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Discipline: Omega Queen Series, #1
Discipline: Omega Queen Series, #1
Discipline: Omega Queen Series, #1
Ebook255 pages3 hours

Discipline: Omega Queen Series, #1

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

USA Today Bestselling author, W.J. May, brings you the highly anticipated continuation of the bestselling YA/NA series about love, betrayal, magic and fantasy.

Be prepared to fight, it's the only option.

Not every fairytale has a happily ever after…

For the first time in hundreds of years, the five kingdoms were at peace. United by the band of young heroes who'd won the Great War, the realm had entered a time of wealth and prosperity unlike anything it had known before. New families. New Beginnings. Old alliances were on the mend. 

But such a thing can never last.

When Katerina and Dylan's teenage daughter finds herself at the center of a strange prediction, she and her friends are swept away on a wild adventure that may very well claim all of their lives. Old evils are lurking the shadows. A secret new darkness is waiting to take hold.

Can the new band of heroes stop it in time?

Or has their happily ever after finally come to an end?

Be careful who you trust. 

Even the devil was once an angel.


Queen's Alpha Series: 













The Omega Queen Series:













Release dateOct 6, 2019
Discipline: Omega Queen Series, #1

W.J. May

About W.J. May Welcome to USA TODAY BESTSELLING author W.J. May's Page! SIGN UP for W.J. May's Newsletter to find out about new releases, updates, cover reveals and even freebies!   Website: Facebook: *Please feel free to connect with me and share your comments. I love connecting with my readers.* W.J. May grew up in the fruit belt of Ontario. Crazy-happy childhood, she always has had a vivid imagination and loads of energy. After her father passed away in 2008, from a six-year battle with cancer (which she still believes he won the fight against), she began to write again. A passion she'd loved for years, but realized life was too short to keep putting it off. She is a writer of Young Adult, Fantasy Fiction and where ever else her little muses take her.

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    Discipline - W.J. May

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    The Chronicles of Kerrigan

    Book I - Rae of Hope is FREE!


    How hard do you have to shake the family tree to find the truth about the past?

    Fifteen year-old Rae Kerrigan never really knew her family's history. Her mother and father died when she was young and it is only when she accepts a scholarship to the prestigious Guilder Boarding School in England that a mysterious family secret is revealed.

    Will the sins of the father be the sins of the daughter?

    As Rae struggles with new friends, a new school and a star-struck forbidden love, she must also face the ultimate challenge: receive a tattoo on her sixteenth birthday with specific powers that may bind her to an unspeakable darkness. It's up to Rae to undo the dark evil in her family's past and have a ray of hope for her future.

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    Discipline Blurb:

    USA Today Bestselling author, W.J. May, continues the highly anticipated bestselling YA/NA series about love, betrayal, magic and fantasy.

    Be prepared to fight... it’s the only option.

    Not every fairytale has a happily ever after...

    For the first time in hundreds of years, the five kingdoms were at peace. United by the band of young heroes who’d won the Great War, the realm had entered a time of wealth and prosperity unlike anything it had known before. New families. New beginnings. Old alliances were on the mend. 

    But such a thing can never last.

    When Katerina and Dylan’s teenage daughter finds herself at the center of a strange prediction, she and her friends are swept away on a wild adventure that may very well claim the lives of all of them. Old evils are lurking the shadows. A secret new darkness is waiting to take hold.

    Can the new band of heroes stop it in time?

    Or has their happily ever after finally come to an end?

    She will fight for what is hers.

    BE CAREFUL WHO YOU trust. Even the devil was once an angel.

    The Queen’s Alpha Series













    The Omega Queen Series














    Have You Read the C.o.K Series?

    Find W.J. May

    Discipline Blurb:

    The Queen’s Alpha Series

    The Omega Queen Series

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15


    The Queen’s Alpha Series

    The Omega Queen Series

    Find W.J. May

    More books by W.J. May

    The Chronicles of Kerrigan

    Chapter 1

    The girl lay beneath a canopy of blankets, staring at the book lying across her lap. It was huge, covering her legs entirely, with golden inlays pressed into the corners and elegant, hand-written script trailing down the page. So many stories, but she didn’t need to read them. She already knew each word by heart. Instead, she was looking at the pictures.

    A fae warrior riding a silver stallion, screaming the call of battle with a sword lifted to the sky. An ethereal woman standing in the middle of a desert, eyes closed and arms lifted as the heavens above her opened with rain. Another man was slaying a dragon, leaping into the air as fiery wings sprouted from his back and waves of liquid fire shot from his hands.

