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Crazy Bitches Bundle
Crazy Bitches Bundle
Crazy Bitches Bundle
Ebook591 pages11 hours

Crazy Bitches Bundle

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They don't respect you until you start acting like a BITCH!!

The women in these stories have been through a lot and finally have decided to get even. Their tactics and their ways may label them with the B word. But once you hear their stories you might see why. Come take a ride with some of the craziest bitches you've ever seen.

Savage Bitches

Welcome to the Savage Life

Monique has never had it easy but when she gets into a little trouble she decides to move to St.Louis and start over.

But Monique doesn't know that there is no escaping the savages and the haters especially moving to the murder capital.

She meets Draya and Rayna, two sisters that must be on top of everything and everyone.

When Monique lets her guard down the girls pounce, but little do they know Monique from Miami isn't new to being a Savage...she wrote the book on it.

Savage Bitches 2

The Men aren't exempt to the Savage Lifestyle. As a matter of fact they are what make the women so cutthroat and Kenny and Carter are no exception.

Carter has a blast from the past and Kenny has a huge secret that he can't tell anyone.

Meanwhile Monique tries to battle her legal issues while Draya sinks deeper into the depths of hell. Rayna tries to find out the truth and get her revenge but the ultimate payback comes when the ladies least expect it.

Can they survive to live another Savage day?

Find out the new depths of petty and savagery in Savage Bitches 2

Savage Bitches 3

Being a Savage Gets Dirty

From Miami to St.Louis the savagery of Monique's life follows her wherever she goes. From her business to her fiance she keeps getting kicked in the back and it doesn't stop.

Draya and Rayna find out something they didn't see coming and just like any other lie the truth comes out eventually but this truth can be deadly.

And just like everything else there is a beginning and an ending because you can't be a savage forever.

Your Husband My Trick

They say "It Ain't Tricking If You Got It" 

To Fendi every man is a trick and the best tricks of all are the married kind. But when you play with someone's man you are bound to catch hell. 

When Fendi thinks that life is easy and she has finally hit her ultimate lick she is faced with a huge problem that forces her to move to Houston. 

Doing what she does best she settles in to Houston hopping from one trick to another but Fendi soon finds out that not all tricks are created equal and not all wives are willing to turn a blind eye.

Find out what happens to Fendi and the men she calls her tricks in Your Husband, My Trick. 

Stripper Confessions

The Game is to be sold...not told...

The flesh trade is is a new opportunity for Lauren. She strips at night and goes to the normal life of a pre-med student during the day. Trying to keep two lives separated is difficult especially when her roommate falls in desperate need of money. 

Lauren tries to keep her lives balanced but just like a girl on the pole, what goes up must come down. See how Lauren and the lovely strippers deal with life in this erotic thriller. 

Release dateAug 29, 2019
Crazy Bitches Bundle

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    Book preview

    Crazy Bitches Bundle - Solae Dehvine

    Savage Bitches 1


    I want you back with me. I can take care of you. He was saying the same shit all the other niggas said but a man taking care of me was never my goal. I could take care of myself and my new ride was proof of that. I rode through traffic in my brand new black HEMI Charger that was less than a week old.

    I can take care of myself, Carter He was always trying to shoot me with these lines about taking care of me, but when a man takes care of you they might as well own you.

    Is this about the cheating? I rolled my eyes at that. Because I told you…

    That you're sorry. Yeah I already know that. He said it a million times and I said I forgave him but deep down when someone cheats on you that hurt and pain never goes away. You may forgive but you don’t forget and I hadn’t forgotten for one day how bad it felt to find out the man that I loved basically stabbed me in the heart.

    You say it like you don’t believe me.

    I do believe you… I just didn’t believe that he wouldn’t do it again. Facing reality was that my man was fine, and not just the regular nigga around the way, but find like Ebony man of the year; GQ magazine fine.

    But what… I was trying to drive to work and here he was all in my ear about moving and me forgiving him.

    Look Carter. Its not like I can go back to completely trusting you with my heart after like two seconds.

    Girl it's been two months. I laughed at his ass.

    Two months is supposed to make up of a whole year of lies. Is that what you think?! Before I knew it, I was screaming at him. Swerving over the road as we argued and I weaved through traffic.

    Well fuck it then. I’ll just let you go and I’ll talk to you later.

    Now you wanna go?! Now you wanna get off the phone after you got me over here all mad and shit? That was just like him. Start an argument to fuck up my good mood, then got off the phone like he didn’t do anything wrong. Well fuck you then, Carter. I’m tired of your shit. Throwing the phone into the passenger seat, I wished he was here so I could slap his ass.

