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The Model Wife
The Model Wife
The Model Wife
Ebook539 pages9 hours

The Model Wife

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Even a good woman can be pushed too far...From bestselling author Tricia Stringer, this beautifully realised multi-generational family story looks at what happens when real-life betrayals and struggling relationships clash with outdated ideas of what a woman should be.

Natalie King's life is full. Some might say too full. With her teaching job, a farm to run, three grown daughters who have not quite got a handle on things, a reserved husband and a demanding mother-in-law, most days she is too busy to think about whether she is happy. But her life has meaning, doesn't it? After all, she is the one person everyone depends upon.

But when an odd gift from her mother-in-law - an old book in the form of stern and outdated advice for young wives - surfaces again, it brings with it memories she thought she had buried deep. Has this insidious little book exerted some kind of hold over her? Could it be that in her attempts to be a loving wife and mother, she no longer knows who she is?

On a day when it seems everyone is taking her for granted, and as the ghost of a past betrayal rises, it becomes clear that even this good mother and model wife can be pushed too far ...

Release dateOct 1, 2019

Tricia Stringer

Tricia Stringer is a bestselling and multiple award-winning author. Her books include Back on Track, Keeping Up Appearances, Birds of a Feather, The Family Inheritance, The Model Wife, Table for Eight, seven rural romances and a historical saga set in the unforgiving landscape of nineteenth-century Flinders Ranges. Tricia grew up on a farm in country South Australia and has spent most of her life in rural communities, as owner of a post office and bookshop, as a teacher and librarian, and now as a full-time writer. She lives on the traditional lands of the Narungga people, in the beautiful Copper Coast region, with her husband Daryl, travelling and exploring Australia's diverse communities and landscapes, and sharing her passion for the country and its people through her authentic stories and their vivid characters. For further information and to sign up for her quarterly newsletter go to or connect with Tricia on Facebook or Instagram @triciastringerauthor

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Model Wife is a wise, warm, and wonderful story of a woman in search of herself from Australian author, Tricia Stringer.“The model wife spends her time taking care of her family and putting them before her own needs.” - The Model Wife by Mrs Gladys Norman, London, 1928When Natalie King is confronted with a potentially life threatening health crisis, the busy 58 year old wife, mother and teacher, is left reeling. Reflecting on her past, and contemplating the direction of her future, she finds she desperately needs a break and, ignoring the century old wisdom of ‘The Model Wife’, flees north to Broome, leaving her family to fend for themselves.“Everyone had a piece of Natalie and somehow she’d lost herself in the process. She’d never done anything outside anyone else’s expectations of her.”Stringer’s portrayal of Natalie’s ‘paradigm shift’ is thoughtful and realistic, and likely one every wife and mother can relate to. After years of tirelessly working to ensure the needs of her family and community are met, Natalie realises that she has largely ignored her own. Away from the constant demands on her time and energy she has the space to consider what she wants moving forward.“Don’t let anyone should you.”Natalie’s timing couldn’t be worse though, it’s tailing season on the farm keeping her husband, Milt and middle daughter, Bree, busy; both her youngest and eldest daughter’s, Laura and Kate who seem to have something on their mind, are visiting; and her sister-in-law is demanding an increased share of the farm’s income. Stringer thoughtfully explores the individual issues at hand, as well as the change Natalie’s absence makes to the family dynamics. I appreciated the authenticity with which the author both portrayed and developed the multi-generational characters. I also liked the way in which issues specific to a farming lifestyle, like property succession, are explored.“Natalie had simply had to lose herself to find her way home.”A well written, engaging story of the everyday challenges of life and love, I enjoyed A Model Wife, and am happy to recommend it.

Book preview

The Model Wife - Tricia Stringer


Natalie King put her shoulder against the wooden door and shoved it open, then cringed at the shuddering bang it made against the solid wall. Another dent in the hundred-year-old plaster. Milt kept promising he’d install a new stopper, just like he’d promised to replace the window runners in the bedrooms and the warped kitchen door.

The warmer air inside was a relief from the chilly wind gusting across the dry paddocks. It was already late May but so far there’d been no rain of any significance. She kicked the door shut behind her and made her way along the scuffed wooden floor of the passage to the kitchen. In one hand she clutched a basket filled with exercise books and in the other a bag of shopping and her handbag. Both loads threatened to pull her arms from their sockets.

In the kitchen the old black-and-white cat rose from its position in front of the vestiges of a fire in the slow-combustion stove.

