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The Hike
The Hike
The Hike
Ebook44 pages32 minutes

The Hike

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About this ebook

The desert is a dangerous place.

Dee didn't want to go on the hike.

What starts as an ordinary trip into the desert for four friends turns into a horrifying struggle for survival.

Against nature.

Against each other.

Against what's out there, lurking…

…waiting to pounce.

PublisherSarah Gribble
Release dateSep 3, 2019
The Hike

Sarah Gribble

Sarah Gribble is the best-selling author of dozens of short stories that explore uncomfortable situations, basic fears, and the general awe and fascination of the unknown. She’s currently cooking up more ways to freak you out and working on a novel.

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    Book preview

    The Hike - Sarah Gribble

    The Hike

    Sarah Gribble

    Published by Sarah Gribble, 2019.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. September 24, 2019.

    Copyright © 2019 Sarah Gribble.

    Written by Sarah Gribble.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page


    The Hike

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    Also By Sarah Gribble

    About the Author

    To Bear. 

    We survived.  

    The Hike

    I t’s a long, long walk .

    The ranger shakes his head slowly, a disapproving frown on his grizzled face. Silver streaks through his jet-black hair, but only at the temples, like pointy canine ears. 

    Andy and Jay share a smirk. Andy says, I think we can handle it.

    Andy can, probably, despite his injuries. He’s a former Marine, used to desert climates. I press my lips together. Protesting wouldn’t do any good; Jay goes where Andy goes.

    How long is it? Katy asks as she entwines her arm through Andy’s.

    Six miles out, six miles back, the ranger says.

    Katy’s brows knit, creasing her perfect forehead. For a moment, I have hope. Maybe she’ll convince Andy this is a stupid idea. But the wrinkles smooth quickly and she doesn’t say anything.

    Where’re you kids from, anyway? the ranger asks.


    The ranger smirks. Don’t get heat up there like this do ya?

    It’s been known to get over a hundred.

    You have a little thing called humidity, though. We don’t have that here. Don’t even know you’re sweating, it evaporates so fast.

    Andy sighs impatiently. Can you just get us the map?

    The ranger studies us with amusement—or maybe contempt. I don’t like his eyes. They’re deep red-brown, almost luminescent.

    You have plenty of water? the ranger asks.

    Look, I did two tours in Afghanistan, Andy snaps. I think I can get us through a little hike.

    I catch Jay looking down at his feet, shame tightening his features. He’s always felt guilty for enrolling in college instead of enlisting. The guilt got worse when after Andy’s encounter with the IED.

    The ranger grunts, but offers no more protest. He shuffles through a heap of papers behind the desk. You know, us Natives have a legend about those hoodoos.

    Andy makes a noncommittal noise and rolls his eyes at Jay. Jay smothers a chuckle behind a fake cough.

    They say, the ranger says as he turns to us, paper in hand, those rocks are people, turned to stone for doing bad things.

    Andy takes the paper from him with a fire-scarred hand. The ranger can’t help but fix his gaze on it, only for a second, but long enough for Andy to notice. Told you I got this, Andy said. At least this desert’s empty.

    The boys study the printout. Katy stares into space while running her nails over Andy’s back.

    She’s another one who would follow Andy anywhere. I wonder if she’s ever had a thought of her own.

    I’m going to use the restroom, I say. Jay waves me off, too engrossed in the

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