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About this ebook

Livie McCallister's true passion in life is cooking. Her home is in the kitchen. Jake Nolan is owner and operator of Jake's Sports Lounge. He loves his bar and has ever since his parents bought it for him. Life is about to throw a curve ball at Livie and Jake. Will they come out stronger then before, and maybe see each other in a new light? Or will they crash and burn?

This story has a HEA (Happily Ever After), no cliffhangers, and is full of crazy, fun, and sometimes hotheaded characters.

PublisherMandy Bee
Release dateOct 17, 2019

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    Book preview

    Heat - Mandy Bee

    Chapter One

    The bottle of vodka I’m holding almost slips out of my hand when a beer bottle flies over my head and crashes into the wall behind me. I close my eyes, take a few deep breaths, and count to ten. When I finally open my eyes I see a drunk guy arguing with one of the bar’s security guards.

    I hate bartending. I mutter to myself as I start to clean up the broken beer bottle. I would give anything to be in the kitchen right now. The kitchen is my safe place. It’s where I feel at home. But my jerk of a boss doesn’t get that if people ate more while they drank we would have less drunks in this bar.

    Just thinking about my boss has me grinding my teeth. Jake Nolan gets under my skin like no one ever has before. He’s the type of guy most women dream of. The whole GQ package. Well over six foot, broad shoulders, dark wavy hair, and gorgeous sapphire blue eyes. He’s also a spoiled brat. His parents bought him this bar so he would have something to do. Hell, they even named it after him, Jake’s Sports Lounge. Some people were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Jake was born with a diamond encrusted one.

    You ok, Livie? I turn to see Bullet standing next to me. His bald head shines under the lights from the liquor display. Most men would have been insecure about being fully bald at the early age of thirty-four, but not Bullet. He made it work, and made it look good. His height, six foot four, and his muscle on muscle body builder physique made him look good too. However, with seventy percent of his skin covered in tattoos, ten piercings in each ear, along with both nipples, eye brows, and add in a lip ring, he looked like a thug to most people but he really is just a teddy bear at heart.

    Yeah, just one of the many joys of bartending. I sigh.

    Why don’t you take a quick break, I’ll finish cleaning this up. He takes the broom from my hand and bumps me with his hip.

    I smile up at him. Thanks.

    I head for the kitchen. Maybe I could make up a new menu for next week. Something simple, affordable, and something Jake may like. Grabbing my notepad and pen from beside the coffee pot, I take a seat at the small table by the back door. My mind races with all the different things I could make. I look around the kitchen and shake my head. Jake is letting this amazing space go to waste.

    When his parents bought him this bar his mother demanded a big kitchen. Jake wanted nothing to do with severing food. He and his father thought a bar should just be for pool tables, darts, music and alcohol. Luckily, Mrs. Nolan got her way and she had this beautiful kitchen built.

    And what a beauty it is. Three ovens, a six burner stove top, two double fryers, a giant walk in cooler, a massive freezer in the corner of the room and a big island work space that took up the whole middle of the room. This is where I want to work. This is where I was hired to work. I am a classically trained chef. After graduating from culinary school, I studied in New York, Miami, and even did a summer in Paris. But my love for pub food, simple plates of good food for everyday people, drove me to look for places like Jake’s for work.

    At first everything was great. His mother was the one who interviewed and hired me. I remember her being so excited about having a real chef in her kitchen. No one but her really understood the reasoning for good food in a bar. Too bad she couldn’t get her son to see that before she died.

    Now Jake only opens the kitchen three days a week. I bartend the other three days and take Sunday’s off. I shake my head once more then get started on creating a menu I pray Jake approves of.

    Aren’t you supposed to be behind the bar? A deep voice says from behind me.

    Screaming bloody murder, I jump up to run but I end up slamming right into a very hard chest. Strong hands gently grab my arms and I look up into deep sapphire eyes. I had been so lost in creating my menu I didn’t even hear him approaching me.

    You scared the crap out of me! I pant as I try to catch my breath. I wiggle my shoulders trying to get him to let me go but his hold on me tightens, then he runs his hands up to rest on my shoulders.

    I see that. Sleeping on the job are we? His tone sounded playful but I was hurt by his words. Most of the time I can keep my temper under control but right now I can’t stop the anger that starts to race through me. How dare he even joke about me sleeping on the job?!

    Jerking away from him, I take a step back and glare up at him. No, I was not sleeping on the job. I hiss at him. I was taking a break after some drunk threw a beer bottle at me. I was also coming up with a new menu. One I was hoping you would actually like. I reach behind me to grab my notepad then I shoved it into his chest. I was hired to cook not to bartend. I’m sick of dealing with drunks. Drunks that may not be so drunk if they just had some food to eat. I start to pace around the kitchen. I’m so mad right now I’m shaking.

    Livie, honey… Jake starts but I cut him off.

    "Don’t you honey me, Jake Nolan. I stop pacing and place my hands on top of the island that is now between us. Do you know how many beer bottles have been thrown at me? Or how many guys have grabbed different parts of my body when I go to deliver a drink on the floor? Do you even have a clue how many guys stand outside this bar after closing hours waiting for the waitresses and bartenders to come out hoping we’ll go home with them? Why do you think Bullet and Sam take turns walking all the girls to their cars? They don’t do it for kicks. I slam my hands down on the island top in frustration. You know nothing about this bar, other than how much money it makes. You don’t care about your staff or even your customers! I’m sick of this and I’m sick of you!"

