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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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In this tantalizing collection, four New York Times bestselling authors invite you into the alluring worlds they've created in the Demonica, Guardians of Eternity, Nightwalkers, and Dragon Kin series. Each mesmerizing page will leave you craving more. . .

"Vampire Fight Club" by Larissa Ione

When a wave of violence forces shapeshifter Vladlena to go undercover, her first stop is a haven of vice—with a dangerously sexy vamp in charge. Both Vladlena and Nathan are hiding something, but they can't conceal the lust that simmers between them . . .

"Darkness Eternal" by Alexandra Ivy

After being held captive by one vampire for four centuries, Kata had no intention of taking another one to the underworld with her. Yet even in the pits of hell, there's no ignoring the intoxicating desire awakened by his touch. . .

"Kane" by Jacquelyn Frank

Kane knows Corrine was meant to be his. . . just as he knows that truly possessing the lovely human is forbidden. But on the night of the Samhain moon, the beast in every demon is stronger than reason, and Kane's hunger is more powerful than any punishment. . .

"Dragon on Top" by G.A. Aiken

Escorting the highborn Bram through deadly Sand Dragon territory will try Ghleanna's patience. . . and her resolve. For Bram is determined to enhance the journey with a seduction no female could resist. . .
PublisherZebra Books
Release dateMay 26, 2011

Jacquelyn Frank

Jacquelyn Frank is the New York Times–bestselling author of the Immortal Brothers series (Cursed by Fire, Cursed by Ice, Bound by Sin, and Bound in Darkness), the World of Nightwalkers series (Forbidden, Forever, Forsaken, Forged, and Nightwalker), the Three Worlds series (Seduce Me in Dreams and Seduce Me in Flames), the Nightwalkers series (Adam, Jacob, Gideon, Elijah, Damien, and Noah), the Shadowdwellers novels (Ecstasy, Rapture, and Pleasure), and the Gatherers novels (Hunting Julian and Stealing Katherine). She lives in North Carolina and has been writing romantic fiction ever since she picked up her first romance novel at age thirteen.  

