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Ancient & Prehistoric Civilizations
Ancient & Prehistoric Civilizations
Ancient & Prehistoric Civilizations
Ebook281 pages3 hours

Ancient & Prehistoric Civilizations

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There are many civilizations which existed in pre-history and most of them are now lost to our knowledge and ken. Many of them were lost when the Oceans rose during the melting from the last Ice Age. Some were just buried and have recently come to light.

In this book we examine many of these lesser known civilizations and cities and look at some incredible extensions of how far back in history civilization actually goes. We are talking about societies which existed from recent history back to 75,000 years ago.

Also, Giants were one of the races of early history. What did Giants have to do with these early civilizations? There are also some interesting gaps in the histories of civilizations to examine.

One of these Ancient Civilizations was Atlantis so I’ve also included the content of my book “The Real Atlantis-In the Eye of the Sahara” as a legitimate ancient civilization—and I have a great case!

Come on this journey to take an overall view of ancient and lesser known civilizations to build a new strategic overview of the past of human history.

Release dateNov 7, 2019
Ancient & Prehistoric Civilizations

Martin Ettington

The owner Martin K. Ettington is an Engineer by training and has had multiple careers. These include technical sales for GE and HP. Martin also Owns his own software and consulting business.Martin’s interest in the Paranormal and Occult goes back to his childhood. He has had many paranormal experiences and has been a student of Eastern Philosophies and Meditation for 35 years.Seeking Enlightenment; he knows that we are already all Enlightened. We just have to realize this deeply.His books are expressions of his creativity to help others understand what he has internalized through study, experience, and membership in different societies.Not many technical persons or scientists spend a lot of time in parallel studying the Metaphysical and have had many spiritual or psychic experiences too.Therefore, Martin believes that he can provide a unique vantage point to integrate Western Scientific thinking with Eastern exploration of the mind and spirit.

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    Ancient & Prehistoric Civilizations - Martin Ettington

    Welcome to this book on Ancient and Prehistoric Civilizations. The reason for this book is that over the years I’ve read about many ancient and prehistoric cultures and civilizations which were not supposed to exist.

    I wondered if many of these sites were real places and why they weren’t recognized by traditional archeologists. It seems to me that there are patterns to be found by looking at all the records of these ancient civilizations chronologically too.

    The civilizations of Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, and Ancient Egypt and others are important, but they are excluded in this book because so much is known about and has been written about them. Some other well known civilizations are also excluded but included in my listing of civilizations near the end of the book. The great majority of cultures covered are older than 2,000 years and were in the B.C. era although there are some exceptions.

    Here is a list of the better known civilizations which are not covered in this book:

    The Khmer Empire, Cambodia 800A.D.-1,400 A.D.

    The Mayans, Mexico 800 B.C.-900 A.D.

    Funan Cambodia/Vietnam 100 A.D.-700 A.D.

    The Roman Empire, Italy 756 B.C.-476 A.D.

    Carthage, Tunisia 814 B.C.-300 B.C.

    The Phoenicians, Mediterranean 1550 B.C.-300 B.C.

    Ancient China 1600 B.C.-221 B.C.

    The Hittites, Iraq 1,750 B.C.-1,500 B.C.

    The Assyrians, Iraq 2,500 B.C.-605 B.C.

    Ancient Greece 2,900 B.C.-146 B.C.

    The Minoans, Crete 3,000 B.C.-1,100 B.C.

    Ancient Egypt 3,150 B.B.-1,650 B.C.

    Some of the civilizations and cities covered are within known history but I wanted to write about them because of their importance to the total history of man and that many of them are not widely known. Other cultures are questioned by academia as being real or not. But many of them have evidence in their favor so I’ve included many of those too.

    I also did a lot of research on Megalithic sites and structures around the world expecting to find a couple of dozen. To my great surprise I found that there are hundreds of Megalithic sites all over the world and literally thousands of standing stones, structures, and dolmans. In pre-history there must have been large civilizations all over the world to build these numbers of structures.

    My background is that I’m an Engineer and student of the unknown-but not an archeologist. I write about a lot of subjects and think my neutrality, objectivity, and technical understanding bring an interesting perspective to the subject of interest. This is how my review of ancient civilizations has been approached in this book-with a totally open mind and looking for what the evidence says to me, along with different patterns which appeared from my research.

    So get ready for a journey of what we know or think we know, and pictures of these ancient and in many cases unknown cultures which may be able to fill in the gaps about our ancient knowledge of humanity.

    2.0 The Pre-History of Man

    Homo Sapiens have existed for over 200,000 years. We originated in Africa and spread throughout the world. Many civilizations and cultures have been formed by man in the ancient past.

