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Garrick (Book 3): Fate's Talons MC, #3
Garrick (Book 3): Fate's Talons MC, #3
Garrick (Book 3): Fate's Talons MC, #3
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Garrick (Book 3): Fate's Talons MC, #3

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About this ebook

This is book 3 and the finale of the Fate's Talons MC series! 

She was hunting for answers. She found me instead.


Valerie knocked on my door, desperate to find her runaway daughter.

I told her get the hell off my doorstep.

She didn't listen, so I did the only thing I could do:

Dragged her inside and gave into the lust burning us both up.

I made her scream my name, night after night.

But she won't give up on the hunt.

And when I find out that one of the prospects at my MC has disappeared along with the missing girl, I decide to join forces.

The trail heats up.

But so does my desire to own Valerie again and again.

Before we know it, we're in deep.

With each other.

And with a mystery that grows darker at each unexpected turn.

When our enemies try to take her from me, I swear an unbreakable vow.

I'm going to find the men who did this.

And I'm going to make them pay.

Release dateSep 19, 2019
Garrick (Book 3): Fate's Talons MC, #3

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    Book preview

    Garrick (Book 3) - Heather West

    Garrick: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Fate’s Talons MC) (Book 3)

    By Heather West

    She was hunting for answers. She found me instead.


    Valerie knocked on my door, desperate to find her runaway daughter.

    I told her get the hell off my doorstep.

    She didn’t listen, so I did the only thing I could do:

    Dragged her inside and gave into the lust burning us both up.

    I made her scream my name, night after night.

    But she won’t give up on the hunt.

    And when I find out that one of the prospects at my MC has disappeared along with the missing girl, I decide to join forces.

    The trail heats up.

    But so does my desire to own Valerie again and again.

    Before we know it, we’re in deep.

    With each other.

    And with a mystery that grows darker at each unexpected turn.

    When our enemies try to take her from me, I swear an unbreakable vow.

    I’m going to find the men who did this.

    And I’m going to make them pay.

    Chapter 1


    There was one quick detour I had to take before I could go after Valerie and Savannah, and it wasn’t the bank. Turner wasn’t going to get one cent from me. It wasn’t that I wasn’t willing to pay up. I had the money, and I would pay double that to get Valerie back if that was the only way to get her back.

    But it wasn’t the only way.

    Courtesy of the men in the car, I now knew for a fact that Turner’s problem laid with the brutes at Cowboy’s Lasso. Turner was only a symptom. The root of the problem lay there. It was always best to go after the problem at its root.

    By now, my phone had died, but it wasn’t as if I needed to call Valerie again. I knew where she was. True, Turner might call back, but he could leave a message. I wasn’t too concerned about that right now.

    It was just after noon when I arrived at the bar. I strolled inside, and I couldn’t help feeling like I had walked into an old saloon, the kind where people would have shootouts. Well, I was carrying my gun, so if it came to it, I could draw.

    We’re not open yet, a waitress said as she buzzed around tables, fixing the salts and peppers.

    I’m not here for food.

    She gave me a second glance and slowly smiled. What are you looking for? she flirted.

    I grimaced. Your boss.

    Her lips tugged into a pout. He’s not—

    He is. I took a step toward her.

    She backed away, slamming into another table. He’s not here, she insisted.

    Then where is he? I growled.

    I’m right here. I glanced over to see a man who looked like he had once weighed a decent amount but had lost it really fast so he had excess skin. He was short, with beady eyes, and he kept sniffing, his nose red. He’d come out from the back and walked around the bar to where the seating area began. What do you want? he asked.

    You the owner? I demanded.

    So what if I am? He lifted his chin. Dolores, take five.

    You sure? The waitress scampered out of there faster than a jackrabbit.

    We gonna have a problem? the owner asked.

    Depends. I glowered at him. You gonna cooperate?

    Only with friends. He crossed his arms. Despite the weight issue, he had some muscle on him, but I could take him. I spent an hour at the gym five days a week.

    I’ll be your friend.

    His lips twisted into a sneer. It’ll cost ya.

    What the fuck was it with him and Turner wanting my money?

    I’ll buy you a beer. That was all I would offer him.

    He laughed, the sound deep and echoing in the empty bar. I prefer something else to be honest with ya.

    Oh, a fruity drink?

    Again, the owner laughed, but this time it sounded a little cold. A wise guy, huh?

    Or wise ass. Take your pick. I shrugged.

    Now the laugh seemed more genuine.

    You prefer the hard stuff, I surmised.

    He nodded.

    Cocaine or heroin?

    His eyes clouded over. Get the fuck out of here before I—

    What? Call the cops? I stalked around the tables and booths and only halted when I stood directly in front of him. You and I both know that’s not gonna happen.

    He reached for his side.

    I reached for mine.

    The owner slowly moved his hand, lifting it. Now, now. Take it easy, there.

    I’ll take it easy once I got what I came for.

    His eyes narrowed so much I could hardly see them. What exactly is it you want?

    Nothing really. I kept my hand on the handle of my gun but didn’t put it out. I didn’t want to fire it any more than he wanted to be shot. When it came to threats against myself, I tended to not react with violence, but if you came after my family, well, that was another story. I would use violence if pushed enough. I wasn’t quite pushed enough at the second, but that could change in an instant, and I would be ready if this guy crossed the line.

    My stuff is the best there is, but if you think you can just come in here and threaten me and—

    I don’t want your shit, I snapped.

    His eyes widened, and he backpedaled a step. I don’t need a business partner trying to cut into my profits.

    I’m not a fucking dealer. I’m not a user either.

    So what the fuck do you want?

    My hand released my gun, and I gripped his shirt into my tight fist. You listen here, and you listen good. I want to know everything you know about Turner.


    I slammed my other hand on the back of a chair. I’m not fucking around. Turner Young. You know him, I know you do.

    The guy’s face twisted into disgust at the name, but he shook his head and shrugged. I don’t—

    You do know.

    The name doesn’t ring a bell. Sorry. He tried to loosen my hold on his shirt.

    I kept my hand on shirt while my other hand brought out my gun. I made a show of putting it on the table next to us. You were saying?

    The fuck you want that shithead for? the owner snapped. He’s nothing but a shithead, a thorn in my side. If I catch him, I swear to God, I’d bury him myself. Bury him alive.

    Just then, the guards who threatened Valerie came toward us from the back. What’s going on here? the one asked.

    Nothing. The owner grimaced at me. Just leave us be.

    You sure? the other asked.

    Sure. Just two fellas talking. The owner glanced over his shoulder and waited until they left. I need a fucking drink, he muttered. You look like you could use one, too.

    My nostrils flared.

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