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read this paranormal book for G.A. Aiken and felt her story about Ghleanna and Bram was a good addition to her dragon series. I also enjoyed Ione's story about Nathen and Lena but I couldn't get into the other two stories. The plot in Ivy's story was too erratic – despise or love, dead or not. Frank's story had too many thoughts and I didn't finish.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Quick & Dirty: This anthology delivers four very steamy stories from some very talented authors. The Review: I originally read this book for one story, “Vampire Fight Club” by Larissa Ione. I can’t seem to get enough of the Lords of Deliverance series. Those guys plus the Sem brothers, originally from the Demonica series, equals supernatural sexiness. I suppose there is nothing wrong with reading only one story in an anthology. In this case, I must request that you try all of them on. Well worth your while. You may even find a new favorite series out of it. “Vampire Fight Club” by Larissa Ione (Demonica Book 5.5/Lords of Deliverance Book 1.5) What would you choose to do if you knew you had only a short time to live? Why, solve the mysterious death of your brother and then avenge him, obviously! Vladlena, known to her friends as Lena, is a shapeshifter that cannot shift. She’s tried everything, knowing that if she can’t shift, she will die in a matter of weeks. After the body of her brother is found in an alley by a well-known night club, and a not so well known fight club, she decides that she will discover who killed him and why in the short time she has left. She gets a job at the club, as a medic, so she can snoop around. She finds Nathan. Nathan is the manager of the club, and one sexy vampire. He too once sought revenge against the club owner, but finds that he no longer cares. Let’s just say that Lena and Nathan have a lot in common, and it’s not just sexual chemistry. Will Nathan be able to shake off his lethargy when Lena’s life is at stake? Will Lena finally find something worth living for other than revenge? This novella does not require you to know the series before hand. It may, however, entice you to pick it up. Rating: 5/5 “Darkness Eternal” by Alexandra Ivy: (#7.5 of the Guardians of Eternity series) This is Uriel’s and Kata’s story. Uriel is charged by Victor, his vampire king, to find and retrieve Laylah’s missing gypsy mother, Kata. Little did Uriel know all that awaited him on this seemingly simple assignment. Kata is the twin to Marika, evil vampire extraordinaire, and has been held captive for the last two centuries. Now that Marika is dead, she is free from the spells that held her, right? Wrong. Marika has bound their twin souls together so that when she dies, so does Kata. By the time that Uriel finds Kata, the two of them are transported to Hell to await the pleasure of Marika’s madness. In the midst of all of this drama, Uriel and Kata fall in love. Will their past prejudices get in the way of their future happiness? But how long will they be allowed to enjoy their new-found love when they are being hunted by the invincible Marika whom wishes to see them both suffer for eternity in hell with her? I have yet to read the Eternity series, but this novella is a great read on its own. Rating: 4/5 “Kane” by Jacquelyn Frank (#1.5 of the Nightwalkers series) Kane is a mind demon that has broken one of his race’s greatest laws, he wants a human. His desire to make Corrine his own has overwritten his better judgment. In his world, demons don’t mate with humans; they are not even allowed to interact with them. So when Kane finally approaches Corrine and goes to claim her, the punishment for violating the laws is immediate. Kane is erased from her mind and taken away, and Corrine will be left alone. But by Kane touching her, Corrine’s dormant druid DNA is awakened and the two Imprint on one another. Imprinting is a phenomenon that makes the two parties part of a symbiotic relationship where one can no longer live without the other, literally. Corrine’s separation from Kane is now the reason she is dying. They are brought back together but it’s during a dangerous time for demons. It’s a time when demons are savage in their lovemaking and unable to control themselves with their mates, something that a fragile female could die from. There is a bunch of back story included but it boils down to two unlikely people forced together and then fall in love. I hate to say this, but this is my least favorite of all the stories. Even though it gives a tantalizing glimpse of the Nightwalkers series, the whole story mostly takes place in a bed. With Kane tied up. I know; yum right? Corrine, on the other hand, vacillates between being afraid of Kane and trying to ravage him. I don’t know, maybe I would like the books more because they are longer and have to ability to add in more stuff, like a plot. Rating: 3/5 “Dragon on Top” by G.A. Aiken: (#4.5 of the Dragon Kin series) Oh my, I’m going to need to read this series, like, right now. Dragons and fighting and loving, what a combination! Captain Ghleanna Cadwaladr is not a she-dragon others are willing to mess with. She’s strong, ruthless, and has the training to back up her loud and tactless mouth. After getting dumped and humiliated in front of her troops, her queen assigns her to accompany and protect a group going to negotiate a treaty with a neighboring dragon clan, the Sand Dragons. Bram the Merciful is the queen’s top negotiator and more known for his brain than his brawn. But when his queen tells him he will have an escort to the Sand Dragon’s domain, he is torn. Bram has been in love with Ghleanna for years but she doesn’t even know he exists. Can he take the chance of being distracted by her when he has such an important job to do? But when Ghleanna is mortally wounded by a band of traitors, Bram must decide if the life of the one he loves is worth the risk to go to the one place he’s vowed never to return. Can the gentle male tame the fierce, but oblivious, female and make her his own? Can two so very opposite dragons make it work? Rating: 5/5 FTC Advisory: Kensington Books provided me with a copy of the Supernatural Anthology. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review. The only things I receive for payment are hugs and kisses from my little boys.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of All Things Urban FantasyDon’t let the cover fool you, this is a super sexy anthology featuring demons, witches, vampires, and dragon shifters determined to claim the ones they love. All four stories tease and tantalize readers to delve deeper into their paranormal romance series, and in two of the four stories, they succeeded."Vampire Fight Club " by Larissa Ione (Lords of Deliverance #1.5)Set in the same word as Ione’s Demonica and Lords of Deliverance series (and featuring character cameos from both series), “Vampire Fight Club” follows a young shifter who infiltrates an underground supernatural fight club in order to avenge the death of her brother. She ends up working for the jaded and detached manager and vampire, Nathan, who has his own vengeance to deliver. Sparks fly fast and hot between these two while still allowing the motives of each character to stand on their own. The obstacles to their relationship are genuine and kept the romantic tension sizzling throughout the story. Newbies to this world will definitely want to plan a longer trip while series fans will enjoy this deeper look into Nathan’s life. Sexual Content: Scene of sensuality. Graphic sex scene Rating: 3/5"Darkness Eternal " by Alexandra Ivy (Nightwalkers #1.5)“Darkness Eternal” is sort of a supernatural Snow White story where the prince is a vampire and Snow White is a centuries imprisoned witch. The two end up in running from a demon in the underworld which consisted mostly of sex scenes and just a little running and fighting right at the end. The characters had whiplash inducing mood swings that had them insulting, comforting, and declaring eternal love for each other all within hours of meeting. It was jarring and had me rolling my eyes several times. While the writing was good, and the worldbuilding had potential, the characterizations and flimsy-even-for-a-novella storyline kept “Darkness Eternal” from sitting well with me. Sexual Content: Several graphic sex scenes Rating: 2/5"Kane " by Jacquelyn Frank (Guardians of Eternity #7.5)“Kane” is the perfect example of what a good novella should be. It established a very cool demon/druid mythology with lots of subtle nuisances and a real sense of the worldbuilding without dragging down the story, and made me want to read the rest of the Guardians of Eternity series. Kane, a demon, becomes consumed with a human, Corrine until one night he touches her. His punishment—and consequently hers—is swift and brutal, until it is revealed that Corrine is Kane’s mate and their separation nearly kills her. For a story that takes place almost entirely in a bed, I found “Kane” to be the most romantic story of the bunch. Yes, it gets very steamy, but the romance builds beautifully and makes those steamy scenes truly satisfying. The writing is top notch too. My only complaint is that it wasn’t long enough. Sexual Content: Scenes of sensuality. Graphic sex scene Rating: 4/5"Dragon on Top " by G.A. Aiken (The Dragon Kin #4.5)“Dragon on Top” is all about role reversal. The uber alpha dragon warrior is the female and the quiet, peace-seeking character who needs protecting is the male. I tend not to enjoy these type of stories anyway, but I found this one to be especially off. Ghleanna is so alpha she practically pees standing up, and Bram is beta with a lowercase ‘b’. It was almost like someone went back after the story was written and just switched all the pronouns. It didn’t help that Ghleanna was constantly bickering with her equally annoying brothers. This was my least favorite story in the anthology.Sexual Content: Several graphic sex scenes Rating: 2/5
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    *This review is only for the Dragon Kin portion of this anthology at this time.*

    I found I really liked Bram's character in this novella. The gender reversal was appealing to me...having a male pining for the female instead of the other way around. Having the female be the mighty warrior. I enjoyed that. I also enjoyed reading about the sea dragons and learning some of the dynamics of the other classifications of dragon shifters. All in all a great read!

