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The Blood Heir: The Tethering, #4
The Blood Heir: The Tethering, #4
The Blood Heir: The Tethering, #4
Ebook292 pages3 hours

The Blood Heir: The Tethering, #4

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The Gray Clan has scattered. The shadows thirst for blood. The end has come.

Trapped in the Academy where the beauty of magic is only a myth, Jacob and Emilia struggle to recover from terrible losses after their battle with the Pendragon. The horror stories of life in the Academy did not prepare the Grays for what the students truly face. With the Headmistress refusing to tell her students of the murder and chaos the Dragons have wrought, escape is Jacob and Emilia's only option.

But the war outside the Academy's walls rages on without them, and the Dragons have scented the Gray Clan's blood. When death comes from below, will the tethering be enough to keep Jacob and Emilia together, or will their bond finally be broken?

Release dateAug 13, 2019
The Blood Heir: The Tethering, #4

Megan O'Russell

Megan started writing when she discovered playing Cordelia in King Lear leaves you way too much time waiting backstage. She began her career as an author during an ill-fated trip to Oz. She hasn't stopped writing (even when living on a tour bus) since. Megan's wanderlust has led her all over the globe. When she's not planning her next escapade, she's diving into fantasy worlds where she doesn't have to worry about what rules she's supposed to follow or how many pairs of socks she can fit in her suitcase. Her love of storytelling has helped Megan weave her real-life exploits into seven different book series. From the epic fantasy world of Ilbrea to the paranormal dystopian romance of Girl of Glass, there is always is a new way to escape into adventure. Megan would love to connect with you on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok but feels obliged to warn you in advance that you will be hearing about her cats…a lot. If you want to stay up to date on all Megan's books and adventures (and hear about her cats) you can find all her social media links, including where to sign up for her readers community at: For film and TV rights inquiries: [email protected]

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    The Blood Heir - Megan O'Russell



    "V olavertus Aunt Iz. Emilia’s voice trembled. Volavertus Isadora Gray."

    The mirror in her hands shimmered for a moment before fading in the dim light.

    "Volavertus Molly Wright. The mirror shook in Emilia’s hand. Volavertus Larkin Gardner."

    Emilia brushed the tears from her cheeks with her sleeve. The fabric was rough with soot and scented with smoke.

    Fire. Thousands of people turned to ash. The Pendragon flying away, leaving Rosalie—

    "Volavertus Dexter Wayland!"

    But the mirror didn’t care how desperate Emilia sounded. No face appeared in the glass. Emilia pressed her forehead to the cold concrete wall. The florescent lights made the grey walls look sickly and filthy. Like the whole Academy was rotting from within.

    Emilia lowered herself to the hall floor. She wanted to run away, to find Jacob and Connor. The Academy nurse wouldn’t let Emilia go into the infirmary with her to try and heal Claire. The headmistress had taken Jacob and Connor to the boys’ wing.

    Emilia had been left alone and helpless in the shadowy corridor.

    The pull in Emilia’s chest told her Jacob was still nearby. He was angry, frightened, and tired. But so was she.

    He’s fine, Emilia whispered to herself. Jacob is fine.

    Footsteps carried down the hall. Emilia leaped back to her feet. Her legs screamed in protest at being asked to move again.

    I want to see— Emilia began, but it wasn’t the headmistress who ran down the hall toward her. It was only a girl, the same age as Emilia, wearing the grey and black uniform of an Academy student.

    The girl slowed as she reached Emilia, eyeing her up and down before shrugging and opening the door to the infirmary that Emilia had been forbidden from entering.

    Wait! Let me see—the girl slammed the door—Claire.

    Emilia shut her eyes tight, forcing herself not to scream or pound on the door. They needed help. They needed the nurse to heal Claire.

    Images flew unbidden through Emilia’s mind. The Pendragon shooting spells at them. The spell missing Connor and hitting Claire.

    Panic rose in Emilia’s chest. The Pendragon was still out there. Emilia was pacing in front of the infirmary door before she even realized her feet were moving.

    She needed to do something. She had to help.

    "Volavertus Isadora Gray," Emilia said to the mirror again.

    Aunt Iz wasn’t answering. She had been rescuing Samuel with Larkin, Dexter, and Molly. Dexter had collapsed the tunnel. The Pendragon had known they were coming.

    Stone. It all went back to the traitor MAGI Jeremy Stone.

    "Volavertus Proteus." Emilia’s voice echoed down the long hall.

    The mirror shimmered again, but this time the light didn’t fade into nothing. Instead, a face appeared. The man had long hair that was greyer than the last time Emilia had seen him only a week before. The creases on his face seemed deeper, and they shifted to lines of worry as he looked out of the mirror at Emilia.

    Emilia Gray, Proteus said, his deep voice resonating from the depths of the mirror, I had not expected to hear from you. Isadora said you had been taken to safety.

