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The Stories of Jane Gardam
The Stories of Jane Gardam
The Stories of Jane Gardam
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The Stories of Jane Gardam

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“Pure delight . . . One perfect story after another” from the Whitbread Award–winning author of the Old Filth trilogy (The Sunday Telegraph).

From the inimitable Jane Gardam, whose Old Filth trilogy cemented her status as one of England’s greatest living novelists, comes a collection of short stories that showcase her subversive wit, gentle humor, and insight into the human condition. Gardam’s versatility is on full display, while her sublime grasp of language and powers of observation remain as provocative as ever.

“A formidable collection that is at once outlandish and entirely convincing . . . It is Gardam’s gift for the ecstatic, for showing us what a place of wonders is the world and the hearts that dwell in it, that endows this collection with a dangerous and formidable energy, richer and more concentrated than any novel. She gives us miracle heaped upon miracle, and insists that they should each one be handled with care.” —The Guardian

“Unexpected appearance of figures from the past drive many of these sly, bighearted tales.” —The New York Times

“Readers will feel lucky to have so much good writing in one place.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“Gardam’s preference for short stories shows in this extraordinary collection of great writing.” —NewPages Book Reviews

“A rich haul from a well of talent.” —Kirkus Reviews
Release dateJun 3, 2014
The Stories of Jane Gardam

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    The Stories of Jane Gardam - Jane Gardam




































    Ihave always preferred writing short stories to writing novels. Not that there is much similarity and not that a writer can usually get away with writing only one or the other (Katherine Mansfield almost did). Stories of all lengths and depths come from mysterious parts of the cave. The difference in writing them is that, for a novel, you must lay in mental, physical and spiritual provision as for a siege or for a time of hectic explosions, while a short story is, or can be, a steady, timed flame like the lighting of a blow lamp on a building site full of dry tinder. For me it was James Joyce’s Dubliners ,   written in 1921, seven years before I was born, that showed me how (or at any rate that) short stories can have the power to burn up the chaff, harden the steel without comment or embellishment or explanation. I like Irish, French, Russian and American short stories best. They are the strongest.

    Human beings, it seems to me, are dependent on story—stories—painted on cave walls, sung on jangling instruments, chanted or spoken in lullaby from their beginnings. Children deprived of stories grow up bewildered by their own boredom.

    My own first awareness of stories was when I was four years old, listening to my mother as we sat at my bedroom window and I writhed and wriggled on her knee as children do when they listen without looking. I had just lately realised that the marks in the middle of the small, shiny pages of Beatrix Potter’s The Tale of Peter Rabbit were words. They had sounds invisibly attached. Attaching the sounds to the marks was called ‘Reading’. Pictures were great, but they were extras. It was a moment of joy.

    At the same time, it was a moment of disquiet for above my head, at the window behind the curtain, there was something terrible. I couldn’t see it but I knew that it was there (‘Will you please SIT STILL!’) ‘But there’s something there behind the curtain.’ ‘Don’t be silly.’

    I jumped up and tweaked the curtain, and behind it sat a disgusting freckled blackish parrot with loose-skinned leathery claws. I knew that the parrot was death.

    I wriggled on. Out of the window the huge sky, the weedy railway line, the space between two empty shabby mansions, the distant Cleveland Hills. Eight years later (1940) I was sitting doing my homework and still I didn’t care to look up at that curtain when a little aeroplane flew past, very low. It had a swastika on its side and I could see the dark round bullet of the pilot’s helmet. I shrieked out: ‘There’s an enemy plane.’ Up from the kitchen came the command not to be silly when from somewhere near the steelworks to the north of us came the most almighty explosion. The dangerous presence was still there.

    Five years ago, at eighty, I went to look at my old home again and it looked exactly the same as in the ’30s—beautifully kept, polished door-knocker and letter-box, rows of perfect antirrhinums straight as pink soldiers—except that I found I could still only manage a quick glance at my bedroom window, now covered in net. I found myself shaking. ‘Jane has always had her ecstatic side,’ my mother used to say, ‘and ecstasy is all very well, but—’

    It wasn’t ecstasy that got me away from the burden of home. It was English literature and an award to London University that set my ecstatic side aflame. Then it went out. The work was dreary, heavy with Anglo Saxon, and there was no money for theatres or extra food. Though I didn’t admit it, I was bored except for when I was in the wonderful but ice-cold Bedford College Library (no coal or heating in the ’40s). At school the domestic science mistress who was vague about geography had asked me when I reached London to go and visit her niece—newly arrived from ‘the Colonies’ and very shy. Her school was near Reading (which she pronounced as in reading) and that sounded promisingly like a suburb of London. I nearly turned back when I found the train fare was ten shillings. I used my last faded bank note.