What are you doing still inside, Bubbles?

The cat stretched and blinked sleepy eyes at her.

Natalie’s mobile began to ring. She dumped her basket and the bag of groceries on the big wooden table, clear except for a small vase of gerberas in the centre with a scrap of paper beside it, and dug in her bag for the phone.


Mum, are you free to talk?

Natalie held her breath. She knew the waver in her youngest daughter’s voice well. What’s up, Laura? She kept her own voice light.

Nothing. The response was a little too happy; the pause too brief. I just wanted to know if you were home over the weekend. I thought I’d come up.

Of course. Your dad and I will be. I’m not sure what Bree’s plans are. It’d be lovely to see you. Natalie allowed herself to relax. Perhaps no crisis after all. Bringing anyone with you? Laura’s visits usually involved one, often two girlfriends; girls from the city who played at being farm girls as they fed animals and rode motorbikes.

No, just me.

Natalie picked up the scrap of paper lying beside the flowers and realised it was a piece of an old envelope and on it was a scribbled list. Landmark was written in Milt’s bold hand at the top. No doubt another job to add to her string of after-school duties tomorrow.

Shall I cook lasagne? she asked.

Only if you want. I’ll see you Thursday. Bye, Mum.

Bye, darling. Natalie stared at the screen a moment. Laura’s phone calls were usually half an hour long at least, full of the minutest details of her day. Perhaps she was tired. That might explain the off-note in her voice and her indifference to the offer of her favourite meal. Although now that she thought about it, Laura’s phone calls had been fewer and shorter for a while and…Natalie tapped her finger against her lips trying to remember the last time her youngest had been home to the farm for a visit…her granny’s birthday. That had been nearly two months ago.

Natalie flicked on the kettle and rolled up the blind. The late-afternoon sunlight streamed in from the side verandah, highlighting the golden honey glow of the solid pine cupboards as well as the crumbs and smudges on the worn laminex bench, left by whatever Milt and Bree had eaten for lunch. She turned away from the mess and back to the window, and looked out over her patch of brightly coloured gerberas and the hedge of rosemary, beyond the rusting wire fence and the barren outer yard towards the sheds. There’d been no dogs to greet her and Milt’s ute wasn’t anywhere to be seen as she’d driven in. He and Bree must still be off in a paddock somewhere.

Behind her the house phone rang. She strode across the kitchen to the desk in the corner and plucked the handset from the cradle.

Hello, Natalie speaking.

Terry Porter here from Landmark Agricultural Services. Is Milt available?

Natalie took a breath. She’d known Terry for ten years and what Landmark was at least twice as long but he was always so formal on the phone. Hello, Terry. Milt’s not in yet. Can I help?

When will he be home?

Natalie gritted her teeth and glanced at the clock. Not for a few more hours, I expect.

I’ve left a message on his mobile.

He’ll get it when he’s back in range then. Do you want to leave a message with me?

Just get him to call me back. Thanks, Natalie. The line went dead.

Natalie shook her head as she replaced the handset. Terry always insisted on speaking to Milt and the two of them would play phone chasey for days. If only he trusted the woman of the house with a simple message it would save a lot of trouble. She wrote a note on the whiteboard on the wall beside the desk and busied herself putting away the groceries, turning her thoughts to what she might cook. Laura hadn’t been home for such a long time. Natalie wanted to make some of her favourites.

Part way through wiping down the bench she paused. Laura had said see you Thursday. That was a day earlier than usual. She had a full-time job at a city hairdresser. Her long hours earned her the odd Friday afternoon and weekend off. The wavering note in Laura’s voice replayed in her head but she pushed it away. If there was something wrong Natalie would find out all about it on Thursday. She fed the cat and stacked the small pile of mail, all envelopes with windows, between the vase and Milt’s list. Then, with a cup of tea in hand, she settled at the kitchen table, her basket on the floor and the stack of exercise books in a pile beside her.

The table was a big one and yet they’d filled it. She glanced around, picturing her three girls sitting at the solid pine top doing their homework or playing cards, talking about their day, squabbling and laughing; Milt’s mum, Olive, presiding over them as if she was mistress of the manor, while Natalie cooked dinner for them all and her father-in-law, Clem, with his slow nod and twinkling smile sat at the head of the table taking it all in.

