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Kiss of the Royal
Kiss of the Royal
Kiss of the Royal
Ebook441 pages6 hours

Kiss of the Royal

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Princess Ivy has one goal—end the war against the Forces of Darkness.

Ivy’s magic is more powerful than any other Royal’s, but she needs a battle partner who can help her harness it. Prince Zach’s unparalleled skill with a sword should make them an unstoppable pair—if only they could agree on...well, just about anything.

But Ivy’s magic can only fully unlock with Zach’s help, and he’s not exactly cooperating.

Zach believes Ivy’s magic is dangerous. Ivy believes they’ll never win the war without it. Two warriors, one goal, and the fate of their world on the line. But the more they argue, the more they fall for each other. And only one of them can be right…

Release dateJul 3, 2018
Kiss of the Royal

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A quick, enjoyable YA fantasy. I found the characters to be likeable and interesting, especially Ivy. The only thing I wish was that the world building had been a little more developed. But overall a good read. It's a little on the younger side of YA so I can see a lot of 13-15 year olds enjoying this.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Going into KISS OF THE ROYAL I thought it was going to be a little cheesy, but wanted to give it a shot anyways. It started out a little iffy, but it didn't take me long to get into the story.Princess Ivy was likable. I enjoyed being in her head as she battled her own thoughts and *gasp* feelings. Prince Zach was mysterious and a bit guarded at first. I didn't always know what he was thinking, but I quickly started to trust that he did everything with his whole heart. It was interesting to watch both Zach and Ivy navigate their situation with their different beliefs raging against each other. Even though I enjoyed it, I was a tad bit disappointed when I finished reading KISS OF THE ROYAL. I would have loved to see some more depth involved in the big battle. There was a lot of lead-up to it, but I thought it went way too fast. On top of that, I kinda wanted to know more. I wanted to see the struggles that Ivy and Zach went through once the battle was over and before the end. I want to see what their future looks like, I want to see it all.* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a quick, fun, easy read. I loved it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Princess Ivy is the purest of Royal blood and the magic in her kisses is very strong. Still, she has now lost her fifth partner due to the Forces of Darkness. Losing a partner is hard enough as it is, but to know that her magic did not work was too much to handle. Ivy did not want to be cast aside and moved to the countryside to produce heirs if a new partner could not be found. She wants to help her people and beat the Forces of Darkness so her people and all of the other kingdoms could finally find peace. Unfortunately for Ivy, there was really no one left in her kingdom that could match her level of magic.

    With the Forces of Darkness growing closer and a threat to her people looming in the background, Saevall’s Kingdom steps in to help. There is a new prince nicknamed The Swordsman’s Prince that is said to be able to defeat hordes of trolls and monsters all on his own without the kiss of a princess. When Ivy first meets Zachariah, The Swordsman’s Prince, she can’t believe for one moment that he is the answer they have been in search of. Zach is like no other prince she knows. He tells jokes, looks like a commoner, is clumsy, doesn’t believe in partnerships, and worst of all *gasp* He is half Romantica.

    Ivy is a Royal by blood. She leads by logic and reason, much unlike the heretic Romantica who lead by love and emotion. Ivy can not even grasp the concept of love and does not believe in it. She thinks most people confuse lust for love and she is having none of that nonsense, but yet as much as she tries to deny it, she can’t help but to feel attracted to Zach in a way that scares her. They have a chemistry together that she never had with any of her other partners and it brings out a side to her no one has ever seen before. He tests everything Ivy has grown up believing in.

    Zach does not believe in kissing for magic. He can fight monsters and trolls quite well on his own, thank you. He believes kissing is between people who love each other. He does not believe that kisses should be used as weapons. His refusal to kiss Ivy is a shock to the kingdom, but yet his fighting skills are epic and rumors swirl about in the kingdoms of his latest victories. Zach, like Ivy, feels the same connection, but he sets out to show Ivy that there is another world out there that is not just based on logic and reasoning, that magical kisses could do more harm than good and that love is the strongest weapon of all.