    And then I was greatly humbled by the school-girl niece herself who looked all of twenty-one, wore wonderful clothes, was bronzed by African sun and was clearly not home-sick at all. She didn’t know what to do with me. Desperately, she said there was a lecture that afternoon by L. A. G. Strong, a well-known critic then, on ‘The Short Story’. Would I like to come to it?

    I had read his book, The Short Story at school and what he thought, I thought too. In it he says, ‘Think of the reader not yourself. Make everything interesting. Write about everything—even linoleum.’

    On the way back to the London train I followed L. A. G. Strong. I climbed into the same carriage. I sat down beside him. He looked dejected and tired with deep lines between his nose and his sweet mouth. I fell in love. I began to talk. This may sound like nothing, but for me, almost pathologically self-conscious, it was like removing all my clothes and belly-dancing. In time he said, ‘I believe you write’ and I said yes. ‘Send me something.’ Looking weary, he courteously passed me a card.

    I went back to college (ecstasy in the ascendant) and sent him a short story (called The Woman Who Lost a Thought—and I have it yet) and waited.

    Silence. Silence for two weeks. Then a letter typed in royal blue ink, ‘Jane—you are a writer beyond all possible doubt.’

    And for a while I stayed with short stories. The first volume of them was about children on a white beach, and I called it A Few Fair Days. I posted it in a letter box on the corner of Murray Road in Wimbledon. After three weeks I telephoned the publisher and asked if she was going to accept them as there were other publishers who might like them. Astounded silence. The publisher, at Hamish Hamilton, said afterwards that she had told her secretary there was a mad woman on the phone and would she find her manuscript and send it back. The secretary found it in the three-foot high pile of unsolicited manuscripts and said ‘D’you know—I think these might just do.’

    I have written and published eight or nine collections of short stories and ten novels since then. One won the Katherine Mansfield award, two won the Whitbread and another was a collection about Jamaica, where I had only spent sixteen days, and it won nothing. I was getting rather above myself. These early stories are somewhat wild. Then a new publisher asked for a collection with ‘more stories, if you think you can’ and I airily said, ‘of course’. I don’t think this was true. I turned for some years to novels and harder work and was shortlisted for the Booker Prize.

    Writing fiction has been my life for the past forty years. I finished what I thought should be my last book a year ago, the final novel of a trilogy called Old Filth. Last Friends is a novel, but I like to think it has short stories embedded. When I finished, ‘Farewell,’ I said. ‘Amen.’ I must learn when to stop. That is what short stories teach you.

    Yet perhaps the most gratifying thing since writing this book and its two companion volumes before, which have taken eight years, was the phone call this year from my most faithful and enduring publisher, Richard Beswick of Little, Brown. He asked for ‘a big, chunky anthology of all your favourite short stories.’ I said that I understood that nobody wanted to read short stories now but he said, ‘You are wrong. Look around. Choose your favourites. Times are changing once again.’

    The deathly parrot recedes. Maybe he was never there. How much more and how much better I might have written had I not been so timid.

    Reading Claire Tomalin’s Thomas Hardy: The Time-Torn Man the other day I came upon the ballad of The Outlandish Knight where the heroine escapes death and returns home to safety. There is nobody there but a parrot in the window (I swear I had not read this poem at four years old).

    The parrot being up in the window so high

    And hearing the lady did say

    ‘I’m afraid some ruffian has led you astray

    That you’ve tarried so long away.’

    Well, the parrot is vanquished and the ecstasy is now fitful. The luck in the writer’s life always is to have been able to use the sweets of fiction to get near the truth.


    May 2014



    Seeing the tall man’s long back she thought with a lurch, ‘It’s like Heneker’s back.’ Then as he turned round she saw that it was Heneker.

    He was standing on a pale strip of sand near the sea, looking down into the cold water, quiet as he had always been, peaceful, unmistakable.

    ‘How could it be?’ she thought. ‘What nonsense! Of course it can’t be.’

    She went on folding the tee-shirts and jeans, gathering flung sandals, then made two neat heaps with a towel on each, for when the children came out of the sea. She took off her cardigan, pushed her hands back through her hair, gave her face for a moment to the sun; looked again.

    She watched her two children run with drumming feet over the hard white strand, splash past the man into the sea, fling themselves into it in fans of spray, shrieking. Then she looked at the man again.

    Long brown legs, long brown back. He was watching with a painter’s concentration the movement of the water and the shapes of the children playing in it. Twenty, thirty yards away, yet she could not mistake the slow smile, the acceptance as he narrowed his eyes and looked at lines and planes and shadows, that there are wonders on the earth.

    It was Heneker all right. Ten years older but decidedly and only Heneker.