    I grab my coat and purse then turn to leave not caring that I basically just quit my job. I finally got to tell the great Jake Nolan how I really feel. And God it felt good. I smirk up at Bullet when I see him standing in the doorway. He holds his arm out and I slip my hand into the crook of his arm. He walks me through the bar and out to the parking lot.

    Feel better? Bullet asked as I unlocked my car.

    Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do that? I smile then frown. I guess I just quit. I whisper.

    Just come to work tomorrow. I’m sure Jake doesn’t even care. He’s probably already on the phone with his brother laughing about it. Bullet chuckles as I groan.

    You promised never to talk about him again. I whine.

    I’ve never got along with Miller Nolan, Jake’s brother. I don’t know which brother is worse, they both have a way of getting under my skin. The first time I met Miller he grabbed my ass and tried to talk me into having sex with him in the walk in fridge! I’ve learned to tolerate him for the sake of my job but I mostly try to avoid him. Jake finds it hilarious that Miller and I don’t get along. I’m sure they wouldn’t find it so funny if I were to castrate both of them and save the world from the chance of more Nolan men like them.

    Go home, get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow. Bullet laughs again. If you’re nice, I’ll even bring you that fancy coffee you like.

    Fine, but I want a muffin too. I laugh then get into my car and drive home.

    Chapter Two

    The next day I pulled into the parking lot of the bar and just sat there. I slept like shit last night. I don’t regret anything I said to Jake, but maybe I could have said it a little nicer. I didn’t come out and say the words ‘I quit’ but telling your boss that you’re sick of him is kind of the same thing. My parents would be so disappointed with me right now.

    My mom was from the deep south. She was an old-school debutante. As a teen, I heard story after story about balls, parties, dresses, lessons on how to be a lady, gentlemen callers, and everything else that she did growing up. I think deep down she wanted me to be just like her, a refined southern woman, but other than my name I’m not really that southern. I really prefer to just keep to myself. I’m not big on parties, or going out with friends. I’d rather be at home curled up with a good book. If that makes me sound lame I really don’t care.

    If my mom would have heard what I said to Jake last night I know I would have gotten an ear full. I can just hear her now.

    Olivia Roslyn McCallister, that is not how a lady talks to a gentleman. You should have calmly told him why you were upset then let him decide what should happen after that. Men know better, honey. That’s why we let them do the work and we stand beside them.

    Mom always thought men knew more than women and that we, as ladies, should just stand beside them and do as they say. Luckily my dad wasn’t the type of guy to order his wife and daughter around. Dad was a gentle giant. He only wanted us to be happy. I think he would have been upset at the way I talked to Jake but he would have been even more upset at the way Jake had been treating me.

    Not knowing what to do about Jake or even what to say to him I started my car up and was about to pull out when someone tapped on my window. Jake stood there with a smirk on his face. How the hell did I not see him walk up to my car? That’s twice he has snuck up on me. What is he some type of quiet ninja? I rolled down my window and just stared at him.

    Didn’t think you’d have the guts to show up today. He says, after seeing that I wasn’t going to be the first one to talk.

    I shrug my shoulders and glance over at the front door of the bar. I see Bullet and Sam standing there with their arms crossed just watching us. I nod my head at Bullet, letting him know I’m ok, but he doesn’t move.

    Looks like your bodyguards are watching us. Jake grumbles. His voice isn’t as nice as it was a minute ago.

    Looking up at him I sigh. Bullet and Sam are friends of mine. They are not my bodyguards. As to me having the guts to show up today well I’m not really sure I should have. I mean I basically quit last night. I sigh again and realize talking to Jake is pointless. I should have just stayed home. Goodbye Jake, and don’t worry I won’t use you as a reference for my next job. I go to roll my window up but he stops me by jerking open my door.

    You didn’t quit and I didn’t fire you. His voice is harsh and I don’t know why. If you want to quit do it now. Otherwise get your ass in the kitchen and start getting things ready. He pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and drops it in my lap before walking away.

    I quickly look at the paper and smile. It’s the menu I created last night and at the top of the page in bright red ink the word Approved is written and underlined.

    Chapter Three

    I had just finished the last of the dishes when Bullet walked into the kitchen. It has been three weeks since my blow up with Jake and everything seemed to be going great. Jake hasn’t been here every night but at least I’m working in the kitchen and only the kitchen. He has approved of all my weekly menus and has even had me cook him dinner from the new menus a few times while I worked. This never happened before. Usually if I cook for him it’s something simple like a ham sandwich or a chef salad. He’s never really cared about my food, until now.

    I’ve got to head out early tonight. Joni has an appointment to get her hip piece done and I don’t want her seeing Snake without me there. I roll my eyes at him when he hisses Snake’s name.

    Snake is the best tattoo artist in town. He just happens to be Joni’s ex-boyfriend too. I know Bullet trusts Joni, but he doesn’t trust Snake. Even though Snake is married with two kids. I know Joni has been dying to get her hip done for a while now. From what she’s told me it’s an Irish cross with a rose twisted through it. I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

    You know Snake wouldn’t cheat on his wife. You need to let the past go, babe. I give him a quick hug then start to wipe down the counters.

    Whatever. Just make sure Sam walks you to your car. We’ve thrown out two people already tonight and now that the kitchen is closed I’m sure they’ll be throwing out more drunks before closing time. He

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