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Reviving Luca: New Beginnings
Reviving Luca: New Beginnings
Reviving Luca: New Beginnings
Ebook193 pages3 hours

Reviving Luca: New Beginnings

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I always knew I would be a ranking member with the Rebel Guardians, but I never thought I would head a whole new chapter in Fallen Creek, Oklahoma. Establishing new businesses and incorporating a satellite office of the trucking company is time consuming. It's both exciting and exhausting at the same time. My protective nature has me offering a young woman a place to go. She's got secrets, but my hope is that one day, she'll open up to me.

Because she's mine. She just doesn't know it yet, but she will...soon.


My faith and trust in men is abysmal. But there's something about Luca Callahan that calls to me and I find myself taking my dog, Lucy, and following him on his new adventure. However, secrets never stay hidden and when the past rears its ugly head, I find myself stuck between the past and the present.

Will Gypsy find her saving knight who wears a cut, or will she find that she's all alone in the world? Will Luca show her what true friendship and love are supposed to be about, or will he let her past and secrets hold him hostage?

Release dateAug 28, 2019
Reviving Luca: New Beginnings

Liberty Parker

I have been an avid reader for most of my life. When I was younger I use to sit and fill spiral notebooks full of stories for my grandmother. As I got older I took the jobs needed for raising my boys as a single mom until I met my now amazing husband. I have stopped working in the last three years and started promoting authors, then I blogged and reviewed for authors, which lead me down the path to writing and creating characters and stories. I love creating behind the scenes with my writing getting to use my imagination and write the story as it comes to me. My youngest is now a senior in High School leaving me with some spare time on my hands to be filled. I am loving the people I am meeting and the support system I have found. You can find me at my home Facebook page here: or you can like my Author page at: or join my Lady Outlaws at:

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    Book preview

    Reviving Luca - Liberty Parker


    I watch the gas pumps as I fill up Gypsy’s car. The phone call with my mom brings a smile upon my face.

    What’s the young woman’s name, Luca? Mom inquires.

    Gypsy. Gypsy Fields, I answer her.

    Fine name. We’ll do everything we can to help her.

    Thanks, Mom.

    Anything for you, my son. And this is what makes my mother the unique, caring woman she is. She may not know you, but she’s going to help you anyways.

    See you soon, Luca.

    I can’t wait, Mom.

    Luca? I hear a small, timid voice call out my name.

    Yeah, babe?

    Are you sure they won’t see me as an intrusion? I hate feeling like a leech on people. She begins to bite her lower lip. My jeans grow tight with the desire to be the one to nibble on that lip.

    Gypsy, they invited you. They want you. Just be you and everything will work itself out. And they will – I’ve known her a total of twenty minutes, and I already want to keep her for myself.

    We just had a meeting with the fathers. We are starting a new chapter of the Rebel Guardians in Fallen Creek, Oklahoma. It’s been a week since I made it home with Gypsy. She fits in like she was born a part of our crew. I watch as the moms cater to her. I watch as our fathers fawn all over her.

    I knew one day my time would come; I just had no idea it’d be so quickly once I made it home. I’ve been serving my country for eight long, miserable, lonely years. I’ve missed my parents, my pseudo aunts and uncles, my sisters, brother, cousins, best friends...the list goes on and on of those I’ve wished I could’ve seen daily...weekly. But serving my fellow Americans gave me a sense of pride that I wouldn’t have felt otherwise.

    I laugh as I hear DJ shout ‘now’ and watch as all the men go scrambling to the kitchen to do her bidding. Shaking my head, I walk up to Tig, Think that will ever be us one day? As I ask him this my vision stays on Gypsy.

    God, I hope so, he returns. But I notice his eyes are laser focused on another woman. One that I would never in a million years think he’d be eyeing. Maddox’s sister, Danika. My eyes widen when I think about how much fun this is going to be – the new beginning of Rebel Guardians. Fallen Creek, Oklahoma chapter. I rub my hands together thinking about how much Maddox is going to lose his shit. This is going to be fucking awesome to watch! He’s very protective of his younger sister. Very much indeed.


    The day my mother informed me of who my biological father was, I thought I’d be elated. Instead, she taunted and tormented me with the fact that he wouldn’t want me. Apparently, she’s kept tabs on him over the years and has found out that he’s married and that they don’t have any kids after being together for several long years. According to my mother, he never wanted children and it shows in his marriage.

