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The Shadowheart Curse
The Shadowheart Curse
The Shadowheart Curse
Ebook188 pages2 hours

The Shadowheart Curse

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Escaping New York after a client's untimely death, medium Adrianna Sinclair flees to her family property in Italy. All she wants is to avoid ghosts, but an attractive one tempts her in ways she never knew possible.

Luca Fausto has been trapped on the Romani property for over a century for a crime he didn't commit. Adrianna may be the answer to breaking the curse that keeps him bound.

Standing in their way is a demonic spirit's plan for revenge. Will they prevail or will Luca be cursed to the shadows forever?
Release dateAug 13, 2019
The Shadowheart Curse

Karilyn Bentley

Karilyn Bentley's love of reading stories and preference for sitting in front of a computer at home instead of in a cube, drove her to pen her own works, blending fantasy and romance mixed with a touch of funny. Her paranormal romance novella, Werewolves in London, placed in the Got Wolf contest and started her writing career as an author of sexy heroes and lush fantasy worlds. Karilyn lives in Colorado with her own hunky hero, two crazy dogs, aka The Kraken and Sir Barks-A-Lot, and a handful of colorful saltwater fish.

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    Book preview

    The Shadowheart Curse - Karilyn Bentley


    Lights drew her attention to the opposite wing of the mill, where a man stood staring at her window. At her. Breath caught in her lungs as she froze.

    But only for a brief moment until she realized it wasn’t a man, at least not a living one. Her breath escaped on a whoosh of relief. Intuition whispered the man was the spirit who’d watched her last night.

    The one from her dream.

    Shadows clung to his body, ghostly fingers releasing as he stepped into the dim slash of moonlight. Lights flickered from behind him, like the dying gasps of sputtering candles. Dressed in a white shirt with an old-fashioned high collar, sleeves rolled halfway up his forearms, and dark trousers, he reminded her of a working man in a World War I photograph. As if he had removed his coat and tie and rolled up his sleeves to get to work.

    Except the men in those photos didn’t sport the wide-eyed, happy look of this man. Ghost. Whatever. Yeah, he wasn’t the only one surprised. She’d sworn never to see a ghost again, yet there stood a ghost, captured by her gaze. The man was hot, in an old-fashioned way. At least he didn’t sport a handle-bar moustache.

    He gestured to her, his hand beckoning in a come here motion.

    She squeezed the bridge of her nose. Was she actually thinking of heading his way? Judging by the way her feet pointed toward the door, she’d already decided. Dammit. She might not want to see a ghost or speak to a spirit, but past experience told her if she ignored them, they ramped up the annoying factor.

    How bad could it be to talk to an attractive spirit?

    Praise for Karilyn Bentley and…

    DEMON LORE: An action-packed tale of demons, guardians, and magical abilities.

    ~Linda Green at Fresh Fiction


    Fantastic start to a new series.

    ~Annetta Sweetko at Fresh Fiction


    DEMON KISSED: ...the story is a snarky, fast-paced romp that kept me reading straight through the afternoon...

    ~Katie O’Sullivan at Read, Write, Repeat


    The world is interesting and is explained well, and the story is full of action, suspense, and a bit of romantic drama.

    ~Urban Fantasy Investigations


    DEMON CURSED: I also love how the author paints a picture in my mind by these spellbinding sentences.

    ~Booktalk with Eileen


    DEVIL TAKE ME: Witty dialogue, fast pacing, captivating characters, and an intriguing plot make the fourth installment of Karilyn Bentley’s Demon Huntress Series a success.

    ~J.C. McKenzie

    The Shadowheart Curse


    Karilyn Bentley

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

    The Shadowheart Curse

    COPYRIGHT © 2019 by Karilyn Bentley

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    Contact Information: [email protected]

    The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

    PO Box 708

    Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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    Publishing History

    First Black Rose Edition, 2019

    Print ISBN 978-1-5092-2773-0

    Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-2774-7

    Published in the United States of America


    To my husband:

    Thank you for your love and support!

    To Rhonda:

    Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

    It’s appreciated more than you can know.

    Chapter One

    You have arrived, the GPS app announced.

    For the first time since she turned the app on at the airport in Rome, the overly perky voice failed to elicit a teeth-grinding response. Amazing. Not her lack of response, but the place nestled before her in a copse of trees.