    Fuck him. I mashed my feet down on the gas, whipping in and out of lanes to make it to the shop for my next appointment. But the way I was feeling, I probably shouldn’t be doing anybody’s hair. He pissed me off so bad trying to turn my anger around on me and here I was shaking and driving like a bat out of hell trying not to cry.

    Looking in my rearview, I was just about to switch lanes when I saw it. Cherry red and blue lights of the cop car swirling to pull me over.

    Damn… I mumbled before pulling to the side of the road. I was ready with my driver’s license and insurance but the cop jumped out the car with his gun drawn.

    GET OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP! He yelled. REACH YOUR HAND OUT THE WINDOW AND OPEN IT FROM THE OUTSIDE! I did as he said, shaking, not sure what was going on. All the names of the black women that were killed by cops flashed through my head.

    I didn’t do anything, I told them with my hands up. Please. My ID is on the passenger seat, I pleaded with the cop as he came to me.

    Are you Monique Phillips?

    Yes...this must be a mistake. What did I do? I didn’t want to go to jail for speeding and switching lanes. This was all Carter’s fault for pissing me off and having me driving like a crazy woman.

    Ma’am, you are under arrest for larceny and identity theft. He grabbed my hands, pulling them behind my back as he pushed me against the car. In my side view I could see another cop with his gun drawn as my head began to spin.

    Larceny?...You must have…

    You have the right to an attorney. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. Walking me back to the police car, he stuffed me inside and closed the door without saying another word. The cold, steel handcuffs on my hands and the smell of molded donuts and fried food in the police car made my eyes tear up. I was going to jail for some shit I didn’t do.

    One table, three chairs, and a clock on the wall covered in bars was all that was in the small room. I never understood that; what was going to happen to the clock? Was someone going to break it or maybe steal it? If nothing else, I needed the time to document how long I had been in this hell hole so when I sue the department, I will get a million dollars for every hour I spent in here.

    The ride to the police station was horrible, but the most embarrassing part was watching them load my car up onto a tow truck. My baby, my black stallion as I called it, that wasn’t even a week old and they had some nasty fat ass tow truck driver manhandling my car and tossing my purse and jacket to the police officer like it was trash.

    Then they brought me here and stuck me in this ice-cold room with the clock covered in steel wire like it was a hot commodity. I thought about every feeling and every piece of degradation that I felt because as soon as I got out of here, I was calling my lawyer to sue the shit out of this police department.

    Alright Ms. Harris. Sorry to keep you waiting, The officer said but he wasn’t really sorry. He had one of those shit eating grins on his face like he knew he was right and hadn’t even said a word yet.

    I’m Detective Pierce.

    Detective Pierce. I didn’t do anything. Your officers arrested me and they have the wrong person I…

    Okay. What is your social security number?


    I want to make sure we have the right person.

    I don’t understand what my social security number has to do with this. As I spoke he opened up the folder.

    You see this picture. He flung a full color high definition picture in front of me.


    Is that you? It was me, and I remembered the day it was taken.

    Yes, that’s me at the dealership when I went and got my car but…

    Okay and is this your signature? he asked, showing me a paper. I didn’t answer. Instead I asked a question of my own.

    What is this about?

    You are being charged with fraud and identity theft. Seems when you purchased your black, brand new Charger, that you used someone else’s name. I haven’t used anything. I used my own name and my own information.

    But what social security number did you use? I didn’t say a word.

    No need to answer. We already know...but what we need to know was did you get it from this person. He passed a photo in front of me and I recognized Ralph immediately, but I didn’t say a word.

    Listen. We know there is a scam going around. Or maybe you didn’t know it was a scam, but let me guess. This guy said he can clean up your credit and you pay him anywhere from five hundred to fifteen hundred dollars to clean up your credit. He was right on but I didn’t say a word. Instead I studied the pictures as he spoke.

    So he tells you he can get you what they call a business social security number and you can go get any car you want. He pulled the picture of me at the dealership out again.

    So you go down to the nearest dealership giving them this information. It’s your name but a different social and WHAM! You got a new car. He explained it out all plain and simple.

    But what you didn’t realize was you were committing fraud and now you are facing five to seven years. Hearing that made my heart stop.

    What? I managed to choke out the words.

    Yes ma’am. Fraud and identity theft carry a federal sentence of five to seven years. I felt my eyes begin to water hearing that.

