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What's Done in the Dark: What's Done in the Dark Series, #1
What's Done in the Dark: What's Done in the Dark Series, #1
What's Done in the Dark: What's Done in the Dark Series, #1
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What's Done in the Dark: What's Done in the Dark Series, #1

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About this ebook

 Terry goes to jail and comes out a little bit different. Not only is he different but his wife, sister, brother, and best friend have changed. 

The only thing they have in common are their secrets and their need to hide them. They soon find out that all things will be brought to light… one way or another. 

Release dateOct 27, 2016
What's Done in the Dark: What's Done in the Dark Series, #1

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    What's Done in the Dark - Solae Dehvine



    A s long as I’m not getting fucked it’s cool I kept telling myself as the hot water ran over me and cascaded down my back. I was in jail too damn long not to get a nut off and that jacking off shit gets old , I thought as I remembered the worst time in my life.

    The piss fragranced cells, gang fights, and crazy guards drove me insane while I was locked up. I only guessed that’s why I went astray. Yeah I fucked a man in the ass but so what. I was in jail for 5 years and 6 months. What else was I suppose to do. For the first time I admitted to what I had done. It took me a long time to come to grips and say it to myself, I damn sure wasn’t going to tell my wife. The blue wash cloth I held was better than using my hands to scrub myself, like I had done so many days inside. Lathering the towel with soap I started to scrub myself, attempting to wash all of my wrong doing down the drain.

    I’m home now and Trish doesn’t have to know about none of that. I thought as I tried to rub the color from my skin. Just as I was getting out of the shower and started drying off Trisha opened the bathroom door.

    Terry baby, I got something waiting for you Trisha said smiling as she poked her head through the door. Blowing me a kiss, she left the bathroom just as quickly as she came.

    My dick hardened with the thought of sliding inside her. I had dreamed and fantasized about this moment for years, now it was finally here. Hearing the R&B music playing from the bedroom brought images to my mind of bending Trisha over. I dried off to thoughts of me going deep inside her, wrapping the towel around my waist I took a quick look in the mirror at myself.

    My caramel complexion was clear as ever, but prison had aged me. My black hair was cut low now which was different from the braids I sported when I started my sentence. Good thing I worked out and didn’t come home all fat like some dudes, I thought as I turned sideways to admire the guns that were the prize for the numerous pushups I had done.

    Hope she likes the new me I said aloud to no one in particular.

    Exiting the bathroom, my heart was pounding through my chest. Like a virgin on prom night I was afraid for some reason. Going through the bedroom door the smell of the roses hit my nostrils before my eyes were able to take in the scene. Trisha’s naked body spread across the bed was the first thing I saw. Her silver dollar sized nipples perked up and were screaming for me to suck them.

    Her kitty was exposed waiting to be licked, but what struck me were her eyes, they were focused right on me. Her gaze felt like her eyes could look straight through me, like she could see my soul. I felt dirty, like I was unworthy of her and her love. Looking around the room at the crimson red rose petals that were sprawled across the room the bed and floor, my heart began to swell.

    You didn’t have to do this I whispered to her. Through the radio a soft voice sang to us about love, the candles flickered illumination Trisha’s body, which made me want to eat her more. She seemed to float off the bed as she handed me a glass of champagne. Before I could take a sip, her soft lips touched mine.

    Her mouth tasted like honey and they made me want to suck the lips below her naval. Her mind must have thought the same thing. As our lips detached, she slid down to her knees and gobbled my dick like it was dinner.

    My back pressed against the wall, one hand was planted firmly on her head, the other was desperately trying not to drop the glass of champagne. Before prison I had to beg her to do this. Relaxing me with her tongue, she circled the head of my third leg. With her hands grasping firmly to my legs, she let me travel deep into her mouth. Closing my eyes everything started to make sense, my mind wandered to some strange thoughts. Damn, what if she was fucking somebody else while I was locked up?, that thought broke my concentration.

    She definitely wasn’t doing this swirl shit with her tongue. Placing the glass down on the dresser, I grabbed her up from the floor and threw her on the bed. I wanted to jam my dick inside her, hurt her till she told me who had taught her these new tricks. Mounting her, I thrust my dick in her gooey center, but the tightness of her pussy fortress barricaded me from ramming her down.

    She screamed but her face showed signs of pure ecstasy. Finally, after pressing inside her inch by inch, my punishing stick slide inside her. Once I lay fully within her walls all of my madness about the possibility of her cheating went away.

    I was fucking and getting my dick sucked in prison,  if she was out here getting her shit off I couldn’t blame her, I thought between thrusts.

    I love you baby. I missed you so much she moaned breaking my thoughts.

    When I saw her crying I started crying too. I went deeper and exploded all those months of bent up aggression inside her. She will never know what I did and I don’t want to know what she did. This is a fresh start to the rest of our lives.

    I just hoped her tears were really for me and not for someone else.



    The room was as cold as the stainless steel table that I sat on. My only separation from the air was the thin examination gown and plastic sheet to cover my legs. My anxiety got the best of me. I nervously swung my feet off the side of the table awaiting the doctors entrance. I just wanted to hear the words Your Pregnant from the doctor. I was so excited and I couldn’t wait to tell Terry.

    He had been out of jail only a few months, but he was already working and taking care of home like before. I was so proud of my baby and when he finds out I’m pregnant he is going to do flips. Speaking of flips my stomach was doing a few. I hadn’t taken any home pregnancy tests but I knew there was a baby inside of me.

    I got a call to come into the office, I knew it had to be because he detected the pregnancy from the blood work he took a few weeks ago. I was thinking of calling and setting up an appointment when his nurse called me. Nothing could be further from fate than that. I was smiling at the thought of Terry and imagining our future when the doctor made two small knocks on the door and entered the room. He greeted me with a slight grin before he took his seat on the grey swivel stool near the sink

    Mrs. Burnett you were right, you are pregnant The doctor blurted out.

    I knew it. So how did the blood work detect my pregnancy so early? I asked since I was always interested in how stuff like that worked.

    Excuse me The doctor looked puzzled.

    You know, the reason you called me in today was because my blood work said I was pregnant, right? I reminded him. These doctors can be so dumb at times and will forget the simplest of details.

    He cleared his throat I’m sorry, but I called you to inform you that your Pap smear was irregular. You have Gonorrhea and Chlamydia and I wanted you in right away to begin treatment.

    I could have thrown up right then and there. I couldn’t

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