    Adrianna Sinclair gawked at the ruined mill. Was this awesome building really on her family’s ancestral property? She checked the address on the GPS against the address in her email. Yep. The same.

    Midafternoon sun beamed through the copse of trees and danced along light brown stones. Green vines with lush leaves crept around the corners of the edifice while dappled light played peek-a-boo with the stones hidden behind the greenery. Two towers sat in the middle of the ruin with water-stained crenellations reaching toward the sky like arms lifted heavenward for help. One side of the mill had been remodeled with a thick slab of steel for the roof. The other half remained in ruins.

    Wow. Just. Wow.

    She opened the rental car door and slowly stepped out, resting one arm on the door, her gaze snagged on the ancient structure. Humidity wrapped around her like a heavy blanket in the heat of the afternoon sun. The scent of late summer grass and crushed vegetation filled her nose. Tension eased from her muscles as a warm breeze wrapped around her like a soft blanket.

    Umbria, Italy, in the summer never failed to relax her. Escaping here was a great idea.

    A squeal of joy caused her to turn to the side, where an older couple jumped out of a car. A car she should have noticed driving up, but holy smokes, the mill captured her attention like a poltergeist on a rampage.

    She focused on the older couple heading her way. A smile crept across her face. The caretakers, Luigi and Maria Toscano, had been married for more years than she could ever dream of and were more like family than hired help. Luigi met her gaze, his mouth mirroring her smile. The gray-haired, plump Maria darted around their car, past her husband, and enveloped her in a hug.

    Oomph. The hug came close to smothering her, but at least she had no doubt she was welcomed.

    Which was a nice change from what she’d left behind.

    Maria! She wrapped her arms around the short, matronly woman and squeezed. Home. Maria feels like home.

    Let me look at you. Maria stepped back, holding her at arm’s length. Her brown eyes looked her up and down. She tsked. Too skinny. And you look tired. We’ll fix both those problems. Some good food. A little rest. But first you must see the mill.

    Luigi limped across the short distance between the cars. When had he started limping? Once he reached them, he enveloped her in a large hug. Another confirmation she’d made the correct decision to leave New York City for Italy.

    Look at you, look at you. Luigi patted her on the back before releasing her. He stepped back and like his wife, let his gaze rake her from head to toe and back again. You’ve grown up.

    A smile played across her lips. Her Italian was rusty from several years of little to no practice, but it would come back. The out-of-use words wrapped around her tongue as she spoke. That’s what happens when fifteen years go by.

    Fifteen years? Maria shook her head. It’s been that long?

    Hard to believe she’d spent so long without visiting her family’s land. Her land now. Sort of. She shared the title with cousins she only corresponded with on rare occasions and barely remembered from her youth.

    Coming to Italy had multiple benefits, including escaping New York City, catching up with relatives, and learning about property maintenance. Not that she was expected to grab a hoe and hack at a grapevine, or whatever one did with a hoe. No, as the property managers, that was the Toscanos’ expertise.

    Although she suspected they no longer wielded hoes.

    I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have stayed away so long, but life got busy. She hid a yawn behind her hand. The nine-hour flight from New York to Rome, then driving for over an hour was catching up to her. Not to mention the time change. She might be hungry and looking forward to anything Maria cooked, but she’d really prefer to crash for the rest of the day.

    You haven’t been back since you went off to university. Maria glared while Luigi nodded.

    Fifteen years. Time flew. Hadn’t she just been seventeen yesterday, eager to start college and be an adult? Adulting wasn’t as fun as her seventeen-year-old self had imagined.

    Hoping her smile erased Maria’s shaming glare, Adrianna patted the older woman’s arm. I know. I’m sorry. College was busy. And then Grandfather died. And work got crazy. And the Very Bad Thing happened. Hopefully Maria and Luigi hadn’t read any of the papers from New York City. Or the internet, tabloids, or gossip rags.

    Their English might not be the best, but anyone could hit the translate button on internet news articles and discover the main reason New York City was no longer her city of choice. Being questioned in a murder investigation while having one’s face and name splashed across all media outlets tended to do that to a person. She’d gone from being a well-known medium to a second-rate psychic overnight.