    He turned, came up the beach, dropped down beside her and said ‘Hello.’ He was wearing black swimming trunks and had a beard. ‘Funny,’ she thought, ‘I always laugh at beards in the sea, but he looks all right. He always did look all right. Wherever he was.’

    ‘Hello,’ she said.

    He hadn’t said her name. Perhaps he’d forgotten it. He had never used people’s names much. He had been cautious. Except in his work.

    ‘Hello, Hetty,’ he said. ‘It’s a long time.’

    ‘It’s a funny place,’ she said. He smiled, not looking away from her face. ‘To meet again,’ she said. ‘It’s a long way from Earl’s Court. Connemara.’

    ‘A holiday,’ he said gently and began to take the sand and sift it through his fingers. Her heart started to lurch again seeing his fingers. ‘I know each nail,’ she thought, ‘I know each line on them. Every half moon. Oh God!’

    There was a shriek from the sea and he looked over his brown shoulder at the children. ‘Yours?’ he said.

    ‘Yes.’ She began to babble. ‘They’re eight and four. Andy and Sophie. We’re here for a fortnight. We’ve taken a house.’

    ‘And their Papa?’

    ‘He’s following. He was to have come with us but at the last minute there was a crisis. We came ahead. We’d booked the house you see. The Pin.’

    ‘The Pin? Lord Thing’s house? Ballinhead?’

    ‘Yes. It’s a fishing lodge—’

    ‘I know.’ He swung round on to his stomach and got hold of her bare feet and held them tight. ‘Hetty,’ he said, looking closely at her toes. ‘Wonderful feet,’ he said. ‘They always were. I once drew your feet. So you’ve married brass?’

    ‘No,’ she said. ‘When we married there was no brass at all. He’s clever. He’s good. At his job. Marvellous if you want to know.’

    ‘Top brass?’

    ‘Not at all. Don’t be silly. I was a painter. Would I have married top brass?’

    ‘Very silly not to if you had the chance. Colonel and Lady Top-Brass, V.C., X.Y.Z. and Bar. Are you Lady Brass? You look it a bit, with your white, white skin.’

    ‘Don’t be silly—’

    He held her feet tight and put his forehead against them. ‘Lord and Lady Top-Brass and all the little alloys.’

    ‘Shut up!’ (This can’t be happening! We arrived yesterday. We’ve hardly been here ten minutes! Heneker!) She tried to free her feet and giggled. ‘You’re tickling,’ she said. ‘Don’t breathe over me.’

    He let go of her feet and said, ‘What is he then?’

    ‘A banker.’


    ‘Do you know any bankers? Men with international work?’

    ‘No, thank God. Men with international work. Do you know any painters still?’

    ‘No,’ she said.

    ‘Do you do any painting?’

    After a long time she said no.

    He lay flat on his back now on the sand and spread his arms far out and closed his eyes. His bearded, gentle face and fine nose and peaceful expression were like an icon. She thought, ‘He ought to be picked out in jewels he’s so beautiful. He’s wicked as ever. Oh God, I love him,’ and getting up she gathered the two heaps of clothes with a swoosh into the beach bag and the cardigan and her book and the towels in her arms, and was off down the beach to the sea’s edge. ‘I’m moving,’ she called to the children. ‘I’m going back up to the car. Don’t be long, darlings. Ten minutes.’

    ‘But we’ve just got in! We were staying in all morning.’

    ‘There’s a wind.’

    ‘But it’s lovely!’

    ‘No, it’s cold. I’m moving out of the wind.’

    ‘There’s not a breath of wind,’ shouted Andy. ‘Not a bit. You’re crazy. It’s a boiling day.’

    ‘I’ll be up in the car,’ and resolutely, not looking back, she tramped up the beach alone and sat by the car in the sharp grass among old picnic papers, where red ants nipped her and noisy wild dogs from the fishermen’s cabins came and barked endlessly for food as she pretended to read.

    She was bathing Sophie at The Pin that evening in water that foamed like Guinness into the noble old Guinness-stained bath-tub when a noise of thundering hooves began to rock the bathroom ceiling and the water from the tap turned to a trickle and died.

    ‘Now what!’ Hetty sat back on her heels. ‘Sixty pounds a week! Sixty pounds a week! The phone is dead, the electrics flicker and the beastly peat . ⁠. ⁠. And now this.’

    ‘Whatever is it?’ Andy came flying in.

    ‘I don’t know. I think it’s the boiler or something. I think it’s dry.’

    ‘The water’s hot as hot.’

    ‘Yes, but it’s stopped coming. The tank must be empty. It comes from that bog thing in the grounds—we saw it yesterday. I thought it looked awfully shallow.’

    ‘It looked awfully dirty,’ said Andy, ‘and so does the bath.’

