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The Price For Peace: Royal Factions, #1
The Price For Peace: Royal Factions, #1
The Price For Peace: Royal Factions, #1
Ebook247 pages2 hours

The Price For Peace: Royal Factions, #1

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About this ebook

How do you keep fighting when you've already been claimed?

When sixteen-year-old Elise is ripped from her home and taken to the royal palace as a permanent 'guest', she thinks her life is over.

Little does she know it has only just begun…

After befriending a group of other captives, including the headstrong Will, Elise finds herself swept away to a world she never knew existed—polished, sculpted, and refined until she can hardly recognize her own reflection. She should be happy to have escaped the poverty of her former life. But she knows a dark truth.

The palace is a dream on the surface, but a nightmare underneath.

With a dwindling population, the royals have imprisoned the teenagers to marry and breed. Only seven days remain of freedom before they will be selected by a courtier and forever claimed.

Danger lurks around every corner. The only chance of escape is death.

But when the day of the claiming finally arrives…the world will never be the same.

Royal Factions

The Price for Peace – Book 1

The Cost for Surviving – Book 2

The Punishment for Deception – Book 3

Faking Perfection – Book 4

The Most Cherished – Book 5

The Strength to Endure – Book 6

Release dateNov 1, 2019
The Price For Peace: Royal Factions, #1

W.J. May

About W.J. May Welcome to USA TODAY BESTSELLING author W.J. May's Page! SIGN UP for W.J. May's Newsletter to find out about new releases, updates, cover reveals and even freebies!   Website: Facebook: *Please feel free to connect with me and share your comments. I love connecting with my readers.* W.J. May grew up in the fruit belt of Ontario. Crazy-happy childhood, she always has had a vivid imagination and loads of energy. After her father passed away in 2008, from a six-year battle with cancer (which she still believes he won the fight against), she began to write again. A passion she'd loved for years, but realized life was too short to keep putting it off. She is a writer of Young Adult, Fantasy Fiction and where ever else her little muses take her.

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    Royal Factions

    The Price for Peace – Book 1

    The Cost for Surviving – Book 2

    The Punishment for Deception – Book 3

    Faking Perfection – Book 4

    The Most Cherished – Book 5

    The Strength to Endure – Book 6

    The Price for Peace Blurb

    How do you keep fighting when you’ve already been claimed?

    When sixteen-year-old Elise is ripped from her home and taken to the royal palace as a permanent ‘guest’, she thinks her life is over.

    Little does she know it has only just begun...

    After befriending a group of other captives, including the headstrong Will, Elise finds herself swept away to a world she never knew existed—polished, sculpted, and refined until she can hardly recognize her own reflection. She should be happy to have escaped the poverty of her former life. But she knows a dark truth.

    The palace is a dream on the surface, but a nightmare underneath.

    With a dwindling population, the royals have imprisoned the teenagers to marry and breed. Only seven days remain of freedom before they will be selected by a courtier and forever claimed.

    Danger lurks around every corner. The only chance of escape is death.

    But when the day of the claiming finally arrives...the world will never be the same.


    Have You Read the C.o.K Series?

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    Royal Factions

    Price of Peace Blurb

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    The Cost For Surviving

    Royal Factions

    Find W.J. May

    More books by W.J. May

    Chapter 1

    Iwas in the garden when they came for me, tending to the roses.

    Not my garden, of course. Not my roses. They belonged to a wealthy woman who lived on the edge of town. Wealthy was a relative word where I came from. This woman didn’t have access to luxuries like medicine or sugar. But she had regular food on the table, which was more than the rest of us could say. And she had the most beautiful garden.

    I cherished the time I spent here, away from the muck and grime of the village. A place where there was grass instead of just mud, and you could hear the birds singing in the forest. I didn’t get to come often, just twice a week. But I lingered as long as she’d let me. Pulling weeds from the soft dirt at the base of the flowers. Clipping back the old growth to allow room for the new.

    They approached so quietly, I didn’t even notice them. My hands were busy in the roses, and my mind was a hundred miles away. It wasn’t until they were standing right in front of me, their shadows blocking out the sun, that I startled in surprise, realizing I wasn’t alone.

    My apologies, I said respectfully, bowing my head as we’d been taught to do. I didn’t know who the men were or why there were so many, but they were in uniform. And those uniforms demanded a show of deference. Were you looking for Mistress Calamine?