Book preview

Supernatural - Jacquelyn Frank


Vampire Fight Club


Chapter 1

Blood. Violence. Sex. Cheering crowds.

None of it fazed Nathan Sabine anymore. If someone had told him a hundred years ago that he’d be completely numb to the gladiatorial battle taking place in the hockey rink-sized arena below his VIP booth, he’d have ripped out their throat with his teeth.

Hell, that still sounded like a good plan.

Instead, he was watching a hyena shifter rip out the throat of another hyena shifter. Should have been the same-old, same-old, but one of the males hadn’t shifted out of his human form.

Which was why the male had been at a serious disadvantage, and why he was now bleeding out in the sand.

Nate didn’t give a shit why the guy had wanted to fight this battle, but he had to have known he couldn’t win. The fool. No amount of money was worth dying for. Nothing was worth that.

Turning his back on the bloodthirsty roar of the spectators, Nate strode out of the private viewing box reserved for club personnel and wondered if it was possible to hate himself more than he did right now. Doubtful. He might be anesthetized to everything outside his body, but inside, he was a seething cauldron of self-loathing. Sometimes he thought that if he wasn’t a daywalker, a rare vampire who could tolerate natural light, he’d step out into the sun and end it all.

And wasn’t he a hypocrite of epic proportions, given that he’d just wondered why the hyena non-shifter had given up his life.

He took the stairs down into the commons, where people sought refreshments and placed bets while they waited for the next death match. At one time, the sour stench of their excitement and greed had turned his stomach. Now it was like any other unpleasant odor the nose learned to ignore. Lately, though, the stink was stronger, the result of a command from the big boss to step up the number of fights—and the brutality—in order to maintain pace with the unrest in the underworld. Fade was desperate to keep paying spectators coming to the club instead of enjoying the violence elsewhere for free.

The crowd parted for Nate, some whispering his name as he passed. An ugly-ass, gray-skinned demon male near the pit railing asked when Nate was going to fight again, and Nate swung around, his black hair snapping about his shoulders, his fangs bared.

You volunteering to get in the pit with me, demon? Because I’m itching to put another set of antlers on my wall.

The normally inaudible beat of music from the dance club upstairs rang clear enough in the sudden silence to identify the artist.

The demon cleared his beefy throat as Goldfrappe Ooh La La’d its way to the end of the song. Another time, perhaps.

That’s what I thought. Nate hadn’t been in the arena in nearly seven decades, and these morons still wanted to see him fight—as long as he fought someone else. No one ever volunteered to step into the pit with him.

He sliced through the throng and slipped past the two guards who kept the general public out of the tunnel separating Gladius from Thirst, the respectable half of the club complex. He’d only gone about ten yards and taken the first corner when he heard footsteps behind him.


Nate stopped but didn’t turn around. What, Gunnar?

The body, sir. The hulking werewolf ’s voice was little more than a rumble in the shadowy hall.

Why are you asking me? Where’s Budag?

He went out.

Budag, who had once been Attila the Hun’s right-hand man, was the only person besides the club owner who outranked Nate, but the asshole was hardly ever around. Nate had no idea what the demon in human clothing did in his spare time, but he certainly seemed to have a lot of it.

Exhaling on a curse, Nate looked up at the flickering fluorescents on the ceiling. The male is a shifter. You know the rules.

Usually the dead were fed to the creatures that were kept either as bait for training or for actual gladiatorial matches, but a few species, including most shifters, could bond so strongly to a mate that after death, the surviving partner would be driven to find them. The club couldn’t afford for some grieving, pissed-off female to track down the male’s remains and cause trouble.

Yes, sir.

Nate continued down the hall and up a flight of cement stairs. A casual observer who arrived at the narrow landing would see only a monitor mounted on a textured black wall. Nate checked the grainy screen, and after he’d ensured that no one was inside his office, he pushed on the wall, opening a hidden doorway.

From the office side, the door appeared to be nothing more than a sturdy wine rack, and it made a whisper of a click as it closed. Only Thirst’s top management knew that this was one of two entrances from the dance club to the fight club. Most of Thirst’s employees weren’t even aware that behind and underneath the most popular vampire bar in North America, was the most popular blood arena in the human realm.

Nate had known for over a hundred years. He’d known, and he’d planned to take it down. And he would, when the time was right.

