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Transmigrate with Profound Sky: Volume 1
Transmigrate with Profound Sky: Volume 1
Transmigrate with Profound Sky: Volume 1
Ebook859 pages17 hours

Transmigrate with Profound Sky: Volume 1

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Do you want to know what would happen when the 'Nine Yang Divine Technique' in the novel appeared in the real world? Due to the accident, Li Xiaofeng obtained the ability to travel back and forth between the world of novels and reality. Furthermore, he realized that the martial arts of this dream-like world could be used in the real world, so the legend began …
Release dateNov 8, 2019
Transmigrate with Profound Sky: Volume 1

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    Transmigrate with Profound Sky - Yu ZhouLangZi



    The green light lit up, and just as a beautiful girl was about to cross the road, a Toyota sedan suddenly charged out of the road, like a wild horse leaving the border, charging towards the girl. The girl stayed where she was, unable to move due to the immense fear, and just as the girl was about to be hit by the car, a shadow suddenly rushed out from behind the girl, pushing the stunned girl away. He opened the car door with a tremble and got out of the car. The pedestrians who saw the accident on the road also surrounded him, and the girl came to her senses and ran over to see a young man, who had a body covered in blood and a savior's flesh, standing on the ice-cold street. He was also her classmate — Li Xiaofeng.

    Don't tell me. Am I going to die just like that?

    Lu Xiaofeng was very depressed. Before the car even knocked him flying and he landed with his head on the ground, Li Xiaofeng, who was not yet touched by the pain, already felt his consciousness fly out of his body and he then 'saw' his own bloodied body, the crowd that had gathered to watch the show, and the saved girl who was staggering over. This was a very strange feeling that made Li Xiaofeng immediately think of the legendary soul leaving his body. He was only sixteen years old, and his life had not even started. Most importantly, he was still a virgin, and had not even held onto a girl's hand, but when he saw the girl throw herself into his embrace and cry out his name with her tears flowing down her face, he could not help but feel a sweetness in his heart. He was unwilling and frustrated to just sweep away all the tears in his heart, and think to himself.

    To be able to save her life, I will make her forever remember me. Moreover, if I die in her arms, it won't be a pity anymore!

    His parents, who died in a car accident when he was young, were adopted by his uncle, becoming introverted and unsociable, and his hobbies were mostly just like reading novels and a few miscellaneous things. The girl he saved by risking his life was his classmate, whose name was Zhao Yin, who had been his crush on her for the past four years, so of course, she had always been single thinking of her. From the start to now, although they had always been in the same class, they had never dared to confess to her. Fortunately, Zhao Yin had never had a good impression of anyone before, which allowed him to feel slightly at ease.

    It could be said that because he was able to read the most famous high school in the Nantong, it was all thanks to his uncle. Lu Xiaofeng had inherited his mother's looks, and could be considered handsome, but her figure was only 1.61 centimeters smaller than Zhao Yin's, it could be said that other than having a good uncle being one of the most famous doctors in the city who had some money, how could he not feel inferior, he could not muster up the courage to admit that he was a beauty. He wanted to grab the last chance to confess to her, but every time he saw her glued face, he would forcibly swallow it back down. After school, he could not help but follow Zhao Yin when she returned home, and only wanted to take a few glances at her.

    I don't know. After how long had passed, the ambulances and police cars all came over, and after clearing up the crowd, the police took Zhao Yin, who was crying, along with a few other witnesses to take notes. A few medical personnel who came out from the ambulance walked over to Lu Xiaofeng's side and were surprised to find out that Lu Xiaofeng was extremely injured but was still alive, and immediately picked him up onto his bike and quickly drove him towards the ambulance hospital. Lu Xiaofeng's consciousness did not manage to make any sound when they looked at him. He was currently in a very strange state, and did not have any form or quality that people imagined. In the midst of Lu Xiaofeng's distracting thoughts, he suddenly felt a tugging force that caused his consciousness to unconsciously rush forward. The surrounding scenery also quickly passed by, and after a while, he found out that the source of the pulling force was an ambulance, or more accurately, it was from his own body, which caused Lu Xiaofeng's heart to move, as he had read from a book that a phenomenon in a human's body was when they were about to die. It was a situation where their consciousness would drift out of their body, but it wasn't really dead. Even if he lost all life in his body, he would only have a sliver of life energy left. If he lost this breath, he would really enter the cycle of reincarnation. It all depended on whether the doctor could save him or not.

    's uncle was called Li Yihai, and his medical skills were extremely brilliant. At the age of only 40, he had already become the Vice President of the Five Physician Hospital, and the equipment for the five doctors were very good, Lu Xiaofeng's body was immediately sent to the ward to check on his injuries and stop them. Because of Uncle Lu Xiaofeng's relationship with the doctors and nurses in the hospital, he immediately informed Li Yihai about the serious injuries, and before long, he saw Li Yihai's body filled with blood, and was unable to stop trembling. Controlling his own emotions and calming himself down, he asked the doctor who examined Lu Xiaofeng's body.

    Liu Xun, how are Xiao Feng's injuries?

    Liu Xun was a doctor who had around ten to thirty years of experience. He would understand after checking with Lu Xiaofeng. Lu Xiaofeng's general situation, only heard him speak.

    Principal, Little Feng's situation is very bad, his whole body is fractured, one of his ribs even stuck in his lungs, just three centimeters away from his heart. His internal organs have already been displaced by the intense impact, and there is even the possibility of it rupturing, and the deadliest thing is that his head was hit by a very violent blow to the brain, causing his brain to tremble, causing his cerebral hemorrhage. With such a severe injury, even an adult with a strong body would be killed on the spot. But …"

    Although Liu Xun did not finish his words, he was still a famous doctor. His concern was that Lu Xiaofeng's body was so injured that he needed to undergo multiple operations, and the most important thing was to undergo a major operation which was extremely risky, and the process would take a long time, but Lu Xiaofeng's body was currently too weak, he was afraid that he would suffocate in the middle of the operation, and would not be able to withstand the intensity of the operation. Li Yihai thought about how Lu Xiaofeng had died on the operation table, and tears started to flow out of his eyes.