Dear Clem. Perhaps that was why she was feeling a little melancholy. She’d realised when she’d looked at the calendar this morning that a year had gone by since he’d died. They’d had a special bond, not father and daughter but very good friends. She wondered if Milt remembered the date. Neither of them had said anything.

A year ago today Milt had been the one to find his father sitting on the side verandah in his old wicker chair, just resting his eyes, as he liked to say when he dozed off. Only this time his eyes were permanently closed, never to rest his kindly gaze on any of them again. Milt had been a rock for his mother, for all of them, but when they were in bed after the long days of dealing with the sorrow and the quagmire of paperwork, Natalie would hold him close while his silent tears washed his cheeks. They didn’t talk about it, it wasn’t Milt’s way to talk openly about his feelings, but she knew he’d been hurting badly. She wondered if he still had the unexpected stabs of memory, the surge of loss that she did from time to time.

She pushed back from her chair, the exercise books unopened, and looked around her neat kitchen. She had a sudden urge to bake; even though her freezer was full of food ready for the extra mouths to be fed during lamb tailing she knew Laura would appreciate some fresh home-baked goodies.

Natalie went to the little desk in the corner of the kitchen and rummaged through her shelf of cookbooks. She had a mind to make a caramel shortbread slice. The recipe, a favourite of Laura’s, was in a church ladies guild compilation crammed with old favourites.

When it wasn’t among the cookbooks on the shelf above, she pulled open the drawer below. It came part way out then jammed. She tugged, to no avail, then reached in and felt something stuck at the back. Wiggling out one item at a time, she soon had a pile of well-thumbed school fundraisers and CWA cookbooks. At last the book at the back came free. Her heart skipped a beat as she stared at the little red book in her hand. How on earth had that got in this drawer?

She stared down at its faded cover, more maroon now than its former vibrant red. The title had been embossed into the leather and was almost rubbed off but Natalie knew what it said. The Model Wife. The book had originally belonged to Milt’s grandmother who had passed it on to Olive as a young bride. Natalie remembered the first time she’d seen it. Olive had given it to her when she was pregnant with Kate. Natalie was still at the feeling nauseous stage and not full of the joy of expectant motherhood she’d observed in her friends. She had laughed when Olive had handed the book to her, thinking it was a joke to cheer her up – until she’d seen the serious look on her mother-in-law’s face.

Now she sunk to the chair. One hand clutched the book and the other hovered over the cover. She felt the gnaw of anxiety in the pit of her stomach. Finding the book again was a bad omen, surely, if she believed in those things. She drew a breath, whipped it open and immediately she was back to the night she’d shown it to Milt.

They’d just hopped into bed. She’d hidden the book under the sheet and swept it out to show Milt as if she was letting a genie out of a bottle. Little did she know she was letting something out, but it wasn’t a kind genie. She could still hear the laughter that had been in her voice.

Look what your mother gave me today.

An old book. Milt’s tone was sceptical.

It was your grandmother’s.

He took it from her. "The Model Wife. Then he looked at her with that rakish gleam in his eye that turned her insides to mush. I’ve got one of those already."

Look inside, she urged then rested her chin on his shoulder and cuddled against his naked back as they both read the writing on the flyleaf.

The top inscription was in fading brown ink. For my daughter Charlotte on the occasion of her marriage to Thomas King with all my love Mother. October 1935. Olive had told her Charlotte was Olive’s mother-in-law who had come from England to marry Thomas King, a man she hardly knew. Underneath was another neatly written message, in blue ink this time. To Olive my new daughter-in-law with best wishes for a happy marriage from Charlotte. April 1957. And then in black biro written in Olive’s tidy cursive: To Natalie, welcome to the family from Olive. July 1985.

I didn’t know Mum had this. Milt traced his finger gently down the page. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it.

It’s meant for the women in the family.

Why didn’t she give it to Connie then?

She said it should go to the eldest and if the eldest was a boy then to his wife. Olive had explained that when Natalie had asked the same question. Natalie thought it was more about Olive thinking Connie already had all the makings of a model wife, qualities Natalie apparently lacked.

Milt turned to the contents page, glanced down then turned to the first chapter and roared with laughter.

A Husband is Master.

Yes, my lord, she said in a subservient voice and laughed too. She snuggled closer, enjoying the intimacy they only had alone at night. The quarters where they slept had originally been fully separate, but years earlier when the house roof had been replaced it had been extended to include the old quarters, which now connected via a door to the main passage. Even though it was basic Natalie had thought of it as her haven.