Self-loathing slithered through him again, because he’d been singing that tune for decades. So many right times had come and gone, and he’d done nothing. His interest had been as dead as his heart.

Cursing himself, he slammed out of the front door of his office and into another hallway, this one brightly lit, the walls plastered with gaudy murals depicting scenes of various underworld creatures getting their grooves on under disco balls. His shoes sank into the plush crimson carpet as he strode toward the club’s public area. The music grew louder as he walked, throbbing through him like a pulse and granting him the illusion, at least, that he was alive.

Once he went through the swinging door at the end of the hall, he was immediately assaulted by sultry heat, glaring, colored lights streaming in the darkness, and all the erotic sounds that went with a place like this. The lower level was a mass of writhing bodies—people dancing, sexing, feeding. At the tables and on the couches lining the walls on the upper and lower levels, there was more of the sex and feeding. Cocktail waitresses delivered drinks under the watchful eyes of bouncers who ensured the waitresses went unmolested.

That had been one of Nate’s changes when he’d been promoted to manager—a rule that no one touched the staff or he’d maim them. Period.

Yo, Nathan. Marsden, Thirst’s vampire chief of security and Nate’s second in command, shoved his way through a gaggle of males eyeing three scantily-clad females leaning over the railing on the upper level. We have a situation. Marsden’s hazel eyes shifted to the medic station near the restrooms, and Nate sighed.

Injury, overdose, or overfeed?

Overfeed. Vic is human.

Shit. Bad enough when a vampire got too eager with an underworlder, but humans were a lot harder to treat, keep alive, and dispose of if they died.

It was the perp’s second offense, Mars said, as they moved toward the medic station. He’s been given the boot.

Hope that boot was up the nightcrawler’s ass.

Mars, the only soul on the planet who knew about Nate’s daywalker status, didn’t take offense at the dig at regular vamps. He merely grinned, revealing the latest in vampire fashion; gold-plated fangs studded with jewels. Feeding must be a bitch for both him and the victim.

Boot went far enough up his ass that he lost a couple teeth.


Inside the thirty-by-thirty room set up as a medical station, John, a human EMT who moonlighted here on weekends, was monitoring the flow of blood through an IV inserted into a red-headed woman’s freckled arm.

She’ll be fine, John drawled, his twang betraying his Texas roots. This ain’t her first rodeo.

True enough. The woman, whose name Nate thought was Allison, lay motionless and pale on the table, her silver tube top barely covering breasts made too big by a surgeon’s scalpel, and her black micro-mini skirt definitely not covering what it needed to. She was a regular here, a swan who gave herself to vampires for blood, sex, or both.

John carefully applied a bandage over the punctures on her neck . . . a neck that was scarred from hundreds of feedings.

The scent of blood teased Nate’s nostrils, drawing his gaze to a crimson trail on the inside of the girl’s thigh and reminding him that he hadn’t fed recently.

There were two feeding on her, he said, gesturing to the seeping punctures in her femoral artery. Some vampire had done a piss-poor job of sealing the wound.

John leaned in to examine the second bite. Could have been just the one, tapping two places.

Different size fangs. The one at her throat was female. Which, dammit, meant Marsden had another vamp to punish. Alert me when you release the human.

Nate didn’t wait for a response. He went straight to the bar, poured a double shot of O-neg, and took the edge off his hunger. His blood hunger, anyway. As he watched the grind of bodies on the floor, another need rose in him, one he hadn’t sated in far too long.

Marsden came up behind him and clapped him on the shoulder. That hot little piece of human ass at the end of the bar has been eyeing you.

Yeah, he’d already felt her lusty gaze on him. I don’t need your matchmaking skills.

"You need something. You’re wound around the axel, man. Want me to send her to your office?"

The human woman tilted her head to expose her slim throat as she ran black-lacquered fingernails along her cleavage in blatant invitation. He wondered if she was a star-fucker who knew who he was, a legend in the blood arena, or if she was a run-of-the-mill vampire chaser eager for any set of fangs to penetrate her. Either way, Nate wasn’t game no matter how strung out he was. He’d always preferred to get his blood and sex from females he hadn’t seen screwing other males that night.

No. He started to walk away, but Marsden’s hand on his arm stopped him.

Trust me on this. You need to work off some juice.

A chill shot up Nate’s spine, and his jaw clenched so hard he could barely ask the question he already knew the answer to. Why?

Marsden’s nostrils flared, the diamond nose stud glinting in the smoky light. He’s coming.

The demon who owned both Thirst and Gladius was coming for a visit. Nate waited for the hatred to sear him from the inside, but instead, his chest cavity filled with ice, and his entire body went so cold he shivered. Fade was the reason Nate had infiltrated the club’s organization in the first place. He’d waited for decades to destroy the bastard, had gained his trust while growing stronger and amassing a fortune at the demon’s expense.

Nate’s hatred had eaten him alive for decades, but now it seemed that the hatred had been replaced by apathy. Once upon a time, Fade had killed the love of Nate’s life, and it was now becoming obvious that the demon had also killed Nate. He searched deep inside himself in an attempt to find a flicker of life, but there wasn’t even a spark.

