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The Parking Lot Attendant: A Novel
The Parking Lot Attendant: A Novel
The Parking Lot Attendant: A Novel
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The Parking Lot Attendant: A Novel

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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Named a New York Times Notable Book of the Year
Shortlisted for the Center For Fiction First Novel Prize
Named a Booklist Best Book of the Year

A mesmerizing, indelible coming-of-age story about a girl in Boston's tightly-knit Ethiopian community who falls under the spell of a charismatic hustler out to change the world

A haunting story of fatherhood, national identity, and what it means to be an immigrant in America today, Nafkote Tamirat's The Parking Lot Attendant explores how who we love, the choices we make, and the places we’re from combine to make us who we are.

The story begins on an undisclosed island where the unnamed narrator and her father are the two newest and least liked members of a commune that has taken up residence there. Though the commune was built on utopian principles, it quickly becomes clear that life here is not as harmonious as the founders intended. After immersing us in life on the island, our young heroine takes us back to Boston to recount the events that brought her here. Though she and her father belong to a wide Ethiopian network in the city, they mostly keep to themselves, which is how her father prefers it.

This detached existence only makes Ayale’s arrival on the scene more intoxicating. The unofficial king of Boston’s Ethiopian community, Ayale is a born hustler—when he turns his attention to the narrator, she feels seen for the first time. Ostensibly a parking lot attendant, Ayale soon proves to have other projects in the works, which the narrator becomes more and more entangled in to her father’s growing dismay. By the time the scope of Ayale’s schemes—and their repercussions—become apparent, our narrator has unwittingly become complicit in something much bigger and darker than she ever imagined.