Milt and his father worked long hours on their property and she’d found it hard to get used to. Teaching filled her week but she was often home before Milt, even with the hour drive from town. When she got home she did her prep for the next day and then helped Olive prepare the evening meal. Not that she had to do much. It was usually meat and three veg followed by some kind of dessert, often fruit and ice cream.

"The model wife loves her husband truly, Milt read on, and does not highlight his faults. She accepts her husband’s demands and never criticises, argues or speaks disparagingly. The master of the house has the right to expect good health, good habits, and a sound knowledge of housekeeping in all of its phases from his wife who must provide for his every desire. He wriggled his eyebrows up and down then went on again. She shows affection, but never in public and is always attentive. If she is frigid she should not be in a hurry to inform her husband. To him it makes no difference in the pleasurableness of the act. Heed this advice. It has saved many women from trouble. He frowned at her. Is this for real?"

I guess it was in your grandmother’s day.

"I think I’ll like this book if chapter one is anything to go by." Milt’s voice was low, his words rumbling through her thin nightie and to her skin.

She snuggled closer. I thought you would. She truly did love Milt, truly, truly, more now than when they’d married three years earlier, and she thought she was doing a good job of providing for his every desire – up to a point. I’m the model wife already, she chirped.

I know. He kissed her cheek.

But I’m not sure about every desire, she said, noting the sparkle in his eye had turned roguish again.

He reached for a pen from the bedside table.

What are you doing? Natalie hissed as he underlined the heading. She glanced around, expecting Olive to appear through the door and reprimand them. It’s a family heirloom, she gasped as he wrote YES with lots of exclamation marks next to the heading for Chapter One.

I’m giving it my endorsement. He laughed again then gently pulled her round in front of him, resting his hand on her belly. You weren’t honestly planning on passing this on to our children, I hope.

No, but…well, it’s an antique.

One that stops with us, he said and started to nibble at her neck.

She responded and they were soon fully entangled in each other’s arms, his lips leaving a sensuous trail down her neck. Natalie only gave a vague thought to Olive’s reason for giving the book to her as it slid from the bed and hit the floor with a thud.

The next morning when she was making the bed she kicked it with her foot then, with a pang of remorse, she picked it up and opened it to the first chapter. Milt’s pen was still on the bedside table. She took it and glanced towards the door, once again expecting to be sprung by Olive, then drew a funny face with goggle eyes and a tongue poking out beside his YES.

A lump of wood shifted in the pot belly with a thud, bringing her back to the present. She glanced down at the book in her hands. So much had happened since those heady days of early marriage. Some wonderful, some not so, but they’d made a decent life together in spite of the hiccups. She flicked through the chapters with their demanding headings written for women of a past era, and caught glimpses of her own writing scribbled around the edges and on the blank pages between chapters. On some pages she’d stuck photos, family snaps from special celebrations, and others had clippings, a favourite cheesecake recipe, Clem’s death notice which included their personal words of love for him. If Olive knew Natalie had turned the precious book into a crazy form of scrapbook she’d be horrified even now.

The pages flopped open at the last chapter, ‘Family before all else’. Immediately she thought of the dark days after Bree was born when she’d believed she’d failed as a mother and a wife. Snatches of words from the page jumped out at her, children are a blessing – she’d even underlined it – keep poorly feelings to herself, not bother her husband with too much baby talk. It had been such a low time in her life. There was a name for it now, post-natal depression, but back then she had simply thought she was going mad and the insidious words had mocked her. That’s why she’d underlined children are a blessing. It had been the first time she’d written in the book since the night she’d shown it to Milt and it had felt good.

Several pieces of notepaper and magazine clippings poked from the pages. She flicked to the page on family, opened out a piece of notepaper that had been stuck there and smiled. Written in Laura’s primary school hand was the title ‘Giraffe Soup’, then a list of ingredients and the method. As a little girl Laura would never eat pumpkin. It was the only vegetable grown on the property and they had it in abundance. Natalie had cooked up a big pot of it one day and added other vegetables. Laura had been about four and had eyed the bowl of soup, speckled with the green of zucchini and the brighter orange of carrot, with suspicion. Olive had appeared in the kitchen behind her granddaughter and had announced it was giraffe. Laura had eaten the lot and asked for more. Natalie had been grateful for Olive’s intervention and from then on pumpkin and vegetable soup was giraffe soup in the King household.