    OMG! I freakin LOVE this story. Ivy and Zach compliment each other in so many ways and yet, it takes them a while to figure out what truly matters in a world filled with dark forces threatening them at every turn. When they are sent on a mission for the kingdoms, they finally get to know one another. There is a lot of push and pull mostly on Ivy’s part as she grew up believing one thing and Zach slowly chips away at her defenses and beliefs. I sooooo love Zach! He is definitely a force to be reckoned with, strong in his own rights, passionate about his beliefs, and truly wants Ivy to see the other side. I was really, really looking forward to their first kiss, flipping through the pages like “Where is it, oh come on stop teasing me already!” I don’t think I ever screamed at a book like I did this one. Lindsey Duga really knows how to draw you right in and keep you hooked and desperate for that very first kiss.

    The world-building in Kiss of the Royal is simply amazing. A world filled with goblins, monsters, and Griffins that all come to life and make you feel as if you can actually see them and feel them. You can see yourself in the forest taking everything in. Kiss of the Royal really brings to life the mythology, lure and magic of the kingdoms in such a way that you actually wish you were apart of it. Duga has a way with words that just draws you right into the scene and it is both magical and fascinating all at the same time. The fighting scenes were absolutely phenomenal and I could feel my heart racing as Ivy and Zach faced danger after danger. I found myself rooting for them over and over again. Ivy and Zach are by far my favorite book couple of the year.

    Kiss of the Royal blends magic and mythology with a sprinkle of romanticism and turns it into a fantasy filled with characters you will fall in love with, a story you can’t help getting immersed into, and a blossoming romance you will be rooting for up until the very end. Duga has created a world I wish to live in. I am truly heartbroken that this is a standalone story as I would have loved to see and read more. Lindsey Duga, thank you for being an amazing writer. You have won me over and have taken me into a glorious ride into your fantasy world. I can not recommend this book enough and five stars is definitely NOT enough to express how much I loved this book. A definite add on to my keeper shelf. If Fantasy is your jam, you NEED to be adding Kiss of the Royal to your reading list.

    1 person found this helpful

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Kiss of the Royal - Lindsey Duga

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2018 by Lindsey Duga. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.

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Edited by Lydia Sharp

Cover design by Liz Pelletier and Heather Howland

Photography credit: Getty/RomanOkopny


Interior design by Toni Kerr

ISBN 978-1-64063-183-0

Ebook ISBN 978-1-64063-184-7

Manufactured in the United States of America

First Edition July 2018

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

To Mim and Pap


The Princess

and the Heretic

And so, with Myriana’s sacred Kiss,

the birth of a new race of mortals began.

It is with her power and her sister’s—Saevalla’s—passed down generation after generation, that we possess the

sole weapon on earth to vanquish the might

of the Forces of Darkness.

Excerpt text from The Royal Legion Archival History

It is with logic and reason that we lead the

kingdoms into an ordered reign.

Perish emotions and vanquish doubts,

for they are tools of heretics and cracks in our armor.

Stay strong, Royals, for we are the Legion,

and we will conquer the Darkness

and see the Wicked Queen put to rest at last.

Excerpt text from Queen Gardenia Myriana



Return of the Patrol

By the seventh day of constant agony, I wished I hadn’t already killed the dwarf who cast this locking curse on me. I wanted the opportunity to kill him again. Slower this time.

Sitting up in bed, I gave my calves a testing flex, and pain shot through them. Holy Queen. I clenched the sheets until the ache subsided, then loosened my hold. They still bloody hurt. But smiling through the pain meant I could escape the bed I’d been chained to for the past week.

Unfortunately, Ulfia had been my recovery nurse long enough to see through the facade. She narrowed her eyes and folded her arms across her ample bosom, towering over me. You don’t think I know when you’re faking it? she chided.