    We had, Emilia said, trying to hide her fear, but the Pendragon found us. He found Rosalie. He took her. Proteus, she’s dead. Tears burned in the corners of Emilia’s eyes, but now wasn’t the time to cry, not when so many people were still in danger.

    It was Stone. Emilia’s voice grew fierce. He betrayed all of us to the Pendragon. Stone told him where we were hiding. He told them Aunt Iz and the others were going after Samuel.

    Proteus’s shoulders tightened, and his eyes flashed with anger. Even if Emilia hadn’t known Proteus was a centaur with the enormous body of a powerful horse, his look would have been terrifying. The MAGI scum betrayed the Gray Clan.

    Yes, and if he can, he’ll send people to attack the Green Mountain Preserve. He’ll send them after all of you. Emilia took a deep breath. You need to move. You need to find a safer place for the Tribe.

    We will be prepared for the Dragons, and if Stone shows his face, I will kill him myself, Proteus growled.

    Good. For a moment, the fact that she had said good to a person promising to kill someone seemed absurd. But Rosalie was dead. Claire was unconscious. Aunt Iz and the others were missing. Kill him.

    Proteus nodded.

    Contact the Wrights at the High Peaks Preserve, Emilia said. I don’t know how much Stone knows about their settlement.

    I will contact the Wrights and make sure they are safe.

    Thank you, Proteus.

    Do you want me to send the fighters of the Tribe to Graylock to search for Isadora?

    Emilia’s heart leaped to her throat just before a terrible sickness settled into her stomach. No. Her voice cracked as she said the simple word. We have no idea where they are. And we can’t send anyone else to Graylock.

    We can’t lose anyone else.

    Proteus bowed, and the mirror shimmered again before leaving Emilia staring at her own reflection.

    Tears cut pale tracks through the dirt, ash, and blood that covered her face. Her grey eyes were bloodshot and looked much older than seventeen.

    This is what war does, Emilia murmured.

    It had been coming for a long time, since before Emilia had really known it. Attacks on humans, disappearances, murder.

    But Aunt Iz had been trapped at the Graylock Preserve. Rosalie was dead. Thousands of humans had been murdered. There was no mistaking it now.

    The Gray Clan was at war.

    Y ou’ll need to sleep in the boys’ dormitory, Mrs. Dellard said in a clipped tone as she led Connor and Jacob down the dark hall.

    The dim light coming from the ceiling was only strong enough to cast strange shadows on the floor.

    What we need is to be in the infirmary with Claire, Connor said, his voice somewhere between a yell and a growl. She needs us!

    She needs nothing but medical attention. Mrs. Dellard rounded on the boys. She had a face that had probably been pretty before years of scowling had taken their toll. Her hair was pulled back in such a tight bun, Jacob was amazed she could move her mouth to speak at all. I have seen to it that she is receiving the best care the Academy has to offer, despite the fact that none of you are students here.

    How— Connor began, but Jacob cut him off, stepping between Connor and the headmistress.

    We’re very grateful to you for taking us in, Jacob said as calmly as he could. His fingers were still frozen from standing at the gate for twenty minutes, begging to be let into the Academy so Claire could get help.

    Mrs. Dellard had insisted they would have to follow the rules and not disrupt the order of the Academy if they wanted Claire to be taken care of. That meant the boys and girls would have to be separated, just like the students.

    Jacob hated it. He hated letting Emilia out of his sight. He needed to hold her, to protect her. She had watched Rosalie die only a couple of hours ago. He could feel that she was safe, but after all they had been through, that didn’t seem like enough. And Claire…

    Emilia would be terrified if Claire was still in danger and heartbroken if she was…

    Jacob couldn’t bring himself to think the word dead.

    We’ll stay wherever you want us to, Jacob said, looking into the steely blue eyes of Mrs. Dellard.

    Mrs. Dellard’s brow wrinkled as she considered them both. It’s a pity you were never sent to me. Her lips pinched together as though she could literally taste her dissatisfaction. You might have learned proper manners and discipline.

    Yes ma’am, Jacob said, grabbing Connor’s arm and half-dragging him to keep following Mrs. Dellard. We’re very grateful for your hospitality, but please don’t tell anyone we’re here. If they find out, your students could—

    Young man, Mrs. Dellard said, not stopping her swift stride down the hall, I do not know in what chaotic state Isadora Gray cares for her wards, but I can assure you the students of the Academy are perfectly well protected.

    Connor gave an awkward laugh through his nose, which thankfully Mrs. Dellard didn’t seem to notice.

    She stopped at a big brown door made of heavy wood. "Compuere." The lock clicked open, and the door swung forward.

    Jacob squinted into the room. Two rows of bunk beds stood against either wall. The faint noises of dozens of people sleeping whispered through the shadows.