Natalie could have thrown the recipe out, she knew it by heart, but she’d written Olive’s name in brackets after the title. That was a reminder of how helpful her mother-in-law could be and a counter for the other times when Natalie got so frustrated by Olive’s interference.

And that was one of the reasons why she didn’t simply toss the old book away. Between its moralising pages were the mementos, mostly happy, of a different life to the one the book prescribed. Natalie’s life. Her family’s own real life. If anyone else saw Olive’s name next to the soup title they wouldn’t realise the significance but Natalie did, just like she knew the family photo she’d glued inside the front cover held special memories.

She’d insisted on having the portrait taken before her eldest, Kate, had left home for uni. It was an informal photo. Milt was seated in the middle, Natalie leaning into him, his arm around her waist and their three daughters cuddled in behind and to his other side. The girls had hated the photo when it had arrived from the photographer. Laura had braces back then, Bree had very short hair and said her ears looked too big for her head, and Kate always said she had a silly look on her face. But to Natalie it was a precious moment in time and even though the large framed copy was banished to a hall cupboard, she’d kept this small copy for herself.

She folded the recipe carefully back inside the pages. It was a silly book, full of rational and irrational messages and she knew her family would think her crazy for keeping it. She’d found Laura with it once, just before she left home to start her hairdresser training. Laura hadn’t got any further than groaning over the hated photo before Natalie had snatched it away. Not able to destroy the book she’d banished it to the back of her underwear drawer. She must have put it in the desk drawer after she’d stuck in Clem’s death notice.

She dropped it back to the desk now and turned her thoughts to food. Perhaps Laura would enjoy some soup as well as lasagne. Natalie went to the fridge, dug out some pumpkin and zucchini and lost herself in the comfort of chopping and slicing.

The soup was simmering gently by the time she glanced at the clock. Time to get some marking done before she had to start the real dinner. Soup alone wouldn’t be enough for Milt. She’d bought Atlantic salmon at the supermarket and it wouldn’t take long to cook it and throw together a salad. She got out her stickers and her favourite purple marking pen and opened the first book.

By the time she heard a vehicle and dogs barking she’d become absorbed in the creative writing produced by her year three class and was laughing out loud at Matty’s comedic storyline. Trust him to come up with a talking tractor that saved a singing horse from a flood. She packed up the books at the sound of boots thumping on the verandah. The familiar shuddering bang of the door echoed along the passage.

Go easy! Milt sounded tetchy.

Weren’t you supposed to fix that? Bree’s voice was equally strained.

I was going to do it yesterday but I didn’t have a replacement stopper in the shed. I’ve put it on the list for your mum… Milt stepped through the kitchen door as Natalie stood up. He was a tall man but his shoulders slumped at the sight of her and he had the grace to look sheepish. He knew she hated his lists of jobs for her to do but as he so often said, no point in them both driving into town and wasting good fuel when she went in three days a week for school. Hello, love. Good day? he said.

More what I’d call challenging. Young Leo Tanner fell and broke his arm. Thank goodness Tom was on duty and realised there was something major wrong straight away. Natalie counted off her fingertips as she spoke. Clancy’s mum took the corner too close and clipped the end of the school bus and Billy from my class threw up in the doorway just as we came back in from lunch. She wrinkled her nose. At least the vomit was the only extra thing she’d had to deal with personally. It really had been a strange day. She chuckled as she recalled the new young principal, hopping from foot to foot. Poor Paul nearly had a fit when he saw the damage to the bus.

Nothing out of the ordinary then. Milt gave her a weary smile. She wrapped him in a quick hug. Over his shoulder Bree’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. Irritation smouldered there, as it often seemed to these days.

What about you two? Natalie glanced from one to the other.

We only had a blocked water pipe, Bree said. Took a bit to fix it though.

On closer inspection, Natalie could see the splatters of mud on their clothes.

It needn’t have, Milt muttered as he poured himself a long glass of water.

I’m going to have a shower. Bree ducked away. Clumps of mud splattered her thick brown ponytail.

I’ll have dinner ready soon, Natalie called after her.

Bree tipped her head back through the door. Thanks, Mum, but I’ve got a basketball meeting in town. I’ll have dinner at the pub. She disappeared back into the passage.

Say hello to Owen.

There was no response. Either her daughter hadn’t heard her or she was being ignored. Owen had only recently been brought out to meet them. They’d had dinner and both Natalie and Milt had been impressed with the good-looking young man with the larrikinish sense of humour who Bree was obviously smitten with.