Release dateMar 13, 2018

Nafkote Tamirat

Nafkote Tamirat is a native of Boston. She holds an MFA from Columbia University. Her short stories have appeared in Birkensnake, The Anemone Sidecar, and Best Paris Stories. The Parking Lot Attendant is her first novel.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I'm not sure what I have to say about this book, as I'm not sure that this book wanted to be. I think it started out doing one thing and went off into a tangent. The main character is the teenage daughter of Ethiopian immigrants and lives in Boston. With her new teenage freedom, she runs into a parking lot attendant named Ayale who takes her under his wing, wanting her to be the best she can be. However, things start to unravel and look nefarious, as murders of Ethiopians start happening in Boston. It is mentioned the main character was born in 1985. I'm not sure how a book taking place in Boston around 2000-2003 can avoid even mentioning 9/11, especially as the main character is wondering what is really happening with Ayale. I think the book itself started to unravel, but I won't ruin it here, therefore I don't have much to say.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a very good quick read - unique and well written.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Here's a mysterious novel featuring the seemingly ubiquitous Ethiopian parking lot attendants of Boston, whom I've come to know and admire for their graciousness and friendly smiles. The first person narrator is born in Fall River, MA, to parents of Ethiopian backgrounds. After her mother disappears and her father distances himself from her emotionally, she falls under the spell of Ayale, a charismatic older man. Ayale never approaches her sexually or romantically, but seems to hold her intelligence in great esteem. But why, and what is he planning, and why is she delivering sealed packages for him? The outcome, an island exile foreshadowed from the opening of the novel, is difficult to comprehend and ends abruptly for possibly the worst reason. The writing here is so delicately humorous and deeply observant, and the girl is so simultaneously self-aware and naïve, that the reader feels truly charmed and horrified. In its city settings and sudden violence, it reminded me of Dennis Lehane's Gone Baby Gone. Not bad for a debut.Quotes: "It was snowing on this April day, with Boston's usual genius for weather patterns designed to cause the greatest amount of human anguish.""I've never understood how much money one must accrue in order to be certain that one no longer needs any more.""We did not know if he was losing time, making time, gaining time, ignoring time, forgetting time, fearing time, keeping a sharp lookout on tine.""Ethiopian insistence on infinite misery requires that the recipient of any favor, no matter how basic, be forever indebted to the giver of that favor.""You think that not getting caught in a lie is the same thing as telling the truth?""I've never been the kind of person who knows anything soon enough to make a difference.""I couldn't let go of the feeling that everything was on the brink of collapse, that I'd soon find myself smothered by the debris."
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    “Look back on the past, given what you know in the present, and you'll realize that all along, you've been inventing stories and labeling them 'history'.”The novel opens with a father and daughter arriving on a utopian island, where a commune has taken refuge but it is clearly not a place of comfort and harmony. How this Ethiopian teenager arrived here, along with her life in Boston, in the preceding years, which includes her unusual friendship with a mysterious Ethiopian man, named Ayale, who works as a parking lot attendant, makes for a very interesting and engaging story. I recommend this book and look forward to reading more of this talented author's work.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It has not escaped us that older generations must do all they can to improve the lives of future ones, but we had believed ourselves to be the future. We were under the impression that we were the owed ones. We had not counted on this debt of service.The book begins on an unnamed sub-tropical island, where the narrator and her father are living with a cult-like group for reasons that are unclear. The novel then jumps to the central story, a less fantastic one about a teenage girl, the child of Ethiopian immigrants, who becomes drawn to an older charismatic man who manages a Boston parking lot, but who is also involved in some other stuff, stuff the girl knows nothing about. At heart, this is a small story, of a girl figuring out her world and how she fits into it, as a second generation immigrant, as a daughter being raised by a single father, as a black girl in a school with nobody like her, as a girl growing up. The titular parking lot attendant, Ayale, is a mysterious figure and the attention he pays to the protagonist is equally inexplicable, although she is bright and interested in the world around her and he seems pleased to have someone so obviously fascinated by him without wanting any favors. The framing device of the cult living on the island is not effective, nor does it add anything to the story. Fortunately, it takes up only a few pages at each end of the novel.