He. Was. Dead.

Chapter 2

Incoming emergencies got Vladlena Paskelkov’s adrenaline surging and brought her to life like nothing else. As a nurse at the only hospital that catered to vampires, demons, and other various underworld creatures, she got to see things she’d never encounter at a human facility and, as with most medical people, the more bizarre or horrific the injury, the more excited she got.

It wasn’t as if she liked seeing anyone hurt, especially not the young of any species. But she’d inherited the medical gene from her father, who had been a surgeon at this very hospital.

Until he was tortured and killed by The Aegis, a society of human demon slayers who called themselves Guardians and made it their mission to rid the planet of evil.

Lena had been bitter, but not for long. Her father, though he’d been good to her, had walked a sinister path, and she was surprised the slayers hadn’t killed him sooner. She’d also learned to like a few Guardians, including one who used to work at Underworld General but now ran The Aegis, and one who was mated to the hospital’s chief of staff.

And speak of the incubus, Eidolon, a dark-haired, impossibly hot Seminus demon, jogged into the bustling emergency department and snagged a pair of surgical gloves from the supply stand.

What have we got?

Lena gloved up as she spoke. Male shifter, unknown breed. Found like the others, with multiple wounds, no vitals when the paramedics found him, but Shade got him jump-started.

Eidolon smirked. What were Shade’s exact words?

Shade, Eidolon’s brother in charge of the hospital’s paramedics, rarely minced words. Yes, he’d given her all the technical jargon, but only after his more personal observations.

Hell’s fucking rings, she said, doing her best Shade imitation. Dude looks like he went through a wood chipper.

One dark eyebrow arched. That’s more like it. The red rotating light at the ambulance bay doors lit up, signaling the ambulance’s arrival in the underground lot. Before the doors opened, Eidolon turned to her, lowering his voice. Did the serum work?

All the adrenaline that had been surging through her veins turned to sludge, and she absently rubbed the spot on the back of her hand where she’d given herself the injection.

No. She cleared her voice to rid it of the sudden hoarseness. I didn’t shift.

Pity dulled Eidolon’s espresso eyes. I’m sorry, Lena. I’ll keep working on it.

He didn’t say anything more. What was there to say? Sorry you’re a freak who can’t shift into your animal form, even with a drug that works on everyone else? Sorry you’re going to go insane and die?

Over the years, she’d been through therapy and lessons, desperate to shift into her furry form before she turned twenty-four, when the inability to shift would kill her. Yesterday, on her twenty-fourth birthday, she’d injected a drug Eidolon had developed as a catalyst for those who couldn’t shift any other way. It hadn’t worked. She was a failure among failures, and it was probably a good thing her father wasn’t alive to see how, very soon, she’d lose her grip on reality and grow violent before finally dying in agony. Shifters with her problem rarely survived more than six weeks after turning twenty-four, and she’d already started marking off days on the calendar. So much time wasted. So much more she’d wanted to do.

This really sucked.

The ER doors whooshed open, and Shade and his partner, a werewolf named Luc, wheeled in a bloody male on a stretcher. As they hurried the patient to a room, Shade rattled off vitals, the dismal numbers putting an immediate damper on hope. Lena had only been out of nursing school for a couple of years, but she knew a goner when she saw one.

The acrid stench of death clung to this male like a dire leech, and . . . she gasped, grinding to a halt as Shade and Luc lifted the patient onto a table.

Vladlena? Eidolon’s right arm, which was encased in glyphs that ran from his fingertips to his shoulder, lit up as the healing ability inherent to his species channeled into the male. You know this patient?

Vaughn. She stumbled to the side of the bed, her legs threatening to give out on her. He’s my brother.

Vaughn had been the only one of her three brothers who hadn’t tried to kill her. As the runt of the litter, she’d been the target of their vicious games, and if not for her father, they’d have slaughtered her. Now that he was gone, Van and Vic had made several attempts on her life . . . which was one of the reasons she pulled a lot of double shifts at the hospital. Here, she was safe.

Eidolon motioned for another nurse to take over for Lena, and she didn’t argue. Vaughn needed care she couldn’t give right now. Not with the way her hands were shaking and her mind was spinning.

Dear gods, he’d been torn to shreds. One arm looked like it had been chewed nearly off. Deep bite wounds left skin and muscle flayed in massive slabs that peeled back from exposed bone. His throat had been torn open, and blood seeped through the layers of pressure bandages.

One of Vaughn’s eyes was swollen shut, but the other opened, and his bloodshot gaze latched onto hers. Recognition flared in the blue depths, along with unthinkable pain.

Hey. She took his hand, tried not to cringe at the icy-cold, clammy skin. You’re at UG. You’re going to be fine. She offered a trembly smile that faltered when she glanced up at Eidolon, whose expression made a liar out of her. Vaughn, what happened? Who did this to you?

Th-thirst . . . His voice was barely a rasp, his words gurgled through blood. Club . . .

He convulsed, and her co-workers became a flurry of action. Shade pulled her back with gentle hands as Eidolon tried to save her brother.

