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Image Temporality: Time, Space and Visual Media
Image Temporality: Time, Space and Visual Media
Image Temporality: Time, Space and Visual Media
Ebook195 pages4 hours

Image Temporality: Time, Space and Visual Media

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About this ebook

Media technology plays a significant role in addressing the different sense modalities of the recipient or user. This role seems to deeply influence our concepts of time and space: The more a media technology is becoming a trigger for sensory and perceptual experiences, the bigger is the influence on temporality and spatiality. Image Temporality could be one part of the temporality discourse to connect the concepts of static and dynamic images with the approaches in modern media theory, philosophy of mind, perceptual theory, aesthetics, and film studies as well as the complex range of image science.This volume monitors and discusses the relation of time, space and visual media within the perspective of an autonomous image science.
Release dateNov 17, 2017
Image Temporality: Time, Space and Visual Media

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    Image Temporality - Büchner-Verlag

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