"And you know I can handle it. I’ve had a week for the healing process. That’s more than enough time."

Ulfia scowled but didn’t argue my point. I’d been through much worse than a locking curse before, and keeping me in bed a day longer wasn’t going to make a difference. I needed to get up, to move, to practice, to get out of this blasted bed and be useful.

"I will be the one to say whether you are healed or not, princess."

As Ulfia attempted to guide me back onto the pillows, I placed my hands over hers and pushed them off my shoulders.

I’m in perfect condition, I swear. I could run laps with the recruits until dusk.

Oh very good, princess, wheeze yourself to death, that’ll help us win the war. Ulfia bent over my legs, her soft gray curls falling in curtains over her round face, and started massaging my right calf to find any lasting remnants of the locking curse.

I stared at a spot on the wall, where mineral deposits in the stones had created an interesting pattern that resembled fairy wings, and gritted my teeth while Ulfia probed mercilessly into my muscles. I’d just shifted to watching the dust motes float about lazily in the sunlight when she hit one particular spot that made me hiss out a swear through my teeth.

I truly hated dwarves. And their sneaky curses.

Ulfia looked up, raising an eyebrow, giving me her signature I-told-you-so look. If it were up to her, no Royal would ever see battle again after so much as a bruise.

The patrol will be at the castle any moment, I said. I need a report from Kellian before I hit the training fields. It was bad enough I had to miss out on patrol with my partner because the healing Kiss was taking over a week to do its job, but this particular patrol was critical to new intelligence on the enemy. After the eastern kingdom of Raed had reported a horde of goblins casting new curses, the Council sent out an emergency patrol to gather any information about how they could be defeated.

Ulfia gave my calf a small swat. A needling sensation pricked my skin, and I flexed involuntarily, forcing a violent shudder through me. You’ll do no training today, she said. Did you not hear a word I said, Ivy Myriana? You. Are. Not. Healed. Yet. She tapped my foot with every word.

I opened my mouth to protest again, when a familiar-looking page burst through the door as if he had a witch on his heels.

Princess Ivy! Your Kiss is needed—the patrol—at the palace gates!

I stood at once, which was a mistake, because I wobbled and almost fell on Ulfia. Luckily she was a strong old bird and caught me easily by the waist, clucking her tongue in disapproval.

Although she had a tight hold on me, I tried to free myself. I’m on my way.

On your way, my fanny, Ulfia snapped. Come here, boy. She gestured for him to take her place. The princess is still getting over a locking curse. Be sure you walk with her.

Under Ulfia’s glare, the page scurried over to me and tentatively took my waist as I leaned on his shoulder. His face went from white to a ferocious red.

Blue sunlight streamed through stained glass as we made our way down the corridor to the servants’ halls, where we’d emerge close to the gates, avoiding the Hall of Ancestors, the grand staircase, and the one-hundred-pound double doors.

I glanced at the page’s face again, noting the freckles across his cheeks, not unlike my own, and his name came to me. I’d heard my own page, Bromley, use this boy’s name before. Desren, did they say anything to you? Who needs my Kiss?

The boy flushed deeper, probably shocked I knew his name. He pushed open the servants’ door and helped me through. I’m afraid I don’t know many details, princess. Only that the curse is a bad one. Princess Tulia’s Kiss did not work.

At this, I stumbled, and Desren had to tighten his grip to keep me from going down. "What? But Tulia is a pure-blood Royal."

His jaw tightened, but he said nothing.

So. I was their last hope. Tulia may be pure, but she wasn’t a direct descendant like me.

Nerves rose in me like a thousand bubbles pressing against the cork of a spirit bottle after shaking. Oh Heavenly Queen, had they been taken by the same curse we’d gone to investigate? Just how powerful was it?

We emerged into the bright sunlight reflecting off the white-and-caramel-colored stones decorating the pathway to the intricately woven iron gates. Beyond those gates, the beautiful Crown City of Myria sprawled out for miles, with shops, homes, and steeples, creating a rolling expanse of stone and thatched roofs—some structures as old as the castle, some as new as the dwarf attack from last week.