Time became fluid, elastic, stretching without giving Vladlena any sense of how much of it had passed before Eidolon finally looked up at the clock and spoke the words no one wanted to say—or hear.

Time of death, 3:22. The doctor looked over at her, his powerful shoulders slumped in defeat. Lena, I’m sorry.

She nodded, her throat too clogged with emotion to speak. Shade. Eidolon lifted a sheet to cover Vaughn’s body.

Where did you find him?

Same place as the others. Shade gave Lena’s shoulders a squeeze and stepped away from her, though he stayed close. In the sewers beneath Fifth street.

Shade’s words barely registered. She’d latched onto a rhythmic tapping noise that rose up even over the din of the bustling emergency department outside the cubicle. It took a moment to realize what it was; her brother’s blood, dripping to the obsidian floor. Odd what the brain focused on when it didn’t want to think about something horrible right in front of you.

What is going on? Lena whispered.

Shade’s dark hair brushed the collar of his black paramedic uniform as he shook his head. I don’t know, but your brother is the only one to make it through the hospital doors alive.

This is the third victim this week. Eidolon stripped off his gloves. The human and demon realms have been in turmoil lately, but this is too specific to be related to the apocalyptic events.

Turmoil was a mild way to put what was happening, given that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse had recently appeared, and at least one apocalyptic Seal had broken. The hospital had been dealing with the violent fallout nonstop, and Eidolon had been forced to hire unschooled help and train them on the job just to keep up with the patient load.

Shade casually kicked a towel beneath the exam table to stop the sickening drip of Vaughn’s blood. It was a small thing, but a thoughtful one, and Lena could have kissed the demon for it. So what the hell are we dealing with?

Fight club. Wraith, Shade and Eidolon’s blond, half-vampire brother, sauntered up, his leather duster flapping around his boots. You’re dealing with some sort of underground gladiator fights.

And you know this, how? Shade folded his arms over his broad chest in that universal big brother pose Vaughn used to give her while he waited for an answer he knew he wouldn’t like.

Wraith blinked, all mock innocence. I wasn’t always a model citizen, you know.

Vladlena glanced over at her brother’s lifeless body before quickly looking away. He wouldn’t have been involved with something like that.

Maybe not willingly, Wraith said. These places are run by the same kind of scum who run dog and cock fighting rings.

Her hands tingled, and she realized she’d been hanging onto the stethoscope around her neck like it was a lifeline. What are you saying?

That your brother could have been bait. Used to train fighters. Or he could have been forced into fighting.

The strawberry milkshake she’d had for dinner soured in her stomach. Pinpricks of pain spread through her fingers as she pried them away from the ancient stethoscope, which used to be her father’s. Where do these things operate?

Wraith jammed his hands into his jean’s pockets. The really skeevy ones are run in Sheoul, but the most profitable ones are here in the human realm.

Hey, guys, look at this. Shade held up Vaughn’s arm, and under the glow of the ultraviolet lamp on the wall, a stamp glimmered beneath blood on the back of his hand. One of the other victims had a similar stamp.

Thirst, Wraith murmured. Nice place.

Vaughn’s voice rang through her head. Th-thirst. She sucked in a harsh breath. That’s what Vaughn said when he came in. I thought he was asking for water. What is Thirst?

Vamp club. Wraith propped his hip against the counter and crossed his booted feet at the ankles. Shifters and weres go too, and a few humans who are in the know about us.

Vaughn had been even more of a recluse than she was. So why he’d go to this vampire club was a mystery. A mystery she was going to solve. If she had only a few weeks left to live, she’d make the most of them, and she’d get revenge for her brother.

A forbidden thrill shot through her at the thought, and yep, that had to be a symptom of the pending insanity, because the idea of violence had never excited her. And somehow, she couldn’t even bring herself to be upset about it . . . which was probably another symptom.

Very gently, she tucked Vaughn’s hand under the sheet. Looks like I’m going to pay a visit to a vampire hangout.

Lena, if Thirst is a cover for a fight club, it’s too dangerous for you. Eidolon’s tone softened to the one he used with children. When your father asked me to give you a job, he also asked me to look after you if anything were to happen to him.

She stared at the handsome doctor, surprised by his admission, but it didn’t change anything. You can’t stop me, she blurted out, and wasn’t that mature? She might as well stomp her foot, too. Breathing deeply, she found her big girl voice. I need to do something that matters in the time I have left.

The doctor closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them, they were resigned. Give me an hour to do some research.

I’ll do recon, Wraith said, his blue eyes bright with mischief. She didn’t even want to know what he had planned. With Wraith, it could be anything.

Shade popped a stick of gum in his mouth. I need to clean the rig, but let me know if you need anything.

The brothers left her alone with Vaughn, and she sat with him, remembering all that they’d been through, from games of hide-and-seek as cubs, to mourning their father’s death. An hour later, Lore, the fourth Seminus brother, arrived to take Vaughn to the morgue.

I’m sorry, Lena. Lore placed his hand—gloved to prevent any accidents with the lethal power he wielded—over hers. I’ll treat him well.

As he wheeled Vaughn away, Eidolon arrived with a cup of coffee. He handed it to her, and she took it, hoping the hot liquid would ease the chill that had settled in.

