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Living an Alzheimer's Free Life
Living an Alzheimer's Free Life
Living an Alzheimer's Free Life
Ebook64 pages50 minutes

Living an Alzheimer's Free Life

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Alzheimer’s is not hereditary. It is bad habits that are passed on (eating sugar, fats, drinking sugary drinks, not exercising) not some Alzheimer’s gene. Alzheimer’s is not inevitable. Alzheimer’s is due to diet, not old age.
How is this possible? Modern medicine says it is a disease of old age and that it cannot be stopped and the only hope is that drug companies find a cure. You are listening to people who only make money when you buy and take their medications. They make money treating diseases, not preventing them. They work in a narrow corridor: they don’t want you to be cured and stop using their meds, and they don’t want you to die because then you stop being a customer. They have a vested interest (a multi-billion dollar vested interest) in seeing to it that you get sick, then take their medicines that cause more harm than good and have worse side effects than the disease they claim to cure.
If Alzheimer’s is a disease of old age, why is it that the fastest growing segment of the population for this disease is 55-65, not 85 and older?
The rapid increase in Alzheimer disease is not due to a higher percentage of the population living longer. The conclusions drawn from the statistics are patently incorrect. 85% of the increase in life expectancy since 1900 has come from better prenatal care and control of infectious disease. If those factors are taken out of the equation, the increase in life expectancy has only gone up 4% - while the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease has gone up over 1000%

PublisherJeffry Weiss
Release dateSep 8, 2019
Living an Alzheimer's Free Life

Jeffry Weiss

I have been a political scientist (since graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with an MA in International Affairs), a political activist (who consults with Noam Chomsky on a regular basis) and an Investigative Journalist for the past 40 years. I have written position papers for three presidents: Carter, Clinton and Obama, and I worked with the Elizabeth Warren Campaign until she dropped out of the race. My work on social issues has received recognition directly from the desk of the president of Mexico. During that time I have written 16 geo-political thrillers, four modern-day versions of old classics, seven nonfiction books, four screenplays and one stage play.

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    Living an Alzheimer's Free Life - Jeffry Weiss



    Jeffry Weiss, PhD.


    First, Alzheimer’s is not hereditary, (except in 3% of cases), it is bad habits that are passed on, not some Alzheimer’s gene). Alzheimer’s is not inevitable. Alzheimer’s is due to diet, not old age.

    How is this possible? Modern medicine says it is a disease of old age and that it cannot be stopped and the only hope is that drug companies can find a cure. You are leistering to people who only make money when you buy and take their medications. They make money curing diseases, not preventing them. They have a vested interest (a multi-billion dollar vested interest) in seeing to it that you get sick, then take their medicines that cause more harm than good, that have worse side effects than the disease they claim to cure.

    The first known case of Alzheimer’s was in 1911. In 1911, the average person consumed two pounds of sugar per year. In 2000, it was two hundred pounds per year. There is a perfect correlation between the rise in Alzheimer’s and the rise in sugar consumption.

    If Alzheimer’s is a disease of old age, why is it that the fastest growing segment of the population for this disease is 55-65, not 85 and older?

    The rapid increase in Alzheimer disease is not due to a higher percentage of the population living longer. The conclusions drawn from the statistics are patently incorrect. 85% of the increase in life expectancy since 1900 has come from better prenatal care and control of infectious disease. If those factors are taken out of the equation, the increase in life expectancy has only gone up 4% - while the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease has gone up over 1000%

    Alzheimer’s is caused by two dietary factors.

    1) The consumption of sugar.

    2) The consumption of sugar drinks which allow the sugar to pass though the blood brain barrier and start the process of growing amyloidal plaque.

    In 1900, the process of Hybridization being, whereby fruits were grow to conform to the tastes of consumers. Growers used genetics to maximize their sugar content and minimize the fiber content. You are now eating sugar balls.

    Modern medicine, both doctors and drug companies do not make money by stopping a disease from occurring. They make money by coming up with cures after a disease has occurred in the body.

    Modern medicine and drug companies have zero incentive to find the cause of Alzheimer’s. It is a multi-billion dollar industry.

    But we live in a take a pill society. Don’t tell me to change one aspect of my lifestyle. I will, however, take a pill. I’ll do that much, but no more.

    Alzheimer’s cannot be cured by the time plaques form in the brain. It is, however, 100% avoidable.

    To learn more, read on…


    There are four approaches to Alzheimer’s. The first is to prevent the disease. The second method is to slow, and potentially halt, the progress of the disease once it is diagnosed. Three: detoxification. And four: meal plans.

    This book will review each approach and lay out, in detail, the proper course of action. The work is divided into four sections. The first section will discuss the causes and prevention of Alzheimer’s. The second section will review protocols that have been proven effective in limiting the damage due to the disease. The third section will include detoxifying regimes. And the fourth section will provide meal plans.

    Alzheimer’s is not inevitable; and it is not a death sentence. It is important to remember that in regards to Alzheimer’s, less than 2% of all known cases have a genetic link.

    In 1977, neurologists and neuropathologists confirmed that the same disease process was occurring in both pre-senile and senile dementia patients. That fact fully refutes the argument that Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are diseases of the elderly. In other words, senile dementia is not a normal aging process affecting the brain.

    Confirmation comes from the National Institutes of Health where scientists discovered that dementia and physical decline are functions of disease, disability, and socio-economic

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