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This first novel demonstrates that this author has a lot of potential.The unnamed narrator is a female high school student in Boston, and an Ethiopian immigrant. She lives with her father, her mother's whereabouts being unknown (but last seen in the US). The narrator is a good student, a bit of a nerd, and has a sponsorship to attend college out of town (I guess this is like a scholarship?).She and her father both keep to themselves. Her best friend is Ayale, a middle-aged parking lot attendant and fellow Ethiopian immigrant. He is successful, cheats a bit with the max number of cars, and hires other Ethiopian immigrants. This relationship sounds disturbing, but Ayale treats her more as a niece or younger cousin than anything else. She hangs out, does homework, and makes deliveries for him.And she is nervous about those deliveries--what are they? She is paid too much for his story of an Ethiopian delivery service with mail coming to the lot. She is told time and time again it's not drugs, don't worry, but her nerves and the writing give the entire book a foreboding atmosphere. Her father does not much like Ayale--and then her father begins spending weekends away and won't say why or where.So where does this lead us (and her)? What is she really mixed up in--anything? Is the Ethiopian immigrant community as close as it seems? What is her father doing?And the ending did surprise me--which doesn't happen often!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    2.5 starsJust because you don't really understand a story, does that mean it's not good? Because there's a lot I didn't understand about this tale. Told from the perspective of a teenage girl who has been abandoned by her mother, raised by a father unknown to her for the early years of her life, moved to Boston because of the active Ethiopian community, then exiled to an unnamed island to escape the police - I think I've summed it up to the best of my knowledge. When the narrator's father comes into her life, he takes her from her mother, moves her to a strange city, and proceeds to barely be present as she grows into a teenager. Somehow she runs into a parking lot attendant who is of Ethiopian heritage, same as her, and they form an odd friendship. The attendant, Ayale, is described as no older than 50, no younger than 35, certainly a grown man who wants to hang out and speak on the phone frequently with a young teenage girl. Somehow her father doesn't think this is strange, and neither does the narrator. Soon, Ayale asks the narrator to start making shady deliveries for him, offering to pay her a very nice amount for each delivery. When the deaths of other local Ethiopians begin occurring more frequently, Ayale, the girl and her father begin to take notice and wonder of their own safety. Then, all of a sudden, the narrator and her father are exiled, living as indentured servants (?) on an unnamed island with their deaths looming, as foreshadowed at the beginning of the book. I really didn't understand where these people fled to, why they were servants after they fled, why they were being hunted, etc. Didn't feel great about the end of the book, wish there would have been further explanation, or that this would have been much shorter and not a full novel that I invested too much time in to end up with no resolution. I won this copy via LibraryThing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a complicated story to explain because of the time shifts, but I can say that Tamirat is a writer to watch. Her dexterity with words is impressive for a first novel. Both Boston and the unnamed island are drawn with engaging detail.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I hate to give a book - particularly an ARC - one star but I just did not enjoy this book at all. I didn't find the characters or story engaging or interesting. The motivation of the unnamed narrator was not clear and her obsession with Ayale didn't make sense to me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I got this book thru LibraryThing's Early Review program, in exchange for an honest review. This is a debut novel by Ethiopian-American author Nafkote Tamirat, and I enjoyed it quite a lot.The story starts out on an unnamed island with an unnamed narrator and her father, as they join a commune/cult? of some kind. They are not liked or wanted at this commune. As the reader you really don't know what's going on, other than that the girl is responsible for issues the leader of the group is having. Very quickly, we shift back in time to see how the girls Mother and Father got together, had the girl, the Father disappears, only to come back years later. We see life thru the girl's eyes, an interesting look at a culture (Ethiopian) that I wasn't familar with. As the girl becomes a teenager, she comes at odds with her father and becomes attached/enamored with the charasmatic owner of an area parking lot (thus the title). Turns out the Attendant, is the unofficial king of the community and has plans and schemes that are much bigger and darker than our narrator can conceive of. She is pulled in and pulled along to an end that was dark and unexpected. A good story, recommend....I didn't even believe in God. But did my believing in something render it true? Doesn't the truth remain the truth, regardless of what I think?My mother used to say that God stopped sending plagues because He realized it would be faster to wait until we destroyed ourselves....and so I stopped speaking, because I didn't have anything else. I wasn't angry, and neither was he; we were awash in quite. We swam easily through our uncommunicativeness and met on the other side with closed-mouth smiles and dry kisses goodnight.8/10S: 1/17/18 - 1/28/18 (12 Days)
