

Placing her hand against her chest, she gasped for air as she began to pray. Please, God, protect my baby. Just don’t let them hurt her.

This blow weakened her, but there was one thing that she knew for sure—if anything happened to her daughter, there would be hell to pay.

The cocaine-colored Maybach ripped through the streets of Houston leaving burnt rubber on the pavement as Indie raced to Mekhi’s house. He didn’t even waste time parking the car when he pulled up to his partner’s crib. He pulled his vehicle directly onto the grass all the way up to the front porch and then hopped out. His hand was fixed and ready on his waistline as he knocked the hinges off the front door. He could smell the aroma of the pungent weed smoke that was filtering out of the house as soon as the door opened.

Indie was viewing the world through a murder-filled haze, and when Mekhi opened the door, he immediately became the focus of Indie’s wrath. Mekhi’s smile of welcome was instantly replaced by confusion as Indie placed a pistol in the center of his forehead and grabbed Mekhi’s neck with his free hand. Indie didn’t give a fuck that they were on the same team. In the past there had been shade between them—a hood rivalry, a street beef—and Indie wasn’t playing games.

He had just acquired the townhome that he had put YaYa in. Only a select few people knew its location, and amongst those who knew, Mekhi aka Khi-P was the only nigga he had ever had beef with. It was loyalty or death, and he wasn’t one hundred percent sure that Khi-P was content with his current position in the game.

Nigga, where the fuck is my shorty? Indie asked through clenched teeth as he backed Khi-P into his own home. It wasn’t until he was fully inside that he noticed his young gunner, Chase, was present, along with his li’l cook-up crew, Trina, Miesha, and Sydney.

Whoa, my dude! Fuck is up, my nigga? Khi-P protested with wide eyes as his hands shot up in his own defense.

You still got beef with me? Huh, Khi? After all the money I’ve helped you get. After putting you on, you come into my home…what? You ain’t seen me put my murder game down so you think it’s a game, nigga? Indie stated.

Indie…fam, let’s put the gun down and talk about this shit like brothers. I don’t know what the fuck you on, but I don’t appreciate the disrespect. We on the same team, fam. Where you coming from with this shit? Khi-P asked, his eyebrows raised in concern from the fear of the unknown.

Nothing about Khi-P was soft. He didn’t have a sweet bone in his body, but real recognized real, and the look of passion in Indie’s eyes let him know that this was not the time for macho games. Safety off and hell-bent on revenge, Indie would not hesitate to pop a nigga. From one killer to another, Khi-P conceded respectfully.

You on some foul shit right now, he stated with displeasure. He made sure that his tone was diplomatic, but still stern. They were both men, and gun or no gun, Indie was out of order. They should never be a target in each other’s crosshairs.

They came into my crib and took her! Right out of her bed. They got my li’l girl, Indie stated coldly.

Indie, fam, put your gun down. Khi has been here all night, baby. Ever since we left your spot after dinner. We’ve all been right here, Chase reasoned. This ain’t on him.

Indie knew that Chase’s word was bond, and if Chase was willing to vouch for Khi-P, then Indie was indeed out of pocket. He withdrew his weapon and balled his fists as he paced back and forth. The stress and heart-ache was written all over his face, and everyone stared at him sympathetically as they silently searched for the right words to speak.

I’m sorry, fam. I’m going crazy right now. They got my baby girl, Indie stated sincerely.

Mekhi’s disgruntled disposition lightened when he understood the seriousness of the situation. Any other nigga who came at him would have encountered problems, but he knew when to stand down. He had to remind himself that they were shooters for the same squad just to get himself to calm down. The tension level was on high as they all observed Indie cautiously, but remained silent.

Khi-P held out his hand and the men embraced as Indie gained his composure.

How is YaYa? Trina asked, finally speaking up to break up the apprehension that had clouded the room.

She’s out of her mind, Indie stated. I need y’all over there with her right now. Make sure she’s okay and keep her calm for me until I make it home. Indie went into his pocket to retrieve a stack of money, and he peeled off a few stacks to hand to each girl.

Don’t insult us. We’re family. We got you. We’ll make sure YaYa is okay, Trina replied. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek before she and the girls exited.

When the three men were alone, Indie turned toward Chase and Khi-P.

We ain’t got no beef like that out here. It’s all love in Houston ’cause we letting everybody eat. The only mu’fuckas I can think who even got the balls to pull some shit like this are those Tallahassee boys, Chase stated seriously.

Indie immediately regretted sweeping them under the rug. He had not viewed them as a serious threat, but obviously they weren’t playing games.

Then those are the niggas I need to see. Put your ears to the street to see who’s talking. It’s time to start lacing pockets. I need to speak to any and everybody who can give me any information, Indie replied.

Leah’s stomach twisted in excruciating pain as she drove away from her homemade cemetery. Her hands shook uncontrollably and her bloody fingertips gripped the steering wheel in desperation as she thought about what she had just done. She couldn’t stop the devious smile that crept across her face. She didn’t want to be so cold, but she was too good at it. Ruining the lives of other people was like a narcotic for her. She was addicted to misery and chaos. An evil dwelled inside of her that she could not control. Every time she tried to lock it up, it only grew stronger.

As a little girl, the good parts in her outweighed the bad, but with every new sin that she committed, her soul rotted more and more. She no longer remembered what it was like to be a moral person, and after the heinous acts she had committed, it was way too late to turn back. Her blood-soaked car seat was a clear indication that she needed medical attention. She was bleeding from her womb and infection was an imminent threat, but she blocked the pain out as she pushed forward, determined, crazed over revenge.

The crying…the wailing…the screams of her dead baby tormented her, causing tears to flow from her disengaged eyes. It was as if the baby’s spirit was haunting her, providing a deafening soundtrack as she sped through the country roads. Her conscience was begging her to stop the madness, but she couldn’t. Leah was too far gone and hell bent on settling the score. She could not

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