    ‘No. It’s lovely brown water,’ she said. ‘But, oh!’

    ‘I expect it’ll all blow up soon,’ said Andy. ‘Shall I go and throw the main switch? It might be safer.’

    ‘No. Shush. Let me think.’

    ‘Above the kitchen door. That great heavy big one?’

    ‘No. Oh do shut up. Let me think. There’s the pub. We might go to the pub. There might be a man.’

    ‘There is a man.’

    ‘At the pub?’

    ‘No, here.’


    ‘Yes. In the hall place. He’s that man on the beach. He’s playing with our plasticine. Wait, I’ll ask him.’

    Hetty on a cane chair by the bathroom window, with Sophie wrapped in a towel on her knee, saw Andy and Heneker walking thoughtfully together, hand in hand through the wild garden towards the source of the bathwater.

    The thunder in the roof, however, continued.

    When she brought Sophie down the stairs Heneker was at the big trestle table in the hall making a plasticine dinosaur and without looking up said, ‘There seemed nothing wrong down there. Must be a block in the pipe.’

    She sat down with Sophie at the far end of the table and the booming grew less, then less still and finally stopped. A blessed trickle into the tank could be heard.

    He said, ‘Irish plumbing.’ Sophie eating biscuits sidled round to him and watched his fingers and Andy who had been having his bath, which for safety’s sake had been Sophie’s not-run-out, came down again and leaned against Heneker watching the emergence from the plasticine of a fat porcupine on elephant’s legs, armour plated on the stomach and with a rhino’s spike. Sophie coming closer gazed at it with love.

    ‘Could I have it?’ said Andy.

    ‘Someone can,’ said Heneker. He put it in the middle of the table with its nose in a bowl of fuchsias.

    ‘Thirsty,’ said Sophie. ‘Poor pig.’

    ‘It’s not a pig. It’s a—what is it, Heneker?’

    ‘It’s a swamp wanderer.’

    ‘What’s that?’

    ‘It wanders through swamps. It squelches through bogs. It thunders in roofs—’ They squealed with joy.

    ‘Now then,’ said Hetty, ‘bedtime.’

    Heneker made a roaring and thundering noise. They clung to him. ‘Bedtime,’ Hetty said, hearing her Surrey voice. ‘Now that will do. You’re over-excited. Go to bed.’

    ‘Oh please—’

    ‘No. If Daddy were here—’

    ‘He’s not. Can’t we stay?’

    ‘Off,’ said Heneker. ‘Quick before the squelcher gets you.’

    They fled, Sophie stopping on the bend in the stairs, minute, delectable in a flowery nightgown. ‘You won’t go away? You’ll come back tomorrow?’

    ‘Yes,’ said Heneker.

    She brought coffee to the sitting room where he was sitting in one of the two comfortable, shabby armchairs and watching the crumbling peat fire. Four long windows lit the chintz sofa, the shelves of Lord Thing’s books about fishing and birds. Outside shone the Irish night, black and silver, with long bumpy spars of land running out towards America. Not a sound anywhere, never a light moving along the road. There was the sense that all about the holiday house lay miles of silence, darkness, the ancient mountains inland making a long barricade against the usual world.

    Heneker’s face as he sat far back in his chair was in shadow. She put the coffee between them on a stool and leaned back in her chair, too. They did not speak for a long time.

    ‘It might have been like this,’ he said at last. She felt her heart begin to thump and hung on to the chair. (This is Heneker. Heneker I have thought of every day.)

    ‘No,’ she said.

    He said, ‘Yes. Oh God!’

    ‘You never asked me,’ she said. ‘Not once.’

    ‘Well you know why.’

    ‘I don’t know why.’

    ‘Oh Hetty—’

    ‘I don’t know why. I never knew why. I couldn’t ask you. All that year. That room . ⁠. ⁠. The bed made out of ropes. The roof like a greenhouse and the curtain over the corner.’

    ‘Where our clothes were.’

    ‘No. Our clothes were in heaps. Well your clothes were in heaps.’

    ‘I loved your clothes.’ he said. ‘Always clean and neat. And small. All the buttons were real buttons with proper buttonholes.’

    ‘I used to gather up yours,’ she said. ‘Like gleaning. A sock here. A shirt there, a shoe on the light.’

    ‘On the light?’

    ‘Yes. To dim it down. Very dangerous.’

    ‘And smelly.’

    She laughed.

    ‘Oh go on,’ he said.


    ‘Laughing,’ he said. ‘I’d forgotten.’

    ‘And now you’re famous,’ she said, looking up at him. He had stood up, all the long length of him, resting his forehead against his arm on the high chimney piece and looking down at the grey fire. ‘Heneker Mann.’

