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Immortal With Countless Treasures: Volume 1
Immortal With Countless Treasures: Volume 1
Immortal With Countless Treasures: Volume 1
Ebook710 pages10 hours

Immortal With Countless Treasures: Volume 1

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Seeing the beautiful woman from the sky, Jiang Liu-er's view of the world changed
Release dateDec 13, 2019
Immortal With Countless Treasures: Volume 1

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    Immortal With Countless Treasures - Qing Lei



    Under the dim light, there was a brainless young man who was smiling at the computer. Looking at his face, it looked as if he was about to drool at any moment.

    Perfect, it's simply perfect. This ratio, this line. Tsk tsk, if you let me touch it, then I can feel as good as flipping the heavens! The wretched youth mumbled, and the sound of saliva being sucked could be vaguely heard.

    Then, he saw the young man click the mouse and the picture on the computer change. It was a picture of a sword. It was the same item that he had seen on the computer previously, except that it had been placed in a different direction.

    The sword looked like a bronze sword.

    Tsk tsk, what a good sword. Unfortunately, it's not in our museum. Sigh! In the end, the wretched look in the youth's eyes disappeared, replaced with a look of disappointment.


    The teenager wanted to turn off the computer and sleep. A sound of someone being caught off guard echoed out. The next moment, the young man trembled and saw a rock smash into his head heavily.

    Who, who did it? The teenager jumped up from his chair and shouted towards the window. He saw that a large hole had been smashed open in the window.

    Which brat is it, to be so audacious! The youth cursed as he walked towards the window.

    However, he stopped halfway there. At this moment, a look of astonishment appeared on his face, and his entire body trembled lightly.

    Because at this moment, he realized something very important. That was his home on the tenth floor!

    Who could have thrown a stone to the tenth floor? Either he was a ghost, or he was shockingly powerful. He couldn't afford to offend either of them.

    Without even thinking about it, the youth's body trembled and he immediately jumped onto the bed. At the same time, he kept chanting 'Amitabha', and God bless them.

    Bang bang! Just as the young master was praying to himself, he suddenly trembled, and a series of hurried knocks on the door sounded out.

    The youth was covered in cold sweat as he turned his head to look at the shattered window. He then looked towards the direction of the voice, F * ck, did I really run into a ghost?

    But in the end, he still mustered his courage. He jumped out of bed. Thinking about it, he didn't do anything shameful, so he shouldn't encounter any unclean things.

    Step by step, he walked towards the door of his house. Walking out of the bedroom, the knocking sound had become extremely urgent. It wasn't a knock, it was a knock.

    Who is it! After thinking for a long time, that youth didn't expect that he had offended a deity. He swallowed and gathered up his courage.

    Bam! However, just as he finished speaking, he saw the door to his living room smash open. Before he could even see clearly, a figure had already quickly rushed in front of him.

    Before he could react, the person rushing in from outside pushed him into the bedroom and pressed him down on the bed. You're called Jiang Liu'er? "

    With great difficulty, Jiang Liu'er managed to react. However, she couldn't resist sucking in a breath of cold air. He saw that the person who pressed him onto the bed was a beauty akin to a goddess.

    Her facial features were handsome, her skin was fair, and she gave off a very valiant vibe. Jiang Liu'er couldn't help but nod at her, That's my name!

    After hearing what Jiang Liu'er said, the woman stretched out her hand and pulled Jiang Liu'er's hand up.

    Jiang Liu'er couldn't help but shiver. That was so soft, it was like she was holding onto herself like a ball of cotton. That warmth, it was simply too wonderful.

    Beauty, what are you doing? Unable to hold it in, Jiang Liu'er raised an eyebrow at the beauty who was pressing down on her, Don't be in such a hurry, take your time!

    Jiang Liu'er wanted to grab hold of the girl's hand, but she saw the girl forcefully grabbing Jiang Liu'er's palm. She couldn't help but straighten out all five of her fingers.

    At this moment, he saw the woman take out a ring from his pocket.

    Jiang Liu'er originally wanted to continue teasing that woman, but when he saw the ring, he immediately quieted down.

    It was a ring made from jade, and on the ring, there was a unique pattern. He studied archaeology and was currently working in a museum in the city. He was very clear that it was impossible to carve patterns on a jade ring like this.

    The jade was originally smooth and smooth. Regardless of what the jade was made into, from the perspective of the ancients and the modern era, the smoother it was, the better it was. At most, it would be made from the inside of a jade artifact, but it would never damage its surface.

    In addition, the jade was extremely fragile. Even with modern technology, it was impossible to make such a jade ring like this, where one could carve patterns on its surface. At most, he would grind the entire jade artifact into a complete picture.

    Other than the fact that this strange craftsmanship had surprised Jiang Liu'er, there was another thing that made him even more suspicious. That was the moment when he saw the ring, he felt as if he had seen it somewhere before.

    It was as if he could recognize his own dog after seeing it on the street many years after it had been lost. It was an emotional connection.

    When Jiang Liu'er saw the ring, she felt that the ring was alive and breathing. It was this feeling of life that made Jiang Liu'er look at the ring and unable to shift her gaze away from it.

    At this moment, the woman who had pressed Jiang Liu'er down below her put the ring on Jiang Liu'er's finger without saying anything.

    Once the ring was in his hand, Jiang Liu'er could feel a warm feeling being transmitted from her finger to his entire body.

    An indescribable feeling of elation spread out, causing him to shiver in comfort. At the same time, he also rolled his eyes and moaned. This made him completely unaware that the jade ring had suddenly disappeared the moment he put it on his finger.

    Really? I didn't expect the legend to be true! At this moment, the woman was wild with joy. She pressed both of her hands onto Jiang Liu`er's chest and sat on her body, exclaiming softly, There's a chance of survival, it seems there really is a chance of survival!

    After saying that, the woman seemed to have thought of something, and she suddenly stretched out her hand and began to strip Rivers of clothes.

    Jiang Liu'er finally reacted to these fierce actions.