    Immediately carry out the surgery on the edge of death, you guys prepare it for Feng. I will point the knife to him, yes, Feng's body is bleeding too much, he needs a blood transfusion, his blood is very special, I have saved it for him before, I will go to the laboratory to get it, please be quick.

    Liu Xun and the others didn't say that they didn't want to prepare immediately. Since Li Yihai was the Vice Principal and the relatives of the injured person, he had no right to say anything, since his uncle had already said that his blood type was extremely rare, which was one in a million, if something were to happen, it would be hard to find a suitable blood type for the patient. In order to prevent himself from losing too much blood, Li Yihai had to save his life for fear that the patient might not be able to receive an injection of pain.

    He didn't expect that today, he would really meet this life saving moment. Lu Xiaofeng was so excited, if it wasn't for his consciousness floating outside his body and being unable to speak, he really would have said, Uncle, you're too far-sighted, too talented! Hehe, after Li Yihai left, Liu Xun and the others immediately made preparations. They took off Lu Xiaofeng's clothes, shaved his hair completely [This is how brain surgery is to prevent infections], and sent Lu Xiaofeng into the operation room. After everything was ready, Li Yihai rushed over and asked the nurse to put a blood bag on him to give him a blood transfusion.

    had originally wanted to see how he was being operated on, but when he saw that the ice-cold operation was about to cut open his own heart, Lu Xiaofeng almost immediately vomited. He was timid, how could he dare to look at this bloody scene, especially since it was his own body that was burrowing into his own, and luckily, at this moment, he was in a place where he couldn't even vomit if he wanted to. He only wanted to leave the operation room, but to his surprise, the scenery around him changed and he actually left the operation room. He discovered that his consciousness could move according to his own thoughts, and thus, Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but to forget about the terrifying scene in the operation room and begin to wander around with his mind. He discovered that his consciousness could only move to a distance of fifty meters around his body, but this kind of feeling of drifting about casually caught him completely by himself, and in the blink of an eye, a few hours had passed by and the lights in the operation room were still lit up. Lu Xiaofeng was bored and his consciousness was still floating outside the room. When had it ever been dark clouds that covered the sky? Thunder God rolling, followed by the violent dance of silver snakes? Lu Xiaofeng was startled.

    The rain was like beads that broke their chains, as it turned into countless beads that splashed onto the ground. The rain fell from Lu Xiaofeng's consciousness, that kind of feeling was like an unspeakable feeling of profound strength at the right, that suddenly came over him as a huge bolt of silver lightning cut through the sky, and in that moment, it was as if he was attracted by something, and struck towards the hospital, causing Lu Xiaofeng's soul to almost scatter due to fright. In the end, the lightning did not hurt his ethereal consciousness, but rather, the rain went along the cement in the middle of the stage, and that was the result of an operation. Suddenly, there was a cracking sound as the dazzling blue electric arc flashed, and gushed out from the craniotomy machine. Then, it quickly flowed along the claw, and headed towards Lu Xiaofeng's body, instantly enveloping Lu Xiaofeng's body in blue electric arcs. Then, the instrument voltage was too high, and before Lu Xiaofeng, who had yet to release his grip on the skull, a huge suction force suddenly came from within the operation room, and his consciousness was sucked into his body. No one knew what exactly happened next. Got it.


    Deal... The crisp sound of a donkey's hooves could be heard on the trail of Mount Song. The source of the voice was a green donkey. There were two people sitting on the donkey, and one of them was an old Taoist in his nineties. He looked tenderly at a child sitting in front of him. The child was about ten years old, thin, pale and sickly, but he was looking around curiously at his surroundings, the old Daoist. He looked at the youth and said sorrowfully.

    Wu Ji, has your cold poison returned back to normal?

    The youth shook his head.

    Grand Master, your son spent a lot of effort yesterday to dispel the cold. He has already recovered a lot, and will not recur for a short period of time.

    The old Daoist. Ye Zichen caressed the young man's hair and sighed.

    It's all the old Daoist's fault. It's useless, although I am a first generation grandmaster, I can't save your life. What use is it for me, Zhang Sanfeng, to train in martial arts for my entire life?

    After he finished speaking, his eyes flashed with tears. He was the founder of the Wudang, his martial arts were unfathomable, and he was publicly acknowledged as the strongest person in the world, Zhang Sanfeng. He was already over a hundred years old, and had experienced a lifetime of unknown. Two years ago, the six major sects gathered at the Wudang Mountain to interrogate him about Xie Xun's whereabouts. It was not only because Xie Xun had too many enemies, but because the Martial Arts Sovereign Saber dragonslaying was in his hands, causing Zhang Cuishan to die for the sake of brotherhood, her wife Yin Susu also committed suicide and only Zhang Wuji was injured by the most vicious and poisonous of the martial arts technique, the. From then on, if Zhang Sanfeng had not expended all her energy to save him, she would probably have died a long time ago, and even if had not used the most vicious poison, she would not have been able to keep him alive for a month. Only when Zhang Wuji mastered the Nine Suns Divine Art would he be able to save his life. Unfortunately, the Nine Suns Divine Art was something that only his previous master, Master Chuyuan, knew, and he recited it once before Master Chuyuan passed away.

    Shao Lin was a colorless master, and the three of them each remembered a set of Nine Suns Divine Art s, so Zhang Shanfeng thought that if they gathered three of their families' Nine Suns Divine Art s, they might be able to return to Zhang Wuji's life. Thus, he did not hesitate to put aside his pride and personally came to Shaolin Temple to explain his reasons, hoping to exchange the Nine Suns Divine Art of Wu Dang for Shaolin's Nine Suns Divine Art. However, Shaolin Temple could not help but decline. When she thought about how she, as a revered Grandmaster, was unable to save the name of her beloved disciple, Dugu Zhang Wuji, her heart naturally became gloomy, and she felt the heartache of a white-haired man giving away a black-haired man.

    Although Zhang Wuji was young, he was very sensible and consoled when he saw Zhang Sanfeng's appearance.

    Grand master, don't be sad. After your son dies, you will be able to see your parents. That's good as well.

    Zhang Sanfeng immediately replied.