Natalie looked from the empty doorway to her husband. Everything all right?

Milt was sitting at the table opening the first of the envelopes.


Hmm? He glanced up. Yes, it’s fine. He grimaced. We might have had a few terse words.

Natalie swallowed her sigh. Milt had trouble remembering he was his daughter’s employer out in the paddocks, not her father. Unlike her older and younger sisters, Bree had been born with the farming genes. Her return to the family property several years earlier, after university and a stint on a farm in the south-east, had coincided with Clem slowing down and their need for an extra worker. Bree had shadowed her grandfather then, and she’d embraced it. Clem was easier on her than he’d been on his son, enjoying being a mentor.

You know what Bree’s like, Milt grumbled. She won’t listen. Thinks she knows how to do it quicker, better.

Natalie buried her head in the fridge. She did know. Trouble was, often Bree’s ideas were good ones and it was Milt who wasn’t prepared to listen. There was regular tension between father and daughter when it came to work, like there had been between Milt and his father. She tried to keep out of it, but lately she’d noticed a restlessness in Bree.

Have you seen this bill? Milt said.

She turned to look at the paper he was waving at her. It was apparent none of the envelopes had been opened before he got to them. No.

Fuel’s gone up.

Put it in the tray. I’ll catch up with the paperwork over the weekend.

Isn’t Bree meant to be doing that now?

She is…will be. There’s a lot to get your head around.

Did you pay the bill for the sheep?

Natalie turned to the calendar. No. Has it been a week already?

Yes. Milt’s brow creased. You’re usually on top of all that.

I’ll do it after dinner.

He nodded and looked down again at the papers in front of him.

Natalie set out the vegetables beside the chopping board and picked up the knife. The damned account-keeping got more and more complicated every year. Once upon a time all bills came due at the end of the month, but these days it was any time; the fuel bill one day, phone bill another and for sheep, accounts were due within seven days from purchase. She thought about the early night she’d planned. That wouldn’t be happening. Farm paperwork was one of the jobs that had been handballed to Natalie once it became computerised. Olive had been happy to hand it over and Natalie had tackled it alone for years. Milt pretended to know little about computers and Bree wasn’t showing a lot of interest. Not that Natalie blamed her. She had enough to do without paperwork as well.

What’s that message on the whiteboard? Milt asked.

Terry from Landmark rang.

What did he want?

He wouldn’t say.

Natalie looked around as Milt took out his mobile. The Model Wife lay on the desk beside the open drawer. She strode over, slid the book into the drawer and pushed it shut a little too forcefully. Milt glanced up, a puzzled expression on his face, which changed to a frown. He jabbed at his phone. It’s gone straight to voicemail. Surely he could tell you what he wanted.

No. Natalie shook her head. They’d had this conversation a dozen times before.

I’m off, Bree called from the passage and the back door shut.

Natalie went back to the vegetables.

Bree’s been on about restoring the tennis court again. Milt’s statement sounded more like a question.

Natalie turned and his steady gaze met hers. Bree had been on about redoing the overgrown tennis court ever since she’d met Owen and had taken up tennis. Natalie felt a chill at the thought of it. It’d be a waste of time and money now. The tennis court had been left unloved since the two older girls were babies and that’s how it would stay. That decision had been made before Laura had been born.

I said I’d think about it.

She took a deep breath. But you won’t. There weren’t many things Natalie stood her ground over but this was one of them.

Milt’s brow was furrowed, his look determined as he watched her. I said I’d think about it, he repeated.

Natalie pursed her lips, turned back to the vegetables and began to chop. Tennis had nearly ruined her life once; she wasn’t about to let that happen again.


An hour later Bree King parked her ute on a side road in town, halfway between the sports club and the pub. She would be late for the meeting if she ate first but she was starving. Hunger churned in her belly along with the annoyance she still felt with her father and his pig-headedness. They would have got the job done in half the time today if he hadn’t been so insistent on doing it his way. She loved her dad but she was doubting her ability to work with him even more. She knew he’d felt that way about Pa but somehow they’d managed. Pa had been a different personality. Still determined but more mellow in nature. She and her dad were too much alike, according to her mother. They struck sparks off each other.