    Happiness came too fast, catching Jiang Liu'er off guard. He instinctively covered his chest, pretending to be shy. Beautiful girl, you're so hungry!


    Beauty, don't be like this. Let's be a bit slower. Jiang Liu'er instinctively covered her chest, Don't worry, I will fully cooperate with you. No matter what I do, I'll do my best, but you have to prepare me. To be honest, you're scaring me!

    Truly, what Jiang Liu'er said was true. He was a little frightened. Although he was scared, it was the feeling of excitement he felt in his heart. It felt so good, to say the least.

    However, the woman's actions became more and more violent. In the end, there was only a sizzling sound as Jiang Liu'er's thin pajamas were torn apart by the woman.

    Holy sh * t! Even Jiang Liu'er was shocked, So fierce!

    After muttering to himself, he relaxed. At the same time, he also raised his eyebrows at the beauty, Forget it, since you look so beautiful and have such a hot body, I'll give you my boy body. Come and ravage me to your heart's content!

    Jiang Liu'er rolled onto the bed and closed her eyes. He didn't care about it anymore. He would just have to give it all to this extremely hot beauty.

    At this moment, he felt the beautiful woman's soft hand touching his chest. Inch by inch, the beautiful woman's hands covered every inch of his chest. Jiang Liu'er even felt that her hands were trembling.

    Fortunately, I usually go to the gym to train, and I still have some muscles! Jiang Liu'er didn't think that this beauty would be so lucky as to have said this. She was rejoicing in her heart as she muttered to herself.

    Jiang Liu'er did have some muscle. Although it wasn't as exaggerated as the bodybuilder's muscle, but her abs were still very clear.

    At this moment, the beautiful woman was indeed touching Jiang Liu'er's chest. However, although her eyes were filled with excitement, there was not the slightest bit of lust.

    That woman touched for a long time, but still didn't make any move. Jiang Liu'er couldn't help but open her eyes, curiously looking at that beauty, Beauty, if you continue touching like this, this night will be wasted.

    As she said that, Jiang Liu'er tried her best to raise her head, looking towards her chest, Don't worry. If you want to touch it in the future, you can do so anytime. Damn, what is this? He was only halfway through his sentence when he suddenly cried out in alarm.

    He saw a strange tattoo suddenly appear on his chest. As he was currently lying flat on his back, it was impossible to tell what this tattoo looked like.

    However, he clearly remembered that he had never done such a thing before.

    So it's like that, that's right. It's you! The beautiful woman lifted her head and looked at Jiang Liu'er.

    Jiang Liu'er couldn't help but shiver. He felt that this woman was about to swallow him whole. He couldn't help but mutter, Beauty, you can't be a fox spirit, right? Although dying at the hands of others sounds a little cool, I still don't want to die!" From the sound of it, Jiang Liu'er's voice carried a hint of a sobbing tone.

    But at this moment, the beauty took out another item from her pocket. Seeing that, Jiang Liu'er was on the verge of tears.

    It was a small ball, about the size of a thumb.

    He only saw that black pill. He had no idea what it was made of, but it made Jiang Liu'er feel extremely dirty. In addition, some fine green fur had grown on top of the ball. It looked like it had gone moldy.

    More importantly, in the next moment, the beauty quickly threw the pill into Jiang Liu`er's mouth.

    Jiang Liu'er quickly shut her mouth. However, that beauty reached out her other hand and grabbed Jiang Liu'er's lower jaw. With a slight tug, Jiang Liu'er's mouth opened wide. He was truly experienced.

    The black pill entered Jiang Liu'er's mouth. Although he couldn't spit it out, he wanted to hold it in his mouth or at least keep it in his stomach.

    However, the moment the pill entered Jiang Liu`er's mouth, it disintegrated. Before Jiang Liu'er could react, the pill had already disappeared.

    At that moment, Jiang Liu'er suddenly felt her body heat up. His clothes had been torn by the woman, but even so, he couldn't stand it.

    It's over, it's all over. It seems like we've been poisoned! He rolled his eyes and muttered in his heart.

    However, after a few murmurs, the heat disappeared. His thoughts also returned to clarity.

    He opened his eyes and saw that the beauty had already descended from his body. Jiang Liu'er flipped over and stood up from the bed, What did you give me to eat? He stared at the beauty in front of him.

    Poison! The woman rolled her eyes at Jiang Liu'er.

    AHH! Jiang Liu'er was so scared that her face turned pale. She reached out her hand to her throat and tried to spit it out.

    Why are you so timid? Jiang Liu'er's actions made the woman even more contemptuous of him. Don't worry, I lied to you. With my back, there's no need to use poison to deal with you! "

    Jiang Liu'er stopped what she was doing and looked at the woman. This woman was right. Even her door had been broken by him. If she really wanted her life, she wouldn't need poison. One had to know that it was a genuine anti-theft door.

    What about you? Jiang Liu'er stared blankly for a moment before pointing at her own mouth.

    Don't worry, that thing will only be beneficial to you! The woman said to Jiang Liu'er in an indifferent tone. At the same time, she raised her head to survey her surroundings.

    This was the house that Jiang Liu'er rented, one room for one room, it was over 60 square meters small. It wasn't big or luxurious, but it was enough for Jiang Liu'er alone.

    After taking a look around the entire house, the woman suddenly turned around and looked towards River Stream. My name is Xuanyuan Mingxue. I'm rather satisfied with your place, so I'll stay here with you!

    AHH! Jiang Liu'er was so shocked that she was at a loss for words.

    Logically speaking, to have such a beautiful woman living with him was a wish come true. However, when she thought about how powerful she was behind this woman, Jiang Liu'er couldn't help but shiver.

    Putting aside whether this woman would do anything to him, even if he fed her something. God knows when she's going to shoot herself again, and that's really unbearable.

    With a beauty by his side, he still had to have a life to enjoy it!

    Thinking for a moment, Jiang Liu'er felt that her character was not strong and that her fate was not high. No luck to be in the same room as such a beauty. Therefore, he raised his hand and waved to the woman, Don't, this temple is too small for a great Bodhisattva like you!