    Wu Ji, don't say that. No matter what, master has to think of a way to save you. Furthermore, in addition to martial arts, Grand Master is also well versed in the art of appearance, your appearance shows that you will become a great hero of your generation, with deep blessings. Although there will be dangers, but perhaps you will not be able to reach Tai Lai, you have made great achievements.

    Zhang Wuji thought that Zhang Sanfeng was just trying to console him, and didn't say anything either. Suddenly, the sky darkened, and when Zhang Sanfeng looked up, he didn't know what was going on. When the sky was filled with dark clouds, it was obvious that heavy rain was about to fall.

    Wu Ji, it's going to be Xiao Yu, your body is weak, you can't get near the rain, let's find a place to shelter you from the rain.

    Zhang Sanfeng's mystical technique was unparalleled, he was not even afraid of the rain, he, zhenqi was strong, and could form protective qi s long ago, it was even difficult to shoot through the arrows shot by the strong arch, let alone a mere rain water, but the range of the protective qi s was limited, it could not cover two people, Zhang Wuji's body could not be drenched, if not the cold poison would be in trouble. He looked around and his eyesight was astonishing. In an instant, he discovered a cave not far away. Immediately, he urged the green donkey to sit down and walked towards the cave. The two of them hid inside a cave, and the moment the donkey hid inside the cave, they heard a burst of thunder, and then a silver flash of lightning cut through the sky, and it started to rain. At first, it dripped a little, but after a while it became a heavy rain, and Zhang Sanfeng stood at the cave entrance, afraid that the rain would splash into the cave, but when he looked at the rain behind him, he recalled the days when his foster father lived on Ice Fire Island, and he was stunned for a moment, and then he muttered.

    Father, Mother, foster father, Wu Ji misses you two.

    Although his voice was soft, how could he hide it from Zhang Sanfeng? Zhang Sanfeng sighed in his heart.

    Wu Ji seems to be very strong. In the end, he is still a child. His parents' sudden death brought far more harm to him than the cold poison on his body. Sigh.

    At this moment, another thunderous explosion resounded in the sky. The sound was so loud that it resounded throughout the entire world. Following the appearance of this loud clap of lightning, a ray of light appeared. A ball of silver lightning flashed as it plummeted towards the ground like a meteor. The spot where it fell was the cave where the two were hiding from the rain. Zhang Sanfeng suddenly felt a sense of danger approaching him. This feeling of danger had existed since he was young, and every time there was a strong enemy, this feeling would appear, causing him to avoid a lot of danger before his martial arts progressed to great perfection, and then, everyone who could be his enemy died, moreover, his martial arts grew higher and higher, and there was no one in the world who could be his match. This feeling had existed for a long time, and now that it suddenly appeared, Zhang Sanfeng felt a sense of danger, and in the next moment, he discovered the source of danger.

    If it was just Zhang Sanfeng alone, he would be fearless. With his skills, he could completely avoid the ball of lightning with no time to spare, but with Zhang Wuji behind him, he would have been hit by the lightning head on, and if he was able to avoid Zhang Wuji being hit by the lightning head on, then he would not have been spared at all, how could Zhang Sanfeng not be stable? Even if it was just Zhang Wuji who was running out of time, he still wouldn't be able to harm Zhang Sanfeng. The powerful electricity instantly spread through Zhang Sanfeng's body through his fingers, and although the protective qi had canceled out most of the electricity, the remaining electricity was still extremely terrifying. Zhang Sanfeng's entire body was wrapped in silver electric arcs, his hair stood on end, his muscles were stiff and his mind was a blank. The zhenqi in his body surged and rushed along the blood veins in his brain, expelling the electricity. At this time, Zhang Wuji touched Zhang Sanfeng with concern, and before he could even speak, he saw the electricity on Zhang Sanfeng's body find an outlet to leak out and flood into his body, causing him to faint.

    Li Xiaofeng's consciousness woke up from a period of darkness and immediately, a bone chilling pain came over him. The cold came out so suddenly and fiercely that it made him feel extremely uncomfortable, as though waves and waves were assaulting Li Xiaofeng's consciousness. Li Xiaofeng was painfully enduring, and right at this moment, a warm air current entered his body from behind, protecting his heart veins and suppressing the cold flow, but it was unable to expel even the slightest bit of cold current from his body. Instead, it solidified in his innards, and waited for the next burst of energy, causing Li Xiaofeng to groan in pain.

    Where is this?

    a voice said.

    Wu Ji, you're awake?

    Wu Ji, who is this, why does this sound so familiar?

    Li Xiaofeng looked over, only to see an old man. He was looking at himself happily and couldn't help but ask.

    Who are you? Where are you?

    The old Daoist. Ye Zichen's expression changed.

    Wu Ji, son, what's wrong? Have you forgotten your name? I am your Grand Master Zhang Sanfeng?

    Li Xiaofeng was at a loss and felt that this name was very familiar. He tried his best to echo but he could not think of anything, causing his mind to go blank. The more he thought about it, the more his head hurt, and he couldn't help but cry out as he held his head with a grimace. "Uhh …

    Who am I? What kind of place is this …

    Zhang Sanfeng was shocked, he had awoken from the paralysis caused by the lightning not long ago, seeing Zhang Wuji unconscious on the ground, his clothes were charred from being struck by the ball of lightning, and he was extremely concerned about being struck by the lightning on his body. He quickly held up Zhang Wuji's chest and checked his body to check for any wounds that were not covered by lightning, only that his body was cold and his face was green, Zhang Sanfeng knew that he was wrong. At that moment, he channeled his energy to help Zhang Wuji dispel the cold. The pure Yang energy entered Zhang Wuji's body, and the cold poison was extremely powerful, luckily Zhang Sanfeng had a strong body and over two years of experience, he used the zhenqi to protect Zhang Wuji's heart veins, and then used the zhenqi to slowly expel the cold energy. Originally, it required a very long time for the cold poison to seep into Zhang Wuji's internal organs, and his external energy could not be expelled. The cold energy in Zhang Wuji's body was extremely strong, it had already blocked most of his meridians, so unless he had twice the strength, would it be possible to open it? The cold energy in Zhang Wuji's body would definitely not be able to open the meridians of a normal person, let alone a meridian that fast. You know. How could this not cause Zhang Sanfeng, the first generation grandmaster, to be endlessly shocked? At this time, Zhang Wuji gave a painful order, causing Zhang Sanfeng to come to his senses, the zhenqi was continuously entering Zhang Wuji's body, and because Zhang Wuji's 100 meridians had already been cleared, the resistance of the zhenqi was extremely small. Not long later, the cold Qi retreated under his profound zhenqi, and once again, it shrank down to its own territory, waiting for the next opportunity to erupt.