    What a piece of work is Mann. Have you—?’

    ‘Yes. I’ve been to all of them.’

    ‘Exhibitions,’ he said. ‘God knows what they amount to really. I was doing better stuff that year.’

    ‘No,’ she said. ‘You are very much better now.’ (He still says things in order to be contradicted. He knows I will contradict. He knows that I know that he needs to be contradicted. Our thoughts move completely together. They always did. We sit here. We are like Darby and Joan . ⁠. ⁠. And it’s ten years. He’s wicked still of course. I suppose he’s married, I wonder—)

    ‘She’s a painter,’ he said to the fire.

    Hetty said nothing.

    ‘She’s a painter, Lady Top-Brass, just a painter.’

    ‘Well I suppose so. She would have had to be.’

    ‘No. You know that. All that year you knew.’

    ‘I didn’t. Anyway, I was a painter.’

    ‘No. You picked up my clothes. Took the shoe off the light.’

    ‘Good painters are often tidy. Usually in fact. You must have been reading novels about painters, Heneker.’

    ‘No,’ he said. ‘Not tidy like you. The tidiness was growing. It was getting dangerous. It got in the way.’

    ‘Not often,’ she said. ‘As time went on you weren’t there to see. I tidied round nothing and nobody. You were always out. Later and later. More and more.’

    ‘You should have painted instead. If you’d painted then, instead of minding and tidying—’ he flung away and looked out of a window at the gigantic sea. ‘God, I missed you.’

    One of the children called out upstairs and in a second she was out of her chair and the room and gone. Sophie lay like a seraph, her face lifted to the moonlight but Andy was flinging about in a heap, one arm flailing the air. ‘A spike,’ he cried. ‘Kill it.’

    ‘All right,’ she said. ‘Hush. Wake up a minute.’

    ‘Beast,’ he cried. ‘Thump it.’

    ‘It’s just a dream,’ she said. ‘You’re asleep. You’re sleeping—remembering the water tank.’

    ‘Huh!’ he said and, turning into a hump, was asleep again. She stood looking at herself in the glass at the top of the stairs, put back a strand of hair. ‘Thirty-one,’ she thought. ‘Honestly, you wouldn’t think so.’ She felt gloriously happy, drifted back to the sitting room. But Heneker was gone.

    ‘After all, it was you left me,’ he said.

    ‘No.’ She folded clothes. The children splashed, called, ‘Heneker! Come and look. Crabs, Heneker!’

    ‘Soon,’ he said. He sat on a rock with a towel round his neck. She sat a little below him on the sand, his bare brown leg from knee to ankle beside her shoulder as she pushed Andy’s socks into sandals. It was next day, still boiling, still un-Irishly hot.

    ‘Your parting,’ he said, ‘is very beautiful.’

    Was, I suppose.’

    ‘No. Is. Your parting now, I mean. In your hair. All the hairs are bending back and shining down each side.’

    ‘Oh, Heneker.’ (Why is it that when he decides not to touch you it’s as good as other men touching you? Better.) ‘I thought you never liked my hair.’

    ‘I never said that. Just thought it was—too symmetrical in those days. Over-nice. Better now.’

    ‘I wasn’t over-nice in the end.’

    ‘Indeed no,’ said Heneker. ‘It was you left me, as I remarked.’

    He slid down off the rock and sat beside her. ‘And got married,’ he said, leaning the back of his head against the rock he had been sitting on, ‘about ten minutes later. God knows all about it I suppose. I didn’t. The boy next door. Number three in The Times. Wedding in Scautland among all the dowdy dowagers. To which I was not invited.’


    ‘Incidentally, is dowager a derivative? Of dowdy? One should look it up. Will you be a dowager? I’ll marry you.’

    ‘You’re being cruel.’ She began to get up.


    The long brown hand, ten years older but as familiar as her own, at last fastened over hers. ‘Stop. Don’t go.’

    ‘Why the hell shouldn’t I?’

    ‘Don’t go. With your white, white skin.’

    ‘If I’m dowdy—’

    ‘Oh, Het. Shut up.’

    They sat on the almost empty strand. Some Dubliners far across were assembling a boat. There were one or two other people. Two fishermen trudged up from the day’s work carrying a plastic bag with heavy fish in it staining the bag with blood. They were dressed in ageless clothes. They had very ancient faces. But for the plastic bag they might have been ghosts. They walked up past Sophie and Andy who were digging a fortress, Sophie patting the top of a Norman keep with a little pink spade. Her forearms were gold.

    ‘’Tis a beautiful day,’ said the older fisherman as they passed by. ‘You have beautiful children.’ The younger fisherman looked at Hetty. They went on up the beach.

    ‘I love you so,’ said Heneker.

    She pulled hard against his tightening hand.

