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The Psecret Psociety VAFL
The Psecret Psociety VAFL
The Psecret Psociety VAFL
Ebook18 pages6 minutes

The Psecret Psociety VAFL

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Just as the NFL begins their 100th season, the fine-feathered folks at Psecret Psociety unleash a VAFL - a Virtual American Football League. It's based on random numbers, but the scoring is right on NFL averages. So, if fantasy football has gotten kinda boring, and you want to be in control of your jackpot/payout, give this one an inside hand-off.

Length: 1700 words.

Rated G (ok for all ages).

Revised on November 22, 2019.

PublisherMike Bozart
Release dateSep 5, 2019
The Psecret Psociety VAFL

Mike Bozart

Mike Bozart was born in the tidewater area of Virginia (US Navy kid) on a hot afternoon in 1964. He attended a mix of public and Catholic grade schools. After graduating with an Earth Science degree from UNC-Charlotte in 1986, he started doing safety technical writing.Former residences in North Carolina include Raleigh, Greensboro, Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Etowah and Asheville. Charlotte is his current residence. He has also lived in downtown San Francisco (early '90s).Mike has written numerous surreal poem-stories and over a dozen 1500-word quasi-real short stories under the psecret psociety heading. Gold, his first novel, was rough-drafted in just 27 days during a seven-week period (May 23 – July 11, 2013).Mike's first novella was To Morrow Tomorrow (2014); his second was Mysterieau of San Francisco (2015).Mike does artwork under the nom de brosse of m. van tryke.The author is happily remarried (Sharon) with a son (Kirk).

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