    This made Zhang Sanfeng very happy, and allowed him to see the first ray of light that could save Zhang Wuji. What he did not expect was that after Zhang Wuji woke up, he had actually forgotten who he was, and just as he was about to support Zhang Wuji while holding his head in pain, a strange power suddenly surged out from his body and pushed him away, causing him to remain motionless. He did not know who he was. His consciousness was dispersed by lightning, and what replaced it was Li Xiaofeng who had come piercing through the sky. After Li Xiaofeng was hit by the car, his consciousness had mysteriously swam out of his body, and his body was also undergoing intense surgery in the operation room. He didn't want to experience a storm all of a sudden, and so he went after Zhang Wuji. Lu Xiaofeng's consciousness actually broke through time and space and came to this strange world that belonged to the Heavenly dragonslaying. It also brought about a huge amount of electricity that formed something like a ball of lightning, which struck the first generation grandmaster, and the huge amount of electricity almost dispersed the first generation grandmaster's consciousness, but luckily, Zhang Sanfeng's inner strength was shocking, and that was when he touched Zhang Sanfeng's body. As a result, it was very unfortunate that the future Zhang Hu's consciousness had been attacked and disappeared, as the result, his consciousness was replaced by the ball of light which was the core of Li Xiaofeng's.



    After a loud roar, his vision went dark and his consciousness came to an empty space. A light ball rotated, sucking his consciousness in, the speed of the rotation of the light ball increased, creating a powerful, formless suction force, attracting some light spots in the middle of the air. Li Xiaofeng felt a boom in his mind, and instantly remembered his own body, which was also the memory of his entire life, the excitement of returning to the Central Plains on the Icy Fire Island, the fear and sadness his parents had when they committed suicide in front of him, the dreadful torture that was terrifying … Those specks of light were Zhang Wuji's shattered consciousness and memory, as well as his mental strength. They had already been perfectly fused by the ball of light of Li Xiaofeng's consciousness, and the rejection and pain that was brought about by forcefully possessing oneself had also disappeared, as they had truly merged with Zhang Wuji's body. Furthermore, after absorbing Zhang Wuji's consciousness, the netherdragon exercise had improved once again, resulting in a qualitative change. After he sent his consciousness back into his own body, Li Xiaofeng was already aware of this. He was so shocked by his own situation and the identity of his new body that he couldn't even imagine what it would be like …

    It can't be, I actually transmigrated?!

    Sigh ~ ~ ~

    He had already been in this world for three days, and now he was certain that he had come to this parallel world that relied on the heavenly dragonslaying. As for why this world actually existed, Li Xiaofeng did not know, nor did he want to know. If it was in the past, Li Xiaofeng would probably be happy, but it was a pity that the entire world was a good generation of the Dragon Lord Ye. But when such a thing really happened to him, Lu Xiaofeng was not able to be happy, why did he have to cross over, this world did not have computers, television, novels, or anything else. This made modern people who were used to living modern lives not to be able to live, after sighing for a while, Li Xiaofeng gave up on his thoughts and thought.

    Hehe, compared to those senior experts, who has a better condition than me, not only did I become Zhang Wuji, but the meridians in my body were opened by lightning, I actually do not know about even more outrageous things. How can she copy Zhang Sanfeng's memories? Awesome, and I will soon meet my little sister Zhou. Why is the heavens treating me so well, could it be? Maybe this is the legendary problem of character? " F * * k! How could this shameless narcissistic person be the main character?

    Originally, Li Xiaofeng was extremely lucky. Originally, a ball of his consciousness, which was wrapped in the terrifying energy of lightning, rushed over here and struck Zhang Sanfeng, who should have been snatched away by now, but Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts was really too strong, and he actually forcefully condensed Li Xiaofeng's scattered consciousness using the zhenqi and expelled Li Xiaofeng's lightning and consciousness outside his body. Coincidentally, Zhang Wuji had touched Zhang Sanfeng's body and thus become a scapegoat. In that short period of time, he had actually absorbed and copied Zhang Sanfeng's memories. This was an unbelievable good thing, it was even more satisfying than obtaining the Nine Suns Divine Art right now, you know. Who was Zhang Sanfeng? He was a first generation grandmaster who had been through hundreds of years of martial arts in his life, and had experienced so many things. The profoundness of the martial arts and the abundance of experience, allowed this rookie, Li Xiaofeng, to instantly have the cultivation experience of a Grandmaster, and the difference in their knowledge and abilities. Furthermore, this was still just the starting point, if he were to completely digest these memories, in addition to his own experiences in the future, he would definitely be able to far surpass Zhang Sanfeng, a War God that had never been seen before and would never come again.

    Of course, it was impossible for Zhang Sanfeng to know of all these. No matter how powerful or knowledgeable his martial arts were, he would never be able to imagine what happened to Li Xiaofeng. frowned, sighed, made a strange gesture to the sky, then giggled and thought of something.

    "Ever since Wu Ji was struck by the lightning, he has been in a strange state.

    He asked with concern.

    Wu Ji, what's wrong?

    Li Xiaofeng was shocked. He was way too pleased with himself, and thought that it was bad if Zhang Sanfeng became suspicious, and immediately said.

    It's nothing. Grand Master, it's just that Wu Ji remembered something from the past and lost his composure.