    The man standing in front stepped forward. A grim-looking man, with a strong jaw and broad shoulders. As he looked me up and down, a tiny glint of light sparked in his eye.

    We were looking for you.

    At first, I didn’t know what was happening—why they were swarming around me, trampling those flowers I’d tended with such tender care. Then, all at once, I understood.

    A rose slipped from my fingers as I let out a scream.

    I felt silly about that later. We all knew better by now than to scream. But the impulse was so strong there was no fighting it. Strong arms grabbed hold of me before I could take a single step, then all at once I was up in the air, held between two men with my feet dangling off the ground.

    No, not this! Anything but this!

    Mistress! I cried out again, fighting against the arms that held me. A pale face was watching from the window. Mistress, please help!

    Another foolish mistake.

    There would be no help for me. I was beyond help now.

    Still, I continued my frantic struggles, twisting my wrists and gasping for breath, fighting against arms much stronger than my own. The guards didn’t move an inch. I wasn’t even sure they noticed. They had eyes only for their commander, who was watching with an amused smile.

    Spirited little thing, isn’t she?

    They laughed obediently, tightening their grip.

    Do not cry. Whatever happens, do not cry.

    As the man stepped forward, the guards stiffened to attention. The face in the window disappeared. There was such a presence about him, such a forceful bearing, that even I paused my desperate thrashing long enough to stare up at him with wide, terrified eyes.

    This reaction seemed to please him and he stepped closer, appraising me with the hungry look of a man who had done it many times before.

    A beauty, he said quietly. A truly rare find.

    Silent tears spilled down my face, even as I’d made the silent promise not to cry.

    Tell me, beauty, are you going to behave?

    As he spoke, he reached behind him and pulled out a blunted club. It took me a moment to realize he intended to strike me with it. At once, my sobs quieted. My arms hung limply by my side. I simply nodded once.

    That is a good decision. He stepped closer still, cupping my chin in a large hand. Then all at one, he stuck his thumb inside my mouth, stroking it over my tongue and lips as he watched with a lazy smile. Keep making good decisions, beauty. I’d hate to split open that pretty face.

    He left without another word, back up the garden trail. I stared after him, frozen in a state of shock, until the world flipped upside-down as one of the guards threw me carelessly over his shoulder. My dark hair swept along the ground as I was carried away from the only place I’d ever allowed myself to love. The commander’s club was trailing the ground in front of me, leaving a groove in the dirt. The tip was angled and crusted over with something dark I feared was blood.

    My eyes locked onto it, wondering who hadn’t behaved.

    I ASSUMED THE SOLDIERS had travelled by horseback, but I blinked with surprise when they loaded me into the back of an old feed truck. It smelled of salt and vinegar, and there were bits of grain sprinkled across the floor. I’d seen vehicles like it before, but only in pictures. Since the queen had banned the use of such technology, cars and trucks had been abandoned—left to rust on the side of dirt roads—while those people who could afford it pooled their money to share a horse. But it wasn’t the truck that captured my attention. It was the rusted manacles anchored into the side.

    I stared at them just as I had the club, shuddering to think how they’d been used before.

    Watch your head.

    The bright sunlight was suddenly muted as I was flipped upright and deposited roughly inside the truck. A heavy canopy dropped behind me, sealing me inside. Alone. My legs quivered, but I didn’t fall down—not even when the engine fired up and we took off down the rough gravel road.

    You can sit here.

    I froze where I stood, peering fearfully into the darkness, then felt a small surge of relief when I saw a pair of bright eyes staring back. His name was Thomas, a boy from my village. In the early years, when we’d still had a school, he’d sat next to me in class.

    Thomas, I...I’m sorry.

    The initial relief upon seeing him dissolved into a frightful feeling of guilt. How dare I be pleased to see him, sitting in the dark. He’d been captured and brought there just like me.

    His eyes flickered nervously to the front of the cab before pressing a finger to his lips. We’re not supposed to talk.

    I followed his gaze, then sat down quickly—leaning my shoulder, without thinking, into his side. Guilty or not, it was nice to not be sitting alone as we bumped and bounced over the dusty road, thinking in silence about all that was about to come...

    It had started ten years ago, when I was only a child. The destitute and starved provinces around the capital had received a royal decree. On a date to be determined, soldiers of the queen’s own guard would be sent to every village to collect the best and brightest that village had to offer.

    The most beautiful and most talented. Those people with the greatest potential.

    It quickly became clear that beauty was prized above all else. And the people selected were frightfully young. That first year, everyone chosen was eighteen. Now, it had dropped to sixteen.