    ‘So what did you do?’ she asked in the end.

    He was leaning back still with eyes closed.

    ‘Got married I suppose.’

    ‘Suppose? You must know. To the one who—to the one you were—’

    ‘No,’ he said, sitting up. ‘Not her.’

    ‘Well, to a painter.’

    ‘Yes. To a bloody good painter if it is of any interest to you.’

    Andy came up and flung down crabs. Sophie fell on a squishy thing and cried. Comfort. Handkerchieves. Clothes. Home for lunch and the children’s rest; Heneker back to the pub where he was staying.

    ‘Will you come up after and do plasticine beasts, Heneker?’

    ‘Yes, all right, Andy. Half past seven.’

    ‘I was supposed to be a bloody good painter too.’ She put down the coffee tray again between them, tried to brighten the fire, opened the curtains wider to the evening sea. ‘Until I met you.’

    ‘That’s what I mean.’

    ‘You destroyed it.’ She poured the coffee into mugs. ‘That’s all. Anyway you were no good to me. You’re no good to any woman.’

    ‘Any brown sugar?’ he said.


    ‘I’d have thought that Lord Thing kept brown sugar for his coffee, Lady Top-Brass. Lady Brass-Tops.’

    ‘The groceries aren’t in with the rent. They’re provided by me. Well, by Charles. You can’t get demerara in the village—’ she had to stop.

    ‘Darling,’ he said, coming over and taking her hands. ‘Darling, for God’s sake, don’t. Don’t cry. Whatever—’

    ‘You’re so bloody cruel. You always were so bloody cruel.’

    ‘But truthful,’ he said squeezing her hands so that they hurt. ‘Always that. And to no one else. Not truthful like this.’

    ‘Thank you very much.’

    ‘Oh, Het. Don’t be cruel back. God, you were always crueller. You know you were, too. You could get in where it hurt. Because you knew— Where’re you going?’

    He caught up with her as she reached the hall, at the foot of the stairs beside the telephone which stood in the curl of the banisters—an old-fashioned telephone with a trumpet and a very old wire drooping out of it like a brown string chain. ‘Het,’ he said, grabbing her. The telephone tottered and he caught it and, ‘Marvellous!’ he said, looking at the telephone. ‘God, it’s nice. Like a black daffodil. Does it work?’

    She flung off up the stairs leaving him with the telephone next to his heart. ‘I’ll go back to the pub then.’ She answered by closing her bedroom door and heard him walk slowly down the weedy drive between the giant rhubarb, the wilderness of fuchsias, to the great, crumbling gate-posts. Once, twice she heard him stop. Savagely, delightedly, she imagined him looking back at the house all in darkness, her bedroom window dark as all the rest.

    ‘Don’t move.’

    She put an arm across her forehead and looked out under it. He was drawing. ‘Shut your eyes again. Put your arm down, Het.’

    After a time she said, ‘Can I open them now? I want to see if the children— I fell asleep.’

    ‘They’re all right,’ he said. ‘I can see them. They’re shrimping in a pool. I’ve been drawing them, too.’

    ‘However long have you been here?’

    ‘About an hour. You were deep asleep. With the red ants walking all over you.’

    ‘I don’t believe that.’

    ‘The fishermen had a good look, too.’

    ‘I didn’t sleep much last night.’

    ‘You went to bed too soon, Hetty of the white, white skin. Here you are, you never were one to get sunburned.’ He threw the drawing across to her. ‘Hetty Sleeping.’


    ‘And here’s the children.’ Sophie’s round, firm cheek, a sweep of eye-lash, her wrist still with its foetal crease over the wrist top.

    Andy’s long head, clear eyes; another drawing of his head from behind, the heart-breaking tail of hair (left from baby-hood) lying in the dent down the back of the neck.

    ‘Have you any children, Heneker?’


    He got up and loped towards the sea and Sophie and Andy seeing him nearby sprang up to follow. She saw Andy show him something from a pool, Sophie lift her arms to be picked up. Heneker, examining in one hand the object from the pool, swung Sophie up with his other arm onto his shoulder and the three of them stood reflectively together, illuminated, at peace.

    ‘Tomorrow,’ said Heneker, eating her sandwiches at lunch-time—it was too beautiful a day to go back to the house, too good for the children to waste in resting—‘tomorrow we’ll go to the Clifden Show and see the ponies. We’ll go on the bus.’

    ‘Whyever the bus?’ she said.

    ‘To see some people.’

    ‘Will you draw the people on the bus?’ asked Andy.

    ‘I might.’

    But he didn’t.