    But...I didn’t do anything. I didn’t… He shook his head, putting his finger up to his lips as if to tell me to be quiet.

    We are going to let you out on your own recognizance but I would suggest you get a good lawyer. He stood up, towering over me to unlock the handcuffs but as he did he whispered to me.

    Look. We get at least two or three people like you in here every week. I’m going to give you the number to a federal lawyer. You call him as soon as you get out of here and let him know what’s happening. He will help you. The tears dripped down my face as his words set in.

    Alright, let me show you out. You will get a letter in the mail with a summons to court, he said as I grabbed my purse and jacket. Walking out, he lead me to the door of the precinct and just like he said, he had a white business card for me sticking out of his hand. As all the other officers walked by, he walked with me out into the empty hallway and closed the door.

    Call him as soon as possible, he said a little bit louder now that we were in the hallway alone. This is going to turn federal, and it might not be soon, but it will happen. If you don’t get a good lawyer, you’re pretty ass is gonna be in jail. I could barely grin from the compliment as I thought about my manicured toes, eyelash extensions, and waist length weave packaged up in an orange jumpsuit.

    That couldn’t happen to me. I’m too fabulous for all that and I would lose everything I fought so hard for.

    He slipped the card in my hand, putting the manila folder under his arm, he turned and left me in the hall. Take care of yourself, he said with his back turned and all I could think was, in an all white police department, he was doing me a favor.

    Walking out of the police department, I damn near ran trying to get as far away as I could before somebody took a picture of me.

    Turning my phone on, I had a million text messages coming through. Many of them from my clients but I already had a lie ready but none of them matter. I had to call this lawyer like the officer told me.

    Hello, Gromwell and Clayton. How may I help you?

    Yes, I am calling to speak with Mr. Clayton. I was referred by…Detective Pierce. I remembered everything about that man. I was going to say a prayer for him tonight because of what he said was true, he may have saved my life.

    Okay, hold please. Dull elevator music came on as I pressed a few buttons and called an Uber. There was no way a bitch like me was getting on the bus. Seconds later a voice came on the line. A husky baritone voice filled my phone.

    This is attorney Nathaniel Clayton. How may I be of service? His name sounded like a lawyer and hopefully he was a man that knew what he was talking about.

    Yes...Hi… I tried getting my thoughts together. My name is Monique Phillips and I was just arrested for fraud and identity theft and a Detective Pierce told me…

    Ahh Detective Pierce. Yes he’s a good man. He gave you my card?

    Yes, sir. The Uber would be here in five minutes and already I missed my car, but I listened to Mr. Clayton like my life depended on it.

    Well, he must think you are a good person. So listen, you say fraud and identity theft?

    Yes, sir… I explained what happened. How I met Ralph and the whole situation and he listened to every word. But sir, I didn’t know it was a crime.

    That’s fine Ms. Phillips, but ignorance of the law is no excuse in the courtroom. I’m sorry you are in this situation but this is very serious. I felt like a two thousand pound elephant just sat on my chest. You are looking at serious charges that will be picked up for federal prosecution. Hours ago I was feeling good on my way to work to do hair and now I was facing criminal charges.

    What do I do, sir? Can you help me?

    Sure, I can help you. But my retainer for cases such as this are ten thousand dollars. I almost dropped my phone when he said it.

    Ten thousand?

    Yes, ma’am. You can pay me in installments but I can’t make a move on your case until you have it. The good thing is since it is a federal case you may have a little bit of time to come up with the money. But if you wait too long you may harm your case.

    Yes, sir...No problem. I can make a payment tomorrow.

    Okay. I will need two thousand dollars and then we can start the payment plan. By the time we go to court you should have paid the ten thousand or I won’t be able to represent you. Sound fair? It was my only option; it sounding fair didn’t matter.

    Yes, sir…I’ll be there first thing in the morning. We talked a bit more and we hung up just as my Uber arrived. Jumping in the back seat, I made another call to my man. He answered on the second ring.

    Baby, where you been? I been calling you. They said you didn’t show up to work.

    I got into a car accident. I told the lie before I could even think of the truth.

    What? Are you okay?

    Yeah, I’m okay. But my car is totaled. That was sort of the truth. The car was gone and I would never see it again.

    Damn boo. What you gonna do?

    I think you're right, baby. I should come up there to live with you. Carter moved back to his hometown of St.Louis months before to take over his uncle’s business and had been trying to get me to come back ever since. Now it seemed like a better idea since after tomorrow I would be broke as a joke without a damn car. And Miami was definitely not the place to be without a car.