You can access Thirst either through a secret entrance behind a human Goth club called Velvet Chain, he said, or from a hidden door in the sewer beneath it. Since it’s mainly a vampire club, non-vamps are expected to donate blood.

Not if they work there. Wraith swept in the way he always did, like a tornado. The club employs six medics. And they’re hiring.

Eidolon frowned. How do you know?

Because they’re now short two medics. I convinced one to quit.

And the other? Eidolon asked.

I convinced him to die. Wraith flashed fangs. It was that douche you fired last year for swapping out patients’ pain meds for vitamins.

Excellent. Eidolon nodded in approval. But I still don’t like the idea of Lena going into that den of violence.

It’s not your decision, she said quietly.

You’re right, E said. And I wish I could send someone with you, but we can’t afford to lose any more hands.

It’s okay. I have to do this.

Wraith clapped her on the shoulder. We’ll check in on you.

Before she had a chance to thank him, Eidolon rounded on her, danger rolling off him in a scorching wave she felt on her skin.

If anything happens to you, he said, in a voice as deadly as she’d ever heard from him, I promise we’ll bring that club down so hard nothing will be left standing.

Especially not the fucks who run it, Wraith added, his eyes glittering with anticipation.

Funny thing. People talked big, said stuff like that all the time but never followed through. Without a doubt, these guys meant every word.

Chapter 3

Vladlena was a nervous wreck as she entered Thirst for the second time that day. Earlier in the afternoon, she’d spoken with the assistant manager about the medic job. He’d been impressed with her credentials, and after the interview, he’d sent her on her way with high hopes for a callback. Four hours later, she’d gotten the call.

Marsden had spoken with Eidolon, and now all she had to do was impress the big boss, some vampire named Nathan.

She halted just inside the main entrance and eyed the crowd, which seemed heavy for only six o’clock in the evening. But then, the patrons who came here lived all over the globe, so really, time in an underworld club was meaningless.

The scent of lust, blood, and booze was thick in the air, and as she navigated her way toward the medic station, she caught whiffs of aggression, as well. No doubt a place like this saw its share of fights. But it wasn’t the regular bar fights she was interested in. There was a sick, twisted sport going on here, and she’d make sure those responsible for her brother’s death paid.

One of the bouncers pointed her to Marsden’s office, which was far down a long hallway at the rear of the club.

Thanks for coming, Vladlena. He dipped his head in greeting as she entered, and she wondered if the gelled spikes in his ash-brown hair were as sharp as they looked. With his funky hair, piercings, black-painted nails, and jeweled fangs, he was one odd-looking guy. Like I said on the phone, everything looks great. Getting Nathan’s okay is mainly a formality at this point, but he’ll probably have some questions for you. He pointed to a door across the hall. Good luck.

The good luck didn’t sound promising, and she wondered what she was going to be dealing with. Inhaling deeply to steel herself, she tapped on the door. A gruffly spoken, Enter was the response, and she pushed open the door, unease curling inside her chest.

At first, she didn’t see him. She was too busy admiring the giant oak desk scattered with some sort of tickets marked with GLADIUS, the exotic—and expensive—Persian rug, the artwork on the walls. Then she stepped fully inside and looked toward the wet bar to the right.

He was standing with his hip propped against the bar, long fingers caressing a glass of amber liquid, his crystalline azure eyes drilling into her. Shiny, black-blue hair fell in a straight curtain below his broad shoulders, and damn it, she hated when males had better hair than she did. Sharp angles defined his face, from high cheekbones to a strong jaw, and when one corner of his mouth lifted into a half-smile that revealed a gleaming fang, her pulse did an excited flutter.

Her roommate, Blaspheme, would say that from his expensive loafers to his well-fitting black slacks and gray silk shirt, this male exuded pure, hardcore sex.

Not that Lena would know anything about that.

Um . . . hi, Mr. Sabine. I’m Vladlena—

Take off your clothes. His husky voice, tinged with a faint French accent, was so mesmerizing that his words didn’t register for a few seconds.

Finally, she blinked. Excuse me?

Marsden sent you, right?

Yes, but—

Then strip.

He moved toward her, and with every step, her heart hammered faster. He’d been carved from a stone slab of danger, power, and grace, and if he possessed even an ounce of softness, she’d eat the file she was holding. The room shrank as he closed in on her, erotic energy pulsing off him and making her skin tingle. Those wide shoulders rolled, reminding her of a lion on the prowl, and although at five-nine, she wasn’t short, he was at least seven inches taller. He could crush her with his pinky finger, and here she was, in the place her brother had lost his life, alone in an office with the male who might be responsible.

I didn’t know that getting naked was part of the job requirement. She was proud of the way her voice didn’t waver. Much.

His expression hardened even more, something she hadn’t thought was possible. Jesus. Where did Marsden find you?

This was not going well at all, and she clutched the file in her hands tighter to keep them from shaking. I applied for the job this morning.

He’s taking applications?

You’d rather your medical personnel pop in off the streets with no training?

