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Sherlock Holmes Shape Shifter
Sherlock Holmes Shape Shifter
Sherlock Holmes Shape Shifter
Ebook82 pages51 minutes

Sherlock Holmes Shape Shifter

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About this ebook

Don't go out at night.

Stay out of the dark.

Something is out there.

Something dark.



Sherlock Holmes chases a different kind of criminal. One that haunts the night for food:


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PublisherJohn Pirillo
Release dateAug 24, 2019
Sherlock Holmes Shape Shifter

John Pirillo

The author was born in Washington, Pennsylvannia. He loves animals and birds. Has two pet cockatiels that keep him company while he writes. He has a lovely daughter and a rascally grandson. He is rich in friends that matter and well adjusted to a life of challenges. He writes and draws every day. He loves anything science fiction, fantasy or extremely well written. Same goes for movies and TV. Not married currently, but has an eye and ear open to possibilities. :)

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    Book preview

    Sherlock Holmes Shape Shifter - John Pirillo

    Sherlock Holmes

    Shape Shifter

    John Pirillo

    Copyright 2019

    Table of Contents

    Shape Shifters

    Running for his Life




    221B Baker Street

    Marriage and Law

    Crime Scene

    Cold Room

    221B Baker Street

    Cold Room

    A Gourmet Meal

    A Rare Condition

    Discovery and Accusation

    221B Baker Street

    Shape Shifters


    Currents of fragrance touched lightly.

    Sniff. Sniff.

    Another waft of fragrance from a different direction.




    Sniff. Sniff.

    Sweat and fatigue. Sleep curling in mists about the taste of the two.


    Savored the essence of the breath that had entered its nostrils, as they flared outwards in anticipation.

    Could feel clothing starting to rip from shoulders and back, pants shredding, shoes tearing at the toes and heel, and then they were flung off and it dropped to all fours, a huge shaggy body free at last to hunt once more.

    Except it already had.

    He laughed, the sound coming out like pig grunts and continued his charge.


    To Hunt.

    To Kill.

    To Eat.

    To howl!

    The night was shattered by his blood-freezing cry for blood and meat. He couldn’t help it any longer. His delicacy was in biting distance now, unaware the frightful howls igniting the night, were not just those of dogs protesting him, but of death stalking on four legs.

    Ahead of him a man walked casually, no fear of the dark whatsoever. Drew Pierce. An older man fresh off a late night job in Downey, where he was working the books to suit his employer. The man always waited until almost MidBells before leaving and then letting poor Drew have to work through the night to catch the books up.

    But this time Drew had gotten ahead of t he game. Now, he could just walk home. No hurry. Casually. He had a sack of groceries clutched in his left fist. He was a gourmet. Fresh cheese from Germany. Wine from France. Meat from Italy and fresh sauces and spices from the India Isles and China.

    Yes sir, he was going to have the best night meal he had had in a long time. He had just the right recipe to cook it all up.

    His wife would be happy as a lark in spring, when he finished the meal and woke her up for a gourmet breakfast. His specialty, Italia Mulan.

    The dogs began barking loudly up and down the street. He paused a moment. That’s buggers! He complained. Never do that before.

    He shrugged, kept walking. Come on now, Drew, nothing ever gets in the way of a good gourmet meal.

    A louder howl.

    He felt his blood freeze for a moment, but kept talking. Just a dog howling, he promised himself. He reconsidered his statement. Well, more than one.

    But he was wrong.

    It was no dog.

    No  hound.

    No mutt out for the night to find a bone, to scare up a female.

    It was...death!

    He didn’t even hear its paws strike the pavement behind him before the jaws clenched his neck and pulled is head from his shoulders.

    His bag fell to the pavement and partially opened.

    A furry hand reached for it.

    A furry snout sniffed at it.

    Ahhhh! The Shape Shifter sighed happily.

    Not just a gourmet meal, but gourmet preparations for the meal as well.

    Running for his Life

    Watson pumped his arms as if that would help propel him faster through the seemingly endless alleys of London. The streetlights, usually so wonderful bright, except for the occasional laggard that had broken because of some hoodlum having fun, were dim for some reason.

    The usual sharply contrasted shadows that would dog him as he run through the alleys were gone. Instead he ran through pools of shadow that seemed more to lurk there, like hidden beasts ready to leap out and rip your throat with sharp jagged teeth or claws.

    Holmes! He cried out.

    But to no good.

    Nothing could help him.

    He was alone.

    Not one living soul.

    He cursed to himself, where be a good constable when you need one?

    He had no sooner thought that than one stepped into his path of escape.

    Constable Evans.

    Watson, why are you running? He asked in a calm voice.

    "Something is

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