    Baby, you for real?

    Yep boo...let’s do it. I’m going to come live with you. The Uber driver gave me an eye like he could tell I was lying.

    When you coming? I had about five hundred dollars left on a credit card which was just enough for a one way ticket to St.Louis and all shipping for all of my stuff at the salon.

    Is tomorrow too quick?

    Hell naw it ain’t baby. You been planning this all along haven’t you? I laughed wishing I could tell him the truth.

    Surprise… you got me. We laughed and he sounded excited. A part of me wanted to tell the truth, tell him that what he told me about Ralph was legit and I shouldn’t have listened to him, and now because I didn’t listen I may be going to jail. But I couldn’t do that. Right now I needed to work and make some money to pay Mr. Clayton. Getting the lawyer and getting to St. Louis to make some money was my main priority, and I wasn’t going to stop for anyone. Not even the truth to the man I loved.


    I could never get to the shop on time, but this morning it wasn’t my fault. If my no good ass husband could keep his dick to myself, I wouldn’t have to ride around half the morning looking for his bitch ass.

    As I raced to the shop, my phone rang.


    Draya...this is Monique Phillips. We had an appointment at seven thirty. It's eight fifteen and…

    I know, girl. My bad. I had a helluva a morning.

    Oh, okay. Just wanted to make sure you were still coming. I really love the look of your shop and the location. I was supposed to be at the shop showing around a new stylist, but here I was running hella late.

    Yeah I’m sorry. My husband ain’t shit. I just had to whip his ass and his side bitch. I wanted to tell her why I was late and explain all the shit I’ve been through this morning but I didn’t even know this lady. Instead, I told her I was on my way.

    I will be there in five minutes. I’m getting off the highway now.

    Okay, no problem. Thank you. She hung up and I was racing, pushing my Mustang way past the speed limit. Racing to the barbershop, I thought about Rico’s bitch ass. How he thought I was stupid and wouldn’t put two and two together.

    Guess you forgot, bitch ass nigga. I own the most poppingingest salon in St.Louis. Everything you think about doing will get back to me. Racing down West Florissant Road, I pulled into the shop just like I pulled up on Rico, fast and flying. His ass didn’t know what to think when I got out the car, swinging and his bitch had the nerve to come out the house and I whooped her ass too. Now getting out of my car, my knuckles and shoulder were sore but I had work to do.

    As the owner of Sister to Sister Salon, I had to get new stylists in or we were going to die before we really got open.

    Some chick was standing in front of the shop looking through the window and that had to be the Monique chick. Her hair was cut into a bob, she had on black jeans and a black shirt with red Jordan’s on. It took two seconds and I already knew she wasn’t from here.

    Monique? She turned around smiling.

    Yep, are you Draya? Smiling and shaking my hand, she looked way too happy for this early in

    the morning. Maybe this was her first job at a salon or something.

    Yep, that’s me. Sorry I was late.

    Its no prob. I was about to leave. I wasn’t sure what was going on. She laughed as I rolled my eyes unlocking the door.

    Well, you know when you have the most popping salon in St.Louis, shit gets busy. I unlocked the door to the shop, turning on the lights as I let her inside.

    Yep, your right and that’s why I want to be here. I looked her up and down as she walked around looking from the shampoo area to our waiting area. It was like she was giving us an interview instead of me choosing if she was right for my salon.

    And how much is the booth rent? she asked.

    Two fifty a week. It was the most expensive in town so I was waiting for her ass to start backing out and wanting me to lower it. And here is the booth that’s available. She went over, rubbing her hands across the table and the leather chair and swinging it around as she continued to look around the shop.

    And I would have a key right to come in and go as I please?

    Yeah. As long as you pay your booth rent, I responded.

    Taking out some money from her purse, she handed the bills towards me.

    Here is two weeks up front. If you’ll have me, I would love to come work in your salon. I saw the money and had to hold myself back from grabbing it.

    Well my sister isn’t here yet but… Rayna always wanted me to wait to talk to her before approving somebody to come work in the shop, but I couldn’t help myself.

    Alright then. Welcome to Sister to Sister salon. I took her money and shook her hand.

    When do you want to start? I asked.

    Today actually. I’m gonna go get some things out of my car. That was quick. Usually chicks weren’t ready for a couple of weeks if they ever worked in the shop at all but this Monique seemed different.

    Okay. I’m gonna go in the office and get you a receipt and a key. Her phone rang as I was talking.