    En! Just as Jiang Liu'er finished speaking, the woman frowned and glared at him.


    When the woman glared at Jiang Liu'er, he felt his heart turn cold, and then his mind went blank.

    When he had a reaction, he had already uncontrollably agreed to the woman's request, letting her stay there.

    He couldn't remember anything, only that his ass was about to blossom. His whole body was lying on the bed. He didn't even have the strength to stand up.

    At this moment, he looked at the beautiful woman standing beside his bed. He felt indignant and infuriated. Say, if that beauty really did something to him and made him feel powerless, he would still be able to accept it, but it just had to be a beating. What face did he have!

    She really wanted to cry, but her smile was like a flower, extremely beautiful.

    She slowly walked over to the bed and crouched down, allowing her gaze to meet the river. Remember my name, I'm Xuanyuan Mingxue. Please take care of me in the future!

    Jiang Liu'er helplessly extended her hand, while her other hand rubbed her swollen buttocks, I am called Jiang Liu'er. What the hell are you doing? Why is he so powerful? The stone that was thrown at my house was also done by you, right? "

    Hee hee! The woman playfully stuck her tongue out at Jiang Liu'er.

    At this moment, Jiang Liu'er suddenly felt that it was worth it! It was too f * cking worth it. This woman's expression was way too f * cking beautiful.

    I'm a personal bodyguard. I've been trained for more than ten years!

    However, Jiang Liu'er's heart fell to the bottom after hearing her words.

    Personal bodyguard? Ten years of training? Finished? It was all over. In the future, it would be a man and a woman, and he wouldn't be able to take the initiative anymore.

    With a sullen expression, Jiang Liu'er asked Xuanyuan Mingxue, Big Sis, I don't even know who you are. Why did you suddenly find me and say you wanted to live with me? No matter what, it doesn't make sense.

    You can't really be a fox spirit, you already have your eyes on me and want to eat me, right?! Jiang Liu'er revealed a terrified expression.

    As soon as she finished speaking, Xuanyuan Mingxue glared fiercely at Jiang Liu'er, causing him to tremble and not dare to speak any further. If I wanted a true demoness, I wouldn't be able to find you. There are so many strong men passing through your door. What kind of spring onion are you?"

    Only halfway through her sentence, Xuanyuan Mingxue lightly sighed, You may not know me, but I know you. Besides, I'm a beauty who wants to live with you, why aren't you happy? Besides, I'm a personal bodyguard. Others need to spend money to hire bodyguards!

    I'm just a nobody, there's no need to hire bodyguards! Little River muttered softly. However, when he saw Xuanyuan Mingxue's gaze, he immediately quietened down.

    In the end, after Xuanyuan Mingxue flipped through the books and taught her a lesson, Jiang Liu'er could only agree to let her stay. However, what Jiang Liu'er did not expect was that Jiang Liu'er thought that Xuanyuan Mingxue would take his bed away and let him sleep on the sofa. However, the truth was that Xuanyuan Mingxue had slept on the sofa.

    The night passed in silence.

    The next day, while Jiang Liu'er was still sleepy and hazy, she heard a series of banging sounds. He had a moment of confusion, but soon he was out of bed.

    In that instant, an image appeared in his mind. In that scene, Xuanyuan Mingxue lifted a saber from the kitchen and walked towards him savagely. Wasn't the noise he heard now coming from the kitchen, and wasn't it the sound of a knife?

    Jiang Liu'er sucked in a breath of cold air, bravely walking slowly to the bedroom door.

    He stuck his head out and was stunned.

    He saw a sumptuous breakfast on the table in front of the sofa. There was milk and eggs.

    Eh, you're awake!

    Hearing the voice, Jiang Liu'er turned her head and saw Xuanyuan Mingxue stick her head out from the kitchen on the other side. She smiled sweetly at Rivers, You eat the milk and eggs first, I'll make you some spaghetti! Be good!" After she finished speaking, Xuanyuan Mingxue withdrew her head.

    Jiang Liu'er was stunned, unable to react.

    After he walked over to the sofa and finished the milk and eggs. A burst of fragrance drifted over, and Xuanyuan Mingxue walked out of the kitchen with a plate of noodles.

    Jiang Liu'er was stunned.

    The Xuanyuan Mingxue of today was completely different from the Xuanyuan Mingxue he saw yesterday. Yesterday, Xuanyuan Mingxue's entire body was emitting a cold aura that prevented others from getting close to her.

    But now, she was only wearing an ordinary casual attire with a scarf wrapped around her body and her long black hair tied carelessly behind her head. It was obvious that she was somewhat lazy. There were still beads of sweat on her face. It was not oily at all. Instead, it made her look very pretty.

    If Xuanyuan Mingxue had looked like a martial arts expert yesterday, then now, she had completely become the wife of a young family member. She was both sensible and adorable.

    Jiang Liu'er was completely confused by Xuanyuan Mingxue's contrast. He suspected that Xuanyuan Mingxue had a twin sister.

    You're Xuanyuan Mingxue? He asked tentatively.

    Nonsense! Xuanyuan Mingxue glared at him.

    Only now did Jiang Liu'er confirm that she really was Xuanyuan Mingxue.

    However, after glaring at Jiang Liu'er, she smiled coquettishly as she brought the plate of noodles to Jiang Liu'er's side, whispering to him, Come, eat this noodles. Eating more is good for your body!

    Whether or not Xuanyuan Mingxue had done something to this side, when Jiang Liu'er saw this side, her appetite went wild. Whether it was its appearance or the fragrance it emitted, it was intoxicating for Jiang Liu'er.

    He unceremoniously started to wolf down his food. In a few minutes, he had eaten all of the noodles.

    AHH! He had never enjoyed it so much before. Normally, he would buy two steamed buns from the bun house and settle on it as he pleased. It was one of the best breakfasts he had ever had.

    If only I had another copy! Jiang Liu'er said carelessly.

