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Practical Law of Attraction | The Power of Positivity: Align Yourself with the Manifesting Conditions and Successfully Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
Practical Law of Attraction | The Power of Positivity: Align Yourself with the Manifesting Conditions and Successfully Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
Practical Law of Attraction | The Power of Positivity: Align Yourself with the Manifesting Conditions and Successfully Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Practical Law of Attraction | The Power of Positivity: Align Yourself with the Manifesting Conditions and Successfully Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness

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About this ebook

How to retrain your brain to draw abundance to you using the Law of Attraction, even if you feel like the world is against you.

Are negative thoughts constantly swirling in your mind?

Do you struggle to make ends meet and see money as the enemy?

Are you trying to turn your life around but can't seem to get ahead?

When you feel like you've reached rock bottom and there's nowhere else to go, tap into the hidden power within you: your mind.

Using the Law of Attraction, you can can bring wealth, health, and happiness into your life.

Celebrities and everyday folks alike have discovered the power of the Law of Attraction. By focusing on positivity and using visualization techniques, you can build the life of your dreams.

Everything you need to know to get started is right here in this book.

Within Practical Law of Attraction, you'll discover:

  • How the Law of Attraction has worked for countless others

  • What it takes to raise your frequency

  • The power of positivity

  • How to utilize gratitude and visualization to attract abundance

  • Mindset exercises to help you focus on wealth, health, love, success, and more

The Law of Attraction doesn't rely on magic. It's a tried and tested method of aligning your intentions with the universe and simply asking for what you desire.

If you can ask for it, wish for it, and visualize it, you can receive it.

Click "add to cart" to find out how the Law of Attraction can help you begin your life anew.

Release dateNov 19, 2019

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    Book preview

    Practical Law of Attraction | The Power of Positivity - Amanda M. Myers

    Practical Law of Attraction

    How to Align Yourself with the Manifesting Conditions and Successfully Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness

    © Copyright 2019 - All rights reserved.

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    This book is copyright protected. It is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part, or the content within this book, without the consent of the author or publisher.

    Disclaimer Notice:

    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of the use of information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Beginner’s Guide to the Law of Attraction

    Chapter 2: Visualize, Act, and Be Grateful

    Chapter 3: Wealth Mindset

    Chapter 4: Health Mindset

    Chapter 5: Success, Happiness, and Love

    Chapter 6: Romantic Love

    Chapter 7: How to Check If It Is Working




    In 1987, a struggling actor wrote himself a check. He had just moved to Los Angeles from Toronto, a world away at that time. Far from his home and family, he was poor and struggling to find his big break. After long nights of auditions, he would drive up to Mulholland Drive, park his car, and stare out at the scintillating lights of the city glimmering back at him. He would look at this city that represented all he wanted: fame, beauty, and wealth. He would turn his car off and visualize. He would envision directors recognizing his talent, his name in lights, and his face on the cover of magazines.

    That dream seemed so far from that peak in Southern California. But he visualized every day, maybe as a coping mechanism or some deep delusion, but he promised himself he would make it. Somehow. One day he decided he needed an extra push. He put his money where his mouth was, or hypothetical money at least. At the peak of his poverty, he wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars. Many would call him crazy. He gave himself three years to make it happen. Due date: Thanksgiving 1995.

    The years passed, and he never forgot that dream. He worked hard, twice as hard as he had before. Two days before his deadline, on November 23, 1995, he got signed to a movie contract for, you guessed it, 10 million dollars.

    Today, directors write roles for him; his name is in lights, and he has been on the cover of uncountable magazines. His net worth is now more than the lofty 10 million he dreamed for himself while at the bottom. He saw it. He worked for it. He manifested it. That is how Jim Carrey claimed his success.

    Do You Believe?

    Jim Carrey has been practicing the law of attraction since the 80s, but this is a technique that goes back to the beginning of conscious thought. Buddha, Edison, and even Oprah have all believed in the law of attraction. But what is it exactly? You are sure to have heard, it given the success of The Secret and numerous celebrities backing the law. Its methods are simple: the law of attraction is about clearing negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. Through positive thoughts and the right action, you can achieve a more prosperous life. Done. You can put this book down now. But if it were that easy, then the rest of this book would only be a waste of space on your hard drive, next to photos of your friend's baby you never visit and productivity PDFs. Let's make sure this isn't a waste of space. The law of attraction is more than your thoughts, but your thoughts are transformative.

    Jim Carrey's story is one of numerous examples of the law of attraction. It is the practice that states we can attract whatever we want into our lives. Newest car model? Dream it. Want a raise? Believe it. Need millions of followers? Visualize it. Whenever your mind thinks with positive intention, visualization, and consistency, you will begin to flourish.

    Our thoughts, negative or positive, come into being. Be careful what you think. The law of attraction is universal energy; it flows through every creature, swims in every cell, reaches the bottom of the ocean, and beyond the sun. It is as ubiquitous and invisible as air until you notice the wind. The law of attraction is like a newborn pup: it has limitless potential and the ability to be trained. But is it that easy? Just a thought? Sometimes it feels like we have a million thoughts a second. We are constantly thinking, from the moment we wake up to when we fall asleep. How is thinking, a sometimes passive activity, supposed to bring me the life I want?

    The life you want is inside of you. It isn't in the newest diet, the hottest new outfits, or the fanciest cars. Your happiness and fullest life come from within. You have had it inside of you the whole time. Like an untapped well, through this book, you will learn how to make it overflow. The law of attraction does not happen overnight or after just one mindfulness meditation session. If it did, we would all be driving a Mercedes-Benz and have the bodies of our dreams. We live in a material world, and we need to still operate in it. But all that

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