She got out of her ute, hunched her shoulders against the cold and strode to the end of the quiet street. She passed old Mrs Bell’s place with its arches of roses and wind chimes tinkling softly in the breeze and then two original cottages with a skip bin piled high with rubbish out the front. She’d heard someone from Adelaide had bought them to do up for holiday accommodation. They’d been empty and run-down for years so a new lease of life for them had to be a positive for the town. Across the corner, the front door of the pub burst open, and a couple of out-of-towners stepped out into the chilly autumn night accompanied by voices and laughter. Sounded like a crowd inside. Unusual for a Tuesday night. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her clean jeans and crossed the road.

Hey, Bree. Luke Thomas was the first to notice her. Lucky you came here first. We’ve just decided to hold the meeting over a meal.

She took in the rest of the faces turned her way, smiling and waving drinks. They were all from the basketball club.


She looked over to the other pub door and her grumpy mood faded. Here was the other reason she’d come to town. Owen Ferguson’s smile was wide as he strode towards her and took her in his arms. She gasped as he pressed his lips to hers right there in the front bar of the hotel. They’d been what her mother called an item for a few months now but mostly they were very private about their relationship. She’d only recently taken him home to meet her parents. Around them there were hoots and whistles and he let her go.

Bree swept some loose hair back into place and tugged at the hem of her shirt. That was some welcome, she said, relieved that her quick glance showed the rest of the bar focused back on whatever they’d been doing before Owen had made his big entrance.

He took her hand and leaned close again. Let’s go outside. There’s no-one out there and I’ve got news.

Happy to get away from the crowd, she followed him as he led the way to the outdoor area. Bert, the owner, called it a beer garden but everyone else called the simple paved area, with its scattered wine barrels, stools and plants, the smoking den. Even though it was outside and the air fresh and cold, the smell of stale cigarettes lingered.

Two beers sat on one of the barrels used as tables. Owen passed one to her.

You were expecting me then. She raised it to her lips. After my day I could use this.

His cheeky grin turned serious. Wait. He put a hand out and she lowered the glass. I said I’ve got news.

She studied his face, trying to guess what he was going to say. He’d only been in town a year, working as a mechanic at the local machinery firm. It was a small town and newcomers not that frequent so she’d been aware of his arrival but she hadn’t actually met him until she’d taken a truck in to be serviced. She’d been impressed by the way he’d been able to get their old farm workhorse to purr along like a real truck again. She’d offered to buy him a drink and their friendship had been sealed.

Mick’s going to sell me the business.

Bree’s heart leaped. When Owen had first arrived in town he hadn’t been planning to stay. By the time they’d consummated their relationship she knew she loved him and she was pretty sure the feeling was mutual but there was always the question of how long his job would last. Mick had gone through a series of mechanics in recent years.

That’s fantastic. She raised her glass again, excited at the prospect of him putting down roots nearby.

Wait. He was still studying her closely. He reached for her hand. Before I take over Mick wants me to do a job for him.

Bree nodded and glanced at the beer she’d put back on the barrel. Her stomach was grumbling from lack of food and her throat was parched.

He gave her hand a squeeze. It’s in Marla.

Marla! As in the dot on the map nearly to the Northern Territory border?

It’s a nine-hour drive.

You’ve checked?

Of course. Mick owes the guy at the servo a favour. His mechanic wants to take some extended leave and he needs a replacement. Mick had promised to help him out but he’s not up to it any more. His shoulder has had it. He said if I went he’d make the deal sweeter for me to take over his business.

How long will you be there? Bree was practical. He’d be gone a while but he’d be coming back.

Six months.

Six months!

The offer Mick’s making me is a valuable one. I wouldn’t be in a position to take over his business for years otherwise but—

I guess it’s not that long. Bree tried to hide her disappointment in the face of his enthusiasm.

Here’s the thing. He took her other hand in his and for a brief moment she thought he was going to get down on one knee. She was never one for the mushy love stories both her sisters wept over so she was surprised to feel her heart skip.

I wondered if…I hope you might come with me.

To Marla? She let out a sigh, not sure if she was relieved or sorry he hadn’t said something else. What about the farm?

You were only saying the other day how you think your dad would be better off with someone who wasn’t his daughter working for him.

What would I do in Marla?

There’s waitressing work at the servo.

She opened her mouth but he pressed his fingers to her lips. It’s only short term and you said you waitressed when you were at uni.

Bree had worked in a cafe for two years part-time while she’d been a student. It’s not the waitressing. I can’t just up and leave the property. We’ve got tailing coming up and—

The farm will be here when you get back. This is a chance for us. We can live together. See how compatible we really are.

In Marla?