    You still want more? Xuanyuan Mingxue's eyes lit up when she heard this. If you still want more, I'll make more for you. After saying that, she stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

    Don't! Jiang Liu'er paused for a moment before hurriedly waving her hand towards Xuanyuan Mingxue. Then, he was stunned, rubbing his stomach while muttering, What's going on? Why did I eat so much, and am I still not full yet? Normally, I would be so full with two steamed buns! "


    Haha, I'm full, I'm full! Jiang Liu'er patted her stomach and walked towards the door with her writing bag. I'm going to work!

    Are you coming back for lunch? Xuanyuan Mingxue hurriedly followed and asked Jiang Liu'er.

    Jiang Liu'er shook her head, No!

    You want to come back for dinner? Xuanyuan Mingxue continued to ask.

    Jiang Liu'er originally wanted to shake her head. Usually, his dinner was just something he was used to casually settling outside. But when he turned his head and saw Xuanyuan Mingxue's expectant expression, he could not shake his head no matter how hard he shook it.

    Of course, I have something to eat at home, of course I have to come back and eat! Jiang Liu'er waved her hand at Xuanyuan Mingxue. I'll be leaving first!

    Ai! Walking out the door, he saw Jiang Liu'er couldn't help but let out a sigh before saying with a face full of pity, If only I could kiss again, that would be perfect!

    This was the classic example of a snake devouring an elephant due to its lack of greed.

    Jiang Liu'er is studying at the city college in the city. She is a school with two schools. He was majoring in archaeology.

    This was already halfway through the second semester. He would officially graduate in two months. According to tradition, once they reached this stage, they would either start their internships or start working on their graduation thesis.

    Rivers and rivers naturally couldn't avoid vulgarity. He was lucky enough to find a job as a district manager in the city's museum when he first entered the four-and-a-half-month period.

    Although the salary wasn't too high, he had just graduated, so he didn't care too much about it. Moreover, it was rare for it to have something to do with his own specialty, so there was nothing to be picky about.

    As a fresh graduate who just joined the job, Jiang Liu-er's enthusiasm for the job is very high. Ever since he started working, there had only been a few people who had arrived at the museum.

    This time was no exception, even though the museum's doors were open, other than Jiang Liu'er, there were only two or three people inside.

    After entering the museum, River Child greeted the three people present one by one. But before he even finished his greeting, his eyebrows slowly furrowed.

    Every day, the museum's curator would organize people to clean up before closing. Basically, in the morning and evening, the museum is very clean.

    But now, River Child saw some black smog drifting around the museum, neither choking nor smoking his eyes, and he couldn't even smell anything.

    Although the black smog wasn't thick, it wasn't invisible.

    However, when Jiang Liu'er turned around to look at the other three, she didn't see anyone paying attention to the smoke.

    Excuse me, what is this? He walked up to a colleague who was about his age, pointed at the empty air, and asked, Where did all this smoke come from?

    Smoke? The young man frowned and followed Jiang Liu'er's finger, What cigarette? No?"

    Here, take a closer look! Jiang Liu'er pointed at the smoke before her eyes as she spoke to the people around her.

    That person still shook his head, and then he raised his hand to pat Jiang Liu'er on the shoulder, Man, aren't you being a little sloppy? If you roll over too much, you will hallucinate. Pay attention to your body!

    Jiang Liu'er looked at the others. Everyone else had long since heard what Jiang Liu'er said and shook their heads.

    Li Minghu, you didn't see it either? Jiang Liu'er quickly walked to another person's side. He was about Rivers's age and, like Rivers, was the manager of the exhibition.

    However, he was different from the others. Most of the others were wearing casual clothes, except for him. He wore a suit with a leather collar, making him look very formal.

    In fact, he dressed like this every day. In Western countries such as the United States, there may not be anything surprising about this. However, it was a bit eye-catching here.

    Of course, since everyone was already used to it, they didn't think much of it.

    No! Li Minghu smiled and shook his head towards Jiang Liu'er, You must have had too much fun, why don't you take a leave of absence today! Finally, he jokingly told Jiang Liu'er.

    How strange! River Stream once again turned his head to look at that black smoke and muttered softly.

    Just as he turned around, Li Minghu, who was originally smiling, had his expression darken. He looked at Jiang Liu'er with a dark expression. However, this expression only lasted for a split-second. It was as though his face had changed. Soon, he disappeared.

    There weren't many people in the museum yet, whether it was the staff members or the people who came to visit. There was nothing for him to do. Thus, he carefully sized up this black smog that only he could see.

    The smoke was pale black and had no smell.

    And what was interesting was that even though the smoke was floating in the air, it was gathering together. If not for its transparent appearance, it would look like a black jellyfish.

    Jiang Liu'er raised her hand and touched the black smog, but the black smog didn't budge at all.

    He tried blowing into the smoke again, but it didn't change. He thought of many ways to get the black smoke moving, but none of them worked.

    Could it be that I'm really seeing things? Jiang Liu'er raised her hand to wipe her eyes. Ai! Finally, he sighed softly.

    However, just as he was sighing, Jiang Liu'er's eyes suddenly widened. He saw that the smoke that couldn't be moved at all was actually moving.

    However, this mist was not like ordinary smoke, and it slowly dispersed. He suddenly shrunk and widened his eyes, as if his heart was beating.

    Jiang Liu'er's interest was piqued by this strange situation. He tried his best to recall what had happened before. Finally, he found a possibility.

    He only saw that Jiang Liu'er suddenly stopped moving, and then, his chest rose up rapidly. After a long time, he finally let out a long sigh.

    He took a deep breath!

    As he took a deep breath, Jiang Liu'er saw the strange black gas in the museum being compressed as he breathed in and out, expanding as he exhaled.

    Originally, he had only had this thought. He did not expect it to be true!

    However, in order to confirm that he really was hallucinating, Jiang Liu'er quickly adjusted her breathing to be at its most stable. At the same time, she carefully observed the black smog.