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed the writing and pacing in this odd little debut. Tamirat has written an ambitious novel that pulls you into a strange world and immerses you in its community. I thought the ending fell flat, and indeed, the bookend island segments as they stand did not coalesce as I hoped they would. Very promising debut and definitely will be looking for more of Tamirat's work.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I didn't find much to like in this confusing story of Ethiopian immigrants in the U.S. I made it half way through and then quit. The story centered around a young girl who becomes infatuated with an older man, Ayale, the parking lot attendant, against her father's wishes. Many of the sentences seem thrown together without any continuity and it boiled down to I just really didn't care what happened to the protagonists.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I received The Parking Lot Attendant: A Novel from the Librarything Early Reviewers program. The book was a quick read (I read it in a day) and was fast-paced. It was well written, but the story line was strange for me. It starts with a teenage girl and her father moving to an island, and in retrospect discusses her relationship with a parking attendant, Ayale and how she and her father ultimately ended up on the island. The ending left more questions than answers.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Tamirat is a write to watch. I have high hopes. The book was nearly a 4 star, but the last quarter of the book went too far in the wrong direction for me. Barring that creative decision, the writing was superb, the character development was great and the narrator/main character just made sense. The back cover blurb said the novel was like what it would be if David Mitchell and Graham Greene teamed up. I've read a lot of Greene and love him...I could see a little bit of that. I'm not familiar with Mitchell. But I think a dash of Khafka could be added to that recipe. Recommended - if for nothing else so that you can say you knew Tamirat before fame found her.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I received this book from the Library Thing Early Reviewers Program. It is an interesting, and peculiar story about a young woman who is the daughter of two Ethiopian immigrants growing up in the Boston area. I found this book really compelling, and quite peculiar. The young woman's voice is witty and insightful, the story itself far-fetched enough that I think it's meant to be more allegorical than realistic. The book begins in a isolated "utopian" island community, where the narrator and her father have fled from some sort of unnamed danger. Then we shift to Boston, where our teenager develops a hard to define relationship with an older man who is a parking lot attendant, and a leader in an Ethiopian underworld. What I got from the book is a bit of a meditation on the difficulty of straddling two worlds, as the child of immigrants; how easy it can be to get caught between worlds, and how easy it could be to be attracted to danger, and maybe to terrorism, if it somehow represented your culture and an opportunity to develop an authentic self. I am recommending this book and looking forward to other discussion/interpretations.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    TOB-2091. I really liked this story of the American high school girl of Ethiopian descent and her relationship with Ayale, the Parking Lot Attendant. The book starts right before the end and is a little confusing--it's hard to understand what exactly is going on. But then back to Boston where everything unfolds gradually. I didn't quite get Ayale and the girl's love (non-romantic) for him. I actually didn't like him. But then we get back to the beginning and we now understand what is going on. I'm sure I missed some symbolism that lessened the impact for me. And then I really hated the last sentence and the fact we don't know what happened to her.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Utopia or dystopia? Ayale is the king of a Boston parking lot and also B-, an island of Ethiopian migrants. Our young, unnamed narrator becomes caught up in his web and can be found daily in his booth in the parking lot, being coached in Ayale's beliefs and falling under his spell. When Ayale's activities become known to the police and her connection to him makes her a target, she and her father end up on B-, but it is not the dream island she was led to believe. Ayale's character is nicely drawn. He's inscrutable and frightening. I found the narrator a bit annoying and her father pretty absent, but maybe that's what they were supposed to be. Ultimately, the novel didn't really work for me. Too many things left unanswered. I feel the author sacrificed clarity for the mysterious.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An Ethopian parking lot attendant becomes the informal community leader in his Boston neighborhood through his generosity in helping fellow African's when they are in need. After becoming wealthy, Ayale becomes king of a remote island which embraces the Utopian Principles of government. The narrator and her father are new to this Island when the government becomes untangled and the narrator and her father are no longer welcome. The story unfolds like a good mystery keeping you guessing throughout the story about the relationship between Ayale and the narrator.The book was well written and keeps you involved until the last page.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Parking Lot Attendant, the debut novel by Nafkote Tamirat is a genre-busting, fast paced story that begins in what seems to be a sort of commune in a place known only as B_______. The narrator, an American born teen girl who is never named, and her immigrant father are in limbo, awaiting a decision from a governing body. We can infer that something horrendous has led them to this place and this point. We travel back several years to Boston to watch the duo’s story unfold, and to try to figure out why fleeing to a commune was necessary. This richly layered tale provides us with many candidates including family drama, the difficulty of being an immigrant, coming of age, murder, and a mystery surrounding a larger than life parking lot attendant named Ayale, who seems to be either a con man or a god.I finished this book over the course of a day - it was hard to put down. The middle third drags a bit, but the ending more than makes it worth the wait. I would heartily recommend this novel to people who enjoy literary psychological thrillers and to those who enjoy reading about the immigrant experience.