    They sat in a row on either side of the gangway, Hetty with Andy, Heneker with Sophie who soon got on his knee, and listened to the talk around them and watched the sea and the bog and the procession of the Connemara mountains, purple and graceful behind the orange gorse and the great scattering of white stones. At Clifden they walked the fair and touched the ponies and brought things and ate things and drank things and lived in the lovely crowd. Heneker in washed-out blue denim, brown-faced, lanky as a cowboy with the two small children trotting behind him, turned heads. Hetty carrying the picnic in a big, round basket she had found among the fishing tackle in the house, in sandals and a handkerchief over her head and a faded red dress bought years ago in Florence, walked easily along feeling she might be taken for a tinker. Happy and weary at five o’clock they caught the bus home, Sophie falling deep asleep in Heneker’s arms, Andy moving over beside him. Hetty set the basket on the seat left empty beside her, and, like a peasant, shielded her eyes from the levelling sun.

    Back at Heneker’s pub where the bus stopped he lifted Sophie carefully down and put her in the back seat of Hetty’s car. Andy stumbled in beside her, then stuck out his head.

    ‘You coming back too, Heneker?’

    ‘No. It’s supper-time at the pub.’

    ‘Mummy could cook you some with us.’

    ‘No, they’d be cross at the pub if I didn’t turn up. It’ll be ready.’

    ‘Why would they? You could still pay. Why don’t you come and stay with us? There’s heaps of room. You could sleep next to Mummy.’

    His clear voice carried across the pub yard and some people coming up from the beach looked amusedly at them, and a girl—the waitress or barmaid who had been leaning against the bar door—disappeared, slamming it behind her.

    ‘I can’t do that.’ Heneker flicked Andy’s nose. ‘But you must go. It’s been a long day.’

    Hetty started the car. He came round to her side of it and said, ‘I’ll walk over later.’

    It was a question made to sound like a statement. Not looking at him but busily at the gears she said, ‘All right,’ and swung through the gate and up the hill.

    When the children were fed and in bed, drugged and rosy with sun, she bathed and changed, trying on first one thing and then another, ending up with a long cotton dressing-gown. She put up her hair on top of her head where it immediately began to fall down. Rather successfully. She took off her shoes and wandered to the kitchen to find something for supper, but nothing seemed to make her feel hungry. She ate a tomato by the fridge, staring through the kitchen window at the high, neglected grass and the tall Evening Primroses that slapped the pane. She laid the coffee tray.

    Then she walked to the sitting room and struggled halfheartedly with the faint fire. The sun, now setting in a blaze beyond the point, turned the room to glory, lighting up a filmy silvery peaty dust on the old furniture, making a great vase of flowers and leaves she had gathered yesterday glow rose red. ‘It’s like a dream,’ she thought. She walked all round the house and then into the garden, pacing its boundaries on her bare feet, discovering an overgrown fishpond, peering into long-empty stables with trees growing through the roofs, disturbing three lean sheep from under an old mounting-block. She walked the long way back to the front door and stood a while looking out to sea and determinedly not towards the road.

    Then she went in and lit the kettle. Then she turned it off. She went up to look at the children and coming down again looked at last unashamedly down the long, empty drive. She went back to the sitting room and sat in the arm chair and looked at the black turf on the fire. The sun had quite gone and the room was cold. It was half past ten.

    He was not coming.

    As she fell asleep she saw a sudden image of Charles’s alert and prudent face. She thought, ‘Charles always saw me right home to the door.’

    ‘Hetty sleeping.’

    She jumped with such a jerk she felt quite sick, and sat bolt upright. Heneker was opposite her in the other chair. He was laughing. ‘Hetty very deeply sleeping.’

    ‘Where were you? Where am I?’ she cried. ‘Heneker—it’s midnight. Where’ve you been?’ It was ten years ago. But where was the glass roof, the smell of Earl’s Court? ‘Where’ve you been. I’ve been all alone.’ She looked around. It was now. Ireland. The expensive, rented house. Children. Charles somewhere in the world. Charles—

    ‘The children,’ she said, ‘I must see if the children are all right. The doors are all open. Anyone could have walked in.’

    ‘It was I walked in.’

    ‘But anyone could have. The I.R.A.—’

    ‘Don’t be silly, Het.’

    ‘You had no right to walk in.’

    ‘You said I was to come.’

    ‘But it’s the middle of the night.’

    ‘I was held up. It’s a long walk here.’

    ‘You’ve never been as late as this.’ She heard the voice, high, accusing. Oh God! Like a wife. Like then. It’s no different.

    Wearily she got up. ‘I must go and look at the children, Heneker,’ and walked slowly away.

    But on the stairs she stopped and after a while gave a sigh and turned and sat down, resting her head against the banisters. All the doors were open in the hall, and through the open front door on the right the moonlight flooded in, and the heavy, dementing scent of the night flowers in the garden. She shut her eyes.