    After a while, Jiang Liu'er almost jumped out of joy. No, not at all. The black gas didn't seem to move. However, in actuality, they were constantly being collected and released one li at a time along with the breathing of the river.

    Whether it was the frequency or the amplitude, it was the same as Jiang Liu'er's breathing frequency and amplitude.

    This is too amazing! For a moment, Jiang Liu'er's playfulness was piqued. In the end, he was still just a small child. I haven't even graduated from college yet.

    He saw River Stream take a deep breath and then hold it in. Sometimes it was extremely fast, and sometimes it was hard to breathe.

    To be honest, if not for the playful smile on Jiang Liu'er's face, these staff members would have long since sent him to the hospital.

    It was not known whether he was sent to the respiratory department or the psychiatric department.

    Hey! Just as he was having fun, an even stranger scene occurred. When he took a deep breath and exhaled, he saw that the small black cloud of smoke, as he exhaled, suddenly burrowed into his nose.

    In that instant, Jiang Liu'er was greatly shocked, and she desperately tried to spit it out. After all, this was something unknown. If it was poisoned, that would be fun.

    But soon, Jiang Liu'er felt something in her body. The thing was warm and moving in his body. Every time he passed by a place, he would feel extremely comfortable.

    In the end, that unknown thing stopped at his lower abdomen.

    Yes, it had stopped, not disappeared. Jiang Liu'er could still clearly feel its existence. It was a very comfortable feeling. He felt as if there was a small ball of fire below his lower abdomen, causing his entire body to feel extremely warm.

    Once again, Jiang Liu'er mustered up the courage to take another deep breath. A small ball of black fog entered his body once again.

    Just like last time, after the black fog entered his body, it first circled around his body a few times, before stopping at his lower abdomen.

    However, this time, what he felt was not warmth, but coolness. When that thing stopped, Jiang Liu'er felt as if she had taken a shower. It was extremely comfortable.

    Jiang Liu'er didn't hesitate anymore. She took a deep breath again and absorbed the black smoke into her body.

    The gas that entered his body all gave him a different feeling, but none of it made him feel uncomfortable. This black smog either made him feel warm, or cool, or it was just like Su Ma, or it gave him an indescribable feeling of refreshment.

    There wasn't much black smoke in the museum, but the river flow wasn't fast either. It took him a whole day to absorb all the black smoke in the museum.

    Fortunately, there weren't many people on this day. At the same time, it was fortunate that his colleagues didn't make a fuss. It was likely that Jiang Liu'er was practising some kind of strange breathing technique.


    Can you wear it this way? Xuanyuan Mingxue wore a long, white silk dress. The lace skirt gently swayed on the side of her legs, making her snow-white calves even more flawless. The shallow opening of her collar allowed Xuanyuan Mingxue's shallow ditch to be slightly exposed. There was a crystal necklace around her neck.

    Jiang Liu'er stared at him.

    When this long skirt was worn on Xuanyuan Mingxue's body, not only did it perfectly display her beauty and fiery figure, it also allowed Xuanyuan Mingxue's god-like temperament to be completely revealed.

    Perhaps it was because her skills were very high, but Jiang Liu'er always felt that she was too high to reach. This set of long skirts was even more so.

    However, even though she was pretty, in the end, she still shook her head. Eldest Miss, we are at a classmate gathering, and your clothes are only worn when you go to the party, right? And if something really happens to you while you're dressed like this, can you protect me? "

    Who said that? Xuanyuan Mingxue stroked the crystal necklace on her neck, Who said these clothes can only be worn at parties? And I'm wearing this to give you face, okay?

    Speaking of face, the fact that Jiang Liu'er brought Xuanyuan Mingxue along so simply was already enough to make things difficult for them. But her clothes, to ordinary people, were indeed a bit strange.

    Seeing the dissatisfied expression in Jiang Liu'er's eyes, Xuanyuan Mingxue shook her head. Forget it, I'm afraid of you now. I'll go change it! Saying that, he went back into the room.

    One after another, Xuanyuan Mingxue had changed into several sets!

    In this process, Jiang Liu'er could finally understand how pleasing it was to watch a beauty change her clothes. No wonder some people would say that sometimes, when a woman wears clothes, it is more attractive to take them off.

    Every time she changed her clothes, Jiang Liu'er felt that Xuanyuan Mingxue's temperament had changed. It was either cute, noble, clear ice, or hot. Honestly speaking, if Jiang Liu'er were to see Xuanyuan Mingxue changing into a new set of clothes, it wouldn't be a problem for the current him.

    This girl's appearance and figure was truly too great.

    However, even though he said that, in the end, he still shook his head, Eldest Miss, can't you dress a little more normally? You should hurry up. If this goes on, an entire day will pass!"

    What aesthetic insight? Xuanyuan Ming gave Jiang Liu'er a snow-white glance before sighing, Sigh, I really don't have any clothes to wear anymore. Tomorrow, accompany me on a stroll around the streets and buy a few sets of clothes!"

    Damn! Jiang Liu'er raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat on her forehead. I finally understand. You must have changed so many clothes just to say those words!

    I'm just trying to make you feast your eyes. I'm so infatuated with you from the looks of it! Xuanyuan Mingxue covered her mouth and chuckled, Then we've made a deal. You'll accompany me shopping tomorrow, I'm not too familiar with this place!

    Okay, okay, just hurry up, okay? Jiang Liu'er waved her hand nonchalantly. Looking at the clock in her house, it was almost ten o'clock.

    Seeing that you're so anxious, are you really in a hurry to see your lover? Xuanyuan Mingxue glanced coquettishly at Jiang Liu'er. I'm already in the family but you're still thinking about other women? I'm really sad! With that, she obediently went in to put the clothes away.

    This time, Xuanyuan Mingxue had changed into ordinary jeans and a white shirt. Although it wasn't as gorgeous as the clothes from before, it was still stunning enough. At the very least, Jiang Liu'er was mesmerized by it.

