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Self Talk Workbook: Daily Reflections & Writing Prompts for Positive Thinking: Self Talk, #2
Self Talk Workbook: Daily Reflections & Writing Prompts for Positive Thinking: Self Talk, #2
Self Talk Workbook: Daily Reflections & Writing Prompts for Positive Thinking: Self Talk, #2
Ebook43 pages35 minutes

Self Talk Workbook: Daily Reflections & Writing Prompts for Positive Thinking: Self Talk, #2

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About this ebook

80% of the average person's inner mental chatter is negative. But everyone has the power to change theirs.

Make your thoughts your biggest allies with this reflection journal.

**This is a workbook companion to "Self Talk" by Aston Sanderon, but can be used on its own**

Want to achieve your goals, be more content with yourself, and live your best life? Don't let negative thinking hold you back.

Changing how you talk to yourself in your thoughts — with self love, positive thinking and constructive feedback — is the most effective way to change your approach to your exercise routine, diet, relationships, work and life.Read and do the exercises in this daily reflections journal to learn how to harness your negative thinking and train your brain for constructive and positive thinking.

After completing this writing prompt journal you will know how to:

  • Apply better mental strategies and tricks to daily life through changing negative thinking into positive thinking
  • Use simple exercises to expand your self talk thoughts
  • Declutter your mind of unproductive thoughts
  • Finally achieve the things you couldn't motivate yourself to do before as you learn to train your brain
  • Approach your relationships to others and yourself with better understanding with self love
  • Stop racing thoughts
  • Stop worrying or worry less
  • Gain distance and necessary perspective from your thoughts

Buy "Self Talk Workbook" today and learn how to train your brain to be your biggest ally.

**The paperback version of this book is an actual journal/workbook, but the ebook version includes all the prompts and you can do them on your own paper**

Release dateAug 14, 2019
Self Talk Workbook: Daily Reflections & Writing Prompts for Positive Thinking: Self Talk, #2

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    Book preview

    Self Talk Workbook - Aston Sanderson

    Self Talk Workbook: Daily Reflections & Writing Prompts for Positive Thinking

    Self Talk, Volume 2

    Aston Sanderson

    Published by Aston Sanderson, 2019.

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    Self Talk Workbook

    Daily Reflections & Writing Prompts for Positive Thinking

    Aston Sanderson

    Walnut Publishing

    Copyright © 2019 by Walnut Publishing

    All Rights Reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions, contact: [email protected]

    Created with Vellum Created with Vellum


    1. Introduction

    2. What is Self Talk?

    3. Why is Negative Self Talk Bad?

    4. Benefits of Changing Self Talk

    5. How We Will Change Your Self Talk

    6. The First Step is Awareness

    7. You Are Not Your Thoughts

    8. Questioning a Negative Thought

    9. Opposite Thoughts

    10. Perspective

    11. Naming

    12. Self-Compassion

    13. Constructive Negative Self

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