Book preview

The Parking Lot Attendant - Nafkote Tamirat


My father and I are the newest and least liked members of the colony on the island of B______. My first memory is of vomiting upon contact with the ginger-drenched air. When I told the others at dinner, I was informed that it happened to everyone, I was nothing special. No one has yet discovered the origins of this heady perfume, and the search gives my days a purpose that is all my own. The house provided for us is the farthest from the water, located in the deepest pocket of ginger odor, and contains not a whit of storage space. Nothing can be kept on the floor, partly because the house floods and partly because spiders will crawl into our clothing and give us boils, or so claims the Danga’s letter, delivered to our door after the tense welcome ceremony.

The Danga was initially unwilling to accept us or even see my father when he arrived a month ago. They were certain that additional people would only disrupt the equilibrium of the existing twenty. As I waited for news in our empty Boston apartment, he finally succeeded in procuring a meeting, where they hid behind a black screen set up in one of the houses, and he struggled to speak on the other side of it. He asked that we be granted a trial period, offering my womb as a sign of friendship and a tool of creation. Later, confronted by my anger, he would explain that false promises were at the heart of every negotiation.

Do you want to become extinct? Like the Shakers?

We are already different. We remain still during services. We do not make furniture.

You can do better.

There are already children here.

Not enough of them.

How do you know that?

It’s in the nature of children to not be enough.

They refused him. They barred him from seeing the other colonists, they demanded his immediate departure, they reminded him that their constitution (signed in blood by all inhabitants) authorized them to hang trespassers and throw their bodies into the sea. My father asked for three days before his execution. During those three days, he learned how to fish.

On the evening of the third, he pled for one last meeting, which eventually took place in the official residence of the Danga, all brick and cement like they still do it in Ethiopia, the crooked paisley curtains an atrocious contrast. My father sat in what seemed to be the living room; the Danga occupied an adjoining nook. Slender children served coffee, eyes riveted to the floor.

Why can’t I see your faces?

Most people never get this close.

Why do you go out of your way to be so mysterious?

That doesn’t concern you.

I take it your decision hasn’t changed.

You are to leave tomorrow morning.

Although supposedly all members of the Danga were present, a single woman’s voice responded to or posed questions. We would soon learn that it was she who acted as the Danga’s spokesperson. My father hesitated only briefly.

My daughter was friends with him.


She helped Ayale with much of what happened in Boston.

Who’s Ayale? What happened in Boston? The tone had become challenging.

He told them my name. The silence was exquisite and unbearable.

It’s because of your daughter that Ayale was almost caught. The voice had hardened.

It’s because of my daughter that it was ‘almost.’

A moment of what felt like irresolution; my father pressed on.

We need your help, but you need ours, too.

Go on.

You’re losing confidence.

The reply was swift.

Vicious rumors.

You’re making this all up as you go along.

We’ve been chosen.

By whom?

Get out.

The truth of the matter is that one of your own broke faith; you may not trust us, but you don’t trust each other, either.

He named another name. An intake of breath from behind the curtain. My father continued.

I can make and fix anything.

Your daughter? The voice sounded resigned.

She’s a storyteller. Every empire requires a good origin story: at the beginning, the people did this, the people killed that, the people spun these lies into those truths into present glory, etcetera, etcetera. She can create the legend you need for legitimacy and to make people forget.

How do you know that we won’t betray you?

I don’t know anything. The blessing and the curse of it is, neither do you.

He sipped from his cup. The coffee was undrinkable after it got cold.

How soon can you both move here?

Yesterday, if you like.

My father walked from the eastern edge of the island, where the colony is located, to the western corner, a total of forty-eight miles, where he knew there was a pay phone. By the time he called, I had rewatched Robert Redford: Collection and had spoken to no one but our landlord; I was afraid my father wasn’t coming back.

The money is under my bed. His voice sounded calmer than it should have.

What did you tell them?

I shared some thoughts.

Were they angry?

Did you send in the deferral letter?

There’s no point.

Just do it. I’m not going anywhere.

Twenty-one hours later, I was standing next to him at the border of the colony, wondering what I had gotten us into and if we would ever find our way back out.

*   *   *

The Danga’s introductory letter went into minute detail regarding the routine to which everyone was expected to adhere, which gave us, at least initially, an almost shocking amount of joy. We’ve both excelled at procedure and have learned that when the rules are clear, from the very beginning, no one makes mistakes, and no one gets hurt. This applies to colonies, families, immigration, parking lots. Each colonist must be present for breakfast at seven in the Convocation Palace, the former counting house of B______’s last royal family, where the perpetual draftiness distracts from the perpetual lack of food. Volunteers distribute memoranda to our assigned chairs, and those who are employed leave at eight in the Land Rover with which the Danga came equipped. The rest of us clean first our own and then each other’s houses, in an attempt to attain the highest levels of cleanliness and community.