    Oh, that’s my client. What’s the address here? I gave her the address but there was no way she could have a client already.

    Ms. Tony...yes sorry about the wait. The address is 1515 West Florissant Road. I’m here right now, so whenever you're ready. I went into my office but I still watched her as she laughed and talked on her phone. Yes, ma’am. See you when you get here. She got off the phone and was running outside to get bags out of her car, but what walked in my door almost made me throw up.

    Draya… It was Rico, his eyes covered in sunglasses probably because I tried to punch his motherfucking eyes out of his head.

    What do you want, Rico? He was at my office door looking all-pitiful like I didn’t just catch his ass red handed.

    Baby. I’m sorry. I’m telling you it’s not what you think. Staring at Rico, I thought about all the bullshit we had been through in the last ten years. Two kids and a wedding was the good side, but the bad shit was all the cheating, the constant fights and hoes, and now came the biggest bombshell of all. A baby by another bitch. I tried to accept it all but he still lied. Everyday he told a new lie and today I had enough of it. said you were done with that bitch. Now I go over there this morning and catch you coming out of her house. He closed the office door and took off his sunglasses. Just like I thought, he had a big ass bruise under his eye that was getting darker and darker by the second.

    You forget I got a baby over there. Get your head out your ass just once and think about the child. I wasn’t thinking about that ugly ass baby. All I cared about were my two kids at home and how when they woke up in the morning and their daddy wasn’t there, that they had more questions than a damn cop.

    You got kids at home too. What am I supposed to tell them? Rico was my husband, the father of my kids, but his ass was in a bitch’s bed every other week.

    I told you they need to know that they have a sister. Hearing that shit made my damn blood boil.

    I’m not introducing that baby to my kids. said you accepted my mistake. That’s my child.

    But I’m your wife. You got kids at home. Through the window in the office, I could see the new chick moving in shit and setting up. With her back in the shop, I lowered my voice.

    Look, why can’t you just keep your dick in your pants?

    I tried baby...I’m just. I got a problem. I rolled my eyes at that.

    Yeah, you got a problem and it's gonna be me shooting your dick off if you don’t get your shit together. I wanted to leave him, I tried, but every time we came together like glue. Me and Rico had been together too long and there wasn’t a nigga in St.Louis that could love me like Rico did.

    Look baby. I’m telling you nothing happened this morning. I was just going over there to see the baby. I didn’t believe that. His baby momma ran out the house like she was just sucking his dick.

    Either way, yo ass deserved it and so did that bitch. He shook his head as I wrote out Monique’s receipt.

    So you forgive me.

    I don’t forgive shit. You had that ass whooping coming and so did that bitch. Just be glad Rayna wasn’t with me. Right on schedule, my sister came strolling in the shop and the first place she came was back into the office.

    Wassup? Who is that? She pointed through the window at Monique.

    Girl, that’s our new stylist. I flashed the money at her."

    That’s wassup sister, she responded.

    Well, I’m leaving. I’ll see you at home. I waved Rico off as he slid his sunglasses back on and left the office.

    Girl, what the fuck is he on? I was just about to explain everything that happened this morning but I saw Rico stop his exit to talk to Monique.

    Open that door. What is he saying to her? We listened as Rayna cracked the door.

    You that girl off IG, aren’t you? From Miami? You do makeup and hair. You were on that one show, right? Monique smiled as Rico talked to her like he was her biggest fan.

    She was on a show? Rayna whispered. I had no idea so a shrug from me was all I had as I kept listening.

    Yep, that’s me.

    Wow. So you in STL now…permanently? That’s wassup. I need a makeup artist for a music video I’m shooting this weekend.

    That nigga always trying to get a hoe….

    Shhh… I nudged my sister to shut up so I could listen.

    Okay cool. My rate is $40 an hour and here is my card. I’ll bring all the makeup and supplies. Just let me know the time and the place and I’ll be there. The smile on her face and the way Rico was drooling over her card made me want to go out there and slap his ass for the second time today.

    Word up. I’ll be hitting you up. He smiled a little too hard and the bitch was just in my shop for fifteen minutes.

    I was ready to bust out of the office and go off until the front door opened and the voice of a woman entered the shop. here?

    Yes, ma’am. Right here. You ready to get your hair done? It was like the bitch was here a few minutes and she took over our shop. Her and the lady hugged like old friends and talked as the woman looked around pointing at all the pictures we had on the wall.