The sky was a brilliant blue, with a few wispy clouds slowly moving from east to west, following the wind’s journey. The only thing that marred such beauty was a swirl of dark specks in the distance. For a moment, I considered them to be nothing more than a flock of crows chased off by some farmer, but the specks fluttered about, hovering, rather than scattering away in fear.

Desren, what does that look like to you? I pointed to the dark specks.

You mean the crows, princess?

No, they’re not— I stopped, swallowing. They were sparrow harpies—birdlike blood scavengers the size of fairies, with dark, leathery wings. Living shadows. They were never seen in the daylight or without some kind of monster horde to follow and feast on the trail of bodies.

Milady—the patrol. Desren tugged me gently forward, heading for the gates.

I tore my eyes away from the sparrow harpies, making a mental note to mention them to a Master Mage later. Their strange behavior should be investigated.

Just past the gates, the patrol was coming up the slight slope of the castle road. Even from here I could make out the blood and slime that coated my comrades’ battle armor. As they approached, scratches and bruises came into view. Their exhausted faces and weary eyes evidence of their journey through the night back to Myria. Back home.

My gaze jumped from prince to princess, searching for my partner’s face. Ridding myself of Desren’s shoulder, I limped toward them as they passed through the gates.

Tulia and Minnow, pure-blood princesses in the Myrian Royal Legion, saw me and dismounted from their horses. Their partners, Edric and Roland, followed suit.

Ivy, Tulia started, reaching for my arm, but her fingertips only brushed my sleeve as I pushed into the patrol’s scattered, battle-weary ranks. Struggling past the tired horses, road dust caught in my throat and the iron scent of blood stung my nose. My stiff legs screamed at me to slow down. Claws seemed to tear at my muscles, but at this point I wasn’t sure if it was the remains of the locking curse or the cold, painful fear of the horrid truth.

I couldn’t see him.

No, not another one.

Not another prince. Not another partner.

At last I found Kellian’s steed. But his rider was not astride. Instead, the brown stallion pulled a cart carrying a body lying across fresh hay and covered with a dark gray cloak. A legionnaire cloak. Kellian’s cloak.

Suppressing a moan, my weak legs gave out, and just before the cobbled road came up to meet me, Roland’s arms wrapped around my waist and hauled me up.

After my initial shock, a little relief inched into my shoulders. Kellian was alive, at least. Cursed, yes, but alive. Even if it might take him months to recover, I could still save him. I would not move on to my sixth partner in four years.

If you’re not healed yet, Roland began, his five-day stubble brushing my ear, you shouldn’t try the Kiss.

I understood Roland’s warning but would not heed it. I’d performed dozens of Kisses while drained and exhausted, and not one had been weaker for it. The magic within my Kiss was impossibly strong, despite the traces of some stupid curse.

My hand tightened around his arm. His leather guards were coated in dirt. I’m healed enough. I gently pushed his arm away and faced the immobile figure on the cart. With a quick prayer, I pulled the cloak from Kellian’s face. His brown hair was caked with dried blood, but his face had been cleaned—probably by Tulia or Minnow—showcasing his high cheekbones and sun-kissed skin. He was only two years younger than me, but lying there, seemingly asleep, he had the look of a child. At just fifteen, he was the purest prince in Myria, the only one with enough Royal Magic to match my own.

How did it happen? I asked, straightening and waving my hand over his face. Cold radiated from his skin. Definitely a curse of extreme magnitude.

We were ambushed by the horde of goblins. It was just like the scouts from Raed had said—they came at us with magic we’d never seen before. Minnow’s voice, usually so light, much like her soft, petite appearance, was low and trembling. We barely had time to administer battle Kisses to any of the princes.

Is that why—

No, Minnow said quickly. I gave one to both Kellian and Roland. Your prince was protected, although…my magic is not as strong as yours.