    "Proluxeo." A tiny shimmer of light crept from the tip of Mrs. Dellard’s wand, hovering for a moment before gliding into the room and being swallowed by the darkness.

    Jacob waited, expecting the light to reappear or, if the spell had failed, for Mrs. Dellard to try casting it again.

    After a minute, something began to move in the darkness. It wasn’t the shimmer of light but rather the distinctly slumping figure of someone who had just been woken up.

    As the figure neared the door, Jacob could make out the pale face of a boy about the same age as himself. The boy was broader and taller than Jacob. He rubbed a hand over his freshly shaven head as he stopped in the doorway, his eyes squinted against the dim light of the hall.

    Good evening, Mrs. Dellard, the boy said, his voice raspy with sleep, can I help you?

    Lee, Mrs. Dellard said, we have just received two new male students.

    Lee looked at Jacob and Connor as though noticing them for the first time.

    Show them to the beds at the end of the hall, and make sure they have what they need for the night, Mrs. Dellard said. In the morning, take them to the dining hall. I will collect them there.

    Yes, Mrs. Dellard. Lee gave a slight bow.

    Without even a hint of acknowledgement, Mrs. Dellard turned and walked back down the hallway.

    For a moment, Jacob wanted to scream after her that her students weren’t safe.

    No one anywhere was safe, especially not if they had Emilia Gray hiding with them. But Claire needed help, and what would they do if Mrs. Dellard kicked them back out into the snow?

    Coming or not? Lee asked, pulling Jacob’s attention away from the hallway.

    Sorry, Jacob muttered.

    Don’t worry, Lee yawned. The first night is always the worst. Once you get used to being abandoned, it’s not too terrible.

    We haven’t been— Connor started, gasping when Jacob stepped on his toe to shut him up.

    This way. Lee led them into the darkness.

    The sounds of slow breathing were peppered with occasional snores and sleepy murmurs. Lee didn’t use a light to guide them, but there was no need for one. The row between the beds was perfectly straight, and the floor was clear without even a stray sock to get in their way.

    Lee, a small voice whispered as they neared the end of the row. Lee.

    Shut up, Mikey, Lee hissed, you’ll wake the whole dorm.

    But why are you awake, Lee? A face appeared at the foot of a bed, staring up at them. And who are they?

    New students, Lee said. Just got here, and they want some sleep.

    Why’d they come in the middle of the night? Mikey tipped his head to the side.

    Claire used to do that when she was confused. A pang shot through Jacob’s heart.

    She’s not gone.

    I don’t know, just go back to bed, Lee said.

    Why’d you come in the middle of the night? Mikey asked Connor.

    We were being chased by a Dragon, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Jacob’s voice sounded hollow in his own ears.

    If you really break it down, yeah. Connor shrugged.

    Come on. Lee waved for Jacob and Connor to follow him. Get back to sleep, Mikey.

    The last three bunks at the end of the row were empty. All had sheets and blankets waiting on them as though Mrs. Dellard had been expecting people to show up at the Academy gate in the middle of the night.

    You take these two. Lee pointed to the top and bottom bunk closest to the rest of the boys. We aren’t allowed to leave any blank spaces. Bed checks. Lee shrugged like Jacob should understand exactly what he was talking about. You got a few hours before breakfast. Try and get some sleep.

    Before Jacob could ask a question, Lee was gone.

    Connor cursed under his breath.

    Yep. Jacob climbed up onto the top bunk.

    We shouldn’t be here, Connor hissed. We should be with Claire.

    I know, but she’s fine. Emilia’s fine. Jacob pulled up the blanket. The rough wool scratched his hands.

    Sometimes I envy you, Connor whispered. You know Emilia’s all right. I don’t know anything.

    The bed below Jacob creaked, and Connor fell silent.

    Connor didn’t know what being tethered was like. It had changed everything for Jacob and Emilia. Their souls were intertwined. He could feel what she felt. She was a part of him. And losing her…

    Jacob shut his eyes tight against the darkness. It was impossible to think about. They hadn’t chosen to be tethered. It was never meant to happen.

    But Jacob loved Emilia, and she loved him. And lying in the darkness, he knew she was safe and alive, even though he couldn’t see her.

    He wouldn’t have traded that for anything in the world.



    The sun had just begun to turn the sky a pale, golden grey. Its light crept in through the high-barred windows of the hall. Emilia sat on the cold stone floor, trying to stay awake. Claire had been locked in the infirmary for hours. The last time the door had opened was when the Academy girl had gone in.

    Emilia’s eyes stung, and her lids sagged heavily. Blinking, she kept her eyes as wide as she could. Sleep threatened to take her, but she needed to be awake in case there was news of Claire. And sleep might bring dreams.

    Come on, Claire, Emilia murmured. You’ve got to be okay.