    I dreamed all of my life that she was wrong, misguided. I picture him awaiting me, welcoming me, with wide-open arms when he discovers who I am. But as I sit here in the clubhouse and watch him with his wife, my frame of thinking changes. He seems perfectly content with it just being the two of them. He looks happy with only being the uncle. I can see the pure love on his face when he looks at his wife. This is something I have no right to come into and turn their world and lives upside down. I have no rhyme or reason to interfere with their happiness.

    I’m the poor, pathetic little girl who's always longed for a daddy; for a savior, a rescuer, someone to come in and save the day. That person never arrived, and from the looks of things I will never have that. It’s time to grow up and have grown-up expectations and move on with my life. I mentally pull up my big-girl panties and prepare myself to move on and forward with my life.

    I’ve bonded with the men and women of the Rebel Guardians in ways that I would’ve never dreamed possible. They are great people, but I can’t stay here and watch my biological father live a life without being involved in it. It hurts too deeply, mauling and shredding my heart the way a werewolf’s claws do to its victim’s skin.

    Holding my head up high and squaring my shoulders, I walk up to Luca and ask the question that I need him to say yes to.

    What’s up, buttercup? He and Tig smile at me as I walk up to them.

    Ca… I clear the frog in my throat and continue, can I please come with you? Ducking my head, staring at my feet, I pray for him to say that foreign word I haven’t heard much in my life.

    Look at me, darlin’, Luca says as he puts his finger under my chin and raises my face to where we’re staring into each other’s eyes. Where would you like to go?

    With you. With both of you, I turn my head from him to Tig. Please, Luca. I’ll get down on my hands and knees and beg if I must.

    You’re family, Gypsy. You are more than welcome to come with us. It’s going to be a lot of hard work.

    I will work my fingers to the bone, Luca. I swear you won’t regret bringing me with you. I plead my case.

    I believe you, Gypsy. We, he points between himself and Tig, believe in you. You have no reason to try and convince me. The answer is yes.


    When we moved to Fallen Creek, most of the fathers came with us to help. They showed us the ways to get businesses, a clubhouse, and homesteads all set up. Nan came along to be with her sister and those two together are trouble with a capital T. Nan went along with us in search of the new clubhouse. When we found the perfect location, she had a lot of great ideas. Dad had a look of horror on his face and Hatch yelled for me to hide the checkbook and credit cards. It started a family argument that lasted for four long days and nights.

    I turned my phone off at night and took off during the daylight hours. I love my family but the years I spent in the military gave me structure and solitude, something I find I need in order to take control of the chaos that is raging around me. Once I have my head straight and thoughts clear, I meet with the real estate agent in charge of finding a location for Tig’s bar, the custom bike repair shop, and the satellite location for the trucking company. I know the female agent sees flashing dollar signs with respect to her commission, but I’ve made it clear that unless all the properties are to my specifications, no deal will happen.

    I think I’ve found what you’re looking for, Mr. Callahan, Penelope Crenshaw, the wide-eyed agent, says to me when I enter her office.

    Show me, please. I may not like her attitude that much, but my mother raised me to be polite and she’d lecture me mercilessly if I neglected my manners. She flips her laptop around and starts scrolling through several properties she has highlighted. The one for Tig’s bar is of great interest because it’s set off the highway and will draw the attention of passersby. My mind automatically makes a note to talk to Paisley about the possibility of creating a bar like the one she met Twisted in all those years ago. When can we go see this one? I look over and ask.

    I can set something up for this afternoon. Will that work for you? she questions batting her eyelashes at me. I’m so sick and tired of women thinking because they have breasts a man will bend over backwards for them.

    I need to call Tig and make sure he’s available. Give me a second, please. I hope she takes this as a sign of dismissal as it’s meant to be.

    Sure, sure. I’ll give you a few minutes. Would you like a coffee? Some water?

    I’m good, thank you. I’d roll my eyes but that is something that Lily or Rae would do. Thinking of the dynamic duo has me grinning as memories flood my thoughts. When Penelope leaves, I give Tig a quick call. Hey, man, you busy this afternoon? I question when he picks up.

    Not really, what time are we talking about? he asks back. Oh, and what for? Yeah, my VP’s on the ball but I’ll cut him some slack since this shit is new for all of us.

