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The Stolen White Elephant: Short Story
The Stolen White Elephant: Short Story
The Stolen White Elephant: Short Story
Ebook34 pages48 minutes

The Stolen White Elephant: Short Story

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The King of Siam decided to send a white elephant to the Queen of England as a gift. The ship stopped at New Jersey and after two weeks the elephant was stolen. The elephant's deliverer went to New York looking for the police force. The Inspector Blunt helped him with the case, he asked about the eating habits and the appearance of Jumbo. Then they received telegrams with some clues about the possible robbers and the location of the elephant. The deliverer offered a reward to the detective who found the elephant, it started with 25 thousand dollars and raised until one hundred thousand dollars. After few days, the elephant was accused of killing people and destroying the streets. The detective sent and received some notes from the thieves and they made and appointment. The Inspector took the deliverer to the building basement and there was the elephant, dead due to the hunger.
Release dateOct 8, 2019
The Stolen White Elephant: Short Story

Mark Twain

Mark Twain, born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, was an American humorist and writer, who is best known for his enduring novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has been called the Great American Novel. 

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    The Stolen White Elephant - Mark Twain


    The following curious history was related to me by a chance railway acquaintance. He was a gentleman more than seventy years of age, and his thoroughly good and gentle face and earnest and sincere manner imprinted the unmistakable stamp of truth upon every statement which fell from his lips. He said:

    You know in what reverence the royal white elephant of Siam is held by the people of that country. You know it is sacred to kings, only kings may possess it, and that it is, indeed, in a measure even superior to kings, since it receives not merely honor but worship. Very well; five years ago, when the troubles concerning the frontier line arose between Great Britain and Siam, it was presently manifest that Siam had been in the wrong. Therefore every reparation was quickly made, and the British representative stated that he was satisfied and the past should be forgotten. This greatly relieved the King of Siam, and partly as a token of gratitude, but partly also, perhaps, to wipe out any little remaining vestige of unpleasantness which England might feel toward him, he wished to send the Queen a present—the sole sure way of propitiating an enemy, according to Oriental ideas. This present ought not only to be a royal one, but transcendently royal. Wherefore, what offering could be so meet as that of a white elephant? My position in the Indian civil service was such that I was deemed peculiarly worthy of the honor of conveying the present to her Majesty. A ship was fitted out for me and my servants and the officers and attendants of the elephant, and in due time I arrived in New York harbor and placed my royal charge in admirable quarters in Jersey City. It was necessary to remain awhile in order to recruit the animal's health before resuming the voyage.

    All went well during a fortnight—then my calamities began. The white elephant was stolen! I was called up at dead of night and informed of this fearful misfortune. For some

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