    What the fuck, sister? She just gave your husband her number and the bitch got a client already. I ignored Rayna. She was younger by a year but it was like she was five years younger than me when it came to thinking.

    Just chill. I told her as we walked out into the shop. Monique was showing my husband her phone.

    Look, baby. You know she got all these IG followers? Going over to Rico, I looked over his shoulder at her page. Fifty thousand people were following her and her IG page was littered with pics of her doing her makeup. Did you know this? Rico asked me again and I wanted to slap him. Moni_Love was her IG name, but all I knew was a chick name Monique Phillips called me to get a booth. All I wanted was her money, I didn’t give a damn about her Instagram account.

    Yeah boo, I knew. I lied. I didn’t know shit about her except she just gave me five hundred dollars for two weeks worth of booth rent.

    I’m gonna have her do that video shoot on Saturday. He never asked me to do a video shoot and I knew how to do makeup, but I said nothing but smile.

    That’s wassup, boo. In my head I was plotting on slapping the shit out of him for this shit. He wasn’t going to make me feel small to this bitch in my own damn shop.

    Aight, I’m gone. I’ll see you at home D. Nice meeting you, Monique. Rico was gone after giving me a half hug. It was cute how he said he would see me at home as if he knew for sure he was still going to be at home. Everyday it was something new with his ass and I was real close to putting his hoe ass out on the street, and this shit he just pulled in the shop was gonna make me stop at the store and get some trash bags to pack his shit.

    Alright, Ms. Davis. Let me get you shampooed. Me and Rayna just watched but I was in shock.

    This crazy, sis… Rayna said shaking her head.

    It’s business. She do makeup and we need some of these booths to get rented. I told Rayna but I was pissed. There could only have one star in Sister to Sister salon and that was me.

    The phone rang interrupting us watch Monique go to work. I needed to see what type of hair she did.

    SIster to Sister Salon. Moni_Love a stylist there...I mean Monique? The woman sounded nervous like she was asking to speak to a celebrity or a movie star.

    Yes, but she’s with a client. Can I be of service?

    Okay, but she works there, right? She’s really a stylist there? I instantly got an attitude.

    Yeah...why? We had been here for over a year and this phone hardly ever rang. Now when it does it rings for this high yellow bitch that drifted in her off the street.

    OMG! I’ve been following her forever. I can’t believe she’s here. I’m coming up there right now. Thank you.

    The lady hung up before I could say a word. Bitches always came in here trying to outshine us but little Ms. Monique was going to have to learn that this was my city and no one did more business in this shop than me.


    A woman ain’t shit unless she’s married. Our momma said it a million times over and over again and it stuck into my brain like one of those sticky ass rat traps that we had in our house. The roaches and rats ran through our house like they lived there and all my momma always said was.

    If I had a husband, none of this shit would be going on. So coming up, I always told myself that I would get a husband even if I had to lie, cheat, and steal to get him. And you are the words that you say. So now I was living that shit but looking around the shop, no one had any idea what I was doing.

    Between all the bitches in the shop talking and chattering, I felt my stomach starting to roll.

    I just finished my last client for the day and Draya was in her chair finishing up her client. Meanwhile, Monique had bitches coming in like we were giving something away for free.

    I watched her, how she tossed her hair back and smiled while talking to her clients. She listened to their stories, said something positive, gave them some information about their hair and they smiled back at her and ate it all up.

    Damn, I can’t believe it was this damn busy on a Tuesday, Draya said over my shoulder as we watched in awe of this new chick in our shop. We had two other booths available and if we could get two more people like her, Sister to Sister salon would be a hit. I couldn’t imagine how packed it would be on a Saturday.

    We’re done for the day and she’s still going, Draya whispered to me and I already knew what that meant. She was jealous, pissed, irritated that this bitch came in here and basically took over the shop.

    I’m not feeling too good, I told her sitting down but she was too busy looking to hear what I said.

    It was so many chicks in the shop that Monique had to turn some away and that was unheard of.

    Yeah, it was a good first day, ladies. Monique was cleaning up and I could feel Draya’s eyes shooting daggers at her ass. If you looked jealous up in the dictionary you would see Draya’s face right there smiling and stunting on hoes.

    I wanted to laugh at all of this shit but the rumbling in my stomach made it hard to laugh. I tried to hold it down all day, drinking clear soda and taking breaks between heads but I couldn’t hold it anymore. Walking past my sister, I was trying to get to the bathroom. The private bathroom back in our office so no one could see me get sick.

