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Foretelling Your Future: A Magnum Opus Based on Nadi Astrology
Foretelling Your Future: A Magnum Opus Based on Nadi Astrology
Foretelling Your Future: A Magnum Opus Based on Nadi Astrology
Ebook81 pages51 minutes

Foretelling Your Future: A Magnum Opus Based on Nadi Astrology

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This book is based on Nadi Astrology which is considered as the most ancient form of Astrology. This book includes techniques of predicting various prospects of life such as education, profession, marriage etc. and also the effects of planetary transits in human life. Have you ever wondered, how Astrology works ? How Astrologers predicts events happened in your life just by using your birth details ? Well, why don't you find for yourself, all you need is a birth chart and some time.

Release dateJul 25, 2019
Foretelling Your Future: A Magnum Opus Based on Nadi Astrology

Yayathi Bhavat

Yayathi is an astrological researcher and consultant astrologer based in South India. He grew up in a traditional Hindu family and have always been a passionate follower of Astrology since his childhood. He is well-versed in both Eastern and Western systems of Astrology. Although he primarily focuses on the Eastern system of Astrology, he believes that a comprehensive approach is imperative to yield accurate results. He advocates promoting Astrology worldwide and conducting more research on the subject and firmly believes that Astrology can never go wrong — only Astrologers can go wrong.

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Good knowledgable book keep in library your god bless you
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Summaritative Book on transits by author, well known name in the Industry. Beginners will benefit a lot.
    "Foretelling Your Future" ~ In the name the author targets a novice, and attempts to win them over by sheer simplicity of the examples and the Bibliography.
    The Book explains tansits based on karakatwa, hopefully more pin pointed analyses combining Baman Tajik/ Neelkanthi with Naadi based rules analysing the Samhita charts will be seen in the Future.

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Foretelling Your Future - Yayathi Bhavat


A Magnum Opus based on Nadi Astrology


Copyright © 2019 Yayathi

All rights reserved

"वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सुर्यकोटि समप्रभ 

निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा"


Astrology and Human Life

Fundamentals of Nadi Astrology

Education as per Nadi Astrology

Marriage as per Nadi Astrology

Profession as per Nadi Astrology

Nirvana as per Nadi Astrology

Planetary Transits as per Nadi Astrology


It is indeed a great pleasure to present before you a new book based on Nadi Astrology. Nadi Astrology is considered the most accurate one among all schools of Astrology and also the oldest one. Shiva Nadi is the most ancient Nadi system and is said to be originated from a conversation between Lord Shiva and his concert Goddess Parvathi who wanted to know how humans could know about their luck and misfortunes to better understand their life and minimize their sufferings. Shiva obliged her request by telling her about astrology and how to judge one’s fate. It is that knowledge that was meditated upon by several seers and later compiled as the Nadi texts. These are called Nadis or Samhitas. There are different types of Nadis, Shiva Nadi, Brahma Nadi, Muruga Nadi, Atri Nadi, Shakti Nadi, Ganesh Nadi, Nandi Nadi, Bhrigu Nadi, Jeeva Nadi, Dhruva Nadi, Suka Nadi, Agasthyar Nadi, Bogar Nadi, Chandra Kala Nadi are some of them. Jyothish is a Sanskrit word that means divine light, and it is called so because it is said to have originated from Lord Shiva’s third eye or Ajna Chakra, which can see without seeing, know without occurring and understand without observing.

People around this world are constantly running for something, they don’t know what they are looking for, but they keep on running. They are never satisfied; for example, if someone is poor, then he will try to make some money, and after making some money, he wants to buy a new house, and after that, he wants to buy a new vehicle and so on. The desires of humankind are endless. The life of an ordinary person starts from infancy, then the teenage, which is the time to acquire some knowledge, and after that, he becomes an adult where he gets into a job and marries. Then comes middle age, where he watches his children grow up and begins to save something for their future. Next is old age with no desires or responsibilities wanting a peaceful death. So basically, he starts with nothing and ends with nothing. This cycle keeps on going, some people try to make a difference, but they also end up doing the same thing. Will this ever end? We could find solace by saying that we are not directing the show but merely playing our part! But at least we should know our role in the show. I don’t mean your name or your position in society. The first thing we should understand is that we are not the ones we actually know! We are just using our body just as an actor uses his costume in a scene, and he has to change it many times till the end of the show.

Using Astrology, we can decode any aspects of our life, like education, marriage, children, parents, friends, financial position, profession and almost anything in human life. Not only your present life, but we can also take a look into your past and future life. Whether you are suffering too much in your life or if you are very happy in your life, it must be due to your past life deeds. Similarly, our future also lies in our hands As you sow, so shall you reap.

The primary concern of writing this book is to introduce an error-free approach in predicting through the Nadi system of Astrology. From this book, you can study the methods used in Nadi Astrology to know about the various aspects of Human Life, like education, marriage, profession and salvation. One can ask, if everything is prewritten, then what is the point of knowing about it? Let us assume a situation, you are driving a car at a speed of 100 miles per hour, and as per Astrology, you have to meet with an accident at that time. So, suddenly you thought to slow down your car because you are not having a good time as per Astrology. You may still meet with an accident but will not be seriously injured. On the contrary, if you were to increase your speed or continue at the same speed, then you may meet with a more serious accident which may

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