Won’t be anywhere else to go. His eyes crinkled and he gave her that look, the one that made her toes curl inside her boots. We’d have to make our own fun.

I don’t know, Owen. I’ll have to think about it.

He picked up the glasses, handed one to her again and tapped his against hers. Here’s to a new venture for the two of us.

I said I had to think about it.

They both sipped. The slightly bitter taste reached her tongue first and then the bubbles of the sparkling ale slid a refreshing trail down her throat.

You haven’t got long. I’m leaving next week.

Bree took another sip and this time the fizz was from the excitement building in her stomach. Could she do this? She wouldn’t be able to go when Owen did but maybe after tailing. Her dad could employ someone and she could take a break, try life with Owen, test their relationship in a different space.

It’d only be for six months, Bree, nine at the most.

Nine! She almost choked on the beer.

A few hundred kilometres away in Adelaide, Laura King sat in the middle of the little flat she shared with her friend Spritzi and looked at all her worldly goods stacked up around her in boxes and bags. Not a lot to show for six years of flatting but enough to cause some concern. Her car was a Hyundai hatch and while the boot was spacious for a small car, she wasn’t sure it would be spacious enough for the piles she was planning to pack into it.

Here you are, girlfriend. Spritzi came out of the shoebox they called a kitchen and handed Laura a coffee. Are you sure you don’t want to take the coffee machine with you?

Mum and Dad have one.

What about your bed?

Mum and Dad have them too.

Spritzi gave an eye roll. It’s your bed.

It won’t fit in the car. With any luck your new flatmate will need it.

Spritzi shifted Laura’s stack of pillows and quilt along the battered couch they’d picked up from kerbside rubbish when they’d first got the flat and plonked herself down.

I’m sorry I can’t hold the space for you but you know I can’t afford the rent on my own. Bella’s coming Thursday to check the place out and with any luck she’ll move straight in.

Of course. And I’m not sure when or if I’ll be back so you have to get someone else.

Laura wasn’t sad to be leaving the hairdressing job she’d grown to hate, nor did it bother her to leave Adelaide but she’d miss Spritzi. It wasn’t her real name. Laura had met Sally Pritzker when they’d both been taken on as new apprentices with a large hairdressing business in the city and they’d become instant friends. Gareth the salon owner liked his staff to have quirky names. He’d insisted on calling her Laurita, much to her irritation. But Sally had embraced the idea and made up the name Spritzi, instantly winning Gareth’s adoration. The name had stuck, even in her personal life.

Spritzi frowned at her now. But it’s only temporary, staying with them, isn’t it? Till you find something else? Please tell me you’re not going home to bury yourself in the country never to be seen again.

Don’t be so dramatic. You love coming with me to the farm.

For weekend visits, yes, but I don’t want to live there.

I can’t wait, Laura said, a tad forcefully. She wasn’t sure how she was going to adapt to life at home again either but it was her only option at the moment.

And you’re not running because of that dickhead Kyle?

Laura’s stomach did a lurch at the mention of her old boyfriend’s name. I’m not running from anyone, least of all Kyle.

Good. ’Cause you know he’s not worth a second thought right?


Spritzi eyed her closely. He hasn’t been back here again, has he?

No. Laura gave an emphatic shake of her head. Kyle had swept her off her feet six months ago on a night out at one of their favourite bars in the city. He was like no other guy she’d ever dated. He was a man. Seven years older than her, he’d made her feel like a princess. She’d been in love with Kyle, thought he’d loved her, until she’d caught him out with another girl in a little bar off Hindley Street a few weeks ago. She’d already had a few drinks under her belt, told him what she thought of him and gone on with her friends to another couple of bars. The next day had been the worst of her life, with both a hangover and a broken heart, and Kyle had come to the flat, saying it was all a big mistake. Thankfully Spritzi had been well enough to send him packing, threatening to call the police if he showed his face there again.

Laura had blocked his number and unfriended him from her social media but he’d kept trying to contact her. He hadn’t come back to the flat but the next day he’d appeared outside her work. By then Laura had had the strength to send him on his way but yesterday he’d been waiting for her when she came out of the gym. He’d been angry, a side of him she’d never seen before, and it had frightened her. She’d firmly told him to stop harassing her, made it to her car, locked the doors and driven away. She hadn’t seen him since but it had shaken her up. Spritzi hadn’t been home when Laura had arrived so she’d rung her mum. She hadn’t mentioned Kyle of course. It had been enough to hear her mother’s

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