At noon the workers return for lunch, always seafood and grocery store brown bread. At twelve forty-five they leave while we wash clothing and use a plaster solution that my father invented to seal cracks. We’ve tried to barter for whatever the natives of B______ hunt, but the locals are nobody’s fools: they can see we have nothing. A Danga-approved schedule determines who will cook and tell stories each night. My father and I have yet to be asked to participate.

We eat dinner at eight, still together, always together. The Danga leads us in prayer over a cleverly tricked-out public address system, via which we can both hear and speak to them. This is followed by an hour of nothing, then bed at ten. We’ve been told that structure is key.

In our spare time, we write letters to embassies worldwide, explaining our position, requesting recognition and money. Those with artistic talent create posters to accompany these letters. My father has started making busts of each colonist, which he hopes will be given places of honor in their homes. Those with business acumen concoct money-making ventures. Those with organizational know-how devise plans for how to spend our hypothetical money. There has been talk of house maintenance, the building of a hospital (we have one doctor, who promises that he can train some of us to become nurses, no problem) and a school. Everything will change when we relocate to Africa, our true land. There, we will not live under such ironclad conditions, but having freedom later means eradicating it now. This, the Danga explains, is how it has always been.

We are creating a new version of B______, every day we live in it. The Danga has struck up a deal with the B______ government, wherein we pay a monthly tax and they leave us alone. I have heard that the people of B______ are big-eyed and friendly but also that they split open their children’s scalps to clean the insides, hence the stench that everyone whispers about but that I’ve never detected, too distracted by the ginger. The rare natives we see refuse to meet our gaze, which I prefer. I’m tired of people looking at me.

We speak exclusively in Amharic. It’s difficult to ascertain where each person comes from, but the accents help distinguish ethnic backgrounds. My father and I are the only Amhara, though any superiority we might be tempted to feel is tempered by the fact of who we are. I still miss skyscrapers, Mexican food, air pollution, brunch, Ayale.

There are no birthdays here because when we were born doesn’t matter. This is an indication of our rebirth along with that of our nation. Nevertheless, I’ve always loved my birthday, and as I approach my eighteenth year, which no one will acknowledge because my father often forgets and the others don’t know, I mourn that, no matter what he says, I will never see Boston again.

My father and I have been told to await the Danga’s three-month review of our progress to learn if we are to accompany the settlement on its final move. I don’t dare to think what will happen if we are not.

*   *   *

The island of B______ is more than six hundred miles away from any known landmass in all directions. These surrounding regions, when owned by other countries, kingdoms, and principalities, in other long-ago time periods, would occasionally declare war on tiny B______, attacks which, judging from the lack of anything to gain, seem like suspicious attempts to prevent boredom. The closest neighbor to the west once declared, waged, and won a war against B______ in under two days, while B______ remained none the wiser. This is now known as the Battle for Good, another clue that the altercation held no actual purpose. One gets the feeling that these decades of on-and-off, mostly one-sided skirmishes occurred because the others knew that B______ was there and couldn’t stop picking at it, the topographic equivalent of a pimple.

The settlement is situated on the easternmost portion of the island, with the western edge given over to resorts, hotels, three-tier pools, and the like. Journeys between the two sides are rare, and the Danga is pleased that we have claimed the east, tickled by the fancy that like the sun, we shall begin our rise here.

B______’s climate is defined as subtropical, which means that it’s often humid and never cold. To my mind, the best wardrobe choice would be constant nudity, which is a laugh, seeing as how the one book allowed to us so far is the Bible, in Amharic. The island has a reputation for hurricanes, but there hasn’t been one since the founding of our colony, which the Danga has interpreted as God’s approval, apparently forgetting that hurricanes are hardly daily occurrences and they’ve only been here for two years. I wonder how much Ayale knows about what they’ve done to his vision, and make no mistake, it was always his. Everyone else is crashing a party that they didn’t even know was happening in the first place.