    Zhang Sanfeng didn't suspect anything, he thought that he really wanted to climb onto a small river and sail to the middle stream, bringing up the past, which was why he felt that it was strange, and spoke some words of consolation. They had arrived halfway into the Han River and boarded a small river. In the middle of the river, the waves of the Han river surged, the boat was also swaying a bit, Li Xiaofeng's consoling words to him were just like an obedient boat, looking like an obedient dog. But this was not feigned by Li Xiaofeng, but rather, he had fused with his consciousness, and he also harbored feelings for Zhang Sanfeng.

    Stop the boat and hand over the child. The Buddha will spare your life, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless.

    This voice came from within the waves, and the twenty percent mark was clear. It was clear that the person who came had extremely deep Inner Qi. Zhang Sanfeng was stunned at first, but then he sneered and thought to himself.

    I want to see who dares to ask me to keep my child?

    Li Xiaofeng heard this and was also stunned.

    F * ck, who said that without any skill in their speech? Wait and let me think, that's right! I can still remember this scene, because it's the first time I've seen Zhou MM, Ali Crow... May God bless you, boss. You're finally here. Why are you so slow? To think that I thought that history had changed because of my arrival. I really didn't have the slightest bit of awareness that I was up to no good …

    Regardless of the distracting thoughts in Li Xiaofeng's mind, Zhang Sanfeng thought that the other party was referring to him. He raised his eyes and saw two river boats coming flying, Zhang Sanfeng's eyesight was extremely astonishing, he saw a Whiskered hyperhidrosis sitting on a boat in front, with two children, a man and a woman on the boat, and a big boat behind them with four monks and seven or eight Mongolian warrior s on it. The big bearded man had great arm strength, the small boat flew out of the water at a speed of one zhang, but there were many people on the back, the distance between the two ships was getting further and further. On the big boat, the Pangu Warriors on the boat shot their bows towards the big man, but they could hear the sound of arrows piercing through the air.

    Only then did Zhang Sanfeng come back to his senses.

    So they wanted the burly man with the beard to have him have the children.

    Li Xiaofeng also saw the figure on the boat, his heart thumping hard, he knew. The girl on the boat was Zhou Zhiruo, but she couldn't see her face clearly. Li Xiaofeng wanted to see how beautiful the original Zhou MM from the book was, and how it compared to the stars on the television. Just as he was thinking, he saw the big sized man paddle the boat with his left hand and raise the wood pulp with his right hand, releasing the powerful zhenqi s and blocking all the arrows. This was the first time Li Xiaofeng came to this world that he saw someone performing martial arts, he felt that it was extremely mystical.

    Is this martial arts? than is described on television or in books. How much stronger is it? Aiya, that's not good. Don't let him hurt my MM! That's not good! [Kacha, when did it become his MM?] [TL: MM]

    Li Xiaofeng immediately said.

    Grand Master, this man's martial arts are so high, he looks like a hero in trouble. How can we just sit back and watch? Help that Big Brother.

    Li Xiaofeng did not care about the life or death of the burly man. What he was worried about was one of his future wives, Zhou MM.

    Wu Ji, don't worry. I won't just sit there and watch.

    The boat owner was so scared that even if arrows were to fly all over the place, he still wouldn't be able to move fast enough. When he heard that Zhang Sanfeng wanted to save the hyperhidrosis, he was so shocked that he almost died.

    The two Daos. Grandpa … I'm kidding, that Yuan person is brutal, we have no choice but to do it … This …"

    Just at this moment, there was a sudden scream, and the man in the boat suffered an arrow. Seeing that he was about to die, the hyperhidrosis was startled, and his hands and feet became slow.


    The boat did not have the power to move at all, it immediately got caught by the big boat, and seven or eight warriors jumped onto the boat, the man was extremely ferocious, ignoring the arrows on his body, their eyes turned red, he roared out and started fighting with the Pan-Monk Warriors, causing the boat to fly everywhere. The boat swayed unsteadily, and could be destroyed at any time, but seeing that the situation was dire, Zhang Sanfeng was not willing to bother with the boat, with a tap of his feet, he flew up, flying towards the boat with sleeves fluttering, and shouted at the same time.

    Stop it, Tauren. Hugh is hurting people.

    The two Mongolian warrior s on the boat saw Zhang Sanfeng pouncing towards them like a group of large bird s, and they ignored him from a distance of thirty meters. Their opponent was a top-notch expert, but their natures were fierce and they worked together to shoot arrows. They wanted to take advantage of Zhang Sanfeng's lack of strength in the air to injure him, while Mongolian warrior rode his horse at a young age, following the path of archery. He was extremely proficient in using those two arrows, which were as fast as lightning. Zhang Sanfeng was one of the people, with his sleeves waving, the strong zhenqi surged, and the steel arrow feathers silently turned into powder, flying in the air at an incredible speed. In a flash, he arrived on the boat and swung his left palm, causing a few Pan-Monk s to fall a few meters away, with two thumps, they fell into the river.

    Seeing that the The best in the world was indeed peerlessly powerful, Li Xiaofeng's heart surged as he shouted.

    Grand Master, that's great, WLGO's.

    Li Xiaofeng danced as he obtained Zhang Sanfeng's memories. The martial arts that he used against Zhang Sanfeng were like a palm, that pounced forward with an incredible speed, and was naturally executed using Wu Dang's Floating Cloud Stairway, which could allow him to borrow strength from the air for seven times. The martial arts that could be used to weave steel arrows were like flying sleeves, but the ones that could send Pan Zun flying were like cotton. For many years, he had not killed anyone easily, otherwise, the warriors of the Pan-Monk would not have survived.

    Hearing Li Xiaofeng's loud shout, Zhang Sanfeng felt a little strange, what did he mean? All the warriors felt fear in their hearts when they saw Zhang Sanfeng descending from the sky like a flying general, and immediately sending two powerful Pan-Monk s flying. The leader of the warriors shouted with great difficulty.

    That old Daoist. What are you trying to do?

    Zhang Sanfeng sneered.

    Dog Tarantula! He's here to do evil and harm good people. Get out of my sight now!

    Although the Warrior Leader was afraid of Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts, he still spoke with determination.

    Do you know that? This person is Shui, the remnant of Witch Church Yuan Zhou's rebel faction. The imperial government wants to capture him, if you want to save him, you shouldn't try to capture him."