    What’s wrong with you, sis? You looking all sick and shit… I wanted to tell her but I felt something coming up. The spice and heat rolling up my throat couldn’t stay down any longer.

    Running through the office and to our private bathroom, I was on my knees heaving water and spit into the toilet. I had nothing left but soda and crackers, but my stomach wanted it all out.

    I heard a door slam behind me and the slow click of Draya’s shoes.

    What the hell is going on with you? She hovered over me but all I could do was smile.

    It’s been a month since I took the pill. A month and two weeks actually since I started throwing my pills away instead of swallowing them every morning. Pulling my hair back, I started counting the days since my last period and I was definitely late.

    You did it. Draya smiled, helping me up off the floor.

    Yep. I think I got his ass. It was a long road but after all my hard work, I might be pregnant.

    You think he’s going to believe you got pregnant by mistake? It wasn’t the easiest thing to do, trick the man you love into getting you pregnant but my clock was ticking. I wanted another kid and most of all I wanted to be married. I loved Kenny but the only way to get him to marry me quicker was to get me pregnant.

    His parents were deep in the church and there was no way that he would have me barefoot and pregnant. I listened to him say he wanted to get married one day to me, but that one day needed to happen now.

    I don’t know what he’s going to believe. It doesn’t matter. Splashing water on my face, I tried to look surprised.

    Oh my God, baby...I was on the pill. You see me take it every morning. I said the words and Draya laughed. Girl, while we're getting ready in the morning, I pop the pill out but then I toss that bitch right in the toilet.

    She laughed at me but the shit was serious. And those fertility pills you told me to take are working magic.

    Yeah, I used that shit with Rico and I was pregnant in no time, bitch. My sister was older and I got all the crazy shit I did from her. We both had the same goals: get married by any means necessary.

    Yeah, you did that shit with Rico. Now you wish you could undo it. I laughed but she didn’t. Every time I got, I threw that shit up in her face about Rico. He was supposed to be mine but she wanted to act jealous and try to get him behind my back. That shit got her nowhere but fighting with his ass every other day.

    Girl...speaking of Rico. I caught him coming out of that bitch’s house this morning. I laughed right in her face.

    What the fuck is so funny? Looking my sister up and down, she was dipped in labels. Miss me jeans here, Louis Vuitton there, Couch this, and Prada that. But that’s all Rico could give her was money, dick, and headaches. And the headaches weren’t worth the money, especially since when I knew the truth that she wasn’t getting as much money as she let everyone believed that she was.

    You...your just fucking hilarious when it comes to him. You should let his ass go. I told her this a million times. Almost everyday there was a new story about something that Rico did.

    You know what? I’m going to start calling that nigga a magician because he has your ass fooled. He pulls a magic trick over your eyes everyday.

    So, what am I supposed to do? Get a divorce? I wanted to say yes but she already cut me off.

    You know what Mama would say to that. I heard her in my head telling us while we were young why she never divorced our step daddy.

    One day… Draya hunched her back taking a pen and pretending like it was one of Mama’s Virginia Slim cigarettes. One day that motherfucker is gonna die and I’m gonna get all his social security. That’ll be my reward. That’s why you never get a divorce...NEVER!

    I laughed at her ass.

    That’s why I stay. Mama got that shit implanted in my head. Our Mama was the reason for a lot of shit that we did. From the way we dressed, to the way we interacted with men. I knew some of it was crazy but when I went over her house and heard her words the shit just made sense. Now her words were a memory but they still lived on through us.

    Make ya Mama happy and marry a good man. Do whatever you gotta do to get him. I hated that I couldn’t give my Mama grand babies before she died. But now that she was gone I followed her advice. Throwing away birth control pills and taking fertility vitamins like I was swallowing skittles.

    Yeah, now I just need to go get a pregnancy test. We both laughed as I rinsed my face off and reapplied my makeup.

    So, what you think about the new bitch? Draya asked, rolling her eyes.

    I really don’t care. You let her come in without asking me so… It was always like that. We went into this business together but Draya was always making moves on her own like she signed the lease for the business on her own. The shit irritated me to no end and she knew it.

    I’m sorry, sissy… She moved to hug me, pulling me close like she did when we were kids. You forgive me? She pulled out some money out of her pocket.

    Yeah, I forgive you. Now give me the money… Honestly I didn’t give a damn about who was in the shop just as long as she did what she was supposed to do. Before she could hand over the cash, the phone rang.

    Ughh. Damn bill collector. I let Draya handle all the bills. Rather she insisted on handling the bills but looking at her new shoes, I could tell why the bill collectors are calling.