B______ is part of the British Commonwealth, although the last state visit occurred just before World War I. From what I’ve gathered, B______ enjoys the legitimacy of association with an important country, without having to deal with the usual nonsense of maintaining good relations with it. I still don’t understand why B______ would agree to take us on as an official settlement, what with our treasury comfortably resting at rock bottom. (One of the colony’s tenets is that we shall allow ourselves no dependence on the United States or Europe, no matter how beneficial that alliance might be.) B______ itself is, inexplicably, obscenely wealthy.

Each of our houses has been constructed using a windfall of driftwood that was discovered just north of the area we occupy. The Danga encouraged the first settlers to accept this gift from the angels, forgetting that saltwater and sand are not the best playmates for wood. Tools and nails were found on the breakfast table one morning, and the result is that our houses are full of cracks, coming apart, and, frankly, houses only in the loosest sense of the term. My father has been doling out minor improvements and advice, but the problems remain massive and he’s no architect.

The only source of fresh water is rainfall; my father has designed and constructed two dozen water-collection vessels, which most inhabitants keep affixed to their roofs, all of which leak, rendering the project a seemingly deliberate plunge into redundancy.

It hasn’t escaped my notice that while the others persist in treating me like a plague victim, my father has only to tinker with an object for ten seconds before, hey presto, he’s the goddamn Messiah. I don’t like that people are gravitating toward him, asking him for counsel, blatantly fucking liking him. I’m sorry, but that’s not who we are and that’s not what we do: we’re supposed to be ignored and all the better for it. Nonetheless, he continues to betray me with his popularity. I don’t know why I expected otherwise. I don’t know how I could have forgotten and let myself love him so recklessly.

During my second week on the island, I woke up in the witching hour between night and day and saw the sky divided into pink, orange, and gold. The lines between each were jagged but distinct, and I realized that this probably happened all the time, I’d just been sleeping through it. It made me hope that I would have something to look forward to.

When I indulge in this crepuscular glory (the colors always differ, the patterns are sometimes less defined) it’s easier to believe that I’m here by choice. It’s only when the sun comes out and my father silently rises from bed that I know I have once again been fooled. More infuriating is the knowledge that come the next dawn, I’ll be fooled once more.

I’m beginning to feel old.

*   *   *

I’ve never liked sand. I don’t like how it gets into your clothes, your shoes, your hair, your eyebrows, your eyes. I don’t like how it’s nearly impossible to remove. I loathe its irritatingly unique quality of chafing body parts that were never supposed to be exposed to its abrasive virtues in the first place. I once read that Picasso and all the others who tried to be like him would mix sand into their paints to achieve a certain effect. I don’t see what effect would be worth the discomfort.

The only good thing about the sand in B______ is that it’s white and, as far as it’s possible for sand to enjoy this quality, fluffy. There’s something seductive about it, especially when compared with the pebble-strewn gray-brown harshness of my childhood. This former sand made me remember how human hair and nails continue to grow after death; I could believe that places like Cape Cod were the compost heaps for these perpetually elongating pieces of ourselves, to be enjoyed by children we would never meet and who wouldn’t care about us if we did.

Our house contains a single bedroom, no closets, a small living area, four stools, and a toilet room; a showerhead is attached to the outside by a flimsy-looking piece of tin. The kitchen puzzles us since we’re not allowed to create or participate in individual repasts: all meals are community meals. The consequences of disobedience will be dire because all consequences here are dire.

After dinner, my father and I usually return to our home and sit in the growing darkness and absence of words. We have no books because the Danga is still debating whether outside literature will encourage or stymie our own literary pursuits, and so our hands remain idle in a manner that would have been scorned by the women of yore who embroidered tapestries while waiting on their ladies, waiting for witches, waiting for changes in the moon. It was on our second night, when he mentioned missing our television, that I had him laughing with my imitations of our favorite sitcom characters, even though I’ve always been horrible at impressions. I marvel at those who have made a living out of seamlessly appearing to be someone other than themselves. I haven’t done a particularly bang-up job of being me, and if I can’t manage that, it seems unlikely that I’ll ever do better by taking on someone else. I suspect that on the whole, I am untalented at the art of

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