    Soon, Jiang Liu'er and Xuanyuan Mingxue arrived at the gathering place. It was an old town called Yutian Town in the city. It had a history of almost a thousand years. It is a very famous tourist attraction in the city and a famous cultural relic of the country.

    Although there were many renovations, especially in recent years, many of the buildings had actually been refurbished. Although it still retained its original appearance, the renovations were still made with new materials, so it was not as heavy as they had imagined.

    However, this was also what Jiang Liu'er had felt before.

    This time, before they even reached Yutian Town, a special feeling arose in Jiang Liu'er's heart. Looking at the distant town of Yutian, he felt as if a very heavy air had wrapped around him.

    In this gas, there seemed to be something that was whispering, making him feel scared and very mysterious at the same time.

    Hey, little Jiang, what took you so long? Just as Jiang Liu'er felt that she was about to lose her breath, a loud shout rang out.

    This shout brought Jiang Liu'er back to reality. He quickly turned his head and saw that his classmates were gathered together at the entrance of the town. They were probably going to wait for him.

    Jiang Liu'er brought Xuanyuan Mingxue along with her and quickly walked up. The first one to come up to us was a chubby little fatty. He looked very cute. Little Jiang, the house you're renting isn't that far from here, why have you only just arrived? After saying this, the little fatty suddenly stopped. At the same time, his eyes also abruptly went wide. Damn, who is this beauty? Your sister, or your sister? "

    It can't be my girlfriend! Jiang Liu'er rolled her eyes and said in disdain.

    Come on, who in our dorm doesn't know that you're secretly in love with Yang Xiaotong? How could you find another woman to be so infatuated with? At this moment, another person walked up. He looked gentle with his eyes on, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised in a sinister manner. Beauty, is little Gangzi your brother or your brother?

    But little Jiang, I think you should give up this time. Look, Yang Xiaodong brought her boyfriend this time! A tall and sturdy man walked up, patting Jiang Liu'er on the shoulder, and jokingly said.

    Hearing these words, Jiang Liu'er's eyelids twitched and she hurriedly turned her head over.

    Amongst the crowd, there was a male and female that were very eye-catching.

    The man was tall, handsome, and handsome. And elegant. The clothes he wore were also a casual and formal looking small suit, and the shoes on his feet were shiny with oil.

    While teasing the crowd, he was polite. However, it always gave off a feeling of superiority, with a hint of arrogance.

    The other girl, in fact, was inferior to Xuanyuan Mingxue by Jiang Liu'er's side in terms of appearance. However, she was younger than Xuanyuan Mingxue.

    In the end, she was still a student. Compared to Xuanyuan Mingxue, that girl seemed extremely pure, possessing the innocence and innocence unique to students. Even when he was laughing, he had to cover his mouth and lower his head.

    Tsk tsk! Xuanyuan Mingxue smiled and greeted each of the three men who walked over to Jiang Liu'er's side before turning her head to look in the direction she was looking at. I was wondering why you were in such a hurry. So you really are here to see your little lover. Although he's not as good as me, he's still not bad!

    Don't spout nonsense! Jiang Liu'er paused for a moment before she hurriedly turned her head to glare at Xuanyuan Mingxue, What little lover? I'm not worthy enough for him. I don't only have good growth, my family is also very rich! "

    What does money matter? If you are truly sincere, how can a mere piece of paper stop you? Xuanyuan Mingxue shook her head at Jiang Liu'er with a look of pity.

    Exactly! The other three people nodded at the same time, Although you can't be considered a top student, but you are still a top student in our class, but you just can't figure this out. This time, let the others beat him to it. Oh, you should just hide in bed and cry at night!

    Jiang Liu'er smiled, He is a famous young master of our city. Isn't it perfect to be matched with Yang Xiaodong? Turning his head, Jiang Liu'er glared at the others. What's more, who said I have a crush on Yang Xiaodong?

    Fine, fine, fine. You don't have a crush on me. We're just spouting nonsense! The little fatty laughed heartily as he said while looking at Xuanyuan Mingxue, However, shouldn't you introduce this beautiful woman to us?

    Xuanyuan Mingxue! Jiang Liu'er pointed at Xuanyuan Mingxue, My bodyguard!

    After saying that, he pointed at the three other people and spoke to Xuanyuan Mingxue, This damn fatty is called Hua Luo and this Four-Eyed Ghost is called Li Sheng. This gorilla is called Liu Neng.

    Bodyguards? Hearing Jiang Liu'er's words, the other three were shocked.

    Stop teasing me, how can there be such a beautiful bodyguard? Liu Can raised his right hand, showing off his muscles. Beauty, little Jiang needs your protection if he's useless. How about you let me protect the two of you!

    A thick-skinned old man, it's best if you don't find out!

    Hehe, beauty, I'll treat you to a big meal!

    Hua Luo, Li Sheng, and Liu Nong surrounded Xuanyuan Mingxue in an instant.

    Actually, at this time, Jiang Liu'er was sneering in her heart. Even though he had yet to see through what Xuanyuan Mingxue was, he still more or less understood her. Although this little girl usually looked quite gentle, she spoke naturally and naturally. But in reality, she was hiding another side.

    Jiang Liu'er had purposefully not reminded these three perverts because he wanted to wait for Xuanyuan Mingxue to get impatient before he would suddenly explode and finish off all three of them.

    However, what Jiang Liu'er did not expect was that Xuanyuan Mingxue did not have such thoughts. All of a sudden, she started chatting with Jiang Liu'er's three university roommates, as if they were old friends who had known each other for many years.

    Helpless, Jiang Liu'er looked towards Yang Xiaodong. After a minute or two, he retracted his gaze. He sighed helplessly.

    What Jiang Liu'er didn't notice was that in the instant he retracted his gaze. The man beside Yang Xiaotong turned around to look at Jiang Liu'er. His eyes were filled with anger and disdain.

    However, in an instant, his gaze changed again. It was now filled with astonishment and passion. In the end, all the thoughts and emotions in his heart converged into one, as the gaze of that man turned ice-cold.