A deep frown pulled at his brow, and then he laughed, and good gods, he was impressive when he did that. You’re here for one of the medic positions.

So the guy was handsome, but not too bright. Of course. Taking a swig of his drink, he dropped his eyes to her feet. Slowly, he dragged his gaze back up her body in a blatant, sensual appraisal before settling on her mouth.

Well, then, he drawled. How badly do you want the job?

Nate waited for a reaction from the female—beyond the shocked-out expression that included a dropped jaw, wide eyes, and utter speechlessness, anyway. He’d figured out immediately that she wasn’t a screw sent by Marsden . . . well, almost immediately, though he hadn’t determined why Mars had sent her. In the first few seconds, he’d just been happy his lieutenant had sent an attractive but plain female who was actually wearing clothes, and not one of the fangfuckers from the club decked out in an outfit more appropriate for the bedroom than a bar.

This female was different from anyone he’d ever seen at Thirst, from her scuffed black flats and well-fitting but conservative charcoal slacks to her long-sleeved sweater. Her minimal makeup emphasized high cheekbones and full lips, and he had the oddest urge to ask her to take her blond hair out of the tame, hip-length French braid so he could see if it was as silky as it looked.

Maybe the doe-eyed librarian act was her game. Maybe she drew in the males who wanted to tap a wallflower. Nate had never been that kind. He liked hardasses who knew what they were getting into when they bedded a vampire, but as he’d sized up Vladlena, he began to see the appeal.

But then he’d seen the nervousness in her eyes, heard the note of fear in her voice. Some deep, dark part of him had awakened, and the thrill of the hunt seized him. It was a small rush, barely a ripple in the pool of numbness he’d been drowning in, but Jesus, it was as if a thread of life had been thrown to him, and he was going to cling to it for as long as he could.

Well? His body buzzed as he studied her, the way it did when he inadvertently drank blood from a coked-up human, but this was better. Purer, without the fuzzy edges. You just going to stare at me, or are you going to offer up some incentive for me to hire you?

Her slender throat worked on a few swallows, and he followed the column of smooth ivory skin lower, to the V neckline of her forest-green angora sweater. Just as he dove south to the smooth swells of her breasts, she thrust a file at him.

Here’s your incentive. She waited until he took the file, and then she stepped back, as if wanting to get away. It made him want to cage her between his body and the wall just to show her that if he didn’t want her to escape, she wouldn’t. Eidolon, the head doctor at Underworld General, prepared that for you. It lists my accomplishments and special skills.

He nearly chuckled at her attempt to divert him, but he was having too much fun watching her squirm. "All of your special skills?"

Again, her soft brown eyes flared. Eidolon wouldn’t know all of my special skills, since he has enough integrity to not require that his employees sleep with him.

Is that so. He set his glass on the desk and flipped through the file, not focusing on particulars. So tell me, why are you leaving this great place where the upstanding boss doesn’t want his nurses on their backs?

My reason for leaving is my business. But as you can see, I come with the highest recommendation.

Fair enough. But something about this female was off, and Nate had learned a long time ago to trust his instincts. She was too fidgety, too . . . something.

Curvy. Curvy is something.

Putting the lid on his less-than-helpful inner voice, he ran his thumb over the loopy whirls of her writing. The file says you’re a shifter. What species?


Not bloody likely. He inhaled deeply, seeking her scent. Through the tantalizing aroma of vanilla was a wild undertone of feline . . . and canine. Mostly canine, in fact. He’d have pegged her for a wolf, so why was she saying she was a tiger? It wasn’t any of his business, but again, something was off. He’d encountered every species of shifter alive, and he’d never come across one with this particular blend of scents.

His sixth sense was telling him to send her packing. The club had enough troubles, and it operated on a delicate balance. He didn’t need this female messing up anything or causing problems. And yet, she intrigued him with the very qualities that were making him twitchy.

Okay, Tiger Lady, why are you applying to work here?

I need a job, and I work well independently, but I don’t want to work in a human hospital or clinic.

Why not? It would be a hell of a lot safer, and you don’t strike me as someone who likes to take risks.

There wasn’t a tiger shifter on the planet who didn’t like to cozy up with danger, but she didn’t deny his accusation. Humans provide fewer challenges, medically speaking.

Her chin lifted, and though she was shorter than he was, she somehow looked down her nose at him, all superior-like. Interesting. Usually females batted their eyelashes and gave him smoky take-me eyes. The superior thing sent another rush through him, piquing his interest even more. Hell, he was actually getting hard.

He picked up his glass again and studied her over the rim. So you like challenges, he murmured.

I love a good fight. An odd darkness infused her voice, setting off his internal alarms.

What do you mean by that?

Just what I said. Challenges are what make life interesting, don’t you think?

He wondered what she’d do if he challenged her right up against the wall. His cell buzzed with a text message, and what do you know . . . opportunity was knocking. Buzzing. Whatever.

He looked over at Vladlena, who was shifting her weight nervously. Can you start work now?

Right this minute?

If I like how you perform, you get the job.

She glared at him for a heartbeat, as if trying to decide how he meant, perform, and then she shrugged. Why not.

He took her to the medic

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