    To look at a location for the bar. Say, one o’clock? If you like it, we’ll take it up in church and put it to a vote. The pictures look good, but we need to see it in person. Hey, call Maddox and see if he can come along as well. Need to make sure this place is solid.

    I gotcha. One o’clock works and I’ll give Maddox a ring. Later, Luca. He hangs up without waiting for me to say anything. Typical Tig. At least I didn’t have to hear about the length and width of his dick or hear about how long his balls have been hanging for. They’re his go-to lines when someone irritates him, causing me to stay on the other side of that sort of conversation.

    Miss Penelope? I stand up and head out of her office. She’s been gone quite a bit and I need to see the other locations she was speaking about earlier. Miss Penelope, where are you? I ask, taking the back hallway and stumbling on the sight before me. I’m both grossed out and scared for my life. She’s bent over the break room table, panties down to her knees and she’s masturbating while calling out my name. A shiver of disgust rolls through me, she’s at least my mother’s age causing me to cringe when that thought comes over me.

    Mmmm...Luca, just like that, she hollers out as her juices run down her legs. I slowly back out of the room hoping she never noticed me standing at the doorway. I need to call in Smokey and Bandit to come help me deal with this woman. With that decision made, I quickly pull out my phone and text Bandit, telling him what I just witnessed. Seeing as he’s the most levelheaded out of him and Smokey, he was the winner of my reach out. They are in town with my father and Hatch. Out of the four of them, I’d prefer to deal with the mighty clown-like duo than with my dad watching a woman the same age as him try to get into my pants. That would probably get me a safe sex talk...again.

    I get an eggplant and a smiley face emoji as a response. Then I see the words, we’re on our way. Hang in there little man.

    The fuck? I haven’t been little in a long damn time. Those two really test my patience. Now I’m glad I won’t have to deal with all the grown-ups on a daily basis or in church meetings. I slowly and quietly make my way back into her office and sit and wait on her to ‘finish up’ what she was doing and join me. When I hear her heels clicking on the hardwood floors, I suddenly find her ceiling very interesting. My thumbs begin twiddling and I’m counting the tiles over my head.

    Sorry if I kept you waiting. She gives me a sly, come-hither look that has me recounting the ceiling tiles. Shall we continue? And now I know what it’s like to be preyed upon.

    I just heard from my uncles; they’d like to join me. They’re more experienced than I am, shall I say. I give her a playful grin. I can’t wait to see what Smokey and Bandit do to this cougar. She’s never gonna know what hit her. I hear their bike motors and my smile widens. They’re here, I inform her.

    As soon as Smokey clears the doorway of the building, he calls out my name passionately. Luca, he loudly moans. I need you, he continues in his sexual-enhanced voice. I may kill him. This is not what I was thinking when I sent that fucking text.

    You can’t have my man, Bandit playfully hits Smokey in the chest. He’s dead too. I hope Hannah can handle dealing with the kids on her own the rest of their lives, because these two assholes are dead fucking meat.

    Oh my fucking God, I moan, burying my head in my hands.

    Just playing with you, boy, Bandit sticks his hand out to shake Penelope’s. I’m this one’s uncle.

    Nice to meet you, she blushes, knowing she was caught earlier thanks to Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. I’m Penelope Crenshaw, she states shaking both of their hands.

    I’m Bandit, and that’s the second best looking out of the two of us, Smokey, he says throwing his thumb over his shoulder.

    He’s just jealous because the ladies like me better, Smokey informs her.

    "Hardee-har-har, you two have jokes today." I get up and move down the row of chairs so they have to sit directly in front of her. They both send a smirk in my direction letting me know they’re on to me.

    Show us these fabulous buildings Luca’s been bragging about, Bandit says, breaking up the tension that’s built in the room.

    We have confirmation to go see the bar later, Luca, she says, sending a sideways look down at me.

    One o’clock works for Tig, I inform her. She nods her head and clicks on her computer, then turns it around for the three of us to look at.

    This is what I was thinking for the trucking company. For the next forty-five minutes we go over a few buildings and pick out the ones we’d like to look at for the companies. When it’s time to leave and meet Tig, I text him the address and practically run out to my bike. When I peel out of the parking lot in a squeal of tires, I swear I see a trail of fire following in my wake.

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