Because I knew I’d have to miss patrol thanks to the Kiss’s healing time for the locking curse, I’d asked Minnow to stay by my partner. If I couldn’t be there, a pure-blood princess was the best the Legion could offer. Minnow was strong and capable, but if I’d been there, if Kellian had used my Kiss instead, he’d be exhausted now, but awake. Not only because Kisses by one’s ordained partner were stronger by the Holy Queen’s blessing, but because my Kisses were the best. But due to our dwindling numbers, every able Royal was needed on patrol, regardless of having their partner with them. As King Randalph had reminded me when I’d requested Kellian be removed from patrol while I was out, there were other princesses perfectly able to bestow a Kiss—and any Royal’s Kiss was better than no Kiss.

Not this time, King Randalph.

So… I glanced at Minnow and Roland. It was this new curse? What was it like?

I can show you. Minnow held out two fingers and extended them toward my forehead.

I almost backed away. I didn’t want Minnow’s memories to become my own and join the rest of my nightmares in which my partners fell with lifeless eyes and blood trickling from their lips. But I had to see this mysterious new curse. I had to find out what my Kiss was up against.

I nodded and closed my eyes. Minnow touched her fingers to my forehead and whispered the words of shared memories. "Don’na illye min’na."

My mind fogged, and a forest shimmered into existence, shapes and blurs all hazy in the edges of Minnow’s memories. But the thing she meant for me to see was mind-numbingly clear: Kellian, his body glowing with the cobalt flames of battle magic, engaged in a fight with a goblin. Kellian swung his sword, slashing the goblin’s face and tearing through its eye, leaving a crude, bloody gash. With a shriek and garbled words, the goblin began to cast a curse. Just as he let the curse fly—vibrant emerald lightning crackling through the goblin’s long spindly fingers—Kellian stabbed the goblin in the chest. The goblin dissolved into smoke, the ground alight with green flames. Its curse clung to Kellian’s sword and crawled over the metal, reaching the hilt. The green lightning danced over his hands and up his arms, then took over his entire body, shaking him like a puppet. The blue battle magic that had encased Kellian flickered and died as he crashed to the ground.

I reeled back from Minnow’s fingertips. Such power…a curse that existed even after a monster’s death? I leaned over my prince, feeling the cold roll off him in waves. Time was running out.

I was his only hope. The blood of the great Queen Myriana was his only hope. Blood that ran through my veins. My only hope. I will not lose another partner to the Forces of Darkness. I cannot endure that shame again. That pain…

I bent closer, my lips hovering over his.

I’ll save you, my friend.

With a quick prayer to my ancestor, the living goddess, the first Queen—O Holy Queen, lend me your strength—I prepared the strongest spell words in my arsenal for this revival Kiss.

Illye donia.

The words reverberated in my mind as I pressed my lips to his. Even in his comatose state, the Royal magic within Kellian surged forward and reacted with my own. Like flint striking steel, the two sparks created a flame that fed into the spell words. Magic drained out of me, into Kellian, and I nearly collapsed. Lightheaded, I held myself up on the cart long enough to watch silver dust wash over Kellian…then disappear like mist after a hard rain.

I stared in disbelief at Kellian’s unmoving body, barely hearing the shocked whispers behind me.

My Kiss had failed.



Ignoring the Pain

I crumpled, my back sliding down the wall of the cart and my tunic snagging on splinters. Almost as soon as my legs touched the cobbled stone road, Roland had me back up.

His hands gripped my arms tight enough to pull me from my shock. I’m fine, I said quickly, refusing to meet his gaze. My legs are still a little stiff, that’s all. I cleared my throat. I need someone to give me a full report on the patrol and this new curse. And then—

With callused fingers, Roland tilted my chin upward, forcing me to look into his dark eyes and equally dark face. Go rest, Ivy. We’ll take care of him.