    At some point, the page with the vampire had been ripped out by an overly-protective governess. Apparently, whatever he had done was too violent for words.

    To most people, it was just another book. Just another fairytale, with monsters and heroes and a thousand fantastical stories to lull their children off to sleep. But to her, it was personal.

    Because the people in the pictures weren’t just heroes...they were her family.

    With a quiet sigh, she closed the book and threw back the blankets covering her. A pair of slender tapers were glowing on her nightstand and she blew them out before padding quietly across the floor. Most nights, there were guards stationed outside. Most nights, her ladies-in-waiting would be sleeping in the adjacent chamber. But for the last few days the castle had been in flux.

    Hastings? she whispered, pressing her ear to the giant door. Mace?

    One knight from the High Kingdom, one wolf from Belaria. That had been the deal when she’d decided to spend most seasons at her mother’s castle.

    Two guards. Two kingdoms.

    One overprotected girl.

    There wasn’t a sound from the hallway but she poked her head out cautiously, glancing both directions just to be sure. She’d learned long ago that there was no underestimating her faithful bodyguards. Especially when one of them had a touch of supernatural stealth on his side. She’d once made it all the way down to the stables for a midnight ride before whipping around to see them both standing, arms folded, in the stable doorway. Needless to say, her parents had not been amused.

    But there was no one in the hallway that night. She’d be surprised if there was anyone left awake in the eastern wing. The doors of the palace were opening tomorrow, and everyone was in a full-on panic trying to get everything ready in time. Her grooms were busy, her maids were short-handed, and even her lessons had been cancelled for the remainder of the week.

    For a girl who spent her entire life on a royal was heaven.

    While the rest of the castle scurried unseen on the lower levels she wandered down the deserted corridors, the hem of her silk bathrobe whispering lightly across the floor. A few of the torches were still flickering, glinting off her fiery hair and giving just enough light to see.

    It was nice to be unwatched, unsupervised. Even when it wasn’t her guards—whose job it was to observe—there wasn’t a moment in the castle when someone wasn’t looking her way. She told herself it wasn’t their fault. She told herself that it came with the territory.

    She was the princess, after all. The only daughter of the king and queen.

    But how many times had she wished to be one of the village girls she saw from her window, careless and unhurried, bringing baskets of flowers and honey to the market to sell? How many times had she longed to get on her horse and ride until sunrise—nothing but the wide open horizon in front of her, nothing beside her but the wind in her hair?

    Her daydreams came to a pause as she stopped in front of one of the portraits hanging on the wall. It was one she visited often. The image of a beautiful queen with twinkling eyes and long tumbles of crimson hair. It was a portrait that happened to look very much like herself.

    She pulled in a breath, checked the hallway again, then slipped her fingers beneath the frame and swung it forward off the wall. There was a little alcove tucked into the stone behind. Just big enough to store a book, or a chest, or—

    —or a prophecy that could help you save the world?

    It was empty now.

    Without really thinking about it she slipped her hand inside, feeling around the corners as she’d done so many times before. She wondered if anyone had known about the alcove before a magical pendant had led her mother there one night. She wondered if anyone would notice if she made her way through the wings of the castle, discreetly examining the other paintings—

    Checking for mice?

    She jerked her hand back with a gasp, whirling around to see a handsome man standing in the middle of the darkened hallway. It was the middle of the night, but he was still wearing pants and a loose tunic. His dark hair fell messily around his face. His feet were bare.

    You’d never guess he was a king.

    Father—you scared me!

    Perhaps it was the wolf blood, perhaps it was the ranger. But the man could be completely silent if he desired. Supposedly, she had the same ability herself. She’d yet to find it.

    He glanced to the alcove and back again, a knowing twinkle in his eyes.

    You think something’s changed since the last time you checked it? He cocked his head to the side, staring down with an affectionate smile. You know, I’m tempted to fill it with something just to surprise you. A rabbit, perhaps. Or a recently deceased fish...

    She snorted, and swung the portrait quickly back to the wall. It still baffles me that an entire kingdom of people chose to give you a crown.

    Belaria is famed for its whiskey, he said practically. There’s a chance they were all drunk.

    With that, he lifted his arm and she slipped inside—breathing in the familiar smell of his clothes as she rested her head against his chest. Wind, leather, and wine. She didn’t know how it was possible, given that they’d spent almost the entire day indoors, but her father always seemed as if he’d swept in from the forest. The light of adventure still shining in his eyes.

    For a moment they stood there together, looking at the portrait. Then he glanced down at the top of her head with a troubled expression his daughter would never see.

    You know, the thing about prophecies is... they never come when you’re looking for them.