    ‘Het,’ he was at the foot of the stairs beside the ancient telephone. ‘Het,’ he lifted his arm. ‘Oh, my dear Het.’

    She pulled herself up and helplessly walked down back to him until she was two steps above him, level with his eyes.

    ‘Sleep with me, Hetty,’ he said and she said, ‘Of course.’

    Between them on the banister the telephone began to ring.

    ‘It can’t! It doesn’t!’

    ‘Well, it is.’

    ‘It can’t. It never has. It’s terrible.’ She covered up her ears.

    ‘You’d better answer it.’

    ‘I can’t. I can’t,’ she cried.

    ‘Well I can’t, can I? For God’s sake, stop the bloody thing.’ He walked over to the open front door.

    Looking at him all the time she picked up the heavy ear-piece and heard a tremendous crackling, then the voice of a sleepy post-mistress, more crackling and then from some ethereal wasteland, Charles.

    ‘Hester? Hester? Where on earth? God-forsaken—’

    ‘Here I am,’ she said, ‘Yes? Charles?’

    ‘ ⁠. ⁠. ⁠. coming at once.’

    ‘You’re coming when?’

    ‘I’ll be there . ⁠. ⁠. ⁠’ more huge crackling, ‘ ⁠. ⁠. ⁠. over at last.’

    ‘I didn’t hear. When? Where are you? When are you coming?’ The crackling grew and became a pain in the ears, then stopped. There was silence.

    ‘He’s— He’s— Charles. He’s on his way.’

    ‘Where is he?’

    ‘I don’t know. Perhaps in Clifden.’

    ‘At twelve o’clock at night? Well, he’d not get here till tomorrow if he’s off a bus.’

    ‘Perhaps he’s even at Ballynish.’

    ‘Don’t be silly. Why bother to ring if he were already at Ballynish? He’s probably still in Dublin. Or more likely still in London. Ringing from the Hilton. Carousing with the clients.’

    ‘No. No. You don’t understand Charles. I’m sure he’s almost here.’

    He grabbed the phone and threw it on the ground and took her wrists and said, ‘Look. Sleep with me.’

    ‘I can’t. I can’t.’

    ‘All right.’ He walked back to the door. She watched him turn back to her. Behind his head was the dazzle of the sea. ‘There never was anyone but you, Het,’ he said, and was gone.

    ‘HESTER!’ Charles’s pleasant voice in the hall. Sounds of dropped luggage, Irish voices from the taxi. Half the village in attendance, much information being simultaneously imparted. ‘What a journey! What a place to get to.’ Shrieks from Sophie and Andy. ‘Daddy! Oh—fishing rods! Did you remember to bring my orange bag? There are crabs, huge ones. Lobsters. We went to the fair.’

    She watched them from the stairs, fickle, leaping like puppies, the taxi man, the taxi-man’s assistant, the taxi-man’s grandfather brooding by.

    ‘Hester. Thank God. Damn thing over. Come and give us a kiss.’ The attendants were paid off.

    ‘How are you, love? Can’t see you. Aren’t there any lights? What’s that thundering noise? Good heavens, what a telephone. Did I manage to get through on that?’

    ‘The lights come and go,’ she said. ‘The thundering does too.’

    ‘I’ll fix it,’ he said. ‘The electrics will be the generator. I’ll get on with it in a minute. It’s very cold here.’

    ‘We can’t light the peat.’ said Andy.

    ‘But peat’s marvellous, you useless creatures. I’ll make a blaze. Where’s the sitting room? Better turn off the stopcock for the present. We’re going out to supper.’

    ‘We can’t, there’s only the pub. You have to book.’ (What’s the matter with my voice?)

    ‘I’ve booked.’

    ‘But the places round here don’t— Hardly ever,’ she said.

    ‘I stopped at the pub on the way. Went in and booked. Come on. Get the children out of their night shirts, we’re away to eat lobsters.’

    ‘Charles—I can’t go to the pub. I’m a mess. I’m tired. I waited all last night. We’ve waited around all today. It’s after eight o’clock.’

    ‘All last night? You didn’t expect me last night? I didn’t ring till midnight. I was still in London.’

    ‘And by the way, something else,’ he said as he drove them all fast down the hill. ‘The Bartletts are at the pub.’

    ‘The Bartletts? From home? From Denham Place? Oh no!’

    ‘Yes—Have you got a sore throat? Said they saw you yesterday. With some splendid man.’

    ‘I didn’t see them.’

    ‘I did,’ said Andy. ‘When we dropped Heneker at the pub.’

    ‘Children are so odd,’ she said to Cathie Bartlett in the pub. ‘Andy saw you yesterday but he never said.’

    ‘You seemed in

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