    The Toba Super volcano erupted about 75,000 years ago at the site of present-day Lake Toba in Sumatra, Indonesia. The estimate is it caused a global winter for six to ten years and possibly caused a 1,000 year global cooling period. It is also believed by looking at ancestral genetics that humanity at this time was almost wiped out and only a few thousand persons were alive on the entire Earth. But they did survive. We can guess that only the smartest humans survived who were able to be creative to learn to survive in this difficult period in human history. They probably developed warmer shelters and more efficient methods to find food.

    This period 75,000 years ago is a good place to start when looking for the ancient civilizations of pre-history. After this disaster occurred and while humanity was recovering is when real civilization could have started. Another factor to look at are the ice ages. The earth has been in an interglacial period known as the Holocene for around 11,700 years, and an article in Nature in 2004 argues that it might be most analogous to a previous interglacial that lasted 28,000 years. So humanity has gone through multiple ice ages during pre-history. Many civilizations might have been destroyed by glaciers covering the Earth.

    Another thing to note is that the Oceans of the world have risen 150 meters or 450 feet since the last glacial age. This melting period was from about 19,000 years ago to 5,000 years ago. Most ancient cities would have also been built on the shores of Oceans like those today as well as on rivers.

    So we should ask ourselves how many of those ancient cities have been swallowed by the Oceans. We know that some were. Imagine the city of New York under 450 feet of water. Also, we know that ancient cities didn’t have the technology for skyscrapers. Most buildings were probably no more than a few stories. So a huge city like New York could have been entirely submerged in water. Cities could also have been destroyed much earlier in man’s history if wrecked by Glaciers covering the land in the more northern latitudes.

    Some of our examples of ancient civilizations are cities or structures which have been covered by water. I’m sure that many more cities have been lost to history after they were covered by the Oceans. Searching underwater is a great place for modern archeological discoveries.

    3.0 A Giant Race of Men

    One of the things we also will review is that there are many records and skeletons which have been found in excavations of an ancient race of giants. These giants lived simultaneously with Homo sapiens and might have even been a close branch of the tree of humanity. In those civilizations where Giants may have been involved we will identify them.

    Why do I want to cover Giants in a book about ancient civilizations? It’s because many of those societies may have been started by Giants or had Giants involved as leaders of those civilizations. A good example is King Og who was a real historical personage:

    In the Bible read The Book of Numbers, Chapter 21, and Deuteronomy, Chapter 3, which has an account of him:

    "Next we turned and headed for the land of Bashan, where King Og and his entire army attacked us at Edrei. But the Lord told me, ‘Do not be afraid of him, for I have given you victory over Og and his entire army, and I will give you all his land. Treat him just as you treated King Sihon of the Amorites, who ruled in Heshbon.’

    "So the Lord our God handed King Og and all his people over to us, and we killed them all. Not a single person survived. We conquered all sixty of his towns—the entire Argob region in his kingdom of Bashan. Not a single town escaped our conquest. These towns were all fortified with high walls and barred gates. We also took many unwalled villages at the same time. We completely destroyed the kingdom of Bashan, just as we had destroyed King Sihon of Heshbon. We destroyed all the people in every town we conquered—men, women, and children alike. But we kept all the livestock for ourselves and took plunder from all the towns.

    "So we took the land of the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan River—all the way from the Arnon Gorge to Mount Hermon. (Mount Hermon is called Sirion by the Sidonians, and the Amorites call it Senir.) We had now conquered all the cities on the plateau and all Gilead and Bashan, as far as the towns of Salecah and Edrei, which were part of Og’s kingdom in Bashan. (King Og of Bashan was the last survivor of the giant Rephaites. His bed was made of iron and was more than thirteen feet long and six feet wide. It can still be seen in the Ammonite city of Rabbah.)"

    Og's destruction is told in Psalms 135:11 and 136:20 as one of many great victories for the nation of Israel, and the Book of Amos 2:9 may refer to Og as the Amorite whose height was like the height of the cedars and whose strength was like that of the oaks.

    Traditionally many Giants found in North America were eight to nine feet tall, had reddish hair, six fingers on each hand, and six toes on each foot. They also had two rows of teeth.

    Even in today’s world there are stories of giants being found and encounters by modern man. The Giant of Afghanistan is one such story:

    Perhaps the most infamous encounter of the modern age is the story of the Giant of Kandahar. According to reports, in 2002 a U.S. Army squad went missing in the desert of Afghanistan, and a Special Ops Task Force was sent to locate them. After traveling along remote mountainous terrain, the task force came upon a large cave entrance, strewn with broken military equipment. Before the soldiers could enter the cave, they were attacked by the cave’s single inhabitant - the Giant of Kandahar. Per eyewitness testimony, the giant stood 12-to-15 feet tall, sported red hair and a red beard, and had six fingers on

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