Take care of him. As in, bring him to the Curse Ward to sleep away his days until his body aged and turned to dust.

Turning away from Roland, I searched Kellian’s face, neck, and arms for the slightest twitch to show my Kiss was working. Finally, my gaze landed on the back of his hand. The Mark of Myriana—my mark—an ornate crest of holly and ivy curled together in a crown, wrapped around the back of his hand and traveled up his wrist to the base of his palm. The mark appeared burned and smoky—no longer sharp, clear lines as it had once been.

Kellian’s mark resided on the back of my own hand. The crest of the Royal House of Elhein was a mountain lion’s claw with two swords crossed. It now looked faded and worn, too.

I grabbed his hand, covering the mark, and squeezed it. No response. Please wake up, Kellian, I murmured.

What? Roland asked.

I released Kellian’s hand. Like I said, I’ll need a full report on this new dark magic. Remembering Minnow’s memories with the mysterious green lightning, my frantic mind jumped from one thought to the next. If I had been there, would I have been able to administer a Kiss to Kellian that could’ve defeated this curse? Minnow was not his partner, she didn’t bear his mark like I did, and therefore could not give him counter-curse Kisses—only simple ones like battle magic Kisses or healing Kisses. Was that it, then? Was I just too late, or was this curse simply too powerful even for the great Myriana’s magic? The thought made my gut twist.

And you’ll get that report, Minnow said, reaching for my hands with her usual gentleness, but not until after you rest.

I almost didn’t let her touch me, didn’t want anyone to try to console me when I needed no consolation—only an explanation.

But seeing my battle-weary and exhausted comrades, I knew now was not the time. Here they were, worrying about me, when they were the ones who needed sleep.

So I let Minnow take my arm. The image of Kellian’s body shaking with green lightning played over and over in my head as we trailed behind the patrol into the Hall of Ancestors. The sound of everyone’s reverberating footsteps and muted chatter snapped me out of my trance.

I think I’d rather stay outside. I’ve been in the infirmary too long, I said, forcing strength into my voice. Even though my legs were still sore and stiff, I needed time alone. To stop the influx of poisonous thoughts already seeping into my subconscious—I’m a failure, I lost another partner because I’m too weak, I can’t uphold the bloodline of Myriana. These thoughts always came to me in the same voice, one that had haunted me since childhood.

I pushed them away and gave Minnow’s hand a reassuring squeeze. I’m glad you made it back safely.

Minnow still watched me with concern, her sky-blue eyes shiny with unshed tears.

I couldn’t let her think Kellian’s state was her fault. That was my burden to bear. You did your best. Thank you for looking after him.

She blinked away the tears. Ivy…

It’s you who need rest. I nodded to the other Royals heading for their rooms. You look like you’re about to collapse. Brief me on what you were able to discover on patrol after you’ve slept.

Minnow gave me a quick hug then shuffled away, her footsteps echoing in the massive hall.

I stared at the lofty ceiling for a moment, seeking refuge from my thoughts. The marble arches of the Hall of Ancestors expanded and met in the middle, like two sides of a rainbow joining in perfect unison. It calmed me to admire the detailed, pearly-white marble statuaries of princes and princesses battling dragons and griffins, of mages dueling witches and warlocks. It was said the stories of all the past Royals were represented here.

Would my stories end up here, too, someday?

The feeling of serenity didn’t last. Soon those faceless sculptures taunted me. Failure. Useless. Your service in the Legion is over. The war against the Forces of Darkness will carry on without you.

I had to get out.

I hurried through the Hall then stopped at the steps leading down to the gates. The wall towered over the Crown City of Myria, surrounding the town below with its cobbled walkways and the homes of our subjects.

Their lives were laid out before me. Lives I’d taken an oath to protect.

With that weight on my shoulders, I descended the steps as fast as my sore legs would allow. Slipped through the gaps in the blossoming apple trees, their white petals fluttering in the wind, carrying the scent that always reminded me of apple spiced-honey cakes, I headed for the training grounds. After a week of dormancy, my muscles yearned to work. And my soul ached to prove I wasn’t totally worthless.