    As if in answer to her plea, the infirmary door swung open with a hollow groan. Emilia spun, her heart leaping as she half-expected to see Claire skip into the hall, her long, blond hair streaming behind her. But the girl who came through the door wasn’t beaming with Claire’s mischievous grin. It was the Academy student that had passed by earlier.

    Nurse Bracken says you can come in now, the girl said, not moving out of the doorway as Emilia sprang to her feet. You’ll have to be quiet, though. Your friend may be our only patient in here right now, but Bracken will toss you out if you make noise. She’s gone back to sleep, and that woman is a damn bear if you wake her.

    What about Claire? Emilia whispered as the girl stepped aside to let Emilia into the infirmary.

    Curtains struggled valiantly to block out the light. Twelve beds lined the two long walls of the room. Each bed was perfectly made with pristine white sheets, which made the grey of the walls seem somehow crueler. All of the beds were empty except for the one farthest to the left.

    Claire, Emilia breathed, walking as quietly as she could toward her.

    Claire looked like a doll lying on the stark white bed. Her bright blond hair framed her face like a halo. Her skin was even paler than usual, and her lips were a strange pinkish-blue.

    Is she okay? Emilia asked, wanting to take Claire’s hand but afraid even that gentle touch might break her.

    She’s alive, the girl said, though her tone didn’t bring Emilia any hope. Whatever the spell was that hit her did plenty of damage. Bracken did her best, and she thinks she’ll wake up.


    There’s nothing else to do but let her rest. Claire, is it?

    Emilia nodded.

    Claire got hit by a nasty spell. We did what we could to help her. Now she’s on her own. The girl turned to the bed next to Claire’s and pulled the sheets down. If Claire were a human, she’d be dead. But she’s got magic inside of her and one hell of a will to survive. The only thing we can do is let Claire’s magic fight against the nasty spell.

    But there has to be—

    The only thing you can do right now is get some sleep so the infirmary doesn’t gain a new patient. The girl pointed to the empty bed. I convinced Bracken to let you stay in here. So play nice, and get some sleep.

    Emilia stared at the girl, trying to sort through her heavy brain to think of another way to help Claire. The girl stared back at her with unblinking, deep brown eyes.

    I’ll bring you food after breakfast.

    Thanks. Emilia kicked off her shoes and climbed into the white sheets with her coat still on.

    I’ll show you where the showers are once you’ve slept. The girl glanced over to Claire. I know it’s impossible, but try not to worry. Other than being trapped in the Academy, you’re safe.

    Emilia swallowed the laugh that rose in her throat. What’s your name? was the only thing she could think to say that didn’t involve the imminent doom creeping toward them all.

    Maggie, the girl said as she headed toward the door. Maggie Trent. Goodnight, Emilia Gray.

    Emilia was asleep before she could bother to wonder how the girl knew her name.

    C ome on. Someone was shaking Jacob’s foot. Breakfast is in ten minutes, and if you’re late, you don’t eat.

    Jacob opened his eyes, blinking at the bright sunlight and wondering how he had managed to sleep through it.

    You’ll have to stay in your clothes, Lee said, backing away to give Jacob room to jump from the top bunk. Mrs. Dellard hasn’t brought you uniforms yet.

    Whatever will we do? Connor asked dryly as he stood up next to Jacob.

    Be grateful you get to keep your hair one more day. Lee rubbed his closely shaven head. I’ve been here five years. I don’t even remember what having hair feels like.

    Lee paused for a moment, and Jacob searched for something to say.

    But Lee spoke again before Jacob had to. Let’s get going.

    Jacob wanted to shower, or at the very least brush his teeth. But Lee led them to the end of a line of boys filing out into the hallway. All of them were wearing black pants and grey shirts that matched the concrete walls. Each boy’s head was shaved like Lee’s, and none of them spoke to each other as they walked.

    This place is freaky, Connor whispered.

    A small boy, not more than ten years old, had slowed his paced to fall behind in the line.

    Wow, the boy whispered. It wasn’t a dream. Did you really come here because you were running from a dragon?

    Quiet, Mikey, Lee hissed.

    But if it was a real dragon—

    "It depends on what you call a real dragon," Connor said. His face was set and tired. He looked older than he had the morning before. When they had been getting ready to celebrate Christmas.

    Did it breathe fire? Mikey gaped.

    It was the Pen—

    Connor— Jacob cut him off and gave him a warning glare. They couldn’t afford to risk telling any of the students they were running from the Pendragon. It was close enough to a real dragon. But it’s over now.

    Mikey gave a disappointed sigh. Well, new students in the middle of the night is still exciting, I guess.

    They walked down a long hall, back the way Mrs. Dellard had brought them the night before.

    The group stopped at a door wide enough for a car to drive through. The boys all stood waiting, staring at the door. Jacob craned his neck to see over the heads of the crowd, searching for what they were so uniformly

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