    Zhang Sanfeng was shocked, he was naturally not afraid of the warrior's terrifying shout, but was because he had heard the words' Yuan Zhou, Witch Church's remnants'.

    Don't tell me. Was it Zhou Ziwan's deployment ? She turned her head and asked the big man.

    Is he serious?

    Zha Xu shouted as his entire body was drenched in blood. His left hand held the corpse of the boy as he said this with tears in his fierce eyes.

    Young master … Killed by them. "

    These words were equivalent to admitting his identity, Zhang Sanfeng was even more shocked in his heart.

    Is this Zhou Ziwan's husband?

    The hyperhidrosis nodded.

    That's right, I've instructed you to give up your life as well.

    He gently put down the boy's body and pounced towards the warrior leader, but unfortunately, he was heavily injured and the poison arrow had not been pulled out. The moment he got up, he fainted on the boat, and little girl threw herself onto the body of a man, crying bitterly as he shouted Daddy …

    Zhang Sanfeng saw the attire of the corpse. It was obvious that it was the owner of the boat. Zhang Sanfeng thought with difficulty.

    I knew it. It's someone from the Witch Church, it's none of my business, but I can't do anything about it.

    Li Xiaofeng's eyesight was very good, when he saw the situation on the boat, his eyes were only on little girl who was crying bitterly, and he knew in his heart. Then it would be Zhou Zhiruo, seeing her crying so loudly, she muttered to herself in heartache.

    Poor wife, don't cry. I'm so heartbroken from crying, big brother will buy you some sweets to eat. Sweat, this guy, how come I didn't know about him before. He is so shameless]

    Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng was late, Li Xiaofeng immediately shouted.

    Grand Master, quickly save them. Those Tarantula are too despicable. It is not chivalrous to not save someone when they are about to die."

    Originally, there was no prejudice, but because his third disciple, Yu Daiyan, had been crippled for life, her fifth disciple, Zhang Cuishan, had her name cut off from her body and died because of the Heavenly Eagle Church. Although she had suppressed the desire to take revenge against the Heavenly Eagle Church with difficulty, regardless of how broad his intentions were, she still hated the two words Evil Demon very much.

    Wu Ji's child is so broad-minded, it's difficult for me, Zhang Sanfeng, to live a hundred years for him at such a young age, how can I be so persistent about hatred, I am ashamed of it!

    If he knew. Li Xiaofeng was just worried that 'his' Zhou MM didn't know. That blade light was like a waterfall of water, breaking through the vast sky was extremely fierce, the distance between the boat and Zhang Sanfeng was too small, he could not avoid it at all, and if it were any other expert who did not hate him even if he fell to the ground, he would probably fall into the river, but unfortunately, Zhang Sanfeng was a person of equal standing, his left hand seemed to be slow but in reality, causing the air to suddenly become extremely viscous, as though the two warriors had fallen into mud, and the movement of their swords became extremely slow and laughable. Zhang Sanfeng struck the guards with their left hands, making them unable to dodge as he rushed out.

    This boy is already dead, and the remaining man is also poisoned, so wouldn't he also lose his life? Since all of you have already done well, you don't have to be too ruthless. Then let's go.

    The leader said unwillingly.

    No way, we have to cut down their leader before we can claim the credit.

    A cold light flashed across Zhang Sanfeng's eyes.

    Old Daoist. Even though he was training in the Dao. Even after not killing for so many years, he had still managed to force the old Daoist into a corner. Open a world of slaughter, otherwise …

    As Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking, he gently slapped the surface of the lake, and a gigantic palm print instantly appeared on the surface of the lake, as though he had been struck by an invisible giant spirit god. Not long after, the palm print recovered, and the lake water recovered its flow.

    Still not leaving? Don't tell me …

    Before they finished speaking, everyone immediately rushed to the back of the large ship to save the Pan-Monk who had fallen into the water. They hurriedly rushed forward in a sorry state, Li Xiaofeng watched as Zhang Sanfeng struck the air with his palm, and a palm print half a meter deep was produced.

    The Grand Master's mystical technique is unrivalled in the world. It has reigned supreme throughout the world and reigned supreme for thousands of years …

    Zhang Sanfeng had not fought with anyone for dozens of years, but today, he had done it on a small scale. He was extremely carefree and carefree, and when he heard Li Xiaofeng's words, he almost did not bring them up in one go as he looked at Li Xiaofeng, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

    Wu Ji heard these demonic words from that place. Could it be? Is he someone with great ambition?

    He was also surprised by Zhang Wuji's change in personality, the astonishing words and actions that he would occasionally take, but he did not take it to heart. Instead, he comforted his, thinking that it was good that he was no longer immersed in the tragedy of his parents' death.

    Zhang Sanfeng took out the Pills and fed it into the mouth of the hyperhidrosis, using a bit of strength in his legs, the boat immediately shot towards the side of Li Xiaofeng's boat. The Wudang's Pills had a miraculous effect of detoxifying the poison, the tough man's body, after a while, he woke up, because Zhang Sanfeng was afraid that he would wake up too soon, so he wanted to help him past the boat.

    This person is seriously injured, yet he is still so loyal to the Young Lord. He is definitely a good man, Old Daoist. This time, I did not save the wrong person. Even if he is from Witch Church, he should still save someone as good as me.

    Li Xiaofeng looked at Zhou Zhiruo anxiously. Immediately, he felt like his mind was blown away by the idea. Although Zhou Zhiruo was still young, she had a pretty face and was definitely a beauty. Combined with her face full of tears, it was truly touching.

    Ari Crow, may God bless me. I'm really too beautiful … I will make her my wife …


    Lu Xiaofeng stood there in a daze, with a face full of pig song, just a bit of saliva was about to come out [paedophilia?], but luckily no one noticed, as Zhou Zhiruo looked at her father's corpse floating away with the boat, and only crying like a rain band escaping from a flower. Li Xiaofeng was just about to console his.

    Little sister, don't cry! Big brother will buy you some sweets to eat!

    Perhaps it was because the heavens had never seen this pervert before, but now that the cold energy in his body was acting up so suddenly, Li Xiaofeng felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and only had time to curse the heavens in his heart.

