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Tasteful (A Kate Redman Mystery Novella): The Kate Redman Mysteries
Tasteful (A Kate Redman Mystery Novella): The Kate Redman Mysteries
Tasteful (A Kate Redman Mystery Novella): The Kate Redman Mysteries
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Tasteful (A Kate Redman Mystery Novella): The Kate Redman Mysteries

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Two ramblers make a grim discovery on their walk along the Cotswold Way, just outside the market town of Abbeyford: a severed human foot left on the side of the path. Detective Inspector Kate Redman takes on the case but it takes even more of a bizarre turn when another foot is found a few days later.

Is it just a gory prank? Or does it have something to do with the mysterious disapperance of a local girl?

Tasteful is the new novella in the bestselling Kate Redman Mysteries series, from crime writer Celina Grace.

Praise for Celina Grace from Amazon and Goodreads reviewers:

"The gradual crescendo of action and pace remorselessly increases..."

"Love Kate. She is human, does not always make good choices just like us."

"At last, a mystery that delivers…I found this novel superb because I got all I needed to know and none of what I didn't." 

"…a gripping detective story but the main character engages you, and as well as wanting to know how the mystery turns out you want to learn more about her too." 

"…amazing book, read it front to back in one visit, couldn`t help myself…" 

"…the most enjoyable Kindle book I have so far read since the 'low cost electronic revolution' which has been sweeping my reading habits for the last couple of years! Thoroughly recommended." 

"This was my introduction to the author, and I'm so glad I discovered the book. Well-written and a real page turner." 

"I was awake till the early hours to finish it !! I really enjoyed it and the characters in it so I'm pleased I also have the sequel downloaded to read at some point. I know it should be great." 

"Attention to detail and great character building coupled with a mystery that keeps you guessing are all the ingredients that make me keep reading till the early hours of the morning."

"Celina Grace has done it again, she compels you from page to page and chapter to chapter, a great, riveting read..." 

"I found it difficult to put down and was completely distracted from all the other things I should have been doing with my time." 

"This is a great series that I couldn't put down and grabbed the next book right away at 1 a.m. to keep reading."

Release dateJul 31, 2019
Tasteful (A Kate Redman Mystery Novella): The Kate Redman Mysteries

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    Book preview

    Tasteful (A Kate Redman Mystery Novella) - Celina Grace


    The Cotswold Way is an ancient walking track in the South West of England. It stretches for just over a hundred miles from Chipping Camden to the Georgian jewel that is Bath, winding through green valleys, its chalky path running along the top of hills, skirting the edges or striking through the very heart of several ancient towns and villages. It is popular with ramblers, walkers and those with dogs demanding walks but now, in dull, grey March, two ramblers mostly had it to themselves. Occasionally a horse rider would pass them, greeting them in the way one does in the country, a raise of the hand to the two people pressed themselves into a hedge to accommodate the snorting, steaming animal.

    How much further? asked Margery Cook to her companion, who was consulting Google Maps on her phone.

    Hang on a minute, said Cathy Watford, squinting at the screen. The signal’s not very good out here... oh wait, here we are. She looked up at her friend. Not far at all. We just follow this path down the hill, take a right and then we should be on the outskirts of Abbeyford.

    Thank goodness, sighed Margery, turning and beginning to walk again. She was fifty-eight and whilst fit – she was an experienced rambler, obvious by the walking poles that she planted confidently on the ground as she strode along – she was certainly feeling the fifteen miles they had covered that day.

    Cathy, eight years younger but less fit, fell behind a little and she was the first to see the object that Margery had missed in her eagerness to get to Abbeyford. She was so far ahead, in fact, that she nearly missed Cathy’s shout, but the wind was in the right direction and Margery turned, half surprised, half exasperated.

    What is it? she shouted back in return and then sighed, walking back to her friend who was staring at something on the ground. What? she repeated as she reached Cathy.

    Cathy hadn’t taken her eyes off the thing on the floor. Margery looked and frowned.

    What is that? asked Cathy, quietly.

    Margery was a no-nonsense type but one glance at the object on the grass verge made her look more closely and then recoil. Cathy gave her a worried look.

    Margery’s heart was beating a little faster. She risked another look, crimping her mouth. Then she looked directly at Cathy. It can’t be but – it looks like a foot. The absurdity of the situation, not to mention the grimness, almost made her giggle for a second.

    That’s what I thought, said Cathy, uncertainly. "But it can’t be, can it?"

    They both looked again. The foot – if that was what it was – was swollen, yellowish and blotched here and there with blue and purple patches. But there were toes and pale curling toenails.

    It must be a fake. Or – or— Cathy ran out of ideas. She took a step back.

    Margery put a hand on Cathy’s arm. Dear, I think we’re going to have to call the police. They’ll be the ones to decide what to do. She glanced around her, at the new budding trees, the occasional glimpse of sun behind pallid clouds and then down at the foot, incongruous and menacing on the grass. She pulled her backpack off and began rummaging in it for her phone. I just hope we can get a signal to call them.


    In the Incident Room of the Abbeyford police station, Detective Inspector Kate Redman put down the phone on her office desk and stared blankly across the room.

    What was it? asked Detective Sergeant Chloe Wapping from her desk across from Kate. Something bad?

    Kate shook her head, still staring ahead.

    Well, spit it out then, bird.

    Kate came back to life. Apparently, they’ve found a foot.

    It was Chloe’s turn to stare. "A foot? Just a foot?"

    Oh, come off it, was Detective Sergeant Theo Marsh’s contribution from across the room. April Fool’s is next week, mate.

    Try as she might, Kate could not break Theo from the habit of calling her mate, formed through years of working together as equals and then as her subordinate. She didn’t really care anymore anyway. Much. I’m being serious. Two walkers up on Hydon’s Hill reported it. The uniform that went to see thinks it’s human.

    Blimey, was Chloe’s considered opinion.

    It’ll be a fake, scoffed Theo.

    Chloe had turned to her computer

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