My heart bled for Kellian. The image of him on the cart, his face left with traces of blood and grime, would follow me forever. Until my own legionnaire cloak covered my lifeless body. He’d been so strong and brave, and good. In many ways, I felt like it should’ve been me on that cart instead of him. He’d trusted me to protect him. To save him. But I failed him instead.

And now I was without a partner. Again. Without a prince, I was doomed to spend my days on the training grounds or in my quarters, studying spells for my Kisses but never getting a chance to use them. I prayed it wouldn’t happen, that the Royal Council would find me another prince, so I could continue fighting on the battlefields. Where I belong.

I paused in front of a low fence built of brucel wood and copper nails and gingerly stepped over it, using a nearby jerr tree to steady myself. Finally coming upon the fringes of the training grounds, I could just make out the young recruits of princes and princesses sparring. A second group was running laps, and a third was at the archery targets. A breeze rolled over the grounds, rustling the grass like rippling emerald waves.

My legs already ached from my short journey. I tried to hide my limp as I made my way to the sparring group. Boys fought boys, while the girls practiced defensive moves using shields. As usual. Later, princesses would be taken aside to practice a long-range weapon of their choosing, like longbows, crossbows, or throwing knives. Because only princesses had the ability to cast spells after the Kiss, we were each assigned a prince who was able to receive the spell and fight with magically enhanced strength. According to priests, a female Royal’s power for spell-casting derived from Queen Myriana, since it was her Kiss that had saved King Raed. Therefore, we had to be well protected and prepared by learning spells, defensive moves, and long-range weapons instead of close combat.

Still, there were princesses who practiced swordsmanship relentlessly, simply because they didn’t like staying within a protective Illye circle, away from the heat and thrill of battle. Princesses like me.

I wanted to fight alongside my partner, sharing the sweat and fear of a troll wielding a blood-spattered mace. Though I understood it was to keep me safe, it was frustrating staying behind an Illye circle while my partners were out there risking everything.

I headed over to the girls, taking a shield from one I’d taught healing Kisses to only last month. I couldn’t recall her name, but I remembered her thin face and black-as-night hair. I flipped the shield to be flat against my forearm, running my fingers over the sharp metal edge. Hold it like this. Remember, your shield can be a weapon, too. Use the edge to inflect any damage you can. The minute you stop fighting is the minute you admit you’re ready to die.

The girl nodded, taking her shield back as I handed it to her. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her neck and cheeks were slick with sweat, but her scowl was most prominent. She was determined to learn more than just how to hide behind wood and metal. I saw my younger self in her. After watching my first partner fall with an ax in his neck, I’d sworn I wouldn’t simply cower behind a shield, magical or wooden, when I could’ve been there with him.

Like I could’ve been there with Kellian.

I turned away from the girls, toward the boys practicing with their wooden swords. When the nearest prince stumbled after a particularly vicious attack by his partner, I took him by the shoulder, steadying him. He glanced up, his eyes going wide with surprise.

May I cut in? I asked.

He blinked then dropped the sword into my outstretched hand.

His sparring partner swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing under his collar. Princess Ivy?

The very same. Slashing the weapon through the air for a practice cut, I stepped in front of the boy whose sword I’d taken. I’m your new opponent.

I don’t think that’s such a—

I bent my knees and lunged forward with a strike. The young prince just managed to parry my attack and jumped back. I advanced, swinging my sword with a ferocity that made a few observers gasp. They quit their own matches and formed a circle around ours.

My muscles hummed with satisfaction. Action at last.

With every turn and duck, the prince became more unhinged, desperate to save face.

I swung high. He dodged then aimed for my knees. A rookie move. I stepped around him, and his wooden blade missed me by inches. A simple elbow strike to the back of his head had him falling forward onto his stomach.