    Damn, even the heavens would be jealous of him, that old virgin.

    Lu Xiaofeng's body shivered heavily for a moment, then stiffened, his face became pale, and a white frost appeared on his forehead. The boat lord was the first to notice Li Xiaofeng's abnormality. When his body accidentally touched Li Xiaofeng's body, he instantly shivered, as though he had touched a piece of ten thousand year old ice.

    Aiya! This path. Why is your body so cold?

    The words from the boat skill immediately made Zhang Sanfeng realize the situation with Li Xiaofeng, he knew. Li Xiaofeng's cold qi was acting up again, and he immediately pointed at a few of Li Xiaofeng's acupoints, causing the gentle and pure Infinite True Qi s to flow into his acupoints. He was thinking about one thing. Yes. The invisible lock sealed the surging cold energy into his meridians, making Li Xiaofeng feel that his body had warmed up a lot, although it was only because of the acupuncture points. Feng Yan was unable to move, but she was able to speak.

    Thank you, Grand Master, I am much better now.

    Li Xiaofeng fused with Zhang Wuji's memories, his words had become ancient and wrinkled, Zhang Sanfeng laughed after hearing it.

    Foolish child, why do you treat Grand Master as an outsider? What does this Xu zhenqi matter, I only have to rest for a few hours to recover, it is truly a good thing that lightning ball moved that day, not only did it open all the meridians in your body, the positive energy also eliminated the poison from the cold poison in your body and turned into a pure cold Qi. This is a strange fate that ordinary people dare not imagine, as long as you practice the Pure Yang Nine Suns Divine Art in the future, you can combine Yin and Yang from the very beginning. Above."

    Li Xiaofeng obtained Zhang Sanfeng's memories, and he also understood his own body very well, understood. Zhang Sanfeng only consoled himself. There was nothing wrong with that, the meridians in his body were completely opened, and the cold poison's poison was completely melted into his own body, but the cold energy had already completely fused into his own internal organs and the Xiantian Qi's energy, every person would be born with a Xiantian Qi's energy, but after inhaling the Houtian Qi, the Xiantian Qi would disappear into the depths of their body, maintaining their life. The day when the person's Innate Qi was exhausted, it meant that, in the words of the medicine and biology of the twenty-first century, the Xiantian Qi's vitality was broken. The higher one's martial arts technique was, the shorter the amount of time one needed to reach the postcelestial stage. Thus, from ancient times until now, every ultimate martial arts technique would bring about a bloody storm, causing countless martial artists to fight for it. Other than wanting to obtain a strong power to become the strongest in the world, there was also the intention to increase one's lifespan.

    The reason why Zhang Sanfeng was able to live till the age of a hundred is because he had completely merged with the Xiantian Qi in his body, in this era where martial arts were gradually declining, it was because he had achieved an extremely great accomplishment, so he was respected as the number one person in the world, the cold qi in his body had already fused with the innate strength, and it was also getting stronger and stronger, but it was not a good thing. Li Xiaofeng's body was filled with negative zhenqi, and he was getting stronger and stronger, the Yin and Yang in his body were already out of balance, although he had 100 meridians, he was no longer suitable for training in martial arts. Training positive zhenqi s would not produce positive zhenqi s, without producing even a trace of zhenqi s, they would quickly be assimilated as yin qi s, and wouldn't even be able to progress an inch, but training negative zhenqi would naturally accelerate the imbalance of the Yin Qi in his body, and once he mastered it, he would lose his life. Furthermore, the most sinister thing was not being able to use his strong Qi to dissolve the cold qi outside his body. Although Li Xiaofeng knew this in his heart, he would not reveal it.

    Grand Master must be joking, how can this child surpass Grand Master? I only hope that I can learn too many martial arts in the future and be a hero.

    Li Xiaofeng thought about his own situation uneasily.

    No wonder those novels I've read before about the Nine Yang Ultimate Skill, although the Six Yin Meridians s have extraordinary talent, they are unable to learn martial arts. I myself am definitely more exaggerated than those Ultimate Martial Arts, I only hope that the《 Nine Suns Divine Art》 can bring more glory to it and not ruin its reputation as the number one Supreme Yang in the world.

    Just as Zhang Sanfeng was about to speak, the sturdy man knelt down and kowtowed to Zhang Sanfeng.

    Old Daoist. As long as I live, Chang Yuchun will kowtow to you, old one. "

    Zhang Sanfeng waved his left hand, and a ray of light shot out. With an invisible force, it lifted Chang Yuchun up, causing Chang Yuchun's head to naturally not hit the ground.

    Chang Hero doesn't need to be so courteous. I think you have internal injuries.

    Chang Yuchun nodded.

    I escorted my young lord south from Xinyang, and fought four times with the Eagle-Dog master whom Dai had sent to hunt him down. A Pan-Monk hit me twice on the chest and back.

    Zhang Sanfeng checked his injuries. Seeing that he was severely injured, if it was anyone else, they would have been unable to take it anymore. He traveled a thousand miles and rejected all resistance. He immediately took out some silver and asked the boat family to send him and the others to the Taiping Restaurant to sleep. That boat family, seeing how powerful Zhang Sanfeng was, was filled with admiration and had money to earn, so of course, they promised Zhou Zhiruo that they would. Zhang Sanfeng was still crying because he looked pitiful, even though his clothes were simple.

    "Little girl, what's your name? Do we still have family at home?

    Zhou Zhiruo said sorrowfully.

    My surname is Zhou Zhiruo. Father and I will live on the ship and will never have family again!

    Zhang Sanfeng thought.

    The boat family's maiden name is indeed excellent. But how?"

    Li Xiaofeng interrupted.

    Little Sister Zhou, don't be sad. People can't be revived if they die, and crying is useless. You only hate the tyrannical Yuan. You should be stronger. In the future, learn how to avenge your father.

    Zhou Zhiruo was dumbstruck. Only now did Zhou Zhiruo notice Li Xiaofeng, and seeing this pale-faced youth, who was not much older than him, looking at her with such concern, [Actually it's just a little girl], his heart was moved. She had just lost her one and only family, and her heart was in a state of helplessness.

