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A Billionaire's Salvation 2-3
A Billionaire's Salvation 2-3
A Billionaire's Salvation 2-3
Ebook116 pages1 hour

A Billionaire's Salvation 2-3

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Book 2 Description

Kasey’s world has turned upside down. After the horrible car wreck, she comes to and finds out that Dan is dead. She can’t bear the thought and has no idea how to cope, but she is also pregnant with Dan’s child.

In a flurry of events, she finds herself reliving her memories with Dan and coping with his death. She has yet to see an end to this dark, dark tunnel.

Book 3 Description

Young love is the best kind of love. From the beginning, Kasey knew that Dan was the one. After meeting in college, they dated all four year as their love grew permanently. Their graduation came soon enough, changing everything for them.

Kasey never thought she would lose Dan, but he died in a tragic car accident. Not only had she lost the love of her life, she was graced with an unexpected surprise, as son. Not long passed before she got back on her feet and found a new job…and found herself in the arms of a new man.

PublisherViola Black
Release dateDec 10, 2015
A Billionaire's Salvation 2-3

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    Book preview

    A Billionaire's Salvation 2-3 - Viola Black

    A Billionaire's Salvation


    Viola Black

    Copyright © 2015 by Viola Black. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of the author.

    Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, incidents and events are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: Awakening

    Chapter Two: Life Changing Experiences

    Chapter Three: Rewind

    Chapter Four: Burial

    Chapter Five: It Is Well With My Soul


    Chapter One: Cloudy With a Chance of Suppression

    Chapter Two: Revelations

    Chapter Three: Nice To Meet You

    Chapter Four: Making Progress

    Chapter Five: It Is Well, It Is Well, With My Soul

    A Billionaire's Salvation



    Viola Black

    Chapter One: Awakening

    The steady beeping and dripping noises drove me out of my slumber. Once I opened my eyes, I was completely disoriented, I had no idea where I was and my body felt like it was being weighed down by cinderblock. I looked down at my body, and it was…almost. My right leg was wrapped up tightly in a cast, as was my left arm and I had a large white bandage covering half my abdomen.

    I looked around the room, soon realizing that I was in a hospital. Immediately I thought of Dan, where is he? I thought to myself. My eyes stopped immediately on a screen that read fetal monitor. Fetal monitor? No…

    Ms. Simms, I’m glad to see you are awake. A normal looking doctor approached my bedside table and began to write things down on his clipboard.

    How are you feeling? He asked politely as he checked my pupils with his mini flashlight.

    Where’s Dan? He was in the accident with me, where is he? I had somehow remembered on my own that I was in a wreck, at least I didn’t lose my memory. His face fell immediately and he opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Natalie bursting into the room.

    Kasey! I’m so glad you’re awake. She exclaimed. She tried to hug me but shied away from the bandages that wrapped me.

    How long have I been asleep? My brow furrowed in confusion.

    There are a lot of things we have to discuss, I would prefer to do it alone or in the presence of a family member if need be, the doctor said politely.

    No, I want her here with me. I tightened my grip on Natalie’s hand.

    Okay then. When you were admitted you suffered major injuries. We had to sustain a perforated bowl in surgery, which went well. Your femur suffered a slight break but spread throughout your whole leg so we had to do surgery in order to correct that. And because of the pregnancy, we had to take a lot of precautionary measures. Natalie gasped, it took me a minute to process what he had said.

    Pregnancy, what pregnancy? I stopped him. He looked at me questionably.

    You were four weeks pregnant at the time of the accident. I felt like throwing up then, suddenly I felt nauseous and ill all over.

    Where is Dan? I croaked. Both their gazes averted from me, I tried to remember but all I could see was broken glass, blood and hear my own screams.

    The young man you were admitted with-died in surgery, we tried to sustain-

    No! No! You’re lying, this can’t be true! No, please! I screamed and struggled to undo all the tubes and syringes that were inside my arm.

    You have to stay calm, it isn’t good for the fetus for your stress levels to be so high. I shoved him out of the way, not hearing his words. I dragged myself against the hospital walls, resisting Natalie’s grasp and every other security guard or nurse that tried to stop me.

    I could barely see but I found the signs that said morgue and headed there, if he really is dead, I am sure he will be there.

    Please, just come back to your room. We can talk more about this later. The doctor was still trying to contain me but I wasn’t allowing him to.

    I looked down and saw that my leg was bleeding but I didn’t care, I still made way for the dark hallway that led to the morgue. I felt sick when I saw all the pale, dead bodies…but my heart dropped to the ground when I saw Dan lying on one of the cold, aluminum beds.

    I leaned against the wall and limped my way to him.

    Dan-oh Dan… my hand reached for his face shakily, shocked at how cold he was. I rested my hand on his wide forehead, caressing it softly with my thumb.

    I grabbed one of the chairs in the corner and sat next to him. I rested my head on his bare, cold chest softly-ignoring the cold that ran through my body. I imagined I could hear his heart beating again, I imagined I could feel his warmth beneath me like before. My heart was caving in on me, I could feel my body crumbling apart and shattering without him. How am I supposed to make it without him? How can I live without him?

    I don’t know how long I stayed with him, I don’t know how long I sat there, wishing he was alive, wishing I was dreaming, hoping I would just wake up, hoping he would wake up. And now I’m pregnant, I can’t be a single mother, I can’t be without him. I fell asleep thinking so hard about this, even though he is gone, there is no one else I would rather be with.

    When my mind stopped running a thousand miles a minute, I tried to think back to when my pregnancy could have even happened. I was in a state of numbness, not even thinking about the hell I was supposed to be a mother-but back to four weeks ago, when Dan and I took an impromptu trip together.

    It feels good to get away, doesn’t it? Dan smiled at me softly as we headed down the interstate freeway.

    Yeah, this was a good idea. I agreed. We had just taken our mid-term finals and were both beat. We wanted to get away for a while…well as long as our bank accounts would allow.

    He held my hand in my seat, stroking the skin on my hand every once in a while. I probably stared at him the whole time-just watching the sun glint off his thick, brown hair and his eyebrows furrow softly as he looked out onto the road.

    What are you staring at? He finally asked me. I giggled softly.

    Nothing, can’t I look at you? I joked.

    Look away, he smiled brightly out of the corner of his mouth. Sometimes I wonder how I got so damn lucky, to be with someone that’s so amazing and so perfect. I drifted off to sleep trying to figure that shit out.

    Wake up babe, we’re at the motel. We didn’t want to waste most of our money on

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