    She sighed quietly, still staring dreamily at the portrait. It must have been incredible, she murmured, the night Mother’s necklace led all of you here. To reach inside the wall and find your destiny—written there for all the world to see.

    He laughed shortly, tightening his grip on her shoulders. It was the worst day of my life.

    The worst? she repeated incredulously. How could it be the worst?

    He stared out the darkened window, a faint smile still lingering on his lips. We’d just defeated a wizard, beaten back the royal army, resurrected a dead friend, and restored the five kingdoms. I’d just gotten your mother back. He paused suddenly, as if parts of the journey were still difficult to remember. And then a prophecy threatened to take it all away.

    She stared hard at the portrait, almost as if she could see the alcove on the other side. "...but you can’t regret it."

    No, he said briskly, shaking away the darker thoughts and turning back to his daughter with a smile. Because, if it hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t be able to do this.

    He kissed her softly on the forehead, spinning her towards her room at the same time. Get some sleep, Evie. Tomorrow’s going to be a big day.

    She grinned wryly and waved goodnight. Leaving him standing there, staring up at the portrait. Big was a bit of an understatement. As far as big days went, they didn’t get bigger than this.

    It was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the day her family saved the world.

    EVIE OPENED HER EYES the next morning, only to see something silver glinting just above her face. She blinked quickly, trying to focus, then realized with a gasp that it was the tip of a sword.


    Surrender or die, a cruel voice interrupted. I’m certainly hoping you choose the latter.

    Heart still racing, she tilted her head a few inches to see the blurry outline of a man kneeling on the bed. His knees were planted on either side of her body, and his long white hair was practically glowing in the morning sun. His eyes narrowed as they met hers. Dark and unyielding.

    Final warning.

    She paused a moment. Then hit him upside the head with a pillow.

    "Everly, he complained as the sword clattered to the floor. You were meant to cower in fear. I hadn’t even gotten to the good part of my speech yet."

    She tried hard to scowl, but ended up grinning instead. It had felt like ages since she’d seen him. And if he was already at the castle, that had to mean—

    I told him not to.


    Her head snapped up to see another man leaning in the corner, waves of dark hair and arms folded across his chest. When their eyes met, his entire face warmed with a gentle smile.

    He never listens to me.

    At that point, the princess let out a rather undignified cry.

    Get over here!

    Before her attacker could leap away to freedom she yanked him down on the bed, reveling in his curses and protests as the man in the corner forgot his customary reserve and leapt upon them as well. There was a chaotic flailing of laughter and limbs before the fae pulled himself free.

    "That’s quite enough. He smoothed the sleeves of his jacket, though he was unable to fully hide a grin. I’d hoped your governess would have civilized you by now."

    She spat a mouthful of feathers at him before turning to the dark-haired boy by her side.

    When did you get in?

    Just now. Right behind Ellanden, actually. He glanced to where the prince of the fae was sheathing his sword with a pout. I suspect his father is waking yours in the same way.

    No sooner had he spoken than there was a deafening crash from upstairs.

    ...I think you’re probably right.

    Are we the first ones? Ellanden asked, forgetting that he was pretending to be mad and settling back down on the bed. Uncle Kailas and Aunt Serafina—

    Evie shook her head. While her mother’s twin occasionally resided in the High Kingdom, he and his lovely wife had been spending more and more time in Vale.

    Not yet. Michael and Petra were supposed to get in last night, but they sent a message ahead saying they were going to be late. Something about looking up an old friend...

    My father and I were almost late as well, Asher added, tracing absentminded shapes on her comforter. He made us stop and hunt a thousand times on the way here. I guess with the big celebration, he didn’t want to take any chances.

    The others shared a quick grin over his head.

    Yeah, I’ll bet.

    Aidan Dorsett had learned the hard way how quickly tempers could get out of hand at a royal feast. As one of only two vampires in attendance, he wouldn’t be taking any chances with his own thirst. He wasn’t going to let his teenage son take chances either.

    Maybe he was just culling the deer population, Ellanden said with mock sympathy. They can really get out of hand this time of year.

    The vampire flashed him a deadly grin, showing every one of his teeth. I’d love something a little stronger, if you’d be willing to volunteer...

    Without another word of warning they leapt on each other once again, catching the princess in the middle. Shrieks of laughter and violent oaths echoed down the halls as they tore into each other like feral cubs that had been kept too long indoors.

    They didn’t notice when the door opened in the background. They didn’t see the group of people watching them, until the one in the middle cleared her throat.

    "Ten minutes and they’re already trying to kill each

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