    Did you pay the electric, the phone, the gas… is started running down bills and shit that we needed for the shop as she answered.

    Yes...yes this is Draya.

    Umm the phone bill. Yes, I can pay it. I rolled my eyes at her. Every month it was the same shit. We made good money and I would give her my half on the bills and she would fuck it up every time.

    She paid the bill quick with our business card and got off the phone like nothing happened.

    I guess you need to take that money and put it back in the business, huh? It was more of a statement than a question.

    Yeah, of course. I’m gonna leave now and do it.

    Cool, cause I’m about to go get a pregnancy test. Grabbing my purse out of the office, I felt a million times better after I threw up.

    Well, let me know what he says. Draya laughed as I walked out the door. I couldn’t say a word as I walked out. Now there were even more customers coming in.

    MoniLove girl...yeah she’s in STL now doing hair. I can’t believe it. I heard some chick say as I walked through the lobby. Looking back at Draya and the look on her face said it all.

    She was pissed and when Draya got pissed and didn’t feel like the center of attention, only one thing could happen. And it was never good.


    Two thousand down and eight thousand left to pay, but the way I was working I would have Mr. Clayton’s money in no time. Still I kept pushing, all week working at the shop, pushing promo after promo on Instagram to get my clientele up in the city.

    The salon I was at was a little hood and the bitches that ran it weren’t that profession. I could have sworn I saw a disconnection notice or two floating around in the trash can but that was none of my business. All I wanted to do was do hair and stack my money in peace.

    Yo...where coco at? I heard screaming from the set as I got the ladies makeup together in a small room that was now my work space.

    She ain’t here yet...she might not be coming. I overheard from somebody but that wasn’t my business. I was trying hard to concentrate when Rico slid in the room.

    How many girls in here...five right?


    Damn, man. We need another girl for the last scene. I didn’t say a word. I wasn’t sure what to do about that but I kept working, spraying on makeup and finishing spray. All I wanted was my money and get out of here. I had already worked all day at the shop and now I was here into the night working on this video. Carter was blowing up my phone, wanting me home, but I had to get this money by any means necessary.

    What size you wear? Rico was at my side now.

    My size...a nine...Why wassup? I asked him as I finished with the last model." He smiled, looking me up and down.

    What? Seeing him smile made me nervous. He was one of those types that my granny used to tell me about. Watch men...especially those ones that make you feel dirty when they look at you. And Rico made me feel like I needed to take ten baths. He wasn’t a bad looking dude but I could tell whatever was going on in his head wasn’t PG-13.

    I got a girl missing...she wears a size nine and…

    Oh no no no no… I got enough of trying to play the video model back in Miami. I learned quickly that it wasn’t for everybody.

    Come on...I need your help. It won’t take long and you got the look. I had heard that a million times. You got the look. That was the code that all people in the music industry loved to say to me. I heard the shit so many times that it was like background noise or something.

    Maybe it meant that I was pretty or I had a fat ass or maybe that these guys wanted to fuck me. Either way, I got out of the game of trying to be in videos when photographers started withholding pictures until I had sex with them. Pussy didn’t equal photo proofs in my book, so I stuck with doing hair and makeup and left the modeling alone.

    I got the look to be back here getting these ladies ready for the shoot, I told Rico and I meant it.

    Come on...your hair is already done. You can do a little bit of makeup but you already look fine. Plus the clothes would fit you perfect. He was laying it on heavy but I wasn’t interested And it pays $500. My ears started working when he said that.


    Yeah… I counted quickly that would put me a little closer to my goal.

    What I gotta do? And let me see these clothes. That snake grin crossed his face and again I felt like spiders were crawling on me.

    Here, come on follow me. I hadn’t walked past the small room he put me in to do the makeup but I followed him now down a hallway and then to a huge room that was now transformed to the set of the music video.

    A huge green screen was laid out on the back drop.

    Yo, what we doing Rico? We burning up time, some guy said, holding a mic.

    Hold on. I need one more thing for this to work. Walking across the stage there were some clothes in a bag.

    Here...this is what you would wear. It was a bathing suit of course. Half my ass would be hanging out like a damn sore thumb. Five hundred dollars.

    How what do you want me to do exactly? Show me. I had Rico walk me through it. The song played and it was the usual slap a bitch an ass flow but I actually liked it. The beat was crazy and as he walked me through his vision, I actually liked it.

    Okay fine...I’ll do it.

    Cool… Rico pushed the clothes at me and now it was

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