    It was meant to be an honor—that’s what the decree called it. A chance to serve one’s queen by offering the most precious of gifts. When I’d seen it the first time, hiding on the butcher’s roof, it hadn’t seemed like an honor. All I saw were screaming children being ripped away from their homes.

    Of course, it wasn’t some act of random cruelty. Like every other command issued by the royal family, it came from a clever school of thought.

    Since the rebellions, the realm was unevenly divided into extreme wealth and extreme poverty. While this wasn’t uncommon for a monarchy, the problem was the numbers. Only a small fraction of the population was living in decadence, and that fraction was dying off. In an effort to strengthen their numbers and subdue the lower factions, they decided to infuse fresh blood.

    Those selected would have two years of acclimation before they were expected to marry. A year or so after that they were expected to have children. There was never the slightest chance of returning home to one’s family. Those who’d tried were executed. People had stopped trying.

    And so it began...

    The first year of selection, the soldiers had been announced to come on a certain day. The young people in each township were to be standing in the public square to await examination. Of course, when they arrived the royal guards were dismayed to find that several hundred young people were conspicuously missing. Despite arrests and beatings, no one seemed to know where they were.

    The year after that, they didn’t announce the date of the selection. We knew it would be in the springtime, after the crops had been planted for the following year. But it was a large kingdom, and those living on the outskirts had no real way of communicating with one another. With no warning and no chance of escape, the most one could do was simply hope they wouldn’t be chosen. me.

    The truck was hot and the road was long. Long enough that I had plenty of time to think about my predicament. Time enough for the fear to suspend, allowing me to see things clearly.

    I wasn’t as strong or fast as others in my village. If we were being selected for breeding purposes, I didn’t have much to offer by means of that. I was smart, but not particularly well educated. I was kind, but no one in the provinces or the capital placed any value in that.

    But ever since I was a child, people had told me I was beautiful.

    A waste—they called it.

    It was the village joke, meant to be sweet. That a face like mine would be hidden away somewhere high in the mountains, invisible to the rest of the world. But as time went on, as I grew older and learned what life in those mountains meant, the joke took on a new meaning.

    It was a waste.

    Of all the things to receive as a gift, there was nothing more useless than a pretty face. What I would have given for a pair of strong legs, or skill with an arrow and bow.

    Now that gift had come back to curse me one final time.

    Quiet sounds broke the dull monotony of the drive. Fractured breaths and silent sobs. I sat still for a moment, listening, then glanced up to see that Thomas was crying.

    My lips parted in surprise.

    The strongest man I’d ever known. With arms and legs as sturdy as an ox. But a few hours in the back of a truck was enough to unravel him.

    Risking the wrath of the guards, I whispered words of comfort.

    We’re going to be all right, Thomas. You’ll see. We’re in this together.

    A lie.

    We were not going to be all right. We were the very farthest thing from. But growing up in the Midlark Highlands, I’d learned that a lie could comfort as well as the truth.

    He bowed his head, ashamed I was seeing his tears.

    It isn’t that, he whispered. It’s Katie. I can’t believe...I’m never going to see her again.

    Those soothing lies fell silent on my lips as my hand lowered back to my side.

    Katie Harrow and Thomas Murdoch had been sweet on each other for as long as I could remember. They went fishing in the summer. Picked apples in the fall. He’d once carried her nine miles to the healer when she’d broken her leg. Everyone said that he was going to propose.

    I didn’t even get to say goodbye.

    My eyes glassed over as I realized the one thing I’d failed to consider.

    What about you, Elise? he asked quietly. Did you get to say goodbye? mother.

    Thomas was leaving behind a large family. Brothers and sisters and cousins. All of whom would miss him terribly when he was gone. I was leaving behind just one person.

    And I couldn’t be sure she would notice.

    No, I said calmly, smoothing down the skirt of my dress. I didn’t get to say goodbye. But we can’t think about that anymore, Thomas. We need to be strong now.

    His face tightened in almost physical pain. For what?

    For a moment, my heart stilled in my chest. Then I forced a tiny smile.

    For Katie.

    I COULDN’T SAY HOW long we were in the truck. Beneath the heavy canopy, the two of us were baking alive. There was no food or water, and by the time we lurched to a stop my head was starting to spin. We stood up slowly, holding onto the sides for balance.

    There was some muffled talking. The sound of a heavier engine, and of doors slamming shut. A moment later the

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