Sloppy, I said, the tip of my sword now at the middle of his back. Focus on your defense. You can’t attack if you’re dead.

A few of the girls dropped their shields and clapped enthusiastically, while the boys begrudgingly joined in.

As I stepped forward, legs throbbing, and helped the boy up, my feeling of victory faded quickly. This was not the way to make myself feel better about my Kiss failing. Not in winning against a thirteen-year-old boy. Even though I was only four years older than him, with all my experience in battle, it felt more like fifty. Thirteen was young, but he could be younger still. Our numbers were dwindling against the might of the Forces, and soon we’d have to bring Royals younger than thirteen into battle and on patrol. At fourteen, I saw a troll’s head lopped off its body. I had nightmares for weeks.

But the fact that these boys were going to see battle sooner rather than later would not change, regardless of whether I was using them to vent my own frustrations. They needed to be taught, and I certainly didn’t mind being the one to do it.

I turned to the audience of trainees. Swinging the wooden sword onto my shoulder, I called out, Who’s next?

They avoided eye contact, none of them eager to be knocked to the ground.

I pointed my sword at a tan-skinned prince with bronze hair. How about you? He seemed old enough.

M-me? The boy glanced around then looked back, face reddening. I’m only an eighth-blood, princess. I just started training a week ago.

My stomach twisted almost as tightly as when I’d seen Kellian’s sleeping face. Besides bringing in younger Royals, we were also recruiting Royals who barely qualified. Princes and princesses who were even less than a quarter of a Royal bloodline. An eighth-blood. Those with less Royal blood had less magic—simple as that. So what good were they? Mere fodder for the Wicked Queen’s creatures?

I could see a griffin’s talons cutting into their small bodies, and a chimera’s iron jaws ripping into their flesh and crunching the bone. It made me want to dig a hole in this perfect green grass and vomit.

Princess Ivy! Milady!

I dropped my sword, recognizing my page’s voice.

Bromley was a skinny fourteen-year-old boy with cropped honey-colored hair. I knew his face better than I knew my own. So when he pushed through the crowd of boys, I could read the anger in his narrowed brown eyes and clenched jaw.

As he came to a stop before me, breathing hard, he glared at the training sword in my hand.

You’re not in bed.

I raised an eyebrow. Astute observation, Brom.

Like all pure-blood Royals, I’d been assigned an attendant at an early age. Bromley had been given to me when I was eight and he was only five. I’d never really wanted a servant, but I’d wanted a friend.

The edge of Brom’s mouth twitched. Master Gelloren has called for you.

The anxiety I’d just worked so hard to chase away came rushing back. Of course Master Gelloren had already heard about Kellian’s fall by the new curse. Of course he’d already heard about my failed Kiss. And of course he’d already want to see me. Because when it rains, the fields flood.

What would Gelloren say? What would he do?

I shoved the sword flat against the chest of its owner, and the recruits parted as I made my way through the small crowd. I could no longer deny the pain in my legs, anyway. Probably wouldn’t have lasted a minute in another fight.

Bromley hurried to catch up. What happened?

I focused my gaze on the jerr trees ahead as we walked. The lines of red leaves began to blur, and I swallowed. Kellian, he…didn’t quite make it. Comatose. Some new curse.

I…I’m sorry, milady. He paused, the distant clattering of wooden swords and wind whistling through leaves filling the silence. Who administered the revival Kiss? Maybe you could go and—

His words hit me like a strike to the gut, and I nearly fell.

Princess! Brom caught me, but he wasn’t as strong as Ulfia or Roland, so we both stumbled a little, stopping underneath the pleasant shade of the jerr trees.

Brom didn’t know it was my revival Kiss that hadn’t worked, but I couldn’t explain what had happened without lashing out. The wound was still too fresh. I’m fine. Did Master Gelloren tell you what he wants?

Brom shook his head. "He didn’t. But maybe it can wait. You need to be resting. Ulfia told

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