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The Golden Chain of Homer
The Golden Chain of Homer
The Golden Chain of Homer
Ebook71 pages43 minutes

The Golden Chain of Homer

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Nature comprehends the visible and invisible Creatures of the Whole universe. What we call Nature especially, is the universal fire or Anima Mundi, filling the whole system of the Universe, and therefore is a Universal Agent, omnipresent, and endowed with an unerring instinct, and manifests itself in fire and Light. It is the First creature of Divine Omnipotence.
Release dateNov 4, 2019
The Golden Chain of Homer

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    The Golden Chain of Homer - Anton Kirchweger

    The Golden Chain of Homer

    The Golden Chain of Homer

    Chapter 1. What Nature Is

    Chapter 2. How All Things Proceed Therefrom

    Chapter 3. How All Things Are Further Generated

    Chapter 4. How The Universal Sperm Is Generated By The Four Elements

    Chapter 6. Of The Heavens And Their Influence

    Chapter 7. Of The Atmosphere Or Air, And Its Influence

    Chapter 8. Of Water And Its Effluvium

    Chapter 9. Of The Earth And Its Effluvium

    Chapter 10. Discovery Of The Genuine Universal Sperm In The Regenerated Chaos, The Corporified Animal Or Spiritus Mundi

    Chapter 11. That Nitre And Salt Are Found In The Air And In All Things In This World

    Chapter 12. That There Is Nitre And Salt In All Waters And Earths

    Chapter 13. That Nitre And Salt Is Found In Animals, That Animals Proceed From Nitre And Salt, And Are Resolved Into Nitre And Salt

    Chapter 14. That Nitre And Salt Is Found In Vegetables; That Vegetables Consist Of Nitre And Salt, And Are Resolved Into Nitre And Salt

    Chapter 15. That Nitre And Salt Is Found In Minerals; That Minerals Are Formed Of Nitre And Salt, And Are Resolved Into Nitre And Salt

    Chapter 16. Of The Principal Gate Key To Nature, The Author Of Destruction And Regeneration Of All Things, Called Putrefaction

    Chapter 17. What Putrefaction Is


    The Golden Chain of Homer

    Anton Kirchweger

    Chapter 1. What Nature Is

    Nature comprehends the visible and invisible Creatures of the Whole universe. What we call Nature especially, is the universal fire or Anima Mundi, filling the whole system of the Universe, and therefore is a Universal Agent, omnipresent, and endowed with an unerring instinct, and manifests itself in fire and Light. It is the First creature of Divine Omnipotence.

    Chapter 2. How All Things Proceed Therefrom

    Thus God created first this invisible fire and endowed it with an unerring Instinct and a Capacity to manifest itself in 3 Principles.

    1. In its Original most Universal state it is perfectly invisible, immaterial, cold and occupies no space, in this tranquil state it is of no use to us, yet in this unmoved state it is omnipresent.

    2. In its second state it is manifested by motion or agitation into light. In this state it was separated out of the Chaos, when God said, Let there be Light. Yet it is still cold. When gently moved or agitated, it manifests warmth and Heat, as in the case in all Frictions and in Fermentation of moist things.

    3. When collected in a sufficient quantity, and violently agitated it is manifested into burning fire. This continues burning as long as it is agitated, and has a fit subject to act upon; when that fails, it returns to its first state of tranquil Universality. In the character of burning fire it manifests Light and Heat. Thus,

    (a) we say in its first most Universal state it is perfectly invisible and immaterial.

    (b) In its second state of manifestation it is visible in Light, but remains cold and immaterial.

    (c) In its third state of Heat and burning fire it is visible, hot or burning, and becomes somewhat material as it occupies Room or Space whilst in this State.

    You have seen how 3 distinct powers of the Universal Spirit, but it possesses still more and even some inconceivable powers.

    We have told you that the Universal spirit endowed with an unerring Instinct, working by the most simple and nearest way, it has, also, besides its already mentioned conspicuous qualities, two occult powers, viz: attracting and repulsing, and these two powers are inconceivably great!

    We see various instances of it in Thunder and Lightning, in Earthquakes, Hurricanes and in the surprising effects of Gunpowder.

    When God created this Universal fire, He gave it a power to become material, that is to become Vapour, Humidity, water and earth, although that fire in its own Universal Nature, is, and remains centrally the same.

    Thus you see the Beginning of the 4 Elements, viz

    (1) burning fire; Vapour or Humidity mixed with Cold fire constitutes atmospheric air,

    (2) air, which still more condensed becomes water,

    (3) and water inspissated becomes earth.

    Originally it was but one Element Fire.

    Thus the Universal fire became a Vapour of immense Extent, which by further inspissation became chaotic water, and out of

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