    At this time, his gaze was not on Jiang Liu'er, but on Xuanyuan Mingxue, who was currently chatting happily with her three roommates.


    Normally, if he worked all day, Jiang Liu'er would definitely be exhausted. But today, when it was time for him to get off work, he felt that he was full of spirit, and his entire body still had an inexhaustible amount of strength.

    He did not understand the principle behind the abnormality of his body, but he knew it was definitely due to the black gas.

    After leaving the museum, Jiang Liu'er could not wait to return home.

    This sort of thing had never happened before, so there was no need to think about it. It was definitely because of Xuanyuan Mingxue, that she had put on a miraculous ring for him and even fed him something devilish. It had to be this way, for him to experience such a change.

    Right now, Jiang Liu'er really wanted to know what was going on.

    When he opened the door, Jiang Liu'er was stunned before she could even finish her sentence. First of all, a strange fragrance drifted into his nose the moment he opened the door, causing him to salivate and drool.

    Then, his eyes caught a beautiful scene. He saw three dishes on the tea table in his house.

    The dishes were all exquisite about their color, fragrance and taste.

    He did not know what the taste of the three dishes were like, but judging from their color and fragrance, they were definitely of the highest quality!

    He's back! Xuanyuan Mingxue's voice was extremely gentle and sweet, Hurry up and get some to eat, otherwise it'll be cold!

    Jiang Liu'er looked up. Xuanyuan Mingxue was wearing a pink top and a newly bought white apron. In her hand was a big bowl of soup. This small family's jade was so beautiful that even Jiang Liu'er was mesmerized by it.

    What are you still looking at? Look at me, I can eat my fill! Seeing Jiang Liu'er's foolish appearance, Xuanyuan Mingxue's cheeks puffed up as she shouted with a hint of anger.

    I can eat until I'm full! Jiang Liu'er laughed heartily. She had just experienced Xuanyuan Mingxue's gentleness in the morning and didn't expect it to be like this in the evening. It was a pity that he did not get to experience it when he slept.

    Xuanyuan Mingxue didn't pay the slightest attention to Jiang Liu'er's blabbering. When Jiang Liu'er sat in front of the tea table, Xuanyuan Mingxue even took the initiative to serve him a bowl of rice.

    The first bite was fine, but when it came to the second, Jiang Liu'er was in a completely wolf like state.

    This was completely incomparable to the dishes in the restaurants. Even though it was just rice, Jiang Liu'er felt that it was much more fragrant than the one outside.

    Once again, it was the same as in the morning. Jiang Liu'er ate until her stomach almost burst. Only then did she stop eating.

    I didn't expect that besides being so violent, you could cook so well! After putting down the tableware, Jiang Liu'er rubbed her stomach as she jokingly told Xuanyuan Mingxue.

    Seeing that Xuanyuan Mingxue's expression was about to change, Jiang Liu'er immediately changed the topic, Oh right, what was that ring you gave me yesterday and the thing you gave me to eat?

    Why? As Xuanyuan Mingxue cleaned up the dishes, she rolled her eyes at River Stream. Anyway, it's not a bad thing.

    I saw a lot of strange black fog in the museum today! Jiang Liu'er thought back to that scene and really wanted to completely describe the appearance of the mist to Xuanyuan Mingxue. However, that fog was too mysterious. He couldn't find the right words to describe it, so he could only say, Other than me, no one else could see it. It's not strange at all!

    Xuanyuan Mingxue hadn't paid much attention to this at first, but when she heard the last sentence, her hand abruptly stopped moving.

    She quickly raised her head, her eyes filled with surprise and doubt. The qi you're talking about, can you control it?

    Control? Jiang Liu'er shook her head.

    Immediately, a disappointed expression appeared on Xuanyuan Mingxue's face. True, there's no way he could have done it so quickly!

    I can absorb them! But soon, Jiang Liu'er continued, It feels pretty good. You must know what's going on, don't you?

    As she spoke, Jiang Liu'er raised her head and looked at Xuanyuan Mingxue, unmoving.

    Xuanyuan Mingxue's appearance was truly too strange. Up till now, other than knowing Xuanyuan Mingxue's name, Jiang Liu'er had come from somewhere else. What he had done before, he had no idea.

    Since Xuanyuan Mingxue didn't want to say it, he couldn't force her to. Of course, Jiang Liu'er didn't have that kind of ability.

    Now that this matter was related to him, he had to get to the bottom of this.

    However, what Jiang Liu'er did not expect was that after he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Mingxue paused for a moment. In the next second, he saw Xuanyuan Mingxue's expression change many times.

    For a moment there was surprise, for a moment confusion, and then, in the end, a look of ecstasy came over her face.

    Before Jiang Liu'er could react, she saw Xuanyuan Mingxue pouncing towards her. Xuanyuan Mingxue's figure could be considered not considered petite, but she was still not as tall or as big as Jiang Liu'er. However, right now, she was holding Jiang Liu'er in her arms.

    Not only that, but in the end, she used both hands to hold Jiang Liu'er's head and gave him a heavy kiss on the cheek. Great, great, it's true. Now I'm sure you're him. The legend that was passed down in our family is true! "

    Once again, she was rubbed into Xuanyuan Mingxue's embrace and once again given another fragrant kiss. Both the softness and softness of Xuanyuan Mingxue's body, and the intoxicating touch of her lips, made Jiang Liu'er's mind go blank at this moment.

    After a long time, he came back to himself when he felt his body on the verge of collapse.

    She only saw that Xuanyuan Mingxue had unknowingly released him, and she was dancing by the side alone. Who knew what would make her so happy?

    Beautiful girls! Not knowing when Xuanyuan Mingxue would stop, Jiang Liu'er wiped the sweat off her forehead and hurriedly told her, Tell me, what's going on!

    I can't tell you the details yet! Hearing Jiang Liu'er's words, Xuanyuan Mingxue finally stopped. She turned her head to look at River Stream with a serious expression. Believe me, this is for you!