    Grand Master, this sister has lost her family, and is now an orphan like your son. How can she survive in this chaotic world? Grand Master, let's take care of Little Sister Zhou and find a companion for your son.

    Seeing Li Xiaofeng being so chivalrous, Zhang Sanfeng was comforted and thought to himself.

    "Wu Ji, this child, was born with a chivalrous heart, but he had a bitter life.

    He continued.

    Naturally, Wu Ji. I will naturally not abandon her.

    Li Xiaofeng said.

    Grand Master will also have to trouble you with another matter. Little Sister Zhou's father who died an innocent death has a reason for doing so. It's because people die, I can't bear to have his corpse on the river. We should take his body with us to find a piece of land so that he can rest in peace.

    Zhang Sanfeng was startled for a moment, and immediately nodded with gratification.

    Wu Ji, you really have a chivalrous heart, your thoughts are truly thoughtful, I was careless, I will immediately do it.

    Immediately, he moved out and leaped towards the small boat, which was already several meters away from Zhou Zhiruo, and carried Zhou Zhiruo's father's body back. Zhou Zhiruo was moved to tears, and knelt down, saying.

    Thank you, little brother. Zhiruo will never forget this great favor. I am willing to serve you as a horse or an ox for the rest of my life.

    In his heart, Lu Xiaofeng was feeling proud of his methods of bribing the hearts of others, but he was caught off guard by Zhou Zhiruo's move as he quickly replied.

    Sister Zhou, this is what I should do. Don't get up so quickly …

    It was a pity that the acupoints in his body. had no choice but to lie down and help Zhou Zhiruo up when she was in a difficult situation, and said with a smile.

    Zhou, are you willing to take good care of Wu Ji for me?

    Zhou Zhiruo nodded and said gently.

    Zhiruo is naturally willing to become little big brother's maidservant.

    Who knows. Li Xiaofeng immediately rejected, and said something that caused everyone to be shocked.

    No, I don't want little sister Zhiruo to become some maidservant. I want to take her as my wife!


    No, I don't want little sister Zhiruo to become some maidservant. I want to take her as my wife!

    Lu Xiaofeng's words petrified everyone. Lu Xiaofeng did not give up until he shocked everyone. It was not because he was shocked that Li Xiaofeng wanted to get married at such a young age, but because the average lifespan of a person in this era of war was less than 50, so it was a common practice for them to get married early marriages, especially when they were 11 to 12 years old. The same kind of girl could also get married at the age of 12 to 13 years old, and for those in the martial world, getting married a little later was because breaking down their bodies before reaching a certain realm would affect the progress of their martial arts. All the girls in this era were very precocious. Her mother was originally a young lady from a large family, but because of the war, her family had been ruined, and she had escaped to this place to meet her father and marry him. Although she had died when Zhou Zhiruo was seven years old, under the guidance of her mother, she understood the relationship between man and woman, and her mother's greatest hope was for Zhou Zhiruo to find a good home in the future.

    Unexpectedly, Li Xiaofeng actually said that he wanted to take her as his wife when his family was destroyed, causing the young girl's shyness to surge into her heart. Seeing the two of them acting like this, Li Xiaofeng felt extremely pleased with himself, if he did not take this opportunity and take Zhou Zhiruo as her wife, then he would have taken the opportunity to imprint his image into the heart of Zhou Zhiruo, the gentle inner girl, and after she becomes strong, his first impression would be the most important drop! What? You say I'm despicable? Damn, this is called psychology, do you understand? After all, Zhang Sanfeng was a first generation grandmaster.

    Since it was Wu Ji's own decision, Grand Master naturally would not oppose it. However, I have to ask Zhou, Zhou, on behalf of my Wu Ji's son, I want to propose marriage to you. Are you willing to make the marriage with him as good as making it difficult for you?

    Zhou Zhiruo's head was lowered to the point that it couldn't be lowered anymore, causing people to be worried that her head would snap.

    Zhiruo … But he still obeyed. Yes, sir.

    Her voice was too soft, if not for Zhang Sanfeng's mystical skills, he was afraid that he would not have heard, and seeing Zhou Le, Zhang Sanfeng laughed happily, as he stroked his beard and said.

    Haha, fine, fine. I didn't expect that my trip to Hanshui would have such a great destiny. I think I know that Cui Shan is in Heaven and Earth. You will definitely be very happy, you guys are still young now, I'll arrange a marriage for you guys. When you guys grow up a few years later, I'll invite the world's heroes to a feast for you guys, how about it?

    Li Xiaofeng was overjoyed, although he knew. Other than the fact that Zhou Zhiruo had a good impression of him in modern times, it was mostly because of a feeling of gratitude. However, Li Xiaofeng was not anxious, he was confident of making Zhou Zhiruo fall in love with him, so Chang Yuchun did not know. When to leave the cabin, said.

    Congratulations, Old Daoist. Long and short. If there's an opportunity, Chang Yuchun will definitely go and drink your wedding wine. "

    Zhang Sanfeng was currently rejoicing in his heart, and was no longer thinking about Chang Yuchun's Witch Church being born.

    That's for the best. By the way, your injuries are very serious. Didn't I tell you to rest more?

    Chang Yuchun said.

    Originally yes, fiercely wanted to know. He was so confused that he forgot to ask. Long name, said. I have never seen such a profound martial art in my life, so I dare not ask for advice. The magic name of Zhang.

    Zhang Sanfeng smiled.

    Old Daoist. Zhang Sanfeng. "

    Chang Yuchun let out a cry, and immediately bowed towards Zhang Sanfeng.

    Old Daoist. It turns out he is Wudang Mountain's Master Zhang, no wonder his godly skills are unrivalled, it is my eyes that are cloudy. I have the good fortune to meet immortal elder today. "

    Zhang Sanfeng smiled.

    Old Daoist. It's just that I was talking too much. What do you mean 'immortal' or 'immortal'? Hero Chang, please hold it tight and go to sleep. You mustn't break an arrow or injure yourself.

    Chang Yuchun hurriedly said.

    "Spiritual Master Zhang, this hero

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