    All her fault.

    She shook her head. Nope. Not getting into it. Italy was her escape. Her perfect home. A permanent vacation to another life.

    Tell me about the mill. She gestured to the moss-covered stone ruins.

    A spark lit their eyes as they looked toward the mill, excitement and pride written across the lines of their faces. Maria spoke. You know we sold the manor house, yes?

    She nodded. She hated to hear that news, but times changed, and while the vineyards and farming properties were profitable, they were not profitable enough to keep up repairs on the sixteenth-century house. She missed the place, but she understood why it needed to be sold. Apparently, the new owners had turned it into an online rental home.

    For centuries, people from all around brought their grain here—Maria gestured to the ruined building—for the waterwheel to grind. We knew the stories, how industrialization at the turn of the last century had put most of the mills out of business, and they were left abandoned. But we could never find the mill. It couldn’t have been part of the manor house because there wasn’t a stream close enough to it. And yet there are stories.

    She blinked. Stories? About mills? She couldn’t remember hearing any interesting tales about mills, but then again, she’d flown nine hours to Rome, grabbed a rental car, and made it here without falling asleep at the wheel. That accomplishment depleted her last reserve of brain power. Stories?

    Many stories. Your grandfather didn’t tell you about them?

    Had he? It wasn’t like she remembered every single conversation she’d ever had with him. If he did, I don’t remember. But it’s beautiful. Her eyes narrowed. Wait a minute. How could you or my family not know where the mill stood? I know it’s a huge property, but still. Wouldn’t someone have seen it?

    You’d think. Excitement turned Maria’s speech into a rush of words. But the land reclaimed it. Trees were growing through everything. We left some of the vines, as you can see. She gestured to the vines spilling from the partially collapsed roof. The whole thing was overgrown. It took forever to clean it up and make it presentable.

    Okay. The place retained enough of a buried in a forest look for her believe Maria’s explanation, despite how odd it seemed not to know such a large building existed on the estate. How did you find it?

    A gleam shone from Luigi’s eyes. We went exploring.

    You did the exploring yourselves? Adrianna looked from one to the other. Fifteen years ago, she wouldn’t have asked the question.

    Maria waved a hand. No, no. Several years ago, after your sweet grandfather passed and we had sold the manor house, we were approached by an enterprising young man with one of those drones. He wanted permission to fly it over our land—

    He was one of those archeologists. Looking for abandoned mills.

    When Luigi took a breath, Maria finished the story. And he found one. On our property. The mill of the stories.

    And we’ve turned it into a bed and breakfast. Luigi looked as if he’d found a rent-stabilized apartment in the Bronx.

    You have? Had they told her that when they offered to let her stay here?

    Maria glared at Luigi. Not yet. We’d like you to try it out first. You said you didn’t know how long you wanted to stay. We thought you might rather stay here for free than at a hotel.

    They were right. This place was cool, and she’d have some much-needed time to herself. Being alone would give her time to think and strategize her future. Judging by the way nausea roiled her gut each time she thought of returning to New York and continuing her work as a medium, she needed a new life plan.

    That would be great. Is it an apartment or just a room?

    An apartment. Kitchenette and bathroom. Maria gestured to their left. The pool is over there.

    She glanced toward the pool, but before she got a good look, Maria pointed to the trunk of the car. Luigi, grab her bag.

    Before the older man could move, she fast-stepped to her trunk and popped it open. She grabbed her suitcase, heaved the heavy luggage out of the trunk, and jumped back as it fell on the grass with a soft thud, narrowly missing her foot.

    Luigi, hurry up. Maria clapped her hands twice. A tiny thing like her can’t be expected to lift a suitcase.

    She managed to stop an eye roll. Tiny thing? Yeah, right. She was thin but stayed in shape by lifting weights, swimming, and weekly Tae Kwon Do classes. Or at least she had until her poor advice made her want to flee the Big Apple. Running away from problems instead of meeting them head on was a new one for her, but everyone needed to try something different once in a while.

    She shook her head. Not thinking about it. Her one-way ticket to Italy came with a deal to not think about what had happened in New York.

    At least for the moment.

    Before Luigi could grab her luggage, she pulled up the handle, tilted the

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