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Fit For The Fight
Fit For The Fight
Fit For The Fight
Ebook58 pages44 minutes

Fit For The Fight

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Fit For The Fight is an Inspirational/religious book that uses an athlete's experiences in sports to encourage its readers to fight to believe, to fight to endure,and to fight to win. The lessons learnt are universal, so they are not limited to only athletes. "Fight" implies that whatever you are going up against, requires some preparation. In this case the different experiences were the preparations. Fit For The Fight changes the reader's perspective and helps them to see the experiences/obstacles as their training ground and not a failure or "just" an obstacle.
Release dateNov 25, 2019
Fit For The Fight

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    Fit For The Fight - Kai F. Selvon

    Copyright © 2019 by Kai Selvon.

    ISBN: 9781543995046

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Designed by Kai Selvon

    Edited by CupsandQuill

    Printed by BookBaby

    Certain Names have been changed

    Publisher’s Note: The stories in this book are to the best of my recollection. The intention is not to call out any individuals, but to be an example to the ones looking on that with God the journey can be much easier

    First printing 2019

    Ordering Information:

    Quantity sales, and Special discounts are available. For details, contact us at [email protected], or visit the Instagram page (KaiSelvon) for a direct link in the bio.

    Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

    ―James 1: 2-4 ESV






    Mental Strength

    In My Space for  A Reason

    Olympics 2012 London

    Won’t He Do It?

    The Power of Prayer

    Wear and Tear


    Rio de Janeiro Brazil

    Perspective Change

    Controlled thoughts

    Take Away



    Growing up in a small village in Trinidad and Tobago, Kai Selvon quickly learned what it meant to endure, persevere, and trust. Having big dreams to become an Olympic medalist, Kai never imagined that the experiences that awaited her would test her will, strength, endurance, faith, and character.

    Fit For the Fight uses some of the challenges Kai encountered to bring awareness to what it is like being an athlete, and how having God at your side, makes the process much easier. It is also used to educate Sports Critics about winning. Sometimes obtaining the medal is not the only benchmark for success, but for an athlete, it is being able to overcome the unexpected hurdles while remaining sane


    I want to thank my mother, Debbie Selvon. My brothers, Kwesi, Kwame, and Khalid Selvon.

    My therapist, Zephyrinus Nicholas. The national sports doctor, Anyl Gopeesingh. My current coach, Henry Rolle. My former coach, Earl Bornes.

    My supportive high school teacher, David Prime.

    The first person to discover my running talents, Mr. Macoon.

    Thank you all for the support and investments in my life. I thank God for placing you all in my life, and I wish you all nothing but love, health, and strength moving forward.


    My name is Kai Selvon. I am from the small village of La Seiva in Trinidad, the larger of the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. In the years that I lived in La Seiva, it was a tight-knit community. Mainly family members made up the village. Big smiles, happy hearts, fun cricket, football (soccer), or local made-up games and rituals filled the comfortable atmosphere. I looked forward to weekends and vacations because of the anticipated excitement. This comfortable and easy home environment is what I decided to sacrifice at sixteen-years-old to pursue my athletic dreams.

    As of this writing, I have been a Trinidad and Tobago national athlete for nineteen years. I wrote this book that highlights my experiences to share insight into the life of athletes. So, the next time you judge, bash, critique, or make your assumptions as to why

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