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A New Beginning: Dragon's Call, #0
A New Beginning: Dragon's Call, #0
A New Beginning: Dragon's Call, #0
Ebook52 pages25 minutes

A New Beginning: Dragon's Call, #0

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About this ebook

Emallya has never known a time not touched by the War of Fire. Even so, she still hopes for a simple future despite the burgeoning magic within her.

But when her village is attacked and a dragon calls to her, she's forced to set aside the dreams of a young woman and step into the role destiny has chosen for her.

**This is a short prequel to the Dragon's Call trilogy**

PublisherA.D. Trosper
Release dateAug 14, 2019
A New Beginning: Dragon's Call, #0

A.D. Trosper

USA Today Bestselling author, A.D. Trosper often found books, and the characters within them, were her most consistent companions growing up. Nothing was quite like revisiting old friends among well-worn pages and tattered covers and reliving the adventures to be had within the words. She developed a deep love of reading at a young age and while an eclectic reader who enjoys multiple genres, she has a soft spot for both magic and a good love story. When not buried in a book, either writing her own or reading someone else’s, her favorite pastimes are hanging out with her husband, gaming with her kids, and cooking.

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    A New Beginning - A.D. Trosper

    Copyright © 2014 by A.D. Trosper

    All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published by Silver Spirit

    An imprint of Eternal Ink Publishing

    Second Edition: November 2017

    This book is a work of fiction. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author

    Other Books by A.D. Trosper






    Bound by Time

    Bound by Legend


    Embers at Galdrilene

    Tears of War

    Ashes and Spirits

    A New Beginning (prequel)

    This is novella is a prequel to Dragon’s Call

    for my readers


    Emallya passed through the gates of Salendar, the basket she carried full of the skeins of yarn her mother had ordered from Markene. Extraordinarily soft and warm, it was one of Markene’s prized exports and the secret to achieving it was closely held. That it came from some kind of goat was the only knowledge anyone had outside of the select few who produced it. Emallya’s mother, Tallayna, loved it and since it was too far for her to walk from the village to the city to retrieve the order, Emallya had gone for it.

    Not that it was a hardship. Half the reason she’d volunteered was for the chance to walk the path to the city on such a fine day. She lifted her face to the sun, hoping it would wash away the sorrow that lingered in her soul. Honoring the dead meant finding happiness wherever one could, not dwelling on what was lost.

    The cloudless sky stretched overhead in a bright blue dome, the grass bordering the road was flush with new green and a soft spring breeze ruffled it, combing its fingers through her long chestnut hair. Traffic was light on the road at midday, only a few others on foot and a couple of carts, making it easy to move freely.

    Her gaze took in the land, skipping quickly past the long scorch marks that marred parts of it. As always, the stark beauty of the sweeping grassland with its few trees and many wildflowers brought a smile to her lips. It had been her home for the entire nineteen years of her life. Everything about this land spoke to her. Perhaps one day, the War of Fire would be over and true peace could settle over the land once more.

    If she never went any father from her village than Salendar the rest of her life, she would at least know peace in her heart. Unfortunately, that wasn’t to be. At the very least she would have to leave long enough to go to Galdrilene for training as a Spirit mage. Her magic hadn’t fully manifested yet, but it would. Already it caused problems as it built toward emergence. It was a worry for another day, certainly

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