    As for that black smoke you saw, it's good for you anyway. If you see it again in the future, just absorb it! As she finished speaking, Xuanyuan Mingxue cupped her hands across her chest and then jumped up and down as she muttered to herself, Great, there's finally hope.

    Ding Ling Ling! Seeing how Xuanyuan Mingxue was acting, Jiang Liu'er really wanted to ask her a question. Unfortunately, at this moment, his phone rang. It was just like Jiang Liu'er. It was plain to the point of making people look down upon it.

    Shh! He picked up the phone, and after seeing the caller ID, he quickly gestured for Xuanyuan Mingxue to be quiet.

    What, you're afraid of others hearing my voice and saying that you're hiding a pretty girl in a golden house? Was it your girlfriend who called? " Xuanyuan Mingxue walked over to Jiang Liu'er's side and smiled at him.

    Jiang Liu'er rolled her eyes before answering the phone.

    After a short conversation, Jiang Liu'er hung up.

    Can I speak now? As soon as the call ended, Xuanyuan Mingxue asked. However, she didn't wait for Jiang Liu'er's reply before continuing, It really was your girlfriend who called over? You wanna go out on a date? Or is your girlfriend planning to come over? Do you want me to leave for a bit?

    Beauty, I've always felt that you don't have that much to say! To be honest, when Xuanyuan Mingxue had barged into his house, the cold aura that emanated from her body had truly terrified Jiang Liu'er. But now, Jiang Liu'er felt that Xuanyuan Mingxue was no different from an ordinary woman, only gossiping about her.

    No, on second thought, other ordinary women might not be as virtuous as Xuanyuan Mingxue.

    Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Liu'er said with a wry smile, Look at me, does it look like I have a girlfriend? It's my best friend. Tell me, there's a party tomorrow in our class!"

    A party? Xuanyuan Mingxue lightly furrowed her brows. Without thinking, she opened her mouth and said, I also want to go with you!

    What are you going to do? Jiang Liu'er was stunned and quickly asked, They are all our classmates, it's not like you know them! Besides, this is a party, not a party!"

    Jiang Liu'er shook her head. Only those rich people would call the gathering a party. It seemed like Xuanyuan Mingxue was a rich person after all.

    Do you think I'm going to a party? But who would have thought that Xuanyuan Mingxue would wave her hand and heroically continue, I'm going to protect you, you know? You are my darling now, if something goes wrong, I won't be able to take it!

    No way! Jiang Liu'er refused to do anything, It's organized by our class, why are you running over? What's more, what's your identity? "

    With your status as a relative, cousin, cousin, godmother is fine! Xuanyuan Mingxue seemed to have hardened her heart.

    A goddaughter. Jiang Liu'er rolled her eyes, And I say, beauty, I really don't know you that well. Since you insist on going with me, I feel very embarrassed!

    Not familiar? Jiang Liu'er's words had just left her mouth when Xuanyuan Mingxue ran over to his side with a 'whoosh'. She extended her hand and grabbed Jiang Liu'er's head under her arm, and with one fist, she placed it above his head as she rubbed it with all her might, I'm already living with you, so why aren't you familiar with this? Jiang Liu'er, this great beauty will accompany you to the party, that would be giving you face. You actually rejected it? A thread like yours is really out of this world!"

    Stop, stop! Jiang Liu'er felt as if her brain was about to be crushed by Xuanyuan Mingxue's hand, causing her to tremble in pain. In the end, he could only compromise.

    He had just experienced her gentleness, but at this moment, she turned back into a devil. It really made Jiang Liu'er feel like she was possessed. Let's go together, let's go together. Elder sister, if you don't let go, my head will explode!"


    Generally speaking, there was a rule during a gathering. Basically, everyone would form their own small group. Jiang Liu'er's class was no exception. Jiang Liu'er had only been conversing with his bros in the dorm and Xuanyuan Mingxue, not caring about anyone else.

    Of course, no one else cared.

    Even so, the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

    However, this harmonious atmosphere was still interrupted. Or perhaps it could be said that Jiang Liu'er felt that this atmosphere had been disrupted by someone.

    When it was about noon, when everyone was preparing to eat at the restaurant that they had reserved in the town, Jiang Liu'er stopped.

    He stared blankly at the ancient town, his expression flickering.

    What about you? Seeing his expression, Xuanyuan Mingxue worriedly asked Jiang Liu'er.

    Don't worry, Little Jiangzi is putting on a show! Hua Luo patted his swollen stomach and laughed, Let's go eat first and ignore him!

    Little Jiang, don't stay here for too long. If you don't, you won't have any food to eat after all the food has been snatched away! Li Sheng and Liu Neng also laughed heartily. They turned around and walked into the restaurant.

    It was only at this moment that Jiang Liu'er turned to look at Xuanyuan Mingxue who was standing behind her. I saw it again!

    Xuanyuan Mingxue was extremely intelligent. As soon as Jiang Liu'er said it, she immediately guessed what was going on. Did you see that black aura again?

    Jiang Liu'er nodded her head heavily.

    Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and absorb it! Xuanyuan Mingxue's eyes lit up as she hurriedly urged Jiang Liu'er. It was as if Jiang Liu'er was able to absorb the invisible energy, allowing her to gain benefits as well.

    However, Jiang Liu'er shook her head, But this time it's different from what I saw in the museums. It's not good to recklessly absorb it!

    Different? How is it different? Xuanyuan Mingxue curiously asked Jiang Liu'er.

    What I saw in the museum was a mass of them. But what I see now is one after another. The two seemed different? Last time, I was stupid and thought it was just fun. Now that I think about it, I don't dare to move recklessly anymore!

    Yes, at that moment, River saw a mist similar to the ones he had seen in the museum. Condensed without dispersing, yet false and unreal, it was very strange.

    It was just that when he thought back to it now, he didn't care about anything and just absorbed the gas into his body. Jiang Liu'er felt goosebumps all over her body.

    It was a good thing that